»*«i#i;pftW«W»WNw .1 f=i.K u|s ^ f [ ^.fli |P "!U ' [|'m 1̂ <1 1111; tI I 1 \ |.*fr. A ' * n r ' ! i'-. V - HI' |iM Is!) t ' 0 i - t'■ r̂ ' 1 W& WMf ? .w its' t ' 4 < ? - IIt n">-Sr t.t Jr- '1, m M A- 4 H i' «9s@ŝ P b « m « 'W M t ^ ' ' '• ^ R ^ ; | |^ lm lT E ' ' P h M e W M t 4 6 ' • v f - ' l " " ' ' F w d f t y " N o v * ' ■ TEA--Aunt Mury'*. ...̂ ...-M>. pkt. 8tc 11 ̂& White Brand MAIlMAtABB 4 lb* tin ........... .o.,«*;«...««.,/A*.,4Se ONTAItIO HONEY...... 2 lb. tin 25c l*OKK & BBANB................. 2 Hwa I5is- lt<id & White Brand ; JELLY EOWBEK8, Aaaorted Flarora . •* 0 tp* 25c BEE WHAT YOU BUY 80UPMIX--UntllH, Barley MACAKONI , . HAOO or TAPIOCA, Pure White Java I)KIBI> UHEEN PEAS Your Choice........ ............ 2 Iba. ,15c Packed in an nitary Cellophane ba«a i for your protection ■ ■ HHEAD FLOUn--Red & White Brand ...,24.1b. Sack....................V.............99c WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR, fi lb. Sack ........ 25c QUAKER OATS--Non-Premlum Lartfo pkt;............... 28c Red & White Brand CORN. Golden Bantam, 2a (a deliciouH aide diah) Tin .............................. 13c Red ^ White Brand SPINACH Free from ffrit, 2*/i, tin.......... 20c IMf Phone West 370 ^ SHOULDER PORK ROASIB Per lb.................................u 16c. ROUND STEAK ROASTS, r |M?r lb ......................................... 18c LOIN PORIC ROASTS, Ib. 23c ( BOILING FOWL (Milk Fed) per Ib. .......... ................. 24c ROASTING CHICKEN, Ib. 30c ; Bec^-- Pprk -- Lamb -- Vcal^ All of the very finest quality TO ODR Ai)VERTOERS, ;.,./.;R gA |ffcR S,ETC* ' iMir a d t « aiiil erg- an iza tio fia th a t , ow ing to m entbraiW IO ay and a g ^ - e ra l h o lid a y , all copy to be in c lu d e d In^ o u r issu e w T h u r s d a y , J ib v e m b e r 12thi m u s t foe In o u r h a n d s 'b y n e x t T u e s d a y noon in s tea d o f p e x t , W i^ n e sd a y noon, a s u s u a l. JEFFERIES' iU F® j«K liA TS • a x m ' l a m b COLD MEATS OP A LL_|0H 1^' j g ^ - , phone w astri,' «■ f i t '■ ■ GRANT MACNEIL TO SPEAK Red & White Brand PEAS, No. 0 (ireen und tender, 2»....... 2 tins 25c PRUNES--Svreet Santa Clara . , 2 II)H............................................ ;. 17c Red & White Brand CHILI SAUCE 12 oz. Bottle ........................... I9c L.O.L No, 2900 OBSERVES, '.ititcre.sl taken in the Loyal Pro- 11th ANNIVERSARY" tcHlant Home for Needy Child- ______ ren. Wor. Bro. J.-Ferguson, Past On Tuesday of this week, the County Master of Vancouver, of local Orange Lodgi celebrated ncialcd aa chairman. Past Grand ........... .. ....... ........ ........... Its eleventh anniversary when S eha irT hS < rW o°f ini ' ? "i "" C. G rant M acN eil.' M.P., wili be the speaker a t the Legion Hall, Monday, November 9th,. at 8 p.ni., unijer^ the auspices of the West Vancouver Unemploy ment ABSociation, subject "Un employment .and High Cost of L iving.