1 1 '!»■ ill i ' ■% h' • f i I. •t. . f h li il S '.u I I I M w jifi' 'TAM im . Sttiii'wrifeC iiiiiiiii^"" ' I t j l l tkW** I'll® - _ Sundsy ScBoor lUMl BIWf Qjwii 10 MM* 't§& agU T ^'fi» iM *W §k0m r *9- pjiihriiA € itiiii€a >'; Mlmlit*? -- B tf. W* U M A M fi %M4 »•»• " Sitiiaiiy m t^ ltm 10:00 Sd»00l>* cIuditMT Adult ClfUM 11 a.ni. A tsSO y.iM̂ I * r # clitnig. •Servlcci. * " A hearty welcome to all Condition Your Hair for that Christmas Permanent HOLLYBURN HALL 14th and Duchess. FlUDAY EVENIND, Nov. 20th, a t 7:30 Younif People's* Service illuHtruted by lantern views. Subject; '•Five Lambs' If your hair husii't been taking* the Htronif lustrous permanent that it should, sta rt now to con dition it with a few steamer treatments, then watch the dif ference in your next perman ent wave. SpeaKer; MK. ANDY HOGG Gwendolyn's . Beauty Shoppe (!;rentor» of Exclusive Permanents, • ' 1546 Marino Drive" W c s t - m : SUNDAY, Nov. 22nd, a t 10 a.m. Sunday School and Younif People's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING a t 7:30 GOSPEL SEKVICE, Speaker: MR. .1. K. E. McLa r e n TUESDAY at 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Subject: •I'he Epistle to the Ephcsiana"' .W B S tX p C O O V E B ' ' Science W ii> tv CHURCH EDIFICE "26tii'and* ENpiiw»alt» H^Bybiirn This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ, , Scientist, in Boston, ' Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday^ November 22nd, Subject: «SOUL AND BODY" Sunday School a t 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t B:16 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend, our services and meeting's. TIM] , , I th, VE¥V LATEST MOPES i*, I„Wucrugth.VBYY , _ --------- _:.„.-_-,Tlie-JoanjCi»W ^^ Our Flow er VeU» *"™, GWEN'S GOWN AND SPOROHOPPE ■ ^? ' ■ L t YPest • 5621730 Marine Drive First Barber: "What makes you so late?" PIN ^|»M 6il4EA <3U E -u oi/ *«vv.. T Pts Second Barber: "I was shav- >W. .V. S M erS ; 0 0 8 ing myself and before I realized Maple.^MSt! . , ,4 ,2,. 2 0 4 it, I 4lk ed m ylelf into a h a lrd u t- B^^^^^^ and a shampoo.7 , , f * ,;7 ■ , DR. G. D. H. S E A L E D.D.Si, L.D.S. D E N T l S t l V Hay Block, 14th apd Marine Dr. OOlco Hours 9,to 6 p.m, , Evenings by appointment.. , • Phone West 7 2 '. UNITED CHl/RCH 21st & Esquimau Ave. Rev. HilHs W right, Minister Scrvice.s Sunday at 11:15 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. " , ' 47 Sunday School, 'Sunday a t 10' ■ a.m'. ' ■' ' , BAPTIST CHURCH Established on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) H ARRON^BROS. LTD. jfuiieral iircctpra North Vahcouvjor Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue E ast Phone Fair. 134 Minister, Rev. W. L. McKay ' "A Specific 7Piece of Cross- C H U R C H E S OF C H R IST, S C IE N T IS T ^ . "SOUL AND BODY" will be the subject of' the Lesson-Ser mon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. The -Golden Text is: "The light o f.th e body is the ey e : it therefore thine, eye be f^Dgle, thy whole body shall be full ot light." (Matthew 6: 22). A m o n g th e c ita tions, w hich coihpriSe ,th,e - jt^esson-Serrnon Is th e , '.fp llo w in g .J ro m th e B ib le . "B u t b lessed a re y o u r eyes, fo r th e y g e e : a n d iyour ears , fo r th e y h e a r ." (M a tth e w 13: 16). The" Lesson Sermon also m- W e s t V i 1680 Marine Drive C N e x iM B ^ g Phone: W est 6$77'|7?:L T H E ST O R E O F Q U A L IT Y' 1 ' i 'i I . 'ir. ' ' CHRISTMAS SlpEic;!