THE WEST VAN MW ^ J.-» A *» - " ' *« f'f«^ ,'T"'t?-'^'<®"--' n*<>e'*-f'v ^Wif, l i r t r ill" f I manrAKVKwmaaiMca Bw.fmiWrf«tt',iiw»t«,.;j HitiiMl** IkirfiyM■ ■■*'•■. ■ ■' liriPMlIPPMPjjr :'-.'l»rw» w m*www -,■■■",!":■<■■■'■•'•■■: i siJItjU BiMln 7jX6 iuu*. 1 4- BwaiAMf idbool t»4 Billt CbMl 10 %-fff- Slr*ni*ff * Vliltofi W9kom$f K-' ,cw,ai«H A^-i I $ l» •'ll r r1 j|i ill ,li j. ! I » j . t . I t 3 1 ! I J_ I 1 :f t S '1 !■' 'l5 ' '?If I j I f I ' ■ " If' -I* 'll AU '̂■ ( V-rf ^ ■ ii: *®i . ! . : !. ( , I- I !■ r rr Jo the Men /" / / ffoti m e w ondering Wli«t to *lve for ChrlutiiiitE. Kemembor ---; Every woman lovea Cosmotics, , , Our new Hct» of Powder, Rouge* and LipHtick* have just arrived, also larger (letH including creama and astringenta. Then don't.for* get our Gift Certificate, If »ho needH a Jf^ermanent Wave. Gwendolyn V . Beauty Shoppe Creatora of Exclusive Pcrmanenta, ' 1646 Marine Drive West 117 BAPITST CHURCH wt^ wf ŜMa iKSi^ ii""i n̂'ti 'io w 'w B ? S r s ® l& r ® ; ciuciicmir Ad^v cijwmi 11 & 7:30 p.m.**l^r«adbdtig DR. G. D. H. SE A LE D.D.S., L.D.S. JUr JEmî a JUSP JL ', 'Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Oince Houra.O to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 HOLLYBURN HAU 14th and Dueheis KUIDAY, Nov. 27th at 7:30 Young People's Service II lustra ted by lantern views. Subject: "'riiree of Our lord's I'arables" Speaker: MR. JOHN RAE .SUNDAY, Noy. 29th, at 10 o.m. Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class •SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 . GOSPEL SERVICE Speakerr MU. HAROLD BUMMERS TUESDAY at 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Subject; "'riie Epistle to the Ephesians" WEST VANCOUVER C h ri^ . Science CHURCH EDIFICE 20tb and Baoulnialt, UoUyburn This Society i« a Branch of The Mother Church ' The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston. Massachusetts Sunday Service; 11:30 a.m. Sunday, November 29th, Subject: Ancient and Modern Nec- ^romancy,.'AliaH Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced' N O W - T h r e e .•r'hnum* vour u'wn leg length MERCURIT. * vfen iSlafte VVe imve a com pletr^fttoek^t^ »y,innt,.r" "Taupemist." ".Stroller/* "Smoketone.- '" FeSurinB®VEi«ML^ Skirl., SwtaF Skirts, a. tgs ♦» ho Sti f(.r Badminton and in the darker shades ,for . • Tailor- md in the oarKer aiiwioa Aur v« aa. . ALWAYS -- Up to the Minute at '■" GWEN'S GOWN ^ 1730 Marine Drive, M \r Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t'8;16 p.m. The public is cordially In- Sited to attend our services and iGctinga. d r y F IR ; Summer Prices .still in effect. Telephone for . % ^ ir y ~ Insido Fir. jsh Wood, Slabs, Edgings, Bark, Putmace., and'^Fireplace 1e nntH.' Sawdust. Coal at eily prices. * West isr. Bush »yuuu, .-vh-o-, - -- . ................ , , ....... Knots,' Sawdust, Coal at city prices. * ,' • .v ■, West icu CAPILANO FUEL ̂ - ■ : l7 4 f : ' 'O ^ 0 n Aye. ............................................................................ .................... ......................................:................. .I.-■- .̂W~..liU,Laa.g;.r,n'̂ 1,fy;-- L--. DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER, I. 0. D̂ R. , BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L, MoKay, Minister. A N N U A L' 1BRE0BE UNITED CHURCH 2lat % Esquimalt Ave. Rev. Hillis Wright, Minister ^The Light of the World," will be the morning .subject of the pastor.- A story to the child ren will also featuro the morning service.. TOMORROW (Friday) at the hom6 of Mrs.'J;'B.,;'Leyiand. Bridge (afternoon and evening), 85o-.