THE WEST VAN NEWS Wfft .FR IpA Y & SATUROAYr Nov. 6th & 7th . : i l J | . l | | i lS & ^ m *2u n M m x w t G u .......... i..ib. 2or *' 'TsssSJwnfaehT'ik;'̂ SP"̂ * |ibii» jSIks >»OAS0AO8! *••*<«>••■■•••••>»•<••*'>'**»>••«Jlb* Sks sUNKIST-JiyiC#]^^ .. ..*»,.k.,.itî #iw;„.«/A.».,.,».,»»...»M....M.S'doi6©ti SS« S0NK|ST< O B A IO T lpif 9 for 2Sc I good COOKINO APPDBS................... *..'.......... IE Iba. Elfc; per box 76c FANOY o m o i o m . AJPFLES ..................;*...;....*............. ...;,„.6 lbs. EBc EARLY ROSE POTATOES, Good Goobers......................... ....16 lbs. E5c 6c end ̂ lOc, PARSNIPS j»nd SWEDE TURNIPS .... ............ ;..5 lbs. 10c SWEET P O T ^ E S .......,:............... ....... ........................./............2 lbs. 9c OAL. SPINACH ...........................;............. :„.:.... ;....;.......... 4 Ibs. 16c BRUSSELS SPROUTS............................... :...,.................................. 2 lbs. 16c L E E K S , 4 2 bunches 6c& ap mrnmmW#: L o c a l a n d P e r s o n a l H ot W a te r B o tn e t M M WSIPH «t>w ««r>!iww Mrs, John-W elch and «mall daughter Shirley» returned to *l1ie tt half^hourlbr e e r d c e ithroiiglM H it ' lurtiiee 69c, 6L25 $1.50 and $2.00 ■ 7 ^ ■fVIW-rCO: TO tH B-'C aiT -■■".■ y iiV O A 't i i u a D iio ^ n r i 'R Y r < i•TE ftW U ' ii" ' H>• 'i I \ "H , fil ;,r ¥ ' ff, ,\ /!■] ,.t, ' > e Experienced Operator Modern Equipment Finest, Materials - \ Very Reasonable Charges fi jf 'S*'- ' I'u I *>n ""'~l' r̂fJ'Ggffrge S. 'A^aciionaid ) ' ,1̂ u,w*» ̂ «/krt ' Rby:al Bank Bldg., W est Vancpuvcrf^ Phone W est 446 d f B r . a n d ld r« .-O h a a . iP ir le y ^ t h e la s t a t ' l l j 3 C F .% * ' T h v f l |» t H o lly w o o d P C a H to r n ia . * ' ' l m t ' fr o n t th e c i t y d p c ic 'w p .o ® ■ "Mrs.'"' Or*^Br* 8hamian;*^Mm. '*• thape'A t'^inidni|^lf»^B |ii^*iJt^t Tom Turner, Mrs. Butt, Mrs. E. all boats. « . ' L. Howdle and two daughters, * *' * , Miss Caseyi and Mrs. M. Phillips Porty-two members enipHed and daughter have all returned in the provincial m rea tio n a l. to their homes here afte r having classes in Inglewood School dur- becn away on the Vimy Pilgrim- ing the la tter p a rt of October age. ^ according to the departm ent s * .! * ',♦ figures. W. J , MdKenna has moved Into . * * *.. . ̂ ' a house a t ^ 4 8 Marine Drive. Dr. and „Mrs. E. Therrieh ent- ♦ * ertained a large num ber of their Mrs. F. M. Switzer has moved friends in their suite, 16th and ihto a house a t .841 15th Street. Marine Drive, on Monday even- ♦ ♦ * , , . ingin honor of Dr.,G. P. Amyot. , Mr. and :Mrs. W. R.: Rathie Assisting the hostess w ^ and family have moved into a J. Bisset and Mrs. C. J. Broder- JbnUeside„liiiriiitCf W. L. KER. Prop. 1401 Mtrlno Plioao} Drift Wilt, I I I FREE DEUVBRY .. house a t 1576 Argyle Avenue. ick. Stratton's BAKERY Fruit and Meat Pies, All kinds of Cookies ' Apple Turnovers Doughnuts Bccles CakM Wedding Cokes , a Specltlty Wo make' everything rig^t on the premises, Fresh Daily, from first class ingredients. '■iJU Note Address: 1 4 6 8 M a r in e D r iv e , P h o n e W e s t 2 7 sti Mrs.t J.,U. H^lt, 17th and Mar ine Drive, has returned from a trip, to the Interior. Monday Morning was thefirst touch of Winter (The Safe Anti-Don't be, caught by a, freeze-up. Put ^RESTONE - Freeze) in your car ~ Nowl In atock'Always a t BILL GROUT, Rrop; TH E SHELL STATION WEST 2681 Hi ̂ \(n We hayelalso.WEiED TROPICAIRE,and HA DEES HOT WATER HEAT- ■ ERS a t all'prices to fit your car. , , ' ' W hat Better "Combination? - r - PRESTONB W keep your car comfortable, and a HOT WAITER HEATER to keep you and your passengers- . /.iComfortable, . 