ra'» HI", V iV'** 1 I'j <*«}»» , ( ' .', *,i *f' I' * * ' 't ' ■' ' I ' ' 1 ' 1 , , ' I • » I ' •, , * , jij,,H ' ? j I ' ̂ J ̂ j n ' ' •, ̂ ' |T ̂ ̂ 1 i! wi i • [ 1 Vl >j ■! ̂♦ ij ' ̂ ̂5-iv i 4 ji'.r <\ H tn' ' *1̂ « *" |V i' f fi, »*v ̂ ̂ 1 ""' ' p • 'i l i v e l y ' '■V t ■' W/'« ' ,•- <1 r'i »'l »{*>;Of» »;HT«» (■' 5 ' ' r I' U't (! i I f «b ■■'f ■ •'»- t i ,f i i ': « i® f I t ; I I I I I'll r -uii ii F «I-.'4* :it 1 -f:I • 1-1 I, i /t i ? , f 5 -i « 4 .5I '^1i I ' i t :i i:H I 1 >« i ^ f ■i'-4 | ! * . V I 4ii- tS y. ;ir I 4 Biggeif " I t iK U S r J E e k E s S S B S Bf* ,Our premium CouponH (given with e w y purchase ., ot\25c or mpre)'avb worth .money to you,,and.'can J)e ... traded in on the price of.your Cindstmas Turkey. Ask at the,store for particulars. ' Many of pur customers have already accumulated '^sets of China and Silverware and are now saving-up for - their Turkey. ' • , , . For,Week-end Specials see, dur "News Flashes!;" If you dp not receive "News Flashes" regularly please phorte us. « , < ' ■ . .!» •■. . ; ■ i ■• ■ \ ■ I ± I : r.'l' ■' ■ L, . i ̂ ". , '■ . ' ■ ■ ■■ ' I* ' Phone W est 46 RED AND WHITt Meats iaannoiasffi t;l'Phbrie:|'t:; W est 46<) M eats-..* hoiie West 370 <»ioju!tnoiujt<!u!t» W est Vancouver United Church Choir Musical P lay and Program ' ' at 8.I5 p.m;. TO-M OK-RoW (FRIDAY). '• in the .Church Hall 't . Admission 25c. ■ ̂ Children, at door, lOc. CONSUM ERS^. Members are reminded,ol the Folk Dancing Class in the C la ^ an tomorrow afternoon at 2 :.iu p.m. prompt. , j i i Forty-two member.s attendee the demonstration orf "IcirĴ g aiuj " Decorating ' of;" -̂XmH.4 Cukes , 44' ' given by George Herring at the home of the convener ol rl.ouse- hoid Affairs, Mrs. A. Î . YoV/̂ l̂ " 14th and Kings-^esterclay aUern , .noon- when much valuable m- - struction , was • received and a very profitable.ariernoon. spent. ' Amateurs were-afrorded an opr portunity to prafjtice, their re- suits proving how "high-olass the demonstration was. After noon tea,was latei^iiierved through,; the kindness of, the hostess, Mrs. Young. - .The Boole Club met on Thiirs- ; • day "afternoon,'191h instant, at the home of Mrs;. J. W. Bisset when 'an. interesting 'paper on "Japan and Its Govenun'ent" was, I given by'M rs.,, U. Fiddes. Re- ' views on the following books were given by Mrs. E. E. Fox, "Wooden, P il la r s 'M r s , J. W- Bisset, '1'Daugh'turS 6T isrolrru J Miss, Barrow,'■ "Facing ' Both Ways." Mrs. E. Therrieii .read,:, '■several delightfiil po.ems from , the; principal Japanese poets. ", "Christmas Storie.s,"and "̂ Ch'rist- iiwifc ' ' ' i!novernm flnt,:in|^ ^ ^ ^ » ; .'..'■■i.', '.■k'": r ro'»!S!*>4 t,..A HAMS,, LAMB'.', r'.- ; COLD MBATS OP ALL KINDS 1 store at ■SUN * S-atre V). WlkAi -̂1 > l i i i i i i G , WEST VANCOUVER • W * * 1"»**'I- Phone West 115 ,„,pT0l FOE E('AL SA TI^FA O Tip;yfet|j;4 . 1 '!