* ' The* meeting will be open to all who are interested in the above subject." Dnscussion and ■questions.will be in order after the speaker.., The Unemployment Question; the High Cost of Living; and Public Works Programs are the burning questions facing, not •if . I: "i*| .I M.K' . (J t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'M w i n g W EST VANCOUVER LTD. _____f o r Ri5AL* SATiSFAOTI,^^^ P hone W e st 1 1 6 ■ ' Britannia and North Vancouver «Stiding V i l h e ^ X s t n l J h X Lodge.s were the guests of the gave a very interesting talk on local brethren. A short meeting .the work of the Association was held to introduce arid wel- throughout the world, come the visiting brethren,,, a- ^he singing of the National rnong whom were many Grand- Anthem arid Auld" Lang Syne Lodge oiTicers. R. W. Bro. FYank brought a very successful and Wilson, Vancouver, the jn s titu ts hjii)py meeting to a close. irig-master-, of.,11 years-ago, _re-. .. ___ - - - ... -- ceived a ro y a l welcome from all present. , . " At 9 p.m. the brethren retired from the Ibdgeroorri and as sembled in the banquet- hall, c L A S s i F i E ] c ^ ; ; ; ^ - p s ; The rat© for Clnsnifled Adrcrtlaamantji la 2 centa per word, ininiaiutn 25 cents. Except in the case of Uiose ; having. ire fu lM rV a ^ all dassl. fieds are payable strictly in advance, > • / , I - • Remember Classifieds in the West . Van News gikt Immediate results. " HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine^- BRICK, STONE and^GEMENT WORK Notions, Hardware, Marshall-Wellf ' Tilo;Mantlea,a^^ Paints, Kalsomine, Putty, Turps.-, Geo. Mmkley, .Phono West 5B7.Y. ' All members of the Unemploy ed Association are requested to attend this meeting. S H IN G L E S WELFARE ASSOCtATION The West Vancouver Welfare Association is very badly in ,where three row's of tables were.' need of supplies. This applies beautifully laid out by the mem- particularly to those articles for No ̂ 70S ^A b e a ^ u l birthdayNo. '703. A beautiful biitnaay bedding, clothing, and cake centered the speaker s , ̂ ' men's shoes Anvonetable made for the occasion by anu men s snoes. Anyone Sister Parker, Past Mistress of Ruth l^odge. A fte r ' the dinner, several toasts and a very enjoyable pro gram rounded out th e evening. boys' and men's shoes, who is willing to donate is asked to kindly phone West 690. "Why did you "break your^efi- gagement to that school teach er?" "I didn't show up-one night and she wanted me to bring a written excuse signed by my mother." ..-T he Giant Lumber and.Shingle Mills Ltd.V.lptt Street..and Fell Avenue, North Vancouver, are advertising, thfeir .cedar shingles in ,this issue. -For further par-* tioulars kindly' refer to the ad- ■ vertisement i n . a not her part of this newspaper^ GIRL 21 -- Wants part day work, : preferably, minding children. Phone West 244-Y. ___________ _______ WEST VAN. STATIONERS -- "Mon- opoly," the fascinating new game; „ $3.25; Fog Headlight Covers, com plete, 20c; Full line of stationery carried. Lending Library. ^ The toast to the Kjng was ably proposed by Wor, "Bro, Lightly and responded to by. the singing of the "National Anthem by all assembled. T h e . to a s t 'to the Loyal Orange Association was - ̂ --------- . proposed, by Wor. B ro ;\D u c k -^ Conductor: "Yoa can't take 'worth, P ast Master, arid respond- the .dog into the tra in ; you'll ed to' by Right Worshipful Bro. have to put him in the baggage A. J. Williams, Vancouver, P a s t . car." ..Grand M aster of B. C .. That to M is^H urst: "This isn't a dog; the Guests, was ably proposed this is a mammal.'