West Van. News (West Vancouver), 12 Nov 1936, p. 4

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4 fi 'f* *' t 4 II r 1 • 1: V -- t i t HW 1 fi f i i ' ' ' I - i 4 '»• ll!l Ni n M ! <1 !1 \ '!l ij| j f l | i h h , i ' *f i h I ♦ li :■ frii l^ i ri, 11\ f K •I i •! ^ i l i.: iMli th <1 k 5?1 I■:Sp. t̂ -:iS;j:'>Sm. ,5 r . l m •sty> THK WEST VAK NEWS fhone West 469 ' ekW*ifc"%HiTE - Phone West 46 l i t e b Ab y s o c ie t y , The next meetiuB of the Soci­ ety will be h e ld in the loww hall of the U n it^ Church on Thurs­ day, evenip̂ NfV*'™"®";. TOe proyram F n ^ y N o v r l S t l r a n d - M t h Hfd & Wliitta Brand BAKING rOWDEU, 12 o*. tin I7c BAKING} 800A , '/i lb. packet... 6< BAIBINB-Auatrallan Sultanaa, Ea- ceMtiouAllrGood Quality, 2 Iba. 2Zc CUItBAN'i'B--Auatralian Uc-Cleaned II)........... ....... ... i2c Bake Soine Currant Bun« or Cookicn SI»HnAIr~BIIOItTENING Hwifi'a Creacent............. 2 Iba. 27c ICING HlUiAlt ................. 2 IbM. 15c YKCLOW BUGA It--Fancy, 3 Iba. 17c SAIlt DATES . . ...... ........... 2 ibs. 13e! It*^ & WIiUa) Brand l»AS'niY FLOUR :V/j lb. Hack................................... He 7. lb. Slick..................................... 25c BLEACIIKI) SULTANA RAISINS Fancy (junlily.......................... Ib. 18c MIXED ri5BL; Whole Capa, Ib. 30c Lemon -- Oranjfc -- Citron. Red & White Brand COFFEE... 33c Have the Coupons for Valuable FreniluiiiHi. " ' Red & Wliite Brand SOUF, 2 tina 16c VeKclahle, Totnalo, Clam Chowder. Meats P h o n e W e s t S70 SHOULDKR PORK ROASTS l*er lb......... .......................... ISc ROUND STEAK ROASTS, ^ . iier Ib.................................... 18c to its failure. The third is a racy 2lic. criticism of modern Englisji writers on phllo.sophy by a hard- 8 o'clock. The program editor' has recently received, three iel* ters from England which seem to foe'w'elUfitted for public dis­ cussion, The first is from a New Zealand lady who has been mak­ ing a trip along the usual travel route in Russia. The second is from /the secretary for Coniwall of,the organization in support of the League of Nations, who pre­ sents an outspoken view of the shirking of duty which has led JE F F E R IE S ' HAMS I tm Governmenfc l a m b BI i»" I 1. • . iw *!• COLD MEATS OF ALL K PO )S. r s t o r e a t B o l l y B u i ^ . . . . . . . , . VEAL ' c n n c A ' i ^ ^ :re PHOlfB-WISTfiS, " i . LOIN PORK ROAS'rS, lb. 23c BOIMNO FOWL (Milk Fed) per Ib................................... 24c r o a s t in g CHICKEN, lb. 30c Reef -- Pork -- Lamb -- Veal All of the very finest quality RAI'ID OATS -- Robin Hood, pkt. l»c I,;VI{I)--SwifCH SllvcrU*uf,r2 llw. 28c CORNFLAKES -- KelloKB'H, • ,*{ iiltlH ............................................ 23c headed Scotchman who has taken up the* subject in his old age. All three w riters are persons of independent judgment; and their frank comments ought to be a startingrpoint for animated speaking. 'All who are interested in either of the .subjects are wel­ come to be present and to speak. LUMBER '. BlflL'DING \^E S T VANCOUVER L IIM B E R C O . LTD. -FOR RKAL SATISFACTION Phone W est 115 1497 Marine Drive C L A S S I F I E D A D S loiiuaiaiaiaiuiaiaiiiaQasDffiaiaaDiDiDâ HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP B.C. S A L E C L O S E S S P.M . S A T U R D A Y F R I D A Y Surprise Packets lOc and 25c. BE HERE EARLY S A T U R D A Y ^ Surprise Packets, 5c and 15c. OpoM evory day at 9 a.m. i>(JOIN OUR LIBRARY, 3 5 c to en d o f year KITSILANO BAND after Ji.stening to them for a few - - -" -- IN -FIN E c o n c e r t ' minutes, -one-' quite-understood ^ , jusi--why -they hacl - won that The concert given Wednesday, high honor.. evening, November 4th, by the Kitsilano Boys' Band was the outstanding musical event of the .season in West Vancouver, and it goes without saying th a t every seat was filled in the Inglewood Auditorium, where the concert took plaoc. The West'Vancouver School Bund sponsored the event as a welcome home to six of their number,'who were mem­ bers of the Kitsilano Band on _thelii_w_oiiderfuL.trip.to-the_OkL Country, where a t the Crystal Palace they won the British Championship Shield, which wa.̂ on display in the Auditorium' during the evening. In this com­ petition there were two hundred other bands competing, all - of them, made up p f grown up play­ ers, • - , The program presented rang- . ed from classical to popular music, and Mr. Delamont's org­ anization wiis equally at home in all. It would be presumptiou<r on our part to offer comments' on the playing of a band holding the world's championship but, "Yes," was the reply, "but it will _cost_Jp_L0,a0_0.!l r i i"Ncfer mind vot it costs take the- operation." - Six months later the rejuven­ ating wizard called for his money. /, " You can't collect," said the Je\y. 'Tm under age--and if you say I ain't, I'll 'sue you for fraud P' "Rastus, what breed chicken does you prefer?" "De both^ has mighty good points.- White ones is easy to locate but h a rd . to hide, an' black ones is hard to locate but easy'to. hide." ^ W E s r V a n c o u v e r l . o . L 2 9 9 0 FREE LECTURE I llu s tra te d by S lides ' " h i s t o r i c U L S T E R " The Fight for Religious Liberty,. 1688- 1690 n O F an g e H a l i r T u e s d a y , N o v . 1 7 th , 8 p .m . EVERYBODY WELCOME \M _ •• 1.I d m « iisC The gift that only you can give. I * j 1 ^ Make your appointment now. m H . H . H A R P E R 1/151 Bellevue"Ave., West Vancouver PHONE W e s t 2 2 1 S e e o u r d is p la y o f P h o t o g r a p h s i n t h e w i n d o w o f K . W . S a v o r y , 1 4 4 3 M b i n e D r i v e . ' d Don't send your message- say it V by "long distance" The rate for Classifled AdTertiaemanta la 2 cento per, word, tninimum 25 cents. Except In the case of theae having . regular, accounts, all clis ]̂. Gods are payable strictly in advance. , -r , Remember ClaBsifleda in the West Van Newa get Immediate results YOUR CHRISTMAS PUDDING should be made soon. We haveiall the helpful appliances in our win­ dow this week. Crawley & Barker, Hardware. WILL PAY up to ,$8,000 for a home or consider, desirable building site Please g iv e . all details first letter' Box 46, W est Van News. WEST VAN. STATIONERS---Christ­ mas Stock now in. \ Have ■you inspected'our LENDING; l ib r a r y ? We are constantly add­ ing all the latest popular books, td our shelves. Rates 65c monthly, or. 3c per day. FOR SA LEr-lb-Tube De Forest Cros, ley^ Console, like" new. Beautiful tone, $39„ ,W.e!st 48B-Y. IF ' Y O 0 AJkB ■ Go in g to build, A lter lOr. re p a ir , your property, get your,' f r e e ' estim ate from James Chapman,' W est 42-Y-3. Xylophone solos were given by Russell Escott and an accordi­ on solo by Adolph Berklint, Shoi'1 addresses were also made-, by Reeve J. B. Leyland, Band­ master A. W. Delamont and Principal J. E. Condon, a feature of the evening being an account of their Old Country trip with impressions of England by two members of the band. ' - -When an event in some other town birth, wedding, or anni'versary -- calls for your corigratulations, use the jong-distance telephon'e. - , FOR SALE Cross-cut Saws, $2.50 - • AUCTION. SALES - Wv-R--Ekins,* ' " ■' - Auctioneer.:;-- Licensed for West jVancouveri if Phone J N̂ ̂ 1338. up, at Carley's Furniture Store, West 71-Y. Carley buys furniture. The spoken word carries a warm­ ness and sincerity that no written or printed message can convey. HANDy ANN SHOP, 2442 M arine^ Notions, Hardware, Marshall-Wells Paints, KaJsomine, Putty, Tu^JS., Oils, etc. BRICK, STONE; and CEMENT WORK Tile Mantle^'and Sinks; repair work . Geo. Minkley, Phone West 557-Y, , Don't send your message by long-distance telephone. say it. TO LET -- Very nice ground boor furnished apartm ent on seafrOnt'; self-contained; open fireplace in 'liv­ ing room; two bedrooms. 2436 " Bellevue, West B22-R. NU BONE CORSETS, Surgical Belts, repair^ any niake of garmentr Mrs. MacAuiay,..West 408-R. LEGION H A LL-For- R en t-P a rtie s , Meetings, phone West 122-R, Mr. Crosby, manager. ' j ' . ' ' WANTED Bidding, clothing, boys' "j . and Men's shoes. Welfare Associ- i a tion ;-W est 69,0. GIVE^jWEBB'S w tria l' for your next ^ shoe. repaiyjj.A 2 4 ^ Marine Drive. WE BUY Junk, Rags, Bottles, .M etals,-Furniture,-Stoves jwHeaters.- Burrard Junk Co., West .91, •MASON'S' TAXI ~ Day and jmght. -^"Passengers fu lly insufed.-West 612 B. C. TELEPHONE CO. Mai0ra!fii:FaEiifB;raira:B:ra:i CLEARING, Excavating, Concrete Work of all kinds, Building and^Re- - pairs, W aterproof Concrete a speci­ alty. Estimates free. Phone Mori- son. West 690-X., : LAWN M G w m S SHARPENED - Special machine; ..Repairs,' Parts. W est Vancouver Machine. Shop, 1449 Marine. " ' 3 GARDENING, Rockwork, Walks, Lots cleared, fencing, rough .carpentry, drains, septic tanks. - H.' A .' Millan, West 151-L-2. SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best mat erial and. .workmanship at Pox's, 14th a t P e r ry ! ' ' HAVE YOU JO INED the Ferry Lend- ing L^teary 60c-monthly. 3c day. Synopsis of Land Ac! --- - raE-BBOPTlONS "^AOANT, unreserved,' surveyed Crown▼ lanrifl nlands may be pre-empted by British subject?, over 18 years of a?e. and by aliens on declaring Intention to become British subjects, conditional upon resl- . acnce, occupation and Insprovement* Full Information concerning' P re -^ p - Uons - Is given in Bulletin No. 1. Land Series. 'jHow to Pre-empt Land," copies oi which can be obtained free of' charge by . addressing the_pep_Mtment_ of Lands, vie, torla, B.C.; Bureau of Provincial Informa­ tion. Victoria, or a n y . Government Agent Records wUl be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes within reasonable distance of road, school and marketing faculties and which is not tlmberland, l.e., carrying over 5.000-board y n i LPf* * 0^ ***» Coast Range and 8:000 feel per acre w est"^ tha t R ange.' HOUSES WANTED -- Rent or For Sale -- Insurance iir ..alT branches, fire, auto, etc. Safety deporit boxes for rent. Moderate terms. ' Q. J. Archer Ltd., West 225; 1415 Marine Drive. ■ J PORTABLE VICTOR and Reconis- L'eather,covered; cost $45; sell $9.00 S>r trade. ^PHdne:West 78. FOR RENT -- A ttractive'little bung­ alow, newly decorated,, partly- furn- ished; garage. Phone West Bll-R. GORDON ROBSON,, Barrister," Solic- itor, T4^7 r M ^ n e , . mornings; 610 Hastings SL, Seypour 4199. after­ noons. ̂ ' BUILDING CONTRACTORS ~ Re­ pairs, alterations, plans and 'snecifi- cations furnished. ""We aim to sat­ isfy." Poole & Poole, 791Y5th St. • West 112-L., ' ' . WANTED TO'BUY-l-Used Furniturf, Ranges. e tc /' Hollyburn Auctioneers. Exchange,'1476 Marine Drive. vApplicatloni for pre-emptloim':are to be addressed to the Land Commissioner "oi-" the