•'* 1">, A , D r i v e.. J Mi B K i •'/m V* 'n*'L A S :iS IF lE D l^»^ l'li('„.rute for C itif ie d AdVerUsbirtents 18^2 centiVlieV^jword^^S» 4kv% i«naA n f tittflAP hAvitltf' > 1 1̂1I lir r̂utu lUI V/IUMIMTO •,|*Va,*.iVVW«MV IllllUlimn2f) cents. Except-in th)e case of thoflc having reguUr^. accounts; rail clasai TichIs 'are paya.ble ^W tly in a d v a n c e . ■■ Uemoniber ClassSliedB in the W est, Van News get, imihbdiate results. HANDY ANN SHOP,^,,2442^Marine ,. O.E.S. BAZAAR___________ LEAGUE WEST VANCOUVER At a public meeting the above mentioned the Clachan Hotel on _ ____ _ 18th, .some very enlightening '. H , ., „ _____ data was presented bî Mrs. H. wa.s formally, opened by the Ŵ or_ V.IU1DL1U«B OLWIU;.-,, ..u- HAINIJI AiSiN ,' Enamel.Range with',Sawdust Burner ' mas iri'Many Lands, will be the ■ Drive--Xmas Cards, leys, Notions, , ,■conlplete';,̂ bĥ y■;.used,'6%̂ i topic at next'meeting. staiionpry, Hard'ware, 1 amt, etc.-- 'Nq^^ ■ J Mrs; George." Black, M .l\, will ̂ J,.()U iiENT-- ,̂A c o m f o r t a b l p , i t a U r a c - K i r i ~ be the guest speaker at the, next tive 4-room stucco house m a con- Smocked D r d ^ 'f o r 'Xmas . gulai^meetirig of th e Guild on ■ venient location,•$20,- fhone Werf5_6. ■ ulua wuH prcuum/uu uy mrs. Ju. wa.s jui inuuy, openuu uy uie vvur_ K.' Martin of the South Vancou- thy Grand Matron, MrsC^Effic ver Consumers' League. Mrs. 0 . Fogaty and was both a social'and D^-Tibbits, who was obliged to ■ financial--success^- Num'erous V I I U N K I l U j r B t J I l U U C l I t j p u x t , - U t J - J J . Vj J U C U W U U U , V V U l L I i y m U L X U l l , scribing the plight of the farni- aa.sisled .by Mrs. Duncan McMil- er, which report, was read at the .Ian, receiving. Mrs. II., L. niee.ting. An interesting discus- Thonipi;ion was the general oon- .sioh followed -the reading of saitie. Following the adjourn ment of the public m eeting a bPsiness meeting was held at which the following were elected to the Organizational Commit tee: Mrs. Denniston, Mrs. Litch- vener...4 All booth.s were well patron ized during the afternoon and forlune-tollipg proved very pop ular. Presiding, at the beautifully ■appointed tea table were Grand |--• field, Mrs. Davison, Mrs. Water- Cliajiter officers and- Worthy nriafi, and Mrs. R us^ll. _Matrons of the current year, lions dealing with the flour com- - The musical" program "was bines, and the B. C, Cpast Veget- much enjoyed, Mrs. G. Alexan- able Marketing Board were en- der giving pianoforte selections, aJ A. w*i ! x r f y l : i ■ ■ !v-. A • I . : . . - • 'i ; .■ ■ /■v ■ ' T. ■' ■ 1 • Not Locaff'd •Telephone mistakes may have their serious sides. A Smith, who wanted' to communicate with' a Jones, con- . suited the . directory and", called up, a .number.. Presently ovei' the wire came* a feminine "Hello,"',and Smith asked, "Who's th is?" ^ ' "This is Mrs. Jones." "Have you any idea " where your husband is?" continued Smith. Whereupon she hung up so suddenly that Smith couldn't understand it -- that is, hp couldn't ̂ understand it until a friend, told him that the Mrs. J ones he had spoken to was "a widow. LEGION- H A L I ^ k ^ Rexit-- FOR-SALE"*-- One C.C.M. Tricycle 1 Meetings, phone West 122-R, Mr. , -5 8 , .'yeara'V.gjze?:^^^^ ̂ also two Crosby, manager. , , - ■ :dQnj)uggie8i^iWea1ii'356-1 ;̂:____ _ WE BUY -- Junk, .'Rags, Bottles, IF YOU \ A ^ i G piN O 'TO BUILD, Metals, Furniture, Sit̂ oves; Heaters. . ' A lter"or'.repairly .bur .property), get Burrard Junk Co., West 91._______ your free '.estimat'e from James' ' ̂ ' Chapman; .West;42-Y-3.GLEARIN G, Excavating, Concrete Work of all kinds, Building and Re- A U C T I O N ' \ S A L E S R Ekins 'I pairs. Waterproof Concrete a speci-V'V Auctioneer il , Phone Mon- VanemiW'i*.' >piiri'nQ'."Krrt».4.'u 1000 'I. son. West 69Q.X. ' ' ' ' . . 