-' . by Wor', Bro. V. Ferguson, Past Conductor: "Well--allright-- Master, and replied to by Wor. take him in; but he looks a lot Bro. Austin. Britannia Lodge.__like-Adog-to-me^t.------------ -̂---- ^nd Wor. Bro. Janes, North VTan- couVer L'.O.L. T840. Bro. Bryan in a very pleasing manner pro posed the toast to the Charter -Members, which in turn was re plied to "by Right Worshipful Bro, A. E . , Harrpn, a charter member of the local lodge and a . P a s t Grand Master, of British Columbia. The toast to the Ladies was givrin by Bro. J. -Waller, and responded to by Sisi Duckworth, Worthy Mistress of Ruth Lodge No. 703. " The honor of cutting the cake was given to Bro. J. Hutchison. Judge: "You are called as a witness, of the quarrel between your friend and his wife. Were yoii present a t the beginriing of the trouble?" W itness: "Yes, sir. I was the best man a t the wedding." Bro. A. Tiibor blowing out the candlps.'* * / ' , Those contributing to the pro gram -were Brosi Mudie, Jamie son, Lightly,: J. Ferguson, and Carley. Several nrominent Speak ers addressed the members, of fering ' congratulations tp . the lodge on their anniversary, and stating .they believed the reason for the lodge's success was the -Mr BU ILD IN G___ REPAIRS ALTERATIONS ROOFS STAINED 44 Etc. ■' Phone: West 78 .:REAL ESTATE For Service in buying or selling : -, f-- see *-- „ A; JB. AUSTIN & CO. LTD b" ' 833 H a s t i^ s St. West. (Ask fur .'Mr. H ill) / Telephone: ' Evenings, ^,Seymour OlSl West 574-Lf I.'--;rr-~ -....... ..... ......... * J , '•Jt' ■' : ; R ; A p i ; 0 ' Cali us for Expert Guaranteed Serviee.on any'Radio , ' "Experience Insures Satisfaction' B R O W N A 1542 Marine Drive ' ' 4 . ̂ ' -W est 386. Members Associated Radio Technicians of B. C. . Synopsis of Land Act ' .nW-BMPXION8 . - TT'̂ OANT, unresMTed, lurveyed' Crown . » lands may b« pre-empted by British subJecU over 18 years of age, and by. Intention to become British aubjeets, conditional upon resi dence, occupation and Improvement. ..* '"** , *®*®'" ***®" Pre-emp-Mons Ja given In Bunejtto, No.' 1, ..Land - Series* "How to Pre-empt Land," copies of which can be obtained free of charge by addressl^ the Department of Lands, Vic- ' ' -Hureau of. Provincial Informa•: ' non; Victoria, or anyTQdvenunent Agent. Recor<U -wlll be granted ' covering' only ' land suitable lor agricultural purposes within reasonable, distance .of road, school and marketing facilities and which is not tlmberland. l.e., carrying over 6,000 board ftcre east of the Coast Range and 8.000 feet, per acre weet of th a t Range. Applications for 'pre-Amptldns'are -to be addressed to tbe^.Land- Commissioner of the Land Recording Division; In which the land applied for la situated, on printed forms obtained from the Commissioner.' . -Pre-emptlone must be occupied for five years and impiovemente made to value of - *10 per Mte, Includlag clearing and eultl-- vatlng a t least five acre% before a Crown Orant can be received. - --Pre-emptloBs-eaxrjrliit-pert tim e condli-" tlons of eeeupatloQ ore also jgrantra. ' PDROHAttt Om iSASB Applicatlona are veimived for- purchase ^A .hnreeerved Crown lands, tlm berlaad,.. for agricultural -- Mi ni mum pidee of .first-class firable) land la is per aere. and second- . (gtaalng) land. *8.60^ per acre. , ^ r th e r InformaUon la adven In Bulletin Series, *Ttprchase and Lease of Crown Lands.