Land Recording Division in which the land applied for is situated, on printed forms obtained from tha-Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and Improvements made to value of 810 per acre, including blearing and culti­ vating a t least five acres, before a Crown Grant can be received. DRESSMAKING --' Ladies' ' Suits Children's Clothes, Boys' Pants a specialty. Mrs. Robbins, 2791 Mar- ine. West 619-R. . ' - , , P U R N IS H ^ /A N D House's^to JReh '̂ .Houses, lots, and acreage. :fdr' ?sale.': John Lawson, 17th and Marine..Phone West 56. W. H VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybum Block. . . . HEADQUARTERS Tor AU~PopnIat- Brands'of ̂ Cigarettes and Tobaccos; , also Fishing. Gadgits for local wâ . era.-Ambl^ideiTea Rooms. ^̂ IHL 21 Wants part; day work, preferably minding children.. Phone RA D IolREPA iR S ^ Tubes, etc. ,■ J . L JrP e tti^ew , TVest 145. condi­ tions of occupation are also granted. rWest 244-Y. PtmCHASB OB XSaSB Application? are re ce iv e for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland, for agricultural purposes. Minimum pries . of first-class (Mable) land Is 85 per acre, and second- (erasing) land, |a.50 per acre. Further Information Is .given in Bulletin Berlea, "Purchase and Lease of Cro-wn Lands." As a p u tia l rdteX measure, reverted land? may be acquired by purebass In ten equal Instalments, with th e first payment suspended for two years, provided' taxes are paid when due and Improvements are made during the first two years of not less than 10% of tho i^pralsed.value. ' MUl. ' factory or '^tndostrlal sites on timbet-land, not sxeesdlng-40 iteres, may bo purchased or ImuMd. the conditions including payment of stumpage. Cnsurveyrt atdas, aoO ezoeedlng' 2o acres, may he leased os liMne8i.tss, condi­ tional upon a dwelling being-erected in obtained after •re^dence and Im p ro v em ^ oondiUons are fulfilled and land has, been survived. Por grasing and Industrial purposes areas not exceeding 84$ aerea m s y U leased by one person o r n oennpa^. tm der the Grasing Act the Province Is divided Into grasing • dlstrlcU and the range administered u id e r 'grasing regula­ tions amended from, time to time to meet varying conditions. . Annual grasing per­ mits are ^ e d based on eertatn monthly rates per head of stode. Priority in g r ^ i n g . p r l v a ^ Is given to resident stock .owners. .Stock-ownera may form assocla- tlons fo r range 'm anagem ent Free or partially Irw permits avaflahls (or ssttlera. eampeia famssttn^ i p to «m . WES-T VAN. STATIONERS -2 :"Mon. Headlight Covers, com- stationery carried. Lending Library.. ' . INSTALLATIONS--EIectric Repaid convehiehce^.6iiHets installed. J. »• Paterson; Wcst.^108, MARCEL SHOiE ̂4^ Thermique Stwm Permanents*" ̂ Only best materials used. Expert. ̂ operators. Phone West 304i:;R^ylri, Bank BuUding. FUEL SU PPL IE S COAL -- W O O D S A W D U B t Mill F ir..... :.....$5.50 ,cord Inside Bush F ir ..... ..... $5.50 cord V Kindling -Wood „ • Slabs - Edgings - Alder - Maple rireplace Wood -,Heater Blocks All-Brands--Alberta and B."C. Coal -- By ton or sack-^ - SAWDUST '» . a Sawdust,, Double Screened for Furnace or- K itchen. |^ n g e . ,Bulk or sacked.,:-~ Manure - Topsoil - Rock Saifd Gravel - Dump Truck ,Work\ CHARLIE Th o m p s o n '^ ' ' 1257 Clyde V " - ' WEST 582 - Phone WESTis2 , C f l lM ^ ^ |iS ^ iH P l |r G :^ ^ Old Conn* t r y % ay'4? ;G ti^ Brick and stone' repairs,;H""Palmer, Capilano, ; larige garage, view ■ V of Ehigljshf;.Bayrnear bu» and stpwd' . West 340 or 1 H IG H ^TPR ldi^?]^^ selling;.