.̂............... __________ ̂ --..X.- .. .. i f >} t if -̂ {{) ' - - . Mf̂ '" '>- •- .fi' i : i - i , ' 4i- 4'. < i i m>mni»i WTBSRP W-JU0 VMiittUi ̂ l l i l i ajBOL, fsW fUBi." , 'BttMMJf SdbSttt'SliS*Stols*'C&IWl 10 ~ " TAN NKWS i a m ; StraDftrt A t̂tlfaBWl WtldittMî ■ ■■)'-■■" .Wl' "P" P'j: ,-flW j!P'WFiAW. (,■ " ̂ Miiiliter'*" " ' ,1 ^ . pu>. .■te. -«• V« fc.̂«5Rl!i. -SW-W <,Ĥ ŜV-«f« Sttnuliiy iteifirlci* ** )i44ff?|' ̂ ff#i I I » .m A 7;00 p M ^ ^ m u s b lm • S#ittei« * ■' A . iiiiiurt;i(Lirî itt(ii«to<"iiU* Whether you require u new perm- unent, finger wave or marcel, the foundation la your haircut. To uHHuro Bucceas have your hair Mtyled and shaped at the.. , '«.*■ |i^ G w e n d o l y n ' s ' ' B e a u t y S h o p p e Creotors of Exclusive Permanents. 1646 Marine Drive West 117 HOLLYB0RN BALL 14th and Duchess ^ X-- FUIDAY EVENING, Nov. 6th, at 7i80 4- Young People's Service illuBtrotcd by lantern vlew». . Subject; ,i "Seven Old Time Her<^" Speaker; j[ MK. ANDY HOGG' >t' SUNDAY, Nov. 8th, at 10 a.m. Sunday School add < Young People's Bible Class " SUNDAY EVENING at 7t80 GOSPEL ADDRESS. . TUESDAY, Nov. 10th at 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Subject; ' 'f "The ••Epistle to the Ephesidns" v w ia ip v A N C o iiO T ■ ClŜ tisn Scieaee EDIW E rotli nni? Bsqalmiat. HoMylmrii ' l K Mother ChurcT The X ^ t Church of Christ, //r,^r.ai»«st, in BMton, - * .̂ «'4«H*»M>chttsetti Sundbjr Service; 11:80 a.m. Sunday, November 8th, Subject: «APAM AND FALLEN MAN" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8;l0 p.m. The* public is cordlaUy in vited to attend our services and meetings. Include a 'Clovelle' S u ( s a i* l® S R ^ '^ e 5 » 'iKtln' Dress ■ '■■'"Eyour w i r d r o t e z - l W e ^ ^ '; ' .sleek and regal. : .-Wlaif-CoaMiWffi ?1M" la ,Sh«t„ SperlSlisine ia Special Orders. . ■■ and Satm Backed Crep„. " " Ciearlnir*"26' Dresses....... 41«' *■ Clearliy^"̂ .'0 ,a ,n Blouses.. | i ,5 GWEN'S GOWNMBiSMfeHOPPE 1780 Marine Drive . . ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. N. J-. Corley, Pastbf Phone West 640 DR. G. D. H. SBAL!^ D.D.S., L.D.S. OENTiST .Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr;\k Office Hours 9 to Ap.m. ̂ Evenings by appointment. Phone West T2 UNITED CHURCH 21st & Esquim alt Ave. Rev. Hillis Wright, Minister Sunday Masses Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon--10:16 • a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7:15 p.m. 2 S S [ I i' B ■' '1 ■>)-< ̂ *1- j ̂ ĵ i*n im" » ?p »Sf ^It will soon OLD C O U N T R Y P A R c k s %* * , i ̂ »j 1 4 ,A#a ̂ J ̂ ̂ ** if We now have on jdisplay a fu l l ,assortm ent of Christmas Wrappings, Seals, and C a rd i DENIiirISO^^'S DENOTES QUALITY! Come and see for yourselves I ' A Suggestion:-- SAY.AT WITH BOOKS-this year Order early and avoid the-rush t . We can.sujjply your wants at city prices; so giv'̂ e us th e chance! ' I ̂ \ t t' ' > ' I * * * • ., f 168d MARINE (Next to. Royal Bank) C>" ' ̂ i H » 11> '■ WEST 687 Services Sunday a t 11:15 a.m "I X f c l , - S u n d a y a t 10;^ "•™- "Veek-day Services CHURCHES OF CHlilST, SCIENTIST ,.. ■ ' EBtubliBhed on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) Dr. Willard; Brewing of St. w Andrew's-Wesley, will be the guest speaker a t the anniversary Benediction, supper next Monday, the 9th, at (i:30 D.m. in the Church hall. Confessions from It A son -Was' born at the North Vancouver^ General Hospital on .Monday, October 26th, to Mr HARRON BROS. LTD. f u r i e r a i 9 i m t a r s North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 AiTangements for th is ■ event' were m^de at the meeting on Tuesday. The general conveners will be: Mrs. R. MaoVean, Mrs. W. Partridge and Mrs. J. H. Moncrieff. A vvreath will,be con tributed a t the memorial service on Armistice Day. The date set for the annual Christmas bazaar' was Tuesday, December 1st. Announcement was made of i t ADAM AND f a l l e n MAN" :and; Mrs. '-J. D, Donovan, 15th will be the subject of the Lesson- and Lawson Avenue. . Sermom in all Churches'* of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday., ' The* Golden T ext' is : ' . "They • which are the children of the ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH - Itef. F-A.