|i^'"i'̂^ Bcurin>; win ";b 4 ^ h e ' p a S to r t : ■ f r l® ' ^?hX1^4^^S-^'w;?bTS BaL?E4%!TpSal«n fsI he Man ot uount, v ^ oe cne subordinate to geometric, f e a S h i p f Brealey, with Mr, Elmore Hum- rff; j l.' . ■ 1 • --T* i. .-I wi 1 m'Tl 4' : ffil S. W. RHODES ' 1562 Marine Drive Bairbefihg for Gentlemen, Ladies arid Children. ED. BLACK WEST 6 8 C O A L - W O O D D U M P W O R K SLABS $4,00 cord 2 cords $7.50 phreys at the organ, will lead in the worship of song. The church schodl will meet at 10 o'clock. ' There are classes for all ages, taught by competent teachers. The Young People's Society ' will meet on Monday a t 8 o'clock. It will be missionary night. ■ Mrs. Vernon will give the second -of -a--series--of--addresses -on "Bolivia." All young people are cordially invited. . The midweek meeting for prayer and praise meets each Wednesday at 8 o'clock. deprived of the light and might of intelligence and Life." GREETING CARDS--From 2 for 5cup.< Good;yalueai<mi Box. Assort- ments. ■ i. < > • PARCEL WRAPPINGS--Donnison!s Cellophane-l^bbons. and Wrap- pers: Fancy Twine; Tissue Paper. of7all.4c.<>lors,;>nd designs; As.sortments of Tags, Seals and Labels Be Up*,' DECORATIONS--Garlands, Icicles, Show,'CrepcT; Paper, etc -- at city prices:" •"" " *' ' CHILDREN'S BOOKS & GAMES--A varied aishortmeht from 15c up. . Big values. - ' ORIGINAL WATER COLORS--Lbcal scehesi^bWMrs., H. B. Gray, ,_w.ell-knowh West Vancouver artist;-.at ^ pui^e. BOOKS--What better gift than a ; g o p d - C a l l and,examine ̂ our latest copyrights and-give us your, order.: Satisfaction guar- • ".anteed. ' 4 . ' 'MISCELLANEOUS--Fountain-Pen's ..from :$l:Clp-rup; IWe- handle the • world-famdiis WATERMAN PEN a t standard prices. Propelling Pencils--from '30c up.r. s.,,4 '.y;v /7 ' . .u '-. , Fancy..Boxed W riting-Paper, Corre|i)0̂ en c e ,//a r .d s an Envel. opes from 40c up. - ' ']747? 7 '̂' ■ , .', Playing Cards--Congress, Enchanting . and - vogue ,'in special gift cases'. Rock bottom prices.- l\-> - MONOPOLY--iThe game everybody is playing..' LECTURE ON DERRY ^ ^ , . >N D THE BOYNE When ordering Magazines as Christm as'C ifts; we shall be pleased | to handle the subscriptions. Prom pt service, aspred.'i..^ | . . Book lovers are invited to inspect our-IiENE|ING LIBRARY. We' | h i g g i n b q t h a m ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey. November 22nd--Sunday be fore Advent, ' ^. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communioti. 11:15 a.m.-L-Mat'ins and Sermon. 7 :15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. • O D to m e tr is t Tuesday, 2:30 p.m.--W.A. Study ̂ ' meeting. O p t ic ia n gt^ ,Fraricis-in-the-Woods, . Caulfeild 9 :45 a.m.-^HoIy Co.mmunion.10.80 a.m. to 4 Wednesdays 1522 Marine Drive EYES EXAMINED ̂ CUSSES FIHED ST. ANTHONY^S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. N. J. Corley, Pastor ' Phone West 540 VERNON Jr JCi I miI # U I \ £ i A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinids :W o 0d»/CoaI. Bhilders* Supplies . ^Sunday Masses Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. Last Tuesday very inter- ' esting lecthr^ _} illustrated by lantern slides ,was ,given in the Orange Hall, under the auspices of'Jh e J ^ a L Orange Lodge. The lecture which was very interest^ ing to. all present, was delivered - by Mr. Esler, Vancouver, and the lantern was operated by , Mr. Porter. Some very old a n d jn t- eresting slides of D erry and the Boyno, depicting the struggles ' for religious liberty by the Prot estants o f Ireland ' during .the. years of 1688-1690, were shown and were, well received.