4 Reeve Leyland was presented with a life membership a t the annual banquet of the Royal Life _ Saving-Society held last Friday on the Esplanade,,Vancouver. , ,, ♦ e ' e ■ Mr. and Mrs. Smith, 26th and 'King's Avenue, have mbyed to, Vancouver. - „ * ♦ * . R. Bryan of Vancouver lias purchased the Grantham house i,*4' " * . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacV.ean have returned from their honey moon and are .occupying a house a t 2282 Haywood Avenue. • ; , ' 4 ,* •?** * . H ■ .M r. and Mrs. G. Tocher of -Trail,-B.C.^.'-have ■ moved into a , house on .Marine Drive a t Sher m an.' '4 - ♦ ♦ ♦ ■ . 14th,and Marine Drive \"Vife cariT-a' ; IiLouf Cafe Section F IN E HOME .CppKED MEALS, SHORT ORDERS, ' AFTERNOON TEAS, aiid; AFTEETH BATRE SNACKS. L et us m^ke your Christmas CakeS^and Wedding Cakes. F irst c la ss - ^ ■decbr¥tdr at>ouFserV iW ^N o>^der too small.^ Quality our motto,,- ' 'T r v our Sunday Dinners. Parties catered for. -- mmm Miss M arguerite Wilcox, 8285 Marine Drive, gave a fifteen- " minute piano recital last Sunday - over. S tation XfKFCi. ;, 4-/ < , Ki W. Savory 1 4 4 3 M a r in e D r iv e : A m h l e s i d e P h o n e W e s t *340 ^ C E v e n in g ^ . W e s t 1 4 3 ;BIdes»4iW heelv^ight A quiet wedding was solemn nized Wednesday, October 28th, a t the home of the bride's sister, " Dr. and Mra. Ghas. Farley of Hollywood, California,, , when The, table was tastefully decor ".ated. During the afternoon Mrs. w "S 'n a . i , r h t o Skerton gave a very .fine read- Beatrice Alice, fourth daughter selections were rendered by Mrs. Lashbrook,of'Mr. and Mrs: H. Wheelwright of M arin e ^Dnive; Capilaho, be came the bride of Mr. Earl Eldess,' son of Mr. ^and Mrs. E. Eldess^also of Hollywood. Mrs! John Welch of Gordon Avenue, also attended her sister. C O U N C IL N O T E S Leslie^ Richmond " wrote the C ouhcfi^i; ̂ e ss} 4 ^^ ^ D.L. i p l . The Council reg ret ted th a t no funds-were available a t the present time with,, which to undertake th is work, ' Alioe, L .. .S innett. wrote the council re- bVushing, etc.; on Ot- tawa Avenue betwen 24th and Hallowe*en,passed very quietly I^5th-Streets.' The matter, was in W est Vancouver. A number referred to the chairman of the , of young-revellers were out hav- Board of Works anddhe Eiigin- -ing a happy time but no damage her with power to act. of-any account was done. The ' Chief-of Police expressed his ap- ' The m atter of a stree t light a t '.pfeoiation of the orderly manner 25th and Ottawa Avenue was' r in which the younger generation placed on the light file..the same . conducted -themselves^ Saturday applying to street lights a t the 'fe rry w h arf and the 'hbrner.'p f * .♦ * ' T5th and, Haywood Avenue. The Council acciepted the offer b f . A. G. Hawkes to purchase Lots 1 or 2, Block 2, D.L. XQ89, S.E .i^ fo/$146.75 subject to'the usual term s governing the sale of »tax sale lands and to there" b.eing» -̂no obligation for public expenditure. . , The: offer of Fae Harden to purchase-Lof 17, Block S.W.i/4, D.L. 1050 for 1^210:60 was also accepted b y 'th e :,Council on the same terms-.' - \ 7'^i^venmg. . A .very happy .and pleasant afternoon ,was spent a t the home o f Mrs. D. Willingtoh, 1331 Clyde Ayenue last Thursday week in honor of Mrs. Stanley Davey, 2754 Mathers-^ Avenue, -who is leaving West , Vancouver to re side in the city. She has lived here for the last eighteen years. Holiyburo Thieatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SAT. MATINEE. November Bth, 0th nnd 7th i DICKY MOORE TOM KEENE " Timothy's Quest" also A big program of short aubjocts SAT. EVENING and MONDAY November 7th and 0th KAY FRANCIS ..IA N HUNTER " WHITE ANGEL " (A story of Florence Nightingale) - also . "CHANGING OF THE GUARD" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY November 10th. and 11th JAMES GLEASON '"Murder on the Bridal Path" (Once only a t 8:20) - ' also "BPLENDOR" Special Matinee W-ednesday • , SHIRLEY TEMPLE «X he Poor L ittle R ich G irl " Mrs. A. Cole,\Mfs. Martin, Mrs.