** As a puidal relief meaeure. reverted lands may- bo aeanired by purchase la ten . equal instalments, w ith-the first payment - suspend^ for ^ yeari, provided taxes are paid when due and Improvements are made during the first two years- of. not . less than lo a ed the avpyalaed value. , Mill, factory or Industrial sites on -timber, land, not ezeaedlav « acres,, may purchased or teased,, the conditions Including payment od atampage. Unsurvey^ .areas, not. eseaedmg 30 ..iKvzacrea may be leased aa hom eslt^- condl- - tloaal upon a dwelling b m ig ' erected in -> the first year, tiUe halaa/obtalned> after and lmprovem«i conditions are ^i^llled and land hiui bcaa anrvqred. w r grMlng and ̂ fadOBtrlal purposes areas not exceeding 810 actea may lie leased'-by ooe person e r a OMmuuv* - ' ' 4 .^5 '*$'̂ Hi® ®***tag oAet.'tha;Province Is-- divided Into graalag- districts' and -the -range administered under' gnumig regula tions amended firom m w to .tim e 'to meet varying, emdltlona. awmi»i, per-. mits ,are based e« certain monthly rates per head of s to d t ' Prtmrlty In g riS - ing prlvltegea Is gtvea to resident stock. . owners. Stoek-ownere may form assocla- ' ' *'®!SS J® L." ®«® m a itti^ a ra t. Ptee or partially frM m ^ u ovallabla to r aettters. _ ._«ampets and ttavelteai^ Rp ta «na haiUL- Oils, etc. FOR SALE -- Truck, ready to go to work. Only $12& cash. West 627.; FOR SALE -- Large load good c ^ 4 wood, special, $2.60 per cord. West 627._____________ ^ FOR SALE -- Beethoven Piano, ciwt $400; Krohler Bed Chesterfield Suite *; like new, cost $266; cheap for cash- ; . 187 17th Street.----------- - _4ry BE WISE --- Replace your cooking^ utensils ' with spotless, staintess / • steelware, they laist a lifetime. healthiest.utensils to use. See .o'Ur , window. Crawley & Barker, Haird- ware,"______ . . ' - FOR QUICK SALE -- Malldable range and oil burner, complete' $26, or will sell separately.,'West'449-L.. TO LET -- Very V nice ground floor ' furnished apartm ent on. seafront; self-contained; ppen^fireplace-in-liv ing room Y 'tw obedroom s! ̂ 2436 ' Bellevue. W est 522-R. ' ^ - BARGAIN - BARGAIN * BARGAIN Brand New Stucco' Home on .'jcb^ice ^..-60-ft. view lot. ̂Very b?st location. Your dream horiie_vath;ultealn(i'o^^ features; Cove4 ceiling in ' living Toomf hardwood ' floors;' fireplace; bright roomy kitchen witlr^ileisink; ! tile floor, in. Jbathrooiri; i Pembroke !, bath; ' showerr'two good .'bedrooms; latest"'type fiirnace. ■ Owner; built this house for own use,' See this a t . once. $3,500 value reduced to $2,500 - a : E. AUSTLN & CQ., LTD.' 833 W. Hastings' St!,'4'. •Sey. 9131 . r Mr. Hill," evenings ________ West 98-L-2 AUCTION S A L E S ^ ~ ^ C £ i^ in s , Auctioneer -- .. Incensed . fo r "'[West Vancouver. Phone Northv 1338.'-, WHITE ELECTRIC Rotary Sewing M achine,' exchange for . Electric ... S w e e p e t . N U 'B O N 'E 'tjb ^ sS /S u rg ic a l Belts repairs.nRy make of garment. Mrs, JMfacAulay;. West 408-R. •u . WANTED ,--r Bedding,', clothing, hoys' ■ and Men's, shoe^.' Welfare Associ- . <- atiori.., W est..6 9 0 !