-n- ' vr Afternoon Tea, 25c The evening service will open rifh o Kt'io'Vif enmr HprviI'U. The Eatabliahed on North Shore 26 Years (Lady Assistant) Seiwices Sunday at 11:15 a.m and 7:16 p.m. . > «,v̂v«x̂ ..3ow« v/,x ______ _ -x*__ "Sunday School, Sunday at 10 on "Andrew: the Man of rn. 't T r'linir / iinrlpr the with a bright song service, pastor will continue his series of addresses on the Apostles, speak- M A R I N A The Home; of Quality HARRON' BROS. LTD. jfunerai Btrectors North*-Vancouver- -I-arlors" 122 West Sixth Street * , Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 ■ Abtion." The choir, under the . ,/rhe WojnenX Asj^m^ leadership' of Miss Winnifred hold its . annual Christmas Brealey,. with Elmore Humph- Razaar on Tuesday,' December r^ys rat. the- organ, will lead in 1st, at 2:30 p.m. in the .Church the worship of song both morn- hall. Conveners of the various' jng- and evening .Stallk will be: fancy work, Mrs. ^he Young People's Society V. Blair; aprons, M rs.^ av ies; wilLmeet-on-Monday-afS oiclock- -home-cOokmg,--Mrsr-WT-TVRush-;-^j5to ̂ Frank Patch of Vancou- r r ® f e 1 ^ ; / plTin" ." '"'a"' ver, will give an illustrated lec- t a, JUss 1. McL. Philip, candy, "The Life of Sir Wilfred Order your Christmas Cakes early. Also ^lan youis order for your Christmas Chocolates. ■' ' / Have .you tried our Cornish Pasties? ' , p v ' THE LADIES OF ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH ai'e giving;: A XMAS"'T ll0 t |C |; : in the ORANGE HALL, THURSDAY, 3rd, -afternoon-and-evehingr-V- ', ------------------ ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ̂ ̂ H ' * j ' 1 • .'S/t, d ] ' ' ^ Bridge, Xmas Gifts, Home-made Cooking and NoveftiesVrrl Entertainment S. W. RHODES 1562 Marine Drive Barberiag for Gentlemen, Ladies and Children. (\ Miss Framel Donations are asked for the home-cooking" stall. ' - ' Explorers meet every Monday at 7 p.m. Beavers meet every Tuesday at 7 p.m. Ĉ .G.I.T. meet every Wednes day at 7 p:m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. ' '■ Choir practice Thursday at 8 p.m. Grenfell." The devotional, will be taken by Norman Willington IMPERIAL VETERANS - -...-- , The Imperial Veterans' Associ- Both young and old are cordially ation will be holding their next ' invited. meeting at Dawson School, Wedr The prayer meeting meets nesday, December 2nd, at 7:30 each Wednesday at 8 o'clock. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH .]^y. F. A. Ramsey November ;29th--Advent Sun- sharp. Inimediate relatives of ex- Imperials are asked to. rally a- round the newly- formed. Ladies' Auxiliary / by enrolling :atij.̂ 09 Dominion Bank Building. Shea t; ^ W orks Phoned West 39 Furnace ..and,, Range 'Repairs, ' Sawdust Burners ED. BLACK WEST 6 8 COAL - WOOD DUMPWORK SLABS $ 4 . 0 0 cord 2 co rds $ 7 .5 0 I. ni i, 3 X! ^Eleventh Anniversary of. Come to Church and pray for Dedication of Church. *=®0 a.m.--Holy Communion, for the world and Its needs. You. 11:15 a.m.--Matins. * 7:15 p.m.--Evensong. Next _Suiulay evening _the St. Andrew's'Day, 10:15 a.m.-- P.-T. A. N EW S H I G G I N B O T H A M Senior Young People will meet at the home of Rev. and'Mrs. Hillis Wright,.2047 Gordon Ave- nue,; following the evening ser-. vice. The program will be of. a musical nature including the O ptom etrist H y S of sacred songs and. Opticiafi 10.80 a.m. to 4 Wednesdays 1622 Marine Drive EYES EXAMINED CLASSES "FITTED VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLB - Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, Coai» %ilders* Supplies ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. N. J. Corley, Pastor ̂ Phone West 540 Sunday Masses Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon--10:15 - a.m. 1 Rosary and Benediction -- 7:15 p.m. Catechism At a recent -meeting of the Executive of the West Vancou ver P.