West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Oct 1936, p. 2

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.'= < -f r i V ^ IK- ii TUB-WEST VAN NEWS « . ^ « ■ « ^ > | « « M « ? « w ^ ' ^ W ^ ^ ' - W * * > - > «i»f"< ^ • *• fi t- ■4SS«SSS?r-«-' .;? ;! /!i w 4* * I fe* '"*•• ̂ ,f < |̂j ■' ■' ;'• ■ fJ . . . . . ; | : h . f i l 1* ■t f t i! M i*4 » :, " f t 'i* , I *"M H i ■ u ' , ' ; j l vi J {<*', "* # i| . . . ,4 »:> : i' > ,f !».*. *(|H,- I . ' I * *j ,ji'-^iii« \i >fi ■'. '•* , '" *lh ; , 4 " \ | ; ' " % " ; ■ U ^ 'U 'f M'" 'i t ', ' 3 ' i 'Ii 5 f c j i j i t - .'a7 > W 9 0 T T J I0 b « . h P » itiiilt^ 8«M«i* ' 11*1£ Hiiii«ii 7l i t | i iWi Suiidsy 0fffcKK>l #»4 BtM# , X 10 V v [ l v " v . i , ' i r v Striligwni 41 Vifitoni Wdi»m»* * mmm^mi.nx....̂ ■l.Ŵ ^̂ J■.wg.liaâ a BAPTIST camca : 'r . , q ^B#f. W / JL- M«K«y;' a u U ' »4». «H ̂S, >> .<jENKwMMiyr i%4pSpinFl®M S5*?sp«'«*»s*w4a«.̂ 10i;00 «.m.>--ChaKli School in< dliidfiitf Adtilt CliM^ ^ ̂ tm 3JT*""'"tHP ' ! . ... 11 «.m. A 7:30 p. A hearty welcomo I. . «NniiNIMlII I . I ' I 4 'w a W ;-F A |jlC O 0 V B B Chriliaii^ Science Secielyf . Perm anent Waoea that are D iatinctig , D ifferent liocauao they are <tnd ahaped to »uit your individuality. He CHIC with a PI5RMANBNT from G w e n d o l i j in ^ s ^ ' Beauty Shoppe Creatora of Kxcluaive Permaiienta» 1546 Marino Drive ' < West 117 D R , G. D , H . S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Oflfice Hours 0 to 6 p.m. , Eveningshy appointment. . -■ Phone West 72 HOLLYBURN HALL 14th and Duebeiw Our Friday Evening Services fur young people continuing during tho fall and winter months will commence October 2nd at 7:30 p.m. Opening Address; Scenes in the Life of Abraham illustrated, by lantern views. \ Speaker: Mie. {WILLIAM RAB IliwW**""*******.•■ .'5i'"' .-'̂ SUNDAY, O ct ,4th,. a t 10 a.ra. Sunday-School and Young People's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 GOSPEL. ADDRESS , Speaker: . MR. A. HOGG TUESDAY e v e n in g , Oct: 6th" a t '8 p.m, Prayor and Bible Study caarnm ed ific e , iilh and E^aimidt, EtUyliwrn Thia Society is a Branch of *•• *' 'Hother Oitireh- -> The FIrsI Church of Christ. ^•,. Ibieo^t, in Bolton,. ' 'Milsachuietti SiirtdaF̂ October 4lh S u b jec t^^ ̂ ' «UNREALITrf Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at8;16p.m. . The public, is cordially In- , vited to attefad our services and meetings. 1730 Marfiif Drive ̂ i.ii'C.ws.>- GWEN'S GOWN. A N D . "1̂ <5 x̂ tr V t j,X> VELVET GOWNS from JM^S to MB.00, in *U the l.te.t .h«ie, Tunics, informal and formal. ̂ . . WOOI^^N DRESSES SMABT TUNIC m from... i'ROC wV^dMUM" "" T U N IC S in trgsnl HATS! OrTginal Shorlon Models 110,95 io |^ .0 0 HATS! . . ,-JlD EESSES irora...... ..... ...... - - -- - bridge FR0CKS......»MS end »p \ , , nr.nn.QF.K £1.0.5 and S2.96 niWvl|S.sS......»...el2.96blouses $1.95 and 32.95 in crepes and satins and Up TUNICS'in Aa»>l iiiroedg (8.116 up f S H t HATS in eU Uu e u t u h m n l l l t o A t . ^ i K A t ^ nui 12.98, and (8.96 tod M.96,»BdrBP. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CSURCH Rev. N ..J. Corley, Pastor : 'T H o n e T V e s r a 0 " Associace" riiaci|i^"et» ,■ _ -M-'W .f -«».A <.Ŵ| t W4..4**.! * r> >• A. Tiniifi"'niteii Schiiiil i ^ CLASSES AND PRIVATE IN STR U C TIO ;!^ Studio: 2667 Haywbod Avenue, Telephone: West l>85*U r h y t h m BAND ANi) PIANO CLASSES F 6 R B E G IN N E R S- S ta rt Saturday, October 3rd, at 10 a.