West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Nov 1936, p. 4

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;,f. ( ! 'i I !■ I r 1 I ' 'I •» I" ■i . ii! i II* ■» _ I I A' •S !!) 's; -< 4., IS il ■;( < I ' r i ; i i ssf-•iy Mi4 ^y - ' 5 r I ;r ' I t; 'J- I *> (*• * !i i; it I' * 1 ) ?r: 1I ■» vll ;>Ir * • .' '.*■ -' • •' "'5-' - S M l T H 'a v i A f = ? K E I ̂ ̂ . ifc 1» A 1ktrtlTK*1l< T 13fW BANQUET ̂ ^ The Seventh Annual Kemem- anec DaV"Ban(iuet took place Bjhonc W e st 4^ .R E D ^A ^N D . W H lT E ~ . . l ? l io i i e . ---------- --------------- -- West m brance D a y Banquet took place a t 6:30 o,m, on Wednesday of M eats--«*Flioiie W est 370 Save th e P rice1%!̂ o f IToilif T u rk e y ■■ ' ....■';■■ | v ] |P F .-r .r '. .^ ; ■ Jn additlQn to the beautiful (iifts Riven free for our trade (MMipons, these coupona will count at Xmas time bn the price bf your 7 urk(fy, A«k a t the store for particulars. ' v / Be sure to Ret your coupons each time you make a pur- diase of 25c or more, For Week-end Specials see our "News Flashes." If you do not receive "News Flashes" rcRularly please phone us. UUTII No. 703, L.O.U.A. W. C. T. U. at 6:30 p.m. on w * last ' week in ' the Legjon; Ilalh there being a large gathering of members of the local branch of ...the ,C anad ian Legiop .und the husbands of the hostesses. Tlie ■ tables Were very tastefully dec­ orated for the occasion in orange and brown tone.s, the autumn (iolorsr and- an-excellent dinner* and program were provided by the committee under the conven- m JEFFERIES' " ' Govemmmi h a m s ' iAM B B E 1 » - M I W COLD MEATS OP ALL KINDS ■ ■ ■ i Sfdfe'aTHo . *■ L 7 D B U C A rasS E N PHONBWjEST a . ' ; eatre •m p*w ership^ of Mrs. F. Kivens. Comrade A. J. Gleam acted as regular meeting of the toastm aster and Comrade the l^ v ; P. A. 'Ramsey, recited the grace. The toast to the King was given by Comrade W. Car- ley, Comrade th e , Rev. H. B. Allen of the North Vancouver Branches Of the Army and Navy Veterans and ' the Canadian Legion giving the silent toast. John W right .sounded the- Last Post and the Reveille, after . „ ..'i* WEST VANCOUVER ' Phone Vilest 116 /'•W tfW* Drive G L A S S I F i R D f ' " " " ^ " ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' uiaiui jvji.siress leaving for her jc'ci "j'eace." The treasurer re- Legion proposed by Mrs. M. Phil- home ,in Salmon Arm. Many ported ten dollars for the thank- lips, 2nd Vice President, and other- members were p resen t. oll'ering. Report of D istric t, Comrade V. Blanchflower, Prov- _____i Irom • various lodges in and Itally was given by Mr.s. Chap- incial Secretary of the Tubercu- jjandy AN man . The discussion' for the lous VeteranstBranch, presented Drive-^Xm afternoon was on "Peace and "Mrs; C. E. Sharman with a bou- Stationery, Arbitration.".. Mrs. Herron and rinwiWad/i P».Haii4or,j: nnHw ■ ,_.m ; from various lodges in and around Vancouver, 'I'wo members were initiated by the lodge degree team and welcomed to membership by the Worthy'Mistress. The Grand Mistrcs.H congratu­ lated. the lodge on its. advanoe- ' nient stating the order was gain­ ing all over the province, and that a new. lodge would'be insti­ tuted at,-Abbotsford. The other The ra t̂e for Dlasslfied A d m to m o n to to 2 25 edits. Except in the dase of im<Me havfttg regiilwr. neeountiii, all danit. fieds Are payable strictly in uAft^pb, , ■■ Remember Classifieds in the;West Van Nowg results.