5 h o n e,.No;th 1838, WEST ■ VANCOUVER MACHINE and^CM EN T WOKk SHOP -- Repairs, Spray Pumps, nire ' Household Articles. 1449 Marine.' ̂ Fkone West 557-Y, ILOST IN MOVING -- Cardboard box CQRSIffSi .Surgical Belts, J containing doll, child's trinkets, etc. . Reward. West 451-L: ̂ MacAulay.,West-408-Ri^ TO OUR READERS Any householder not receiving' - FOR SALE ■-- B Flat Clarinet, prac- __ Ucally. new,, only used short-tim e. ■ Apply W est 498-L. ' - WANTED --r 'Bejddihg; clothing, boys' and Men's.j shbelsy. W elfare Associ ation. W est .6901 '.4 ■ o dorsed, ' tb be sent to Premie^ interspersed by vocaf solos rend- Pattullo. The next business ered by Mis. F. F. Lovegrove. ; meeting of the Gonsumers' The Hawaiian Trio consisting of .League will be held at the home Miss Leta Reynolds, Miss Muriel • pf Mrs. T. Russell, 1288 22nd Reynolds and Miss Betty Had- ."Street, , win. also gave several numbers. a copy of this paper on any and ■ 9^® WASHED, Floors'Wak^, each^hursday -evening, is re- pSnS®wi.«Y^7a quested to kindly phone us at ' GIVE WEBB'S) B 'tr ia l for your next shoe repairs.-^^pR 'M arine Drive. , _____ MASON'S TAXT i . : Day and night. I West 363, in order that the omis- WARM 'ROOM with kitchenette in Passengers'fuffyipspr^ed; West 5 1 2 * sion'may .be corrected. We shall duiet hpme. Box 44,-West;'Van,News -- blue betet, Dindareve. or, as i t is ou r only w ay of check- Phone'W est 46. CHEAP MONEY for Improyements ing up on our deliveries. Our boys have strict instkictions to • n £ y Why not take advanta"ge of the preseiiF sys,tem . of cheap bank loans to put in that new basement floor, repair your house foundations, extend your basement place a -paper on* the verandah of every house on their routes. F; FRANCIS LOVEGROVE RADIO REPAIRS -- Aerials, Tubes, etc.- J. L. Pettigrew. W est 14B/', LAWN IltbW ^R S ^SHARPENED Special; ma'cbihe Repairs, Parts. West Vancouvep.-Machine Shop, 1449 Mar i ne. « ' FOR KINDLING, Bark, all kinds of wood, phone Bob Black, West' 527. SHOE REPAIR'S Get the best mat* ? ' workmanship at- Fox's, .^ I4 th ati;PeiTF/'>̂ j:3'\5;;f"4 ■ and put in a i^layroom, or make any other improve ments. Tile money is ready for you at the bank at 3^4 pev cent on 12 or 24 monthly repayments. See TEAROE & SONj 1427 MARINE DRIVE PHONE WEST 84 .THANK YOU West Vancouver! For the wonderful reception we have been given. We wknt to tell you how much we appreciate the wonderful welcome you have given our entry into West Vancouver, and we intend to justify your faith in us. Our aim is to give/you THE HIGHEST STANDARD O F ^ i / a U T Y . at - ' . THE LOWEST RRICES IN to give, you )F^UALITY HISTORY. SUITS COATS DRESSES _ _ ^ Thoroughly Dry Cleaned. & Pressed 5 0 o PANTS SWEATERSSKIRTS ____ __ ^ Thoroughly Dry* Cleaned & Pressed Q uick S e fv iiy , Good W drk lW ptI ^ HERE Ar e t h e REASONS WHY -A Staff of efficient' employees expert^"an every Department Carry .';Sysr•An efficient' Cash and Carry System --BEST Equipped Plants in Western Canada. ' . .