West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Nov 1936, p. 4

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'MfxA-J'- ■ triM 1# Ĉi» Vfp iMK -.. V=. ,W» V -,*. fc V 7<- ■» , wU»»<J. . ~. 1 '̂ j1 , ■' * 'ro im sw o M K N ra mim n̂laŷ .vn«̂f f- .# I'I '1 • U ; I i - I i,i S ,i» 1 if 1 \ M) I m ! ♦' I :* t̂ * ill i(i f f* r h i ) oil ■ 0., p i i I •jirf * rf ' t 1 't -7 l.i ■;l" m f f <'i ft I » inii# if«|fi|lii* ̂tt#etl3B|f_ -fli© n e ^ ' "BufikMB lj l i0 0 & k C iiM p t t i^ Crwlld" will Ins* licM 'In tlws Y W N O n if tE T .O^NCE POPULAR - r ;i The Dutu:an Lawson Chapter, -L 0 J> .R rh i^ h e ir .Y < M in g « r^ . 0Ance lasjt fWday in the Holiy- bum F& viii(^ when a large " m w t ,?̂L>k.,i|n>fi.,| oyable evening was spent. Sine * Shepherd's orchestra, with Jim B arker a s m aster of ceremonies, iiif J»y- ' * . j ' o'ciock7'when't)te Airanifemento were com pleM will be Newton F. PuUen, Pub- -r<n^'Nie«tArmJatiee"I>«.y-Seiwieb»^-lic]tv'^ManaKer'oi'^r^r'Y ^ ' a t the Memorial Arch November , phone Co., and Preaident o f th e n t h a t 10,'30 8,m. Six m em tera ^V ancouver Gyro Club, subject, volunleeM to help the Leripn '"•'Here and There In " ' -------- S - f J i a ' J ' v M . o , " ' " dote being November p h .J 1 « « , Health Talks sp o n so r^ by the „ , , „ Dr-nafima * in o 7<l guest speakers were Mrs, S h a r - Guild was jgiven in the Orange B U lbuIN G PERSIITS *30,973 man and Miss Clara Wilson. jjal| on Monday evening by Dr. , _ Mrs. Sharman gave a very ,^0. P. Amyot of the Metropolitan , ^ to ® 'P a l Hall last month vivid description o f her visit to »Health Board, before a very ap- iSfi* x* • H®*"?" *̂*** * ^ 1*" the Vimy Memorial and the preciative audience. Will «p«*k in the Uigim. iiaU on SUBJECT:- .Da.n,pIoym..t EVEHyBODTf W BW ME. ' ...ni...m.̂.̂...,,.,.,,,-..,ss...i.„r..emu.me».,.,„ASV.,>--- -YYMtei !?m Hiip aaî iSyijlsta x*j A ' ^̂ ^̂ssssssâ I a n n o u n c e m e n tiMMl ■s' j i ' 1*̂ ' . .f„ . -p Ceremony of Unveiling, Miss Wilson delivered a very Diagrams were shown of^the ileaith Services a t both of Met- ?563; intw esting amount of he"r, t r i j . ropolitan Health A r ^ in G rrat- asgg^ 'i g" Vê |2 "Iterations,1 i»r VnriffiiiVPt* whlf»h bnd' JviiriA vODO, i. Siore, x̂:,OUV.around the world. A hearty vote h'er Vancouver* which had come-.-a-wa. t SmIf* K/ikfnri' /\»i' AT/\« fi=i Fvi Koi* l a f A IU»of thanks was accorded both speakers for their very delight­ ful talks. jf LEGION NOTES All Ex-Service Men . Members of the local branch of the Canadian Legion, and all ex-Service men are requested to fall in a t 10:30 a.m., outside the Legion Hall, for the annual church parade commemorating the usual Armistiee^observance, which will beJmId in St. Steph­ en's Church a t 11 a.m., Sunday, November 8th. Those ex-Service men unat­ tached or otherwise, are invited to join the parade enroute, should they desire to do so. F urther please remember also the "M emoriar Service" a t the Cenotaph, Wednesday, Novem­ ber 11th, "Remembrance Day," The usual parade will fall in on th a t day a t -the Legion Hall, 10:20 a.m. F urther details of .same elsewhere in this issue. "Next general m eeting ,of^ the local branch Friday, November 6th. „ Into beim? on November 1st ^m sjB an increase of $13,385 Administration with variety iigui^s for the'previoug of se^iices a t $17,585, Heslth office "Dr J W McIntosh $16,148 mo;re than the total was a ls re x n lS ^ ^ ^ D r l S for Oct<H>er of the previous year, amounted to $14,825. the whole area was included in _______ _ _____ th e .scheme to ignore boundaries TO OUR READERS and establish a Lower Mainland . , , . . Health Area whereby extra ser- Any householder not receiving vice.s with a competent staff a Paper on any and would bring life to - a higher each TJiursdajr evening, is re- C L E A N E R S a n d D Y E R S - Take pleasure g r a n d ' O P E N l N ^ f. . • , >-.l * -'*'1 ' , V of our New Cash and Carry Agency^at Grigor*§ 'Dry G oo^ ' / 'nbxttosaj^waysto, .Ml0,M#rlooPri?e s e n s a t i o n a l l o w p r i c e d : ' , -I . '" ' 'h'l J .. fi,.../ Ladles' or Men's Suits Cloth or Silk Dresses M ^ Fur Trimmed Coats M | l l i 1 Men's Overcoats f l l i ^ Thoroughly Dry C lean ed ^ ^ ^ and Pressed PANTS ..