-. j . ,FGR SALE';'-- 8-Piece oak dining ; roofti suite. 'Go6d'"cbndition. West 66 f o u n d . Near Street, boy's, football boots; Apply 1406 Lawson ' ' Avenue4'^'4'4"K4"'>"-;: " ^ PORTABLE VICrrQR and Records- Leather, covered;^ cost, $45; sell $9.00 - , or-tradd?;*Pjtohe W est 78. GIVE WKBB'S , a 'tr ia l for your neiJ , shoe repaira.?, 2463 Marine' Drive. ^ d night ' ; Passengers fully4insured. West 512 LAWN- MOWERS/SHARPENED - Special. iriachiner"'Repairs, Parts. , West/VancotiverjMachine Shop, 1449 Marine. , ' - LEGION HALL--For .Rent--Parties, Meetings, phone West /i22-R, Mr. " Crosby, manager. WE BUY -- Junk, Rags, ̂Bottles, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Heaters. Burrard Junk Co.. West 91. CLEARING, l^cavatirig, Concrete Work of all kinds, Building and,Re pairs, W aterproof Concrete'.a>specii.. , alty. Estimates free.- Phone, Mbri- soh. West 590-X., ' - ■ . I'-C " - SH()E REPAIRS, ~ Get the Best mat erial and, 'workmanship at Pox's, ■ 14th~at>Ferry,. HAVE YOU JOINED the Ferry Lend- ing L ibrary Y46pc4m6nthly, 3c day. (5()RDON ROBSON, ..Barrister, Solic itor, • 1447 Marine, mornings; 510 Hastings'St.V-Seymour 4199. after- noons.-- ; -/'V. __________ WANTED T p BUY~Used Furniture, Ranges,. ete. 4 Hollyburn'Auctioneers Exchange, i476iMarine Drive. FURNISHED-!AND UNFURNISHED Houses to R ent.'. Houses, lots, and acreage f o r '-'8816.4 ' John Lawson, t7th. and* M®j'ine,4Phohe West 55. h e a d q u a r t e r s ; for AH Popular Brands ̂ of D igafettes and Tobaccos; also Fishing?. Gadgits for local wat-, ers. 1 Amhleside ,Tea;Rooms. ItADIO REPAIRS. Aerials, Tubes, etc. J . L. Petjbigrew, W est 145, GAllDENJNG, Rockwork, Walks, Lots INSTALLATiON^ Repairs, cleared, fencing, rough 'carpentry, convenience, outlets installed. J. H. IWl C!Cl /I".'.. 11 -- ' drains, septic' tanks. > H.' A?" Millan, West 151-L-2, : h o u s e s WANTED -- ̂ Rent-or Iter - ~ Insurance.in .all*.branches, nre, auto, etc. Safety deposit Iboxes ,^or rent'. . Moderate -terras^ J . 'Archer Ltd., West 225; 1415 Marine Drive. / Paterson, Weat. lOSi MAl^EL/SHOE^^^hermiqne Steam . P e rm an e tttb i;% p n ^ ^ m ateria ls uted; 4-Expei^;4, operators. Phone W est. 304;* Royal ?Bahk Building. . CHIMNEY S W B # IN 6 - try way.v/pphranfeed. FQR RENTAttractive, little hnhg- ' Northa lo w . TlPwlv 4-1., , '■ '___^ Attractive,.,__ _alow, newly decorated, partly, furn- ished; garage; Phone W est'Sll-R . BUILDING CONTRACTORS ^ ife- pairs, alterations, .plans and specifl- cations furnished; "We aim to .sa t- w & n i t ^ Ladies^^-Siiits, Children.s .Clothes,' Boys" Pants a -2791'Mar-me. West 619-R.' ^rioprart^^^ 4, Hollyburri Blocki 4v4 4;A ,4 : ' . Old Coun- Brick and Gapilano,: FO.R - SALÊ ^̂ bungalow ̂on large lot fair in :g^den,4garage, view of English Ba^,'-near' bria and stores, quick sale ^1,700 cash. West 340 or HIGHiSST PjRICES PAID for Bottles, sacks, :raks,',^urniturei" stoves, ete. North 431. kinds of H Van ^ p r o p e r t y WANTED:-£ all OAI^^^^" ■ _e- , * . rroundino-H* ̂ OO,n __ , __________ _ .iiBleasant sur- cash for;sm airw hteitffont,bh® ?^^ Boxpact ivf Ti, . 46^Weste'Van.-Newg."- ■ V-4V '•.xr "C S'* fc* J*. , ' r.' -V * ' ' r .