__................... .... . ......I...... ..J.. \,,, ANN SHOP, 2442 Manne Xmas Cards, Toys, Notions, Hardware. Paint, etc. yvj imi-Huoii. .. Mrs. i i 9rron ami quet. uomraae i^resiaent uoiin Miss Bevoridge.served dainty re- .Turner gave'the toast to the W. frc'shments a t close of meeting. A., Mys. W- H. Green replying, -------- -̂------ --̂ the, latter mentioning- that $435 LIBERALS ELECT OFFICERS had been raised for the local -----:-- Poppy Fund. The toast to the I'Yank Walker was elected ' British Empire, was'in charge of ' \ y , JUIt ■ K J A l C k l l i m i t yVX\4ll C4 M VW " j f v» t> -------- - r quet Comrade President Colin po,j _ Q„ebec heater. brii,k Turner e-ave 'th^ toast tn the W. lined, good condition; $10.' West IPS FOR RENT 4-Room house, full also 3-room W E .W ^ T ll»- *T-7 Right now with^Pd^session as soon as ephvoment;-^^ neighbor- , hood of Ambtoside'eor Hollyburn as - ah mvestpient; pric6;not.over $2600' ' CBSh' ' ̂ » ' ' ~ * A good, view^ott'ditti^^ ̂ a small home,, price, not tojekdeed $500. ' Prank Walker was elected t>ntisn JLmpire.was in charge ot pi'ii'sident of .the'West Vancouver - Gomrade .Secretary W. G. Cros- Liberal Association at the ."an- ' that to-West Vancouver be-mi'tl -,{v> . . . . J . . TT--li' tb/i nlinnrlc nf ,T?oo\i'q .T T? plumbing, two stoves; also 3-room' , W;,exceed $500. cottage, furnished, both on Marine ' jpAi ^ waiting to > a t ̂ Weston. West: 207^R or North ̂ 1 .Kmis • iu , /-'****'=*' ijmeiai Association at the an- ' Vancouver oe Hiinguished visitors delivered imal meeting in Dundarave Hall infi' ifi the hands of Reeve J. B " J -̂'hicationah--on-qkies{lay night." Otherofficers-- Leylandr-0omrade~the Rev.* H " ............ ' , .. Hon.'President, Hon. W. L. B. Allen was the bearer of frat- ■T\/T.i/..t.rwv r / i A. ' T/-1 ■ TTJ . P l 'H f l l O*v-i3iol-l-'n ,Ycj ■ ■Fv.rvw, TO RENT -- Small house, 3 rooms, warm. West 49-Y. " Seymour 9131 or Mr: Hill West 98-L-2 -WANTED---^..Girl, by-day-to -sleep home. West 233-L-3. S v X w a v f bv f " i " P attu lK iTients had been made for the - iiist lall dance to be held on Fri­ day, November 27th. After the lodge was closed the to the banquet hair whei'e ■ relrc.shment.s wei'c served and several. other mem- G. W.land,, Ireasurer, and Kis.sick, secretary. Mrs. Turner and Mr. Logan; both of North Vancouver, a d - , dressed the meeting. bers aflfhvr«a;;rrf^r'«.n;:r'- ill warm water makes, a'n' ' .