■■Tf. V "w : c . t ;^ '•r.i .f> j „r,̂ m. r r :~:D."M itchenrl618-pu lbbnv^ , UNITEI) CdURCH 21st &JB)8(iuiDiaIt. Ave. Rev. Hillls W right; M inislet The West Vancouver W. C. T., • l5 s9 lfuc&ssi,AyeRUe" tarlll r>nl/l I-Vl »• V>£imllo W TYlAM'f L - ....•■ -'*' - ' L u . '■■ ■■■ ' ' --* ' ■ ' ' ' W . H. VASS Chiropractor Suite 4, HoHyburn Block ̂^ I * > ■ i Sunday Services Services Sunday 11:15 a»m and 7:15, p.m. Sunday School a t 10 a.m. Communion of the Lord's Sup T ^... JLne vvcsi vaiicuuvui yr. \j, x, \w?^h^aoaVnnyi^lprmnTi 10 *15 U. will hold their regular month- .^High MMstand Sermon-- 10.15 „,ggtj„g j„ t|,g united Church D̂ «Ari;/,+,*AV9 7 -IK vostiT, comcr of 21st and Mar^Rosary and Benediction 7 .15 jyrive on 'Thursday aftter- CateSiism .and Bible History ^ o n , October 8th, at 2MB every Saturday---9 :30 a.m..«w» ■.*. D't h . tH ....... ..i.i_6. . .. 9 *- U4VV/U X%VU- 'V^Sk a house at Weiekiday Services Mass, daily--7 :15 a.m. Fridays'-- Rosary,, Benediction, 8 :09 p.m. C o n f-io n s , from(lay at the morning service., New members will be received a t this 7:80 p.iri: to8:80p,m . • ' ' V ' I' 'ti/™'V,"' . Eatnbllahcd " o i r N orth ' Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. jfunerai Bircctora North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth S treet Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue E ast Phone Pair. 134 . iservice. > Service will begin in the even- rfing with a.,short' song service when your choice of hymns will bt/ sung. Oome and enjoy, the .service. The members . of the Young • People's Society cordially invite all those interested in young S t . STEPHEN'S CHURCH ______Rov.JF, A. Ramsey ̂ October 4 h " Trinity, 17.^^ 8 :00 a.m.-~T>Uoly Comm.unlon. 11:15 a.m. -- Holy Communion ,, .and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--^Evensong and Ser­ mon. fV H O L l - Y B U R N Dressmakers -I, Ladies' Tailoring, Suits, " Overcoats and TailoreJ' ĝqgsses-., M IS S D. H . HORlfe^ Phone West 583 1890 Marine Dr.. i >■ i' i" <1: . r iL p . MOJUSON ■ BUILDING and REPAIRS Im n ^w e v,;,' . Concrete ) ' Gardening ; „ ., Bpecinlbt ■ , 1 2 7 6 Keith Phione W est 590X A f Ah first quality food used and home cooked a t 'the . \ P. D. Q. CAFE .1512-Marine West 616 ail uiuae lULertiaLKU in ynuiig T o " people's work t o '-attend their Tuesday, 8 p.m. ■-- Church Corn- meeting on Sunday, immediately „ r , ' following ^,the evening service. . ' St. Francis-in-the-Woods, Although there was an in- ^ ^ -Gaulfeild f crease in the support givien the Sunday, 3 p.m. -- Harvest Festi- Badminton Club last Monday 'night, there is still p lenty"of unTTv^TDAT » at t room for additional membership. HOLLYBURN HALL Remember! .Monday, evenings, .. ------- in-the~ch"urch~iiall:-------------------------l ^ e --Lantej^--Ser vices--for 6EHY CAVPISH Dance Modern Baliroom Dancing for High School and University students. ' j ■ ^ School, and University students. 'For information Phone W est: 308-R-2. FUEL SUPPLIES WOOD - .co al - TRANSFER InsideM ill, Pir.„.i...... $5.50 cord ,ijnside Bush Fir-v..*......$5.50 cord H eater and Furnace Blocks........... .......... $4.50 cord> i * . .)* I , t. t* » I ' I "X,.