West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Oct 1936, p. 1

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: i ■* . **- i ' f ' ■*. • > <• >'s* i*: K»" * ,i . • ;k f>W»(>S(l*<«»19«!Wfĉ W » « r L ■ --*1 j /: t- - ' wimm .*?"F /. '•i' •,f i ' I »« ' ' • , ' ' "" "S'!"?',,' ,4-;:%' « V«l'* irf,V!«.-t?<r̂ ».*Vi*<»~S-«51 ,!. , .-̂ .•'A#;*', $1.00 per year. . 5 r; f i s s ^ P a r k , C a i k l & . m ^ m m M i ^ f,̂ )|J"̂ 'T '* . V •■V -ai.*Vi-.* >1 )*"■ -, D u n d a t ^ v e ile per eopy at t#wsatap<ii« V'ol. XI fc'-" » f»' \ ;-/*..i*,.:.f,r, !„:? ^HO|#iOT.RN«0i*- VANCo UMR. B.C.,.THURSPAY.;. OCTOBER'S.;'1936 TH E P B T m O N E H S FOB WAK i . ( . » * • » ' ' 4 ^ w • V * ' . > . t A ' f t . t . / V . i -FfV THE FAsi^ldN SHOW ISi N e , The old adage "Hell is paved with good intentions'* was , never better exemplified, than in the pircttlation of a great petition aflrwnsi w ar said to be a t present circulating in Canada and the United S ta te s . , I t is hoped.,to obtain, fifty million genuine signatures and already ten million people are alleged to have signed it in Europe, where i t .originated. In this con­ nection one 10 reminded, of the cynical albeit time observation of a'^certain hardboiled business man who said tha t, if he had to choose betiiveen employing a well-intentioned fool or a crook, he would take the la tte r as the least dangerous. • . .. One could hardly credit it, if apparently it was not a fact, that there, could be so many pieople outside of Italy" and Ger­ many--it is a foregone conclusion th a t not one signature has been obtained there,---who yet have not had their eyes opened after all th a t has happened in Europe and the F a r E ast during the past year or so. ..W hat good dm lall the talk and protest of theXdagUe including England in the case of Ethiopia j^hd Manbhukuo? W hat about the Genhan re-occupation of the Rhineland? W hat about the atrocities in Spain? How much more evidence do these idealists ^ u i r d t h a t Mussolini and Hitler and the m ilitary p arty in Japan including the ir peoples do not care-one single j o t fo r any prpt^st or written document or tre a ty t^ T h ey have prepared fo r 'w ar and are determined to have war, simply because they w ant te rrito ry belonging to some ofch^r nations who desire peace. Has i t not yet permeated the a d d l^ intiE^igences of these peacce protagonists th a t only the^ stiC<in ̂a m e d can keep the/peace ? Is it not .epo;ugh;that ^ . It is no exaggeration to say th a t the Pashidn Show put on by Gwen's Gown and Sport Shoppe and Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe on Wednesday evening - of last week iri the Orange Hall was equal to the> best to be seen in the great.Canadian and Amer­ ican cities. I t was sponsored by " the Huffciw ■tk#f&n""C hapterrU O.D.E., w ith Mrs. W. B. Small and Mrs. J ; ,W. Lang as joint conveners, ;ai»^ a Ikrge. attend­ ance filled the hall, which had been beautifully decorated with fall foliage and flowers. The display'. of women's ap­ parel by Gwen's Gown and Sport Shoppe, was ttu ly wonderful, in­ cluding, as it 'd id , the latest models in, fu r coats, and fur hi COMING EVENTS Friday, October 16th- Annual Dance of King Lodge No. 98, A. F. & A. M., In the Orange Hall. t>Y AKTnncs oYiitiYTtici 1 JjAiN SI1I1CUJJ0| Richards, nurseryman, of 23rd and Jefferson Avenue, has a stock of flowering plants, per­ ennials, shrubs, etc. _For.further., particulars kindly refer to the advertisement in this issue. L.O.L. TRAVELLING GAVEL IN WEST VAN. LOBO--Wonder G R ^ D CONCBIRT they in^tljaimfully i)rea6h^ peace# until they persuad^ us to wear disarm, and so ren^red us helpless to protect Ethimyia because - S t o ^ n form ! and informal direction pf.. we-,dared not-mterteire lest we oUraelves-be gobbled-up?" ,« frcrks^ anecial-redcktair gow nsIV ank Anders' of Home"*"Gae~ XT., 4. Tx_i .1 T » . rtess gowns, and ■f^^^ î.