m Nov I 'K'T" "' Y J im /PN G EN EIR HEWS %*' I Mv"siidi ----• __ -- family o f CabHr^skatchewan, have m ove^.ii^w |ito© »t'2Srd AN NEWS|||||g|||"""""'" E n c a ^ e n t' •*"'""IZ3L*^" ""'^'" '■ : , r. ' wTafTw . ,i';s!p^"^!*" ® ** " ** '* ,. old^t 4aui;ht£Bf Mr.-and Mrs! a meeting /November 12th,'in the veatry ot . F r e d e r ic k G e o r g e M u rra y ! C r a w fo r d . 1 4 th a n d H a y W o o d th e U n ite d C h u rc h , c o m e r M w ; m Ibs A a h b y i w h o h a s b e e n o n h T th e m p h y s ic a l a n d m o r a l d is - t h f staff o f o n l o f t h e S u n d a y c lp lln e , a s p ir i t o f co n fid en ce ..wa» a «*a. «».*« *,***.» - ,«ê ee*a- ̂ ̂ ̂ fliwrsSay iftem 1^0-obJect a tbe Caiiadian P 'J rwr*!*!* A A- au «n to Mr. Frederick George Murray, urawiora, *w i »uu a»»/wwm Mihtfa .is not to , prusstamze son of Mr. and.Mrs. W. G. Mur- Avenue. A full attendance of me and 21st Avenue, at 2:15 'oii^«jnen^-but->ratlier^to4ii8tit-^rayr*oMlB8i^B^vue-Avenue,«*^-^fiiemberi4a*ref|iieited» • k ^ a l u . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . -If ' .i » i 1 ̂ , , ' ' ' i« W,II'!'M.1II«IJ.̂ J!., imwi|fiSiissiSftf . ..;-;r;-,-*ipte-,,T_a= ■; ■' o f t ^ ^ t h . K e l d : ( > . , R .C .E j, w ffh ' . a n d 'M r s j iH . F a l lo w s a n d lU - o f f ic e r , jw s o ta n e l o f h ig h ly]Vlr jUllMi *ir'eBWWVVT P 1***\* - ■•r-nirmtef-wi'v* 'M'-a. Ji, fa m ily o f S w i f t C u r r e n t , a r e o c - q u a lified c iv i l a n d n d l i t e r y e n g B s s i* s s *' f""T ' ja^ tsass'a r & s a 1 . :■ . la iB flw M N r M ItB in a ln l--'tiZ jLf %! ' % wkia jiA A Mjt..M S Ad">"Xj»ki Am jn'iiaMt 1 'ku'̂Vi. Via% Jm'Mr. and Mrs. Emfest Pwlxidge object the :w rult completes his of Sherman, have'returried'ftom ' three y ^ r 'hitch a better man „ short motoh'tripjouth, going all^und, , . by way of Bremerton and Se- The winter training schedule attle as far as Sgpkane. now in. swing includes .a special complete course in Diesel and B o b C r ip p ^ a h d .G e o r g e C u r r y , a u to m o t iv e m e c t o n i ^ t o t r a in are aw aH n the'ICarlbM a od W e r s , conducted'by Capt: hunting trip. ' T. H; Jermyn; R.C.E., and Ljeut. r. I J. aW. Inglts, R.C.E., the latter Mr. and Mrs. David .Young of being Well-known as head^ the Seattle, spent a few~-days last Vancouver Technical , School week at the Guest Cottage, Sher- " e«*anics department, and one man " . . . . .. of the bcst automotive engineers '» . » in Western Canada, Any 're- Mrs. Harfin of Sandy Cove, cruit can by conscientious app̂ ^ has returned'from Qhesnel, B. cation-qualify to this valuable C., where she , attended the recent -Wedding of her daughter, 9^̂ ^̂ Peggy, to^T."M<>braaten. « ; ̂ j Pfl̂ riicipatmg in all r > * * kinds of indoor spUrts, including Miss Sybil Chapman and Miss At- Josie\X%iand left on'Friday to indoor rifle range for sharp- visit friends in San Francii^o fn im*n mimf and Long.Beach„ California.- b e S h s ^ S 18 fears and -MnlWiid Mrs.-W.-Noble,-who--- ° ,'l^ iii®i s ̂ . t ̂ .J CA N iU BlA N H ll '̂•'S M V V , * •V M o v e to th e ir *< r ,Wi , \ 11 w, ,1, * * 1 i S V- fe,. yc * M A I U N E 1 'i;: H ere.w iU lie fou n d a ll th e Famed -lVir*̂ OTlQ' iVirS* ̂ VV-F•'-iiUUltJj 'WUU ^'iVvVifn QVAYV4 î 'tUhave returned from;their honey- Tuesday nights 8.0(Kp.m., Dr «v4,-4n-." i--4" 'Da-wI-invŵ ' ' Viavo nail* .mpori in Poi^lahd, Oregon, have moved into a house at 17th and Bellevue Avenue. , _____ Mrsl Lloyd and her daughter, , With the first half of the sea- Uooo' Foooo -a- P I N G P O N G L E A G U E ■ M i r j i i l K r e "W fol? A t e r w ^ 'l e " » & d oS in to " r f ^ K m s are as ̂ 0,1:..,the, Old Country. ̂ . p ^ T. Pts . Uoooj