- Huggins-and Mrs., Davey. M r s . T h e council f dealt with th e Huggins presented Mrs. Davey Engineer's reports as follows': with a beautiful handbag as a 1. Shearer's application, Oct', token of esteem. -Mrsv Norman 3rd. Drainage oh D"L. 430, Block C(^e and .Mrs. L. Morrow as- ' 39, Lot 1. s i l ^ in serving. Those present Referred to the" chairman ,of were Mrs.. Holden, Mrs. Loucks,- the Board o f Works and the Erig- Mrs. N. Gibson,'* Mrs. Martin, ineer with power to ̂ t . Mrs. Lashbrook^fMrs. Low, Mrs, 2. Miss ,A. D. Colife and^-Mrs. Davey^ Mrs...Bob'Morrow,'^Mrs. Violet Poisson,-Oct. 7th. Shack L! Morrow, Mrs; NT. Cole, Mrs. West Park Lane between 29,46- ' ' ' - . - - and 2994. Referred to the Clefk ~ to obtain fu ifher details %oni the .Building Inspector; ' " 3. Union Oil Co. Ltd. Applioa. ; tion, Sept. 26th. Garage a t 15th and Marine Drive. No. action, ';■> 1--- i The m atter of widening the - 0» iE. S. ' The Sewing Circle of Naomi C hapter No. 26,' O.E.S., met a t the home of Mrs. George Clarke, - 2 ^ ^ ^ r e e t , last Tuesday after- inof™ ^ . A. Cole, Mrs. A;; Skerton, Mrs. The council ordered supplied the additional equipment requir ed for the F irs t Aid station on Hollyburn Ridge, the same not to exceed $15. 4 The 'Council authorized the - Engineer to proceed with the 'subdivision < pla nof D.L. 237, '"Block 2, Lot B. - : Attention, W est Vancouver! F O R S T ' S NORTH SH O R E SALES - SERVICE 66 Lonsdale Avga ̂ ' North 625 1476 Marine Drive, Ambieside tiaiRiiganTOiM̂ ^ Beatty, Mrs. Ware, Mrs. H. Ware and Mrs. Willihgton. HOLLYBURNHALL L E T ' S D E Y ou Supply t|ie Junk ~ We Supply the Cash. -We l>uy Juific,' Rags, Bottles, F|?rniture, Metals, Stoves, Etc. , v.i-_4West4YancbuVer^ - f a H E E P a n d 0̂0 a aegtturiat&.Ndealert w no/nas reserve tbe others-who'rlmve^been" fooling around with ¥n^ /saw dust. .4Be;safe! I^ne up with KNILL. D ependabI,© ;,C oaI,G ood Wood dqn!.tcP'VW,;-any--, sawdust. .4Be;s^e! F ir S a w d u s tD e p e n d a b le Goe f u e l OSJx .T .'J . I-*-- Home Oil Fuels NORTH 9 4 The Young people's Service illustrated with* Jan tern views - north we8t corner-of 29th S tree t will be held as usual at.7:30 p.m. a.nd Marine Drive was le ft by tomorrow (Friday) in Hollyburn ^the Council -with the chairman Hall, when th e speaker, Andy ;of the Board of Works' and the Hogg, will take as his, subject Engineer with power to act. 44 "Some Old Time Heroes;" There will be Sunday School'ahd Young . People's-Bible d t o a t TO a.m. next Sunday. A t th e 7 :30 p.m. service next Sunday a Gospel ad dress will be given. Tuesday a t 8 p.m. prayer Bnd'Bible study, subject "The ^Epistle to the Ephesians." " ' * , ' - -4 CEDAR SHINGLES -' . No. 1--$2.50 per M. No. 2--$1.50 per M. GIANT LUMBER & SHINGLE MILLS LTD. 1st St. & Fell Avenue Tel. N orth 1570; Mrs. McKinnon of Radcliffe Avenue, has moved to ^the city for the winter months. CONCRETE CONTRACTORS JLand Clearing - F irs t Growth F ir StovesWood Dry Maple and Alder F ir^ Ia c e TEAROE & Excavation Work . . - - - . - Coal. Id. - Briquettes ' 1483 MARINE DRIVE > PHONE WEST B 4 W atch and - Clock BEPitinUlilG T. CHRISTF^SON 4 (formerly w ith 'B irks Ltd., Montreal) - 1522 Marine Drive -,*1 "'J- f 5* V> \ t ̂ ti-i ^ 'V-2\ ' ' V' . * LEGION W. A. P O P P Y T E A , ' - '■ SATURDAY,NOVEMBER 7th ' ̂ in the L eg lw HaU, 2:30 te 5 p.m. Musical Program. ' Tea: 25 cents, including Teacup Reading■j' . , \ ' ̂A' 4 ' 4 ' ' * i -rf» ' ' s / ' Si. ̂ V ̂ V / < h'-t * "f X ' > -J 'i 'I 1 ih 'inT 1 'I ( ' f.Fl ' M4- d I I'