-T. A. arrangements were made to reorganize on'the basis of a separate-association for each " of the three schools. .,The first „ ' TT 1 . meeting of the Pauline Johnson J.45 a.m. -4-.Holy Communion- School will- be held- on Tuesday and Sermon. evening, December 1st, at .eight ?'<̂ 9̂Pk. Principal J. Condon will CHURCHES OF CHRIST, be pleased to welcome .all the- SCfENTIST ■ - ' parents of his school children,' especially those whose children Holy Communion. St. Francis-ih-the-Woods, Caulfeild "ANCIENT AND MODERN began this term NECROMANCY, ALIAS MES- Professor Wm. Black, Ph.D., FUEL SUPPLIES. ,-.A ......... ...................... ...- Small Inside' Mill' Fir from 9-'^14'inches.:,. $5,00 cord 'I'V-Vs© ' ' Sawdust Tnaiy' how be ̂ pbtained -from your Lbcal -Dealer, No. 1 ■ * ......................... ............................................................... ............... .............. Fir Sawdust .for rahge or furn- ace. Order, now.iwhile prices are' -f-" ^low.'.Phone ' Charlic.-thompson v.foclpricgs ' * W e s t 5 8 2 - V W est 582 MERISM AND HYPNOTISM ^5*^*' P--T.A. Provinoiai •DENOUNCED" , will-be the sub- address J6ct of the Lesson - Sermon in of a R'T.'a .̂ toVLmmun^ on SmSav^® will"also report on his 1, rr, ■ . recent interview with thp Hnn .ittL .'® N»™.an. Rogers, Federal Minis- aud Bible History every Satoday-?:80 a.m̂ ̂ s m t Hills ltd. ;lst' fSl©r&F îif;"A venue Tel. North 1570 i orT Wpst 417-R .Week-day Services Mass, daily--7:15 a.m. ^ 10) .mass, aaily--7:15 a.m. "Amnncr 4.- ' u- , Johnson parents and teachers-- Lesson - Sermon is School at 8 n.m • ' . / r v * / % v v » ' * S h in d e Bolts 3:00 p.m. ' -j, Saturdays- Coufessiens from . T H -- ■ 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. co„rer" C ' L f S ' % f i . Sand ̂Cove.consider it in- t̂fiine heart, that hasTeft f o r X ̂^ BARBARIANS' AUXILIARY heaven -- -̂------J--------------- . A meeting of the executive of S S ? -he Girls' A i i v i h W n ^ t h . _ there - is none else." price (Beut! 4: 39). THB barians' Rugby Club will be held ̂ t ' " r> at 8-p.m..on Tueday,. December also in- of Mrs. Lopa-' from^thirl. passager V € S T V d t \ jy i C W S tecki. All members of,the eS u ^ w v ph^stian Science text- Piibllalied Every-TJiuniday asked to be present. K^y the^SrriSfi r̂ Saturdayjon t h r i o K e i n ene/di\^^^" ScL "Brockton Point. It ih hoped that hnnn>-« belief, it' as mahtr ..j? a spiritual understaTidinn-. Burrard L au rid i^ ilfd . $ jE iM y iC E FOR dependable ... ______ DAVE West Vancouver; Ileprbsentative --------------------------------------FHones -- West 691-L or i Qin , Publisher F. P. LOVKGROVB Phone West 363 J u e i n ^ . and Bditortal -Office; aa mahy, membei's of the AuxiH- and?lf v̂ ^̂ ®̂ '®*anding; ary as p<«sible will turn out to hoMr"- «"«tled West 691-L or 1310 L E T ' l ^ We buv j L i T , ^ Supftv:t& .G aik - m m -iE 17tb and Marine - Drive (Next to HoUybum P ;0 .) ' Phoiie West 363 Mail Addrem: P. O. Box 6lp Honybam; a c . North Vancouver Office: Lonsdale Ave. ♦t.0 6 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year . - by mail. - HOLLYBURN .GIFT SHOP B C t ̂ J ... ■' " ' I 1 - • I - . -1 ^ burrard Vancouver 9 X FRIDAY, j g W R p r e s s e s ...:...,...; 98o; . ̂ M R K .sX 7 ~ ~ : T ; r SATURDAY -- LONG SUlEVB D R U SE S jIM N O TR LIBRARY $2.00 a Ytok :..... 5c, lOc, 15c, 25c <? TH1!;ki!:'s h a i .i ;:BE T i n e , classê ûiosea Ipcri-fimni-.. j i ' . - ® P^^tccted'foT'l;hpir'iSinwA'iVSK'tiMr»nlip<!'hv • Hours 9 a.m. to. 9 p.m___ Fuels