^ddussed the gathering. excellent gargle for sore throat. CHEAP MONEY for linproveiheiits Why nol. take advantage of the present .system. Of cheap bank loans to pul, in that new basement fld5r, repair your-house foundations, extend your basement and put in a playroom, or make any other improve- 3/1. p u cult on 12 or 24 monthly rep ay m en ts . See. North Shore ex-service men's organizations, who with the'Can- adian Legion make up the North ; Vancouver 'Veterans' Council, and Regent Mrs. W. B. Small '"Conveyed greetings ' from the Duncan Lawson Chapter, T.O. D.E, . • Comrade -MacNicol spoke briefly , on the work of the Vet­ erans/^ Assistance Commission, of which he is a member, stat^ mg that there vvould be no white­ washing.^ • ' . During the banquet JVlTs' F. F. Lovegrove sang a solo and an encore number, accompanied by ^v^^^S^ht-Hodge, and^mus- FOR RENT V Argyle Avenue or made. IF. YOU ARE GOING T o BUILD, Alter,, or-/repair;.y6w^ your free^ estimate from James' Chapman;JWeat 42-Y-3. FOR SALE --̂«***f̂*«****«f, ,ff V>OU X̂ o, 4-Room cottage, 1534 "" ............ --- --1 e. Furniture repaired AUCTION SALES -- W E Rifing ____________ - ■ ■■■ Auctioneer ^^^iL ic^sed for West c n- ■,. / Vancouver. PHone/North 13386-Piece dinincr room ------ * • • . j.ooo. FOR SALE condition Carpet 9 x 7, very good West 239-L. ' ' WANTED - sleep out. - Girl for' mother's help, .Phone West 568-R. ' NU BONE CORSETS ̂Suirgical Belts, repairs- ariy^pd; of garment. Mrs. MacAplay, -WMt::408-R.., ' PARTY Who Borrowed . Soldering Iron and etc., kindly return to 2015 Inglewood Avenue. ation, -WestiB90.v:?r • YOUNG MAN. wants work, m y kind. Phone West 7k.- ■ • ' ' ' ~ GIVE WEBB'S for' your next j 5hoe repairs. ;;:^68 Marine Drive." FOR SALE -- W ood'heater, oval cast iron, good 'onditioh., - Also .piano. Phorie^iWest: 220-Lj* MASON'S . T ^ L ^ S P a y -a n d night Passengers fu lly jnsured . West 512 ica selections were given by, a COLD w eathfr win f violm ensemble.ensemble composed of the fo llow ing a r t i s t s : M iss W inn ie^ ' strip and save * on the fuel bill.1 ° ATJ.J.OO vviiliue. ---- -- -w... V.XC, xuci Lsrealey and Miss Jacqueline Pat- Crawley •& Barker, Hardware. . eirand Mre"" r p S ' Ground Floor S iiit^ eecon/vM ins; GeSge Brealey^ . ferrT lis" ' vioa; Mrs. P. Knight-Hodgei- FOR RENT - A comfortable atfrac- l a w n m o w er s SHARPENED - Special . m achine:/rRepairs, Parte. West yaucouye* Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. * * ; ^ S H O E R l^ A iitS ^ best mat* workmanship at Fox'*, at^Ferry, M ^ N A M arin h or line ' homemade chocolates, try our Sat­ urday special 49c lb, Place your order for our 27 wiriety Christmas box. Made and^dipped on the pventises by our expert. M arina maiiagemem tive. 4-room stucco hous^ in ai; ebn- vement' location. $20. Phone-West 55° HAVE YOU Lend- m g Library?: 5Qc monthly. 