*77; 'tV »■ « j ̂ ' M; « 'I ŜWEATERS i SKIRTS , ' BLOUSES . , . . Thoroughly, aeaned and Pressed ' standard of efficiency. ' ̂ "* haAt present four Health Units 863, in order tha t the omis would function, with detach- sion may be c o v e te d . We shall menls in some such as Univer- esteem any such phone as a fay- sity Area arid Richmond D is tr ic t . "> "® tt-irour.only way.of check- constituted so th a t a certain '̂ P PP PPf deliveries. Our number - of peiople comprise an P?ys have stric t instructions to area with the idea of spreading Pmee a paper on the verandah the cost. It was intended th a t oi every house on their routes. Q U IC K S E R V IC E - . GIVE US A TRIAL 'V \/>\ G o d D w 6 r k F r e e OPENING SPECIA L With every order of one dollar or over, ,we will Thoroughly Dry Clean and JPress ; any child's garment FREE of charge. F re e North and West Vancouver com­ bine to form a u n it.' Forty-two per cent of the total population of B.C. lived within .these areas and, he stated, th a t preventative work would develop healthy people. F. FRANCIS LOVEGROVE The next lecture of the series ENGLISH RUGBY . The Barbarians last Saturday had no regular leaime fixture . but played an exhibition game with the Varsity IV on I^w er Brockton. The Varsity team was much the lighter of the two but despite the fact th a t the game lacked much of the pep of a league engagement it helped to - keep the Barbarians in shape for .. the league games to be resumed th is Saturday. Tries were scored * by T. Robson (2), Chappel and J. Robson, but were unconverted and Ian Richards registered a neat penalty drop goal from 35 yards out. Result, Barbarians 15; Varsity IV, 0, In the Vancouver Welfare game played under the lights at Athletic Park last Thursday n ight between Varsity and Van­ couver Rep., Captain Tom Rob­ son o f the Barbarians, had the honor of playing Tor the Reps and accoi*ding to the press wa.s outstanding. Next Saturday the Barbarians play North Shore Seconds on Lower Brockton a t 2 p.m. and meet Ne\v Westminstei* - at Queen's Park on November 11th for their annual Armistice Dav game. The kick off of th e latter game is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. when it is expected th a t the team will be a t full strength. * will be given by Dr, C. W. Prowd on "Cancer," on November 16th. r* The Book Club m"et at the home of the convener, Miss Bar- ,,row, on Thursday, October 22nd, .when reviews were given by - Mrs. Dundas on_»"Marco Mil- ' lions," Mrs. E. Therrien on "House Divided," Mrs. T. Bar- row on "House of Exile." A second consignment of mag- azines has been sent to th e^ea - ■ man's Institute. A Bridge and Whist is being arranged for Saturday evening, November 14th, to be held a t the home of Mrs. A. E. Young, 14th and King's Avenue. DEATH OF R. G. PARKES Reginald G. Parkes, Gordon Avenue, suffered a stroke in his home on Wednesday of last week from- which he failed to rally, passing aw ay the following day in the N orth Vancouver General Hospital. The deceased, who had been in poor health for some time, was in his fifty-first year. Funeral services were held a t 2 p.ra.» Tuesday in North Vancou­ ver, the Rev. Hillis W right offici­ ating,, and i n i ^ e n t was made iiL'Capilano <\^w Cemetery. V M E E T T H E B E T T E R L I G H T M l S W m^i bisabled Veterans' -7.- 'A' «: ASSN. (1921) 7«feets on 2nd and 4tli-Tuesdays each month , ̂ in Mr. Blower's office Jackson; Miss Mary Morgan . ' Mas May Timbers, and. Miss Doris Hacking, are experts.ii, . . All Ex-Service men eligible, ' either full or associate: ^ the making of lighting surveys. Included b their equipment is the newest of sci t̂ific instruments, a " Sight Meter." so sensitive that It measures light as sim̂ y and accurately, as a thermometer measures heat; - Their experience js at your disposal absolutely free. -They" - -- ' have n̂ hmg to sell, and their service olaccs voti «inrl..r West Vancouver Municipal Ferries don. Their solê duty is to give expert advice ; service places yoû under no oblioa- Call at the West Vancouver showroom or phone WestdhI '■ « «la<ily Half Hourly Service an appointment for you. w i: b/f :f"' leave AMBLESIDE -- 6 a.m. and;;eyery Half-hour till 11:30 . ̂ " ' tf:'; fIfA Leave C ITY-- .̂6:30 a.m. and every Half-hour till 12 midnighL ' • ' Buses meet all 3bats, ' ' ' . < W-1 '/i ' ■>- .4 V V', Hx fe- |C RAILWAY L'C K~mii Jr .'T "jr.. ,1* y SSS'y; '"'Vf "'-5,04 J u. r