- Mr. Es ler, himself a native of Ulster, explaining each picture fully. .One very interesting slide was tha t of the County'Orange Hall in Belfast with a life size statue of King William on horseback above the front entrance to the building. ' The lecturer Explained th a t since the picture had been taken the hall had to be enlarged and at the,present tinie one hundred and sixty-five lodges meet under its roof and it is only one ̂ of _hundre_ds_of such_lialls' th ro u g h ^ stock ""B^t:SeH€i?s"~as.^hey are .published. * Rates;'65c monthly or 3c per s dwV ***"'*' ^ ..M.* » V ̂ ̂ (J' .-A.- ^ - , - / T ??;■>-A r-r ' a a vraira EiraEiGira:ra;raira,ra;a:i' For an.O riginal_ChgisfInM G|tt have you r P ortrait th n w n . by J o . TURNEY, 2881 BeU^TOe Aue. ..,Bcncil'DpawingSA^$r.OO , VVater^Cblors;$2.00 D R Y FIR WOG>D . ' Summer Prices still in effect/ Telephone for'delivery ■'-- Inside Fir, Bush Wood, Slabs, Edgings,. Bark, Furnace'rand'^Fireplace lengths; Knots, Sawdust, Coat a t city prices. ̂ 7 ; GAPILANO FUEL r 1747 Garidon Ave. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRIĈ T OF WEST VANCOUVER Court of Revisibn of Voters^List, 1037 NOTICEJs hereby given th a t a Gourf'of: Revision of the at»a',T .1C+will aif of tVizi TVrnnir»inQl.TTon"i'1.'7'fli'<»T,'rl'T7!onniTYialt.. Higli Mass and Sermon a.m. Rosary- and-Benediction- p.m. -10:15 -7 :1 6 out Ulster. Another very inter esting slide was alpictiire of the. Glorious Twelfth , in Belfast when eighty thousand' Orange- ~men~marched fpur^deepTwhile inr Voters' List will sit a t the Municipal H allj'lT tliW ^ Esquimalt, D istrict of West Vancouver, B. C., on-Thursday^f thb 10th day of December, 1936, a t 10 o'clock in the/fbrenpdnV.for the pur- _p_os_e..of correcting.anidlreMsing--theW 6terS'?£isf-W the year 1937 and to determine any application io^strikp out the name" of any person, which has been improperly-placed thereon, or to place-on such list the name of jariy ' person'^improperly omitted therefrom. ' ^ v '- v '/ ; ' - ' • Tsiui XT-4. all other towns; and cities'similar celebrations \ygre held. During this. ,®^tiD^day 9.30 a.m. the showing of Derry's famous Weeksday Servicesluiooo n-.Tc___ walls, the gathering i l joined in M a^, daily 7.15 a.m. . the sinking of "Derry's Walls," Fridays -- Rosary, Benediction, a well known Orange air. ' ^ Bro. Jamieson" rendered two were well Turner ac- Dated a t the Municipal H all,,W ei Vatoouve^^ 19th day of November,T936. V; ^ ^ ■ ̂ 'WM. H e r r i n , n ' damieson rem Saturdays Confessions from Orange songs which .7.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. received, and Mrs. T. , ̂ THE J , ^ j s i f ; Y ia r tf f e w s PubilBhed Every Thuraday Every Tuesday night over CRGV^'at 9 :30 you will hear about Social Credit, Why not tuheTn? _ * 4t » companied on,- the piano. The singing of the National Anthem- brought the meeting to a close. Publisher ' ; F. F, XOVJjQRl^VE - Phone West 368 Buatneaa and BdlitoHal .Oflfieet ̂̂ 17th ',and' M arine, D rive - (N extrto HoRybum P .6 .) ' ' :^Ph6rie\W^t)863t^ ^, att'^ddi^s7-V 'I';' -' P . O. B0I 61, HeUyhnm ; B.C. Mr. Baker has moved into a house a t 2104 Gdirdom Avenue. "I've a problem." . . "W hat is it?" . 7 , ' Do all dental students look down in the mouth?" ' , North VancouTor Office: 128. Lonsdale Ave. GJFT SHOP B.C. ... :i.c«9o 7 |1 .« SATURDAY •'SPECIAL" L A D tis ' VOILE DRESSES MQNDAVi-SURPRISE" PACKETS ..................5, , , 5. | JOHN OUR UBRARY. - 35. t» End of Year. S2)').i(S r'y '• ̂J Aw-'*' . O perates Jfor l a M t e..... -ii.. i-r -j;/.