-'~A Ihrovincc-wide chaia of stores and depots. A British Columbia Institution,owned and controlled by British i.4>iumbia men. i . * • ■ , a n d pun m 6 t t d -1."y o u -m u s t b e s a t i s f i e d ." F;REE - SPECIAL OFFER - DYEING Coat, or. D ress'sent in to be dyed we will thoroughly one garment FREE OP CHARGE ' ^ SUITS, COATS. DRESSES -- DYED ANY COLOR... .o $2,25'̂ BRING YOUR GARMENTS TO OUR AGENCY GRIGORIS DRY GOODS Ŵ ext to the Safewav) - 1410 Marine Drive. LIBERTY CLEANERS & DYERS LOST -- Light fawn and white IPekin- ese puppy, part Pomeranian; "Ted dy." West 8 6 -Y-l. ^ HAVE YOU JOJNED.the Ferry Lend*, mg Library ??^ 3c day, ODD JOBS WANTED Phone^ West .384-R; Bill. Barker. PORTABLE: VICTOR and Records- Leather-cov^,^dj^'C<^t. $4 5 ; sell $9.00 or trade. ?Kohe :W est'7 8 . ' WEST VAN. STATIONERS & LEND- IblG Ll^j^ARV--JuH in: shipment •Dent s Canadian School AtJases, . b5c; also complete assortment of\ 1 lYTl S7.TV1 Q C! ' IrV<S TMrvI v\ ̂ vt/-.. • TV ■ J ♦ • GORDON ROBSQNi";Bairr Solic* ., i-toy,: 1447;;; Marinie;vihbrh^ ; 510 J Hastings St.', "Seyimour 4199. after* j noons. - . . . \ Deewations, WANTED to fs lk Y ill t ls e d Furniture, 4 inspect our stock Exchange; 1476.:iSfafihe. Drive.and library. 1 6 S 0 Marine West 687 iSyourRQdio F=* L A T on it s b a c k ? ®®-\SON means Greater 1 lie Risks. , Insure your .furniture belongings in ' our r u s t Udss Companies a t Standard ■ . Accident-, Insur-ancc. C. J. Archer Ltd.. West .225. FURNISHED AND irNPURNISHBD Houses to ' R en t.H o u ses, lots, and fereage fo r,. sale. .;Jbhn Lawson, 17th and^ Marin,e,:Pbohe West 55. HEADQUARTERS to r All Popular AT CHRISTMAS.---- Give the wife stainless steel .'ppts apd . pans. T h ^ last a fifetime'and Heat T areT ^ Barker,'H ^ d - *DY that we mean, does'it sound terrible? If so, try new. General Electric Radio- wUl put your radio back oq. its feet again. At the same time, let us go over p u r set from A to 2 . We'll give. It a complete "Check Up" and -restore its originalpep.' "^wt on tableadd help in kitchen" Short hburs^ Hunter's .Coffefe Shop," ' ' ^ ' am f Would care for child- doe<; rv, 'vWle mother..does Christmas Shoppmg.'-' West MAI^CISL s h o e ~ Thermique Steaip Permapepts;..-j^'nlv^ 'materials West 304,. I^ytL|; pa>ik Building. C H l |iN ,B i ( ^ ;^ ; ig ^ | |g ;E Old Coun- ^ ' ^ "P '0 >« « aIS small. We are experts and use only guaranteed parts, and General Electric'Radiotrons. 'N044 BUILDING CONTRACTORS' 'n * fswfb 1WI' . >jm BROWN & MPTON J*""®- t540^Marine Drive* X . W est 366 Members Associated l^dio. Technicians iSuits,:; me^ W est.619-R. ^9 ^ on Jgrge garage, viOW :Ehglisbd5ay,vnear-b^ stores, w k Sftl§:Sl,fooMsli; .West 3 4 0 or.* " v. "" For iSer^ce'f|i:jbii[y^^ o? selling l t d 83a ,H a s ^ g q ,S t West. r