̂ '̂ dJFrankyyvyanpfJSn^^ u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No nation except Italy, Germany and Japan wants; war, but thesecburitritfs. do, and they will make it pay out of all the lands and indemnities they, will w in g but of : us, if-we lose, •as we alniost certaihjy, would' now,' should- they attack >us. h And the very quickest way tq.. start that war,/and^rso'render , futile the desperate efforts, England i s makihg^tb iget ready,.; is: to. get ,'huge petitions' signed, in, the peace J^ving.cputries, bb-,; cause, it gives Hitler, .MussoUuifbt ana .the jae!a,.t^ pjir. popu-;\ lations are not .united in ,their detennihatipm to prMect their ^ l a p d A a n d ^ h p m e s . V '- What is m'o^ heeded ;is> great deatfewer.<^ that;much ' her prevalence,of sin. The "Westonians" are starting the season with a grand concert to be held on Thursday, 8th Oci- ......... ....... t p t o ^ a t Hollyhurn Theatre ^ t the " 'elVvSnth a,) 3rd. Ref«( will befseryed^^tbh^^t^ all:;.ihem bbb:^ahl^|i^^ On Tuesday next the emblem of fra tern ity will be presented to the West Vancouver brethren at what is expected to be one of the largest meetings of the year. This travelling gavel is now on the last lap.of its journey hav­ ing travelled to all lodges In the province. Plans will be .made a t the meeting to suitably, .celebrate i t being: th e ' fiw t ihow of these Attracti<wsJ;^| hats, in the- west.' In th is con- npctipn i t should be said th a t ( ^ e n 's Gown andiSport Shoppe. i Are" iA ;̂a, position to handle a|I lUjida p d e , B u b j^ ^ h ^ - kinds ^ fu t cpAts and neck- ?2? note. CHORAIiSO pieces e { 8 : , i ? 6 ^ h r i d ^ s displayed was from David Bpen- cer Ltd, and' tbei^hpes from; : : - The Westoifn^s are local ing coiffures ^ Gwendolyn's-- Beauty -^Shoppe Cg€irhum^ '*j I J O ^ H t ^ I N i I N R EC lfA E The West ^a ii^ou^ Society held its f i r / ' the season on -Mp| week, when a star|}f some of the nuipl Choral ictice of of th is made on for the first concert. An interesting pro^ gram has been/butlined by Mr. Gtllmah, th€t feopulay.,and gi t̂pd donductor of the society, includ- Miss 7Joan.purbin,.well-knownf local vocalirt,.three'.times ' , gold m edalistlluring the p as t few years in ,B. C. Music Festi­ vals will be heard in recital in th e ,tJnited Churoh on Wednes­ day, October 7 th ,;.a t '8 :1 5 p.in, jdnder the auspices of the Women's Association; ■ Gordon Manley,\ outstanding young pianist of Vancouver, and pupil, of .Chernipvsky ,and Mrs. Douglas Johnston, will also, be heard in several nuirmefs. ' ' M r.H urtoh L; K urth will be the accompanist. . The pro- gram follows: " ^y !A '1̂ t. i- iO ' *•«» •',--1 " A, \ i t f y-.,. y -i OiSleep.... V plette.; God,:#r* Atnn.a • • « ».• • ....Handel , Scarlatti ......:Bach a Heideh Kbglem............ ........... ................................. ...............:Schubert The evening ihairdresses were; curled Tiigh on the sides combed over smooth flat crowns and end­ ing in soft pin curls.. The mani­ cures were done by Miss Roberts using.the new Revlon nail polish­ es. Lina Caveliero cosmetics carried by Gwendblyn's Beauty, Shoppe were used by Miss Clay in making up the ih ^ ik in s , also mauve and green evening pow­ ders-with-begonifurouge^nd lip­ sticks. . . , The lovely boiiquets carried by the bridal party; which.^vas the feature of the Fashion Show, were supplied by the. W est Van. Florist. . . , , Mfs. H.' B. Stevens acted as ing_lan_autumn_conoert_byL_the I. 6 . D, E. local society, and a spring, con­cert to be given both in the city of Vancouver and in West -Van­ couver, in conjunction with theThe regular "m ating of the Duncan Lawson Chapter,, 1,0.D; Kerrisda'ie Choral Soeiky!' ? -i Monday, 0(^ The executive will be glad to" tobCT 5th, a t the home of Mr& welcoiHe former members of the W. H Small. Mrs. PVank Stead, society and also any newcomers the Provincial President I.O.D. , to the municipality who are int- E., Will give a ,report of the an- crested in choral singing. As the nual National meeting in Winni. numbers for the spring concert V . ̂ will be begun before Christmas ------------------------/ / th is year, intending members SOCIAL CREDIT MEETING are urged to j'oin now. Practices S ' are being held in Inglewood redit League School on Mondays a t 8:15. ^ is holding a public meeting a t 8 p.m. Wednesday, October 7th, in the Legion Hall. The speakers will be Dr. R. H. Smith, ex-Mayor notice: Schubert. ...^W'agnerAufJem^asserDer*'E i n ] ? G l A . A « » « * * A ........ *..........w n g iiw Der Yeilchen __ ...f.rp.I*-- ....................... Brahms ' ' ̂ ̂ Jban Durbin 1 Playera. ......... ........................ / ...............................Gramadof 2. -PeguiaiUa........................................ 'J/................................. Albeniz - ' : Gordon.'Manley . - Cradle Sonsr...;../........:.......7....... ......................................... ...... The Plooded'Strewn.................................................... Armstrong Gibbs _The_Orchatd-Sirigs to_the.Child........... ............. Armstrong Gib The P r i n c e s s ................................................. .................... D^lus , / , "■ ^ d Save .the .king. . . , , • ---------- -------------------»----- - Knill's Fuel are erecting a narra to rtand the ma^mkins were of Moose Jaw, and Paul McD* ...building to-contain 1,000 units Mrs. N o r i^ McCue, w s ., H. B. Kerr, Vancouver barrister. The 'Of sawdust on Pemberton Ave- Stevens,-Mrs. J. U. HoR, andt^^^ public are cordially invited - nue, one block west, o f Marine. Misses lonOy Kerrison, Sybil Tho West Vancouver Social , The sawdust business is-peculiar Chapman, Josie Leyland, Mary Qredit Group much appreciate*, iw th a t in summer the mill pro- Yates, Ethel R dberts,, Barbara the efforts of all those who as-' duction of sawdust is highest McIntyre, Biddy W y a tt, Isabel sisted in making the A berhart when the demand is lowest, .Russell, Paddy L an g ,/i^ ita Jay, meeting such a success. Mr. while the reverse holds true in Diana W alters, Moiyra W atts. A berhart has returned to Cal- the winter. Consequently Van- Mrs. J . W. Lang and Mrs. Bert gary. , regular dealers erect Thompson were in charge ̂ f the CHANei w W er level bus service To take effect^i>n TesuimVtiSR of 20-miinjte service (about October 5th) Lv; Wharf A.M. P.M. 7.Q0 7:20 7:40 : 8:00 8:20 . S:40 . 10:00.: 1:00. 1:30. 