r t E S . . . . B U N S . . . . S C O N E S . . . . I,. ; W h ich h a v e m adii W in d o w Balceries th e largest bakers o f these: foods in B ritish Colum bia. ••■• -M* vri -iV-.ii'-jh.w,? of all .breeds-at tne^on;n-van: ' 1 - 0 1 0 0 couyer Kennel ,Club Dog Show, , canadiens - 1 ■ 0 1 0 0 which will take place at 8 :p.m.. . .' .. . on^Satuirday of this w ^k recreational- class will Army and Navy Hall, North / j^^et as usual, on Friday in the Vancouver, / - . ̂ . a --------------------------- --- r. TREDIT BRANCH - . A ll are made with the finest Ihgredients, skilfully mixed, splendidly haked AND SOLD SOCIAL CREDIT BRANPH- FORMED HERE » V ̂ f ^ *' ̂ 3 V ' J , -1 j 1--A -cv.:' High School Auditorium , at the, same hour. Ŝ£S- 4 4-X.'" , I ' _ 'U-' A -fr»* A m ating was held last Fri day evening at Hunter^s Coffee Shop, -^ 23 Marine Drive, at which was formed a West Van couver Branch of the B. C), Social Credit League. -The election of officers resulted as , follows :̂' president,. A., Harvey Smith; vice president, Mrs. E. A. Wheel er; secretary, H. B. /Stevens; treasurer, H . Botterill; execu tive, I the officersw ith» P. ■ L. ̂ W hiffihai'M ^ S i'% /- 'r.f '^he~ next .meeting will take place at 8 .p:m: tomorrow (FrL day), a t: fiuhteri^ Coffee Shop;., when the speaker of the evening, will be H. Torrey of Vancouver. COAL -- WOOD -- ̂SAWDUST Inside Mill Fir.;.......... $5.50 cord ' fnside Bush F ir............$5.50 cord Fir Bark ................... ..$4.60 cord Kindling Wood Slabs - Edgings--A lder - Maple Fireplace Wood - Heater Blocks COAL All Brands--'Alberta and B. C. Coal -- By ton or sack SAWDUST No. 1 F ir Sawdust, Double Screened for Furnace or Kitchen , Range. Bulk or sacked. Manure - Topsoil - Roclc- Sand Gravel - Dump Truck Work CHANGE OF B U S S C H E D U L E ' CHARLIE THOMPSON 1257 Clyde WEST 582 - Phone - WEST 582 V - V.' ' ■ :> ' ia.ETWEEN './^^ ■ N orth V an cou ver, W est V ancouver, C aulfelld, H orseshoe B ay EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 5th, 1936 WESTBOUND WEEKDAY SERVICE ,.................. .. . WSa ■' ' ' > . AM. AM AM. A.M. P.M. P.M, P.M, P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. MID, X,,. North y „ .o .v „ : s J:IS S:JS .S;5S }?;SS {l:?S t:?2 : . i}:52 | » ; „*:« ,?:•« ?:?» li;U Ar. HorBcehoe Bay ............. , ....... ....... ' . . . WSa: Wednesdaya and Saturday# ONLY ' e a s t b o u n d w e e k d a y s e r v ic e• ' ' . .'WSa A.M: A,M. A,M. A.M, P.M.. P.M. P.M Lv. Horseshoe-Bay .......... ' J-JJ. g':^ ' XO.06 loB 2.40 8.40 TJo T io 7.40 10*16 ll.lB Ar. " v iU u v er / ̂ ■ ITo 8.60 I S 1.86 llO 4.10 6.80 6.^0 8.10 10.46 11.46 WSa: Wednesdays and Saturdays ONLY , i P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. . .7*80 • ̂ ̂ V 'i-"W'M' : 1451 Bellevue Ave. , VANCOUVER, B.C. H. HARPER w e s t b o u n d ; ^ A.M. A.M. Lv. North Vancouver 9.20 11.20 'Ambleslde ................. »*80 SUNDAY SERVICE fP .M . P.M . P.M . P.M . M ID, 2.20 6.20 9.50 10.60 12.00 2.80 *6.80 10.00 11.00 12,10- 2.46 6,45 10.16 11.16 12.26 » . M JtA AÂ 'W EASTBOUND A.M.-* A,M. P.M. ■ "P.M. il: S a 'r |r i 1 | Jl?AmblesJde ................. 8*68 < JO-fS 1.28 4.68 Ar. North Vancouver ----- 9.10 11.10 1,86 6.10 P.M. 7.80 7.40 7,688.10 P.M. P.M. 10.16 11.16; 10V80 11.80 10.46 11.46 . '\ n- See ofir'-aisplaf o f Photographs in the w indow o f N ■9 * • /ft i MW-- ---- ---- ---- 11 ^ NOTE * All trips. Westbound and Eastbound, ^ u te vi^ W est Vancouver Ferry Dock. P A C I F I C S T A G E L I N E S PHoiies: W est 12, /- Sey. 7131 i i i l t t S <nf V <** I ' V 5 ii'tMt 'i , ' ' \v r> "l: V A , t K' * ..________ ..... .*./' j ,. ", _Ilj '14' ■'.4 " , V -X .4 4 f 3,. i " ̂ ,v- >