West Van. News (West Vancouver), 12 Nov 1936, p. 3

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- ...... -.... . w. u*-* 'SPECIAtS,; F R i p ^ t & 5 4 T u | » A Y , , ^ l ^ w . J 3 t l i '& , W t h , , v H . '■ L 0 i l l i l £ F f ! l i i t J ^ ^ 1450 Marint' l ^ ^ ! ^ $ | l i d «__ ̂ ̂ , . . ' ,*̂*'«* Ofllvfi ̂ Phone Weit HH C1lKSTNUmlilMt:i^^^^^^ iba, 2Sc^ €A U "sf^lKACH' .......... .4' Iba, 16c SUNKOT r a O M E A N 0 E S '.: .......... :..... r -.;................ ......... a-dbeen 36c im pe r ia l v a l l e y STONKIST g r a p e f r u it .......................10 for 26c OKANAGAH'McINTOSH.RBD A,PFLES .................... ....... 8 lbs, 2f6c f a n c y DBLIOIOUB-'APPLES ..... ......... *............................. 5 lbs. 26c good c o o k in g a p p l e s ................................. ......................... 12 lbs. 26c h o th o dS E O T I M ........ Zt.!!:.::....;..:..:........... ;....3 iba. 26c ̂ CARROTS and SWEDE TURNIPS................ i..................... ;...... 25 lbs. 33c b e e t s and p a r s n i p s . *̂4'*'5***'**f <î **<"**iii** ' ***** •a********* A******* li* ***<•****•» w* »iMi 20 lbs. 40c n e t t e d g e m p o t a t o e s :,....;............16 lbs. 26c; per 100 lb. suck $1.00 OKANAGAN CELERY ................................................... . each Gc and 10c SWBEIVPOTATOES ..................................................................2 lbs. Oc f r e s h BEETS and CARROTS...................... ................. :.;....G bunches 10c CAL. LETTUCE -- Firm ....i............................................................. each 6'e -^ % TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD * H e a lt h L e c tu r e o n , " C A N C E R " ' ': Prob'd' - ' ' ' . . In the ORANGE HALL On ivioNMY, NOV. 16th, a t 8 p.m. * » f ♦/ * * I ' ' 1 The pubHc.ifl' invited.. A mite box'at the door to defray expenses. Mrs. David Barbour, 76S I7 th Showw S tm t , entertained ut two tables l». Ajello, 2398 M athers of bridge last Thuiv^day after- Avenue, gave a very successful ^ w r f i r K S h T s r ^ Eager, who is on a visit here home last Thursday afternoon from Kelowna. The guests were: for the West Vancouver United Mrs* Harold Eager, Mrs. W. D. Church Christmas BaKaar. A Colvin, Mrs. Duncan 'McMillan, beautifully decorated basket sur- Mrs. J. Wilson, Mrli, Alex, mounted with a m iniature GJuy Men'/iies, Mrs. E. H. Jupp, Mrs. . Fawkes, the work of Mrs. JT. Bis- A. B. Edwards, M rs.. L. T. set, was provided for the recep- Green, Mrs. David Barbour. tion of the gifts. Mrs. A. M. * * * O'Donnell, the general convener, Mrs. j . E. Marker, 3812 West received the thirty-thiHje guests 16th Street, Vancouver,' was who attended. The g ifts were hostess a t a very enjoyable sur- displayed by Mrs. W. Blair, as- prise luncheon" last Friday in sisted by Mrs. George Baldwin, honor *of Mrs. ■ Harold Eager, Tlie committee in charge w ei^; who is a visitor here from Mrs.^N. T. Shirlaw, Mrs. J. Bis- Kelowna. The guests included: set. Mrs. E. Therrion, Mrs. W. Mrs. Harold Eager, ,Mrs. R. Blair and Mrs. Edward Scott. Froud, Mrs, H. B. Stevens, Mrs. Mrs. Hillis W right and Mrs. A. B. Edwards, Mrs. J. U. Holt, Jdhn " Lawson poured tea,, the Mrs. Gordon Gray, Mrs. J. E. serviteurs, who assisted being Marker. . ' Miss Wenonah Young and Miss j f * * Muriel Bell and members e f the . Mr. and Mrs." W. DeCou have committee, moved from 1980 Bellevue Ave­ nue into a house at 1972 Belle- BOWLING CLUB DANCE vue Avenue. . AND CARD PARTYiK * III ^ G IR L S 'A U X IL IA R Y T O BARBARIANS RUGBY C LU B ^ ' B A N - m . ijRiPAY, NOY- 1 3 thIn the >Orange Hall ' Dancipg 9 to 1 a.m. Trev. Page's Orchestra Admission 50 cents ■ A Alliste^j McKinnon and Miss Vancouver Lawn Bessie McWalter from Seattle Bowling Club will give an even- were the gR ^ts Mr. and Mrs. ^f cards and dancing a t the J. T. W att, 1595 Esquimalt Ave-., Orange Hall from -8 p.m. to nue. Mr. McKinnon is connoted i2 ;30 p.m, on Friday, November with the, Alaska Steamship. Com- 20th. A cordial invitation is ex- Pany. ^ ̂ . ............ - ♦ i,:.;-; ♦ tended to all to attend. AdmiS- rr f or sioh, 35 cciits.Mr. and Mrs. D.. Hope, 1185 ' ► , ___ :__________ Esquimalt "Avenue, have moved to Vancouver.* )i« _ * Mrs. Ross- and children -of AMBLESIDE TEA ROOMS CHANGES. HANDS For Soliil Com fort bu rn MONARCH ALBERTA SOQTLESS COAL F E R G U S O N 'STOVE - LUMP - NUT 1894. Marine Drive 8 5 :Vflneouyfr a r e X ^ ' form er's parents,, Mr. and Mrs. prietor of the i^ b le s id e T ^ j; H. Griffiths, 233 31st Street.^ ̂ \ ' H arry McGowan has decided to n u n - n.iWio re tire and is succeeded in the Bob^Cripps and (>orge ibusiness by W. H. (Bill) Smith, the well known North Vancou- tn p to the Cauboo, dun^ ^ L f v ver fishing and hunting enthusi- they travelled t a a point y Mr. M cGowan bespeaks the f&vor of the continued patron­ age of his old customers on be- Phone West were successful . in bagging a moose while away. * - * V ♦ gy; MRS: H. B. GRAV; ■: Including LOCAL VIEWS - { Framed and unframed from $2 50 , Suitable for Christmas Gifts '■ ' On display a t u ' . WEST VAN. STATIONERS ■ Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hudson, . 1972 Bellevue Avenue, have left here for North Battleford, Sas- • katchewan. ' ' ̂ --------- ,|c--->|5-T-* ' -------- y half of "Bill" who will be glad .to» offer the best service to all old and new friends. The trans­ fe r was arranged by C. J. A rcher Ltd. - ST.. STEPHEN'S A. Y. P. A. d r a m a t ic Ev e n in g in S T , .S T E P H E N 'S P A R IS IP ^ H a L L , T U E S D A Y ,,N O V . 17 th , a t ' ' '. /P ro c e e d s f o r '^ fu n ^ to r e p a i r P a r is h H a ll. _____ ' . _ Ai^mission, '25 cents _________ 8 P.M.<? Miss Kathleen Elliott of Van­ couver, has moved to Caulfeild. ♦ - S R , * - F ire '.destroyed, a la rg ^ tw o - ■«torey cabiii a t West Lake last Sunday evening. ' The building, leased by ,Edith Cavell Ski Club, was apparently unoccupied a t the time the fire started, and, MRS. MARJORIE A. GARNHAM PASSES .Mrs. Marjorie Ann Garnham, wife of Captain Stephen Garn­ ham, Dominion President of the North W est Mounted Police Vet­ erans' Associatidn, passed away m e time m e nre eiarieu, m.u, 3 f t m f 1 ^ 2 ^ M e v j S v i ' when the blaze was noticed by Bellevue Ave- S e r s from other cabins in the " " «• The deceased, who was K T ^ "VV» • X *' ' Lvi£'i Ustings'Wanted ' -V̂cV" ' W. G. Daniels, photographer, has moved across the road and ' his^tudib is now-located a t 1446 Marine Drive (next to Green­ wood's Grocery. He- will be pleased to meet his old and new , customers in his new location. D isabled V ete ran s' ASSN. (1921) -"Meets on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each inonth ' in Mr. Blower's office All Ex-Service men eligible, ; either full or associate. vicinity, was a mass of flames. -About-thirty- -hikers-. have .b_eeh using the building during the week-end excursions of the Ski Club. * ■* * V Mrs. M argaret Lockhart has returned to her home a t Sandy Cove afte r a visit to her son in. New W estminster: . . A daughter was born a t the North Vancouver General Hos­ pital--on-r-Wednesday,_the--4th born in (Quebec, was aged 74 years, an d 'fs , surViyed by«her husband, two' sons, David' and Francis in the city, and two. brothers, David and John Hoop­ er of Areola,' Saskatchewan. Funeral services were held at 1:30 p.m. on Friday in Vancou­ ver, the Rev. Dr. E. A. Henry officiating, and interm ent was made in Forest Lawn Cemetery. , -c ̂ jj*.vRr îi •*<* CSOD l#IVKI|> OIL A 16 ox. BotU* Pur« Narweglan OH for SO / *,'• A 2 it). Ixr Slxlt & C. L. Oil for 35 rcntx Aim* McHd'K. Kepler's, Ayerst's Squibb's & Horner's AinUeside-fbamacy. W. L. KER, Prop. 1401 Marino ****®»«j Drivo W est 82S FREE DELIVERY . ' S tra tto n 's BAKERY Fruit and Meat Pies, All kinds of Cookies Apple Turnovers Doughnuts Eccics Cakes Wedding Cakes d Specialty Wo make ovorything righ t on the premises, Frosh Dnily, from first clasa Ingrodionts, Note Address: 1 4 6 8 M a rin o D r iv e , P h o n o W e s t 2 7 h o lly b u rn T h ea tre THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SAT. MATINEE Novombor 12th, 18th and 14th **Tbe C ountry Beyond" (From the popular story by Oliver Curwood) , also "MILLIONS IN THE AIR" SAT. EVENING and MONDAY .November 14th and- 10th CONRAD VEIDT " The P assing of the T h ird F loor B ack " also "THE THREE LITTLE WOLVES" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY November 17th and 18th ANN SHIRLEY " CHATTERBOX" ' : also REGINALD DENNY " P rev iew M ufdeF" M ystery" "(Once only at 8:20) Giant Lumber & Sbingle Mills Ltd. ^ 1st St. & Fell Avenue ̂ Tel. N orth 1570 or W est 417-R Shingle Bolts W anted Will pay market price instant, to- Mr. and .Mrs.- Aldwyn S. Kent, 2596 Haywood Avenue. DEATH OF MRS. HELENE FERGUSON I n d e p e n d e n t RADIO REPAIRS WALLY CRAIG ■ (Over 14 years'experience) ' 2117 Argyle Avenue \ Y qu. Supply the Junk W e 'Supply the Cash. Wenbuy J u i^ , Rags, Bottles, Furniture, Metals, Stoves, Etc. 'Phone W est 91 000a n d a legitimate .aeaier-wno^^nas, icavi the\others'-?«6^^haye':been.'f^^^ ̂ Wh^KNIL^^ don't ' OWNi; a'ny=^sawdust.V. Re safe!.. Line ûp, wffh KNlLb. ^ !'ir Sawdust DeDendablc. C o a l . G o o d W ^ d - r Home Oil hueFir H o - Mrs. Helene Ferguson of F ish­ erman's Cove, died suddenly last Thursday in the Vancouver Gen­ eral Hospital, aged 40 years. The deceased is survived by her husband, William B; F erguson; a son, Alan; her/parents,'"M r. and Mrs. F ritz SicR of Vancou­ ver ; three brothers, Fred of Van­ couver, Emil G. of Seattle, and Leo W. of East Pine, Peace River; and a sister; Mrs. J. A. Blair of Vancouver. Funeral ser­ vices were held a t 2 p.m. on F ri­ day in Vancouver, the.Rev. E. D. Braden officiating,"and the re­ mains were afterwards, crem at­ ed. LIBERAL-ANNUAL-M EETING Annual Meeting of the West Vancouver Liberals will ho held in " ' PUNDARAVE HALL, TUESDAY, Nov. 17th, at 8 p.m. for the election of officers. All members are urged to be present. DONT W AIT! - ' ' ™ Take advanitage„of our Specially Reduced Prices and purchase a .. GUARANTEED USED RADIO■' It , ji ' ' " . ' , A large selection of thoroughly reconditionedjnodels to chohse from at B R O W N & M U N T O N " 1542 Marine Drive *'West 366 Members Associated Radio Technicians of B. C. .. EXPERT W atch and Clock I r e p a ir in g / - T. C H R ISTJ^SpN (formerly vdth Birks^ Ltd,, Montreal).' ' 1522 Marine ,T)rive, CONCRETE c o n t r a c t o r s Land Clearing - F irst Growth F ir Stove-Wood Dry Maple andTAldei^Fireplace' Wodcl; Excavation Work ̂ Coal Briquettes T E A R Q E & S O N , 1483 MARINE DRIVE PHONE WEST 8 4 iKliffy' ' '"f )' >*': 1 'li !:i- j, f, vs %