2:00 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30; 5:50-' 6tl0 6:30 6:50 ~7:10f ; '9:30":' 1 0 ^ • ljy725th ^.Mathers A.-M. 7:05 P.M. 10:30 >-77:25̂ '7:45 8:05 8:25. ,8:46 , 10:16 1:16 :it:46;;"' : 2:15/ '>;4'si5,. 4:45 6:15 5:40 6:00' 6:20 6;4d 7:00. 7:20 9:46; I 10:16 X. W harf, ; ArM. 9:00 9:30" . V, '10:00 11:00. J& m ./12:30 . 7' 1:00 ' ' ' 6:30 • '-4k}; -^.7:00'. 8:30 9:00 -9:30 Lv. 25th & Mathers A.M. 9:16 7' P.m : 9:45 10:45 11:16 12:45 1:15 6:15 6:45 7:15 8:45 9:16 9:45 j|aUTE:- = . --V ■ Sundaya'XTA«rft*«rci f-T'.yV T ao:45: Week • days /between. 7 and 10 a.m.;W€s^a*'d via Marine' Drivfe* ' Week days after 10 a. m. ' Northward via 14th. Street.' k' } -- All_triiifiL '3̂,* Northward via. J4tK' St- decorations, George Baldwin as­ sisted with the runway, Noyman MaePherson looked After the spot-lighting, and the lam^s were loaned by the B.' C, Electric Company. CONSERVATIVE JIEETING "buildings where saw dust can be stored -in the summer against th e winter. Thus the construc­ tion of this building ensures Mr. H n ill's having aii Ample supply on hand a t all times fo r his West building is being erected. . The West Vancouver Conser-, vative Association held a meet­ ing on T u e s^ y evening in Che ?P nand a t all times fo r his West Legion Hall under the ohairmafi-" ̂ Vancouver and North Vancouver The MoIntyre Q uartette play- ship of J. T., W att. Another for whose I^nefit the ed a niimber of I^AutifuI selec- m eeting-for the .ejection of_of- tions during fhe evening,,which fleers and o ther im portant busK was spent by those. present in ness will take place a t 8 p.m., bridge. The prize winners, a t next Tuesday, "October 6th, in bridge were: 1st; Mrs. Bruce the Legion Hall. All Conserva- ;S harp ;.2nd, Seyniour Johnson-- . _ tives areasked toatend . the prizes being drawn by Mrs. --V WESTONIANS MeKinneyr . Municipal /Chapter BETTY CAVENDISH 'Echoes secretary.;; The attend- tendance prizes, d r a i^ by Miss Qonnell, Matron of the Vancou­ ver Preventorium/- in which the Chapter have a . w ard, were, as follows: 1st, a ^10' credit in. Gwen's Gown and Sport Shoppe,* DANCE CLASSES /. .On Tuesday night at the meet­ ing of the Westonian Boys' Club an executive was elected for the term of one year. Joe Wedley was, named president, Charles Miles the Vice-President; Bert Simpson, Secretary, and Ed. Miss B etty Cavendish is now Tearoe, IVeasuref: I t was dccid- orgam zing a class in modern ball- ed to sponsor two hs«Vet ball room dancing for high school team s in the Senior B and Inter- and univereity students. The em mediate_ A leagues, the school g j^ n a s iu m . being secured forrolmont for children's classes '. ^ t t a v l 'it'Gw4^1'™ 's ^ ^ ; been very ratisfacto^. Par-, ftesday nfehte; 'A spraicer has ent wave at owenaoiyn s Beauty ,ents, ? sending their children /'or been arranged for / Thursday, Shoppe,-Miss Connell. A t the .conclusion of the young petylethinjcmg of joining October 2»th, in conjuhdtiori the new ballroom class can be with the Westohian general Fashion Show refresh- a s s u r ^ of a .good atm osphere-M eeting , The weight-lifting class ments were served jtt th e lower and also th a t they will be cor- has b ^ n oriranized nnHin* Mr hall,-Mrs. B. W. Frbud b^ing ,t]he rectly , ta u g h t F or information , McDonald, the pubjic-speakin« convener. . < please phone W est 308-B-2. . group under Don Broderick "V S ' i- ' , -V me We, m 1 f- r,! 5 /•«*/« ' ̂Til; '■ '/I ■' ' ' i i t |i|r % < 'f ' J'/l,1 I I I