*!.' * Slabs .and Edgings' , : ' ' 3 cords $11.00 H eavy 'F ir Bark..... $4.00 cord Alder, M aple,,Fireplace Knots, ' A lberta Sootless and B.C. Coals Sandt--Crravel--Cement Top ' Sbil~M anure Dump Truck for Hirev'*' - i CHARLIE JPHOMPSON WEST 582 -Phone- WEST 582 ED. BLACK COAL - ^ O O D DUMPWORK SLABS $ 4 .0 0 cord 2 cords $7 .5 0 The regular meeting of the ' *5 Women's Association will be beld a on 'Tuesday, October.6th,.at 2M5 p.m. in the Church Hall. The ^ hostesses will be MS.' C. A.Dean, •"® Mrs. H. fi. Garland and Miss |7«>T'J » d a y evenmg during toe |T|.ame winter months. The .The annual autumn tea will be w S r b ^ s S e ^ * t ^ m ie"* t ^ ^ ^ given on Thursday, October 15th services both in te^ ltin ir and for which an attractive program S t r i v e to d d has been arranged. Miss Clara Send vonr chiidroT? Wilson, who with h^r sister, b itte r still wito " t ( . e r - "hitch-hiked" around toe world. Services will last nbo vr*' will {(ive some hiRlilights of their Mllections t e S ^ eicperienccs. Mrs. Bert Stock- There will be Sunday School T H E R E S H A L L - B E T H E S H E T O , A N D When the fuel situation -gets tough, the customers fall into two classes: those who are. protected for their ^wdust<isupplies by a legitimate .dealer;who has reserve supplies-.in'Storage, and - thfr o t h ^ who . have b ^ n fooling around w ith ! peddlers who " don t OWN any sawdust. Be safe! Line up with KNILL. F ir Sawdust -- Dependable Coal »- Good Wood -- Home Oil Fuels W E S T ., . KNILL'S T f3 9 dale of Vancouver, has been and Young k o n le 's ^ t L r ^ ^ ^ H I G G I N B O T H A M S r i r m n f '" ® t '^®?,y®J*®"! >.m. next S u n d ^d n ItoUy! -M ? f . I F " H«n.'A t to . Optometrist vic«'next Sunday. A. H o ^ Optician 10.30 a.m. to 4 Wednesdays 1622 Marine Drive BAPTIST CHURCH Minister, Rev. W. L. McKay at 8 p.m. prayer and Bible study. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES F IH E D WALLY CRAIG The pastor will preach both morningandevening. The morn- in rsu b je c t will be "Unconscious , Radiance." The ordinance of the Supper will be adminis­ tered a t theiilose of the service, and there will be. a reception to new members. The evening sub- ject wril be "The Great Thirst." TJe, Church School will meet a t 1(> o'clock. Young People's Society Monday a t 8 o'clock, I » r 'r r A ™ p feg m iig program wUl be W e s t . V a n N e w s m em ^ rs of the R. McKay, 2465 Belle­ vue Avenue, has moved into a house a t -2077 Fulton Avenue. (Over 14 years' experience) R A D I O R E P A U t S " 2117 Argyle Avenue c a r d o f THANKS ~ ^ h _ to _ th a n k everyone-who came to my assistance on Sunday ^ternoon, when. I had an accident " 'S .w .ti'e W y <a««ime back to \ JOHN McPh e r s o n . TH E Publiahed Every i^ q l^ a y PubliahrF F. F. LOTHGROVB PhiHie 363 Baaincka and E ditorial'Offiee: n U t and Marine Drive - (N ex t to HoHyburn P ,0 * ) Phone West 363 M a il Address: P.O.;Box6I.HoUybnni.ac. The meeting for pirayer and praise will be h d d on Wednesday a t $ o'clock. , CARD o f THANKS w i^ ^ U n d e r and- family friends fjK sympathy and floral ^ loving hus­band and fa th e r .. ^ " ® • ■ ■ /rfV,- . ' by JOAN DURBIN X- North Vaneonyd® Office: il28 Lonsdale Ave. ' ' ̂ V * ̂\ V '̂1' ... . ' ' i 11^00 a ya a r by c a ^ a r : $3.00 * year v-i.-t- ̂ - Aasistud by GORDON MANLEYi' Pianist OUnder auspices ^ the BURTON L, KURTH, Accompanist Women's Aesoeiatjott ' ' v - Weetnesd-- ^ -•vi. '■ ' . . ' j . ' . Vs' >.y X » !S5?E5?y:Uv * >,. tv. H i