3c day. fry our Cornish P ast­ ies Fritlay and Satur- drty rOc eac4). Date and IS'Ut Loaf, Yule Loaf, -all special Saturday. Also our famous Lemon .pit's. Plac'0 your order l̂ er your. Christmas ^«ke early. Decorated to your personal taste Marina Cafe No need to "stay at home for your Sunday dinner. Pay a visit to the Marina and have a three course turkey din­ ner only 50c from 4-6. TERESA^ KERItisON * P«tronage'of the jmst two weeks. --------- Pr^,p GERTRUDE HERRING A VERY ATTRACTIVE HOUSE -- 4 bedrooms, garage, - exceptionally. B D R T A B I ^ ; a i ^ Records-- Leather cpvered; cost-$45;iseII $9.00 oi: tradei;-*Phone .West'78: . Accompanist. Mrs. Tom Turner acted as ac- for the singing of "0 Canada, which preceded the banquet, and Comrade H. Bv Pi'osided a t the piano for the community singing. A vote of thanks to Mrs Riv- ____ •ors and her committee was pro- -- Kitchen range in good -- . ' X --------- posed by Comrade Toastmaster eS?rao^' Bellevue.; side WANTEDTO.BUY^^Used Furniture,A, J, GIghih 3nd carried iinsni -- ntr&nc€» _ ̂ ete. TTniitrKn«*T« AiiAfi/wmiirc an en- good 'Vegetable and flower' garden " . ^ fiP P®" John <̂ 9 RBOJ^wRpBSaN.<6 am ste r, " Lawson, 1708 Marine, Phone West .T447.-Maiiiie,*'^ mornings; 610 ------------ _____________ ' St.;jSeym bur;4199. after-~ _ _ ■ i-- nooUs. , BDST ~ Boy's blue blazer last week. I ^ n i ^ o l l y b u r n School,; Reward. XU i?^ Y~Used Furniture,] Kanges,.et< ̂ Hollyburn Auctioneers Exchange, T476 Marine Drive. 1 ♦ 1 • '-'to-*-ciiti Oj „ b y ' " M e s s r s ' ^ ' u ? Saws,:$2l50-ivie^srs. Norman nnri HP* st -Carley's Furniture Store FURNISH^/ANp^Ui^^^ Houses to. Rent. Houses, lot's, and K Lawson, 17th and M ay|ni;;,^ 66. CORPORATION OF THE^TRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Sewell and the evening conoliid -- 71-Y. parley buys fumltur l - UEADOiTAPTwb'd i i i s u p n h e r i ' ^ H A L L ~ - P o r Rent-Parties * . JJrs. Tom Turner phone West 122-R 'Mr' ^^hihg .Gadgii^ffor local^md Norman Sewell. . Crosby, manager. Mr. ers. Ambl^ide^^Rbbn!« VOTERS' USX, 1 9 3 7 SPECIAL. ATTENTION 11 None but registered deed holders and registered agiroement for sale W h e re fU e m e n t i / r e l t teiea <leed holder cannot vote on same nronertir end Of N w e X ^ lS S e . '̂ ***a¥®* 5 * * ^ atTthe end of November shall vote Sil™by" ts*d«"y"authoiSed^^ 'o ® *'®t shall be filed wm, the .shall be filed Witt, the e le r t J V w ^ w h ^ e authority end of NoveniWr and w w i a b t h e and a British S u M ^t of t L Province fuel supplies COAL -- WOOD T~ SAWDUST Inside Mill Fir <ik ka inside BMh F ir.'.....„,'„', j 5,6o cord lire's S d « ■- MapleFireplace Wood - Sealer Blocks . . tVM m j i w n ; , <Mumcii)arcierk.^ All r. COAL - S;^?^®--Alberta and B. C Coal -- By ton or sack ' , , SAWDUST M S ; ? S p S « k - S a n d. Gravel - Dump^uck Work CHARLIE THOMPSON^ . 1257 ay d e WEST 582 - Phoiib - WEST 582 n Concrete- ^ T. ^1 kinds, Building a'nd T?a aS?®' Concrete a rawil T ata,' e t c . , L . P e t t f g ^ w ; W e a t 1 4 5 . conveuiegc^outlet^ installed. J. H. PatersQn,;WeBfĉ lD8>:;<r. ; .,, ® s S ! ^ r a n t e d _ Rent,or For A r^ e r L td , W est 226; iT ^ m M b u il d in g c o n t r a c t o r ^ S i a "? S i S S -- Old Coun- ; & ^ J S ® ^ ^ W i ^ ) S . ® r i c k and. f c l ' Capilano, PORSALE a?thS" ^ ? o r aH, oj