~Ramsey--------- Nov. 8t;h, 1936 -- Trinity 22. 3 :00 a.m .^H oly Communion. 11:15 a.m.--̂ Matins and Sermon. 7:16 p.m.--Evensong^and Ser- ' "m o n .i flesh, these are not the children of God." (Romans 9: 8), ; . - "Among the 'citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the B ib le ;. "And God saw every thing th a t He had made, and, behold, it was very .goodj" (Genesis 1: 31): •The* Lesson - Sermonjalso in- ; eludes the following ivpassage^ •t'H 'i>\,i*»C 'lb I i -- N j O t l C E ! iDinUed VatHtni' Atsn. (Will Will meet .Sunday, Nov. 8th, at . 6;4jB p.m. •__1 21st:and>JMarine Drive . .-AH are;r6guested to attend. Ms E d. BLACK WjEST ' 8 COAL - WOOD DUMPWORK SLABS $ 4 .0 0 cord 2 cords $7.50. H I G G I N B O T H A M Remembrance Day, 9 ;30 a.m. Announcement was maae 01II- Holy Communion. lustrated lecture on "Spain--the Tuesday^ 2:30 p.m.--St. Steph- Christian Science tex t-/ Land of Romance, Religion and en's W. A. business meeting. Science and Health with Revolt" by Rev A. Roddan, oh s t . Prancis-in-the-Woods, Scriptures by Mary Friday, 20th. ;At the close of the Caulfeild meeting-tea was served by Mrs. Sunday,. 9,:45 a.m.--Matins and J. Harte, Mrs. W. Herrin, and Sermon Mrs. G. Hay, assisted by Mrs. _ . * J. T. Watt and Mrs. A. Beamish; . ____________ Senior Young People's Society BAPTIST CHURCH' ' will meet following the evening M in io + ^ v . w t service next Sunday. The ad- Minister, Rev. W. L. McKay dress will be given by Charles '•w 4TJ.ci.xjr Baker, Eddy: "Everything good' . or worthy, God madeAvWhate^ep' " is -valueless or baneful,'He d id '\ not ' make,--hence its: unreality.' '< In the Science of Genesis we read that- He. saw -everything which He had made^J^nd, be- • hold, it was very-good'.̂ S. m RB()DES 1562"Marine^ Drive Barbering 'for '..l6entlemen, - ' Ladies and' Children. n 4 '- hci rrii^dHpenclen t t*Ĵ i RADIO REPAIRS WALLY CRAIG--#-r--1------------- 1.:̂ (Over 14'years' experience) '21171Argyl€ Avenue Optician 10,30 a.m. to 4 Wednesdayn 1622 Marine Drive V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E A. C. SEA RLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of AU Kinds Wood/Coal, Builders' Supplies vv111 u c ^ i v e i l , li, Baldwin, his subject: "Eighteen - pastor will speak Sunday _ Years After." All young people- on' "The Need of the Optometrist will be welcomed. Hour," and in the evening • Next Sunday and Monday will' continue the series bn the be a red letter day in West Van- Apostles of Our Lord, speaking couver Unit United Church, as on "John: f.The Bosom Friend of on that occasion the members Josus." The choir will lead in the an-d "friends will gather to cele- song, brate the 18th anniversary of Young People's Society Union in West Vancouver. will meet on .Monday a t 8 o'clock. Special services will mark the IJ?® devotional will be taken by"̂ event on Sunday. . Miss Doris Lashbrook. The In the morning th^, Rev. A. M. speaker of the evening will be Sanford, M.A., D.B^,. Professor MacIntyre, secretary of Hebrew in the Union College, T,,* Temperance League. ' Point Grey, will be the speaker. ̂ " interested, in .the. subject of In the evening the-congrega- temperance are cordiafeinvited. tion will gather in a-Remem- ihidweek . re e lin g for brance Service, when the speak- praise will be held on er for. the occasion will be the Wednesday a t 8 o'clock. Rev. E. A. Henry, D.D. ' '--------- -- Members aiid friends of the j, have moved HOLLYBDRN DRESSMAKERS & CLEANERS WE CALL AN6 d e l iv e r . . - ' Phone 583 REASONABLE PRICES. SATISFACTION-.GUARANTEED , M IS S D . H .H O R IE , 1 8 9 0 4 4 A R iN E D R IV E *• EYES EXAMINED CUSSES FITTED --J.' W E S T V A N . B U I L D H I S ' S U P P L Y West 560 .• . '2153 Marine D r i v e W e s t Vancouver' I fKIOKS, LIME, SAND, GRAVEL , a .g ^ h l e , v i t p i p e , h e a r t h x a E S WOOD LATH, PLASTER and CEME.NT CALIFORNIA STUCCO? ' a' Disabled Veterans' Association . 2322 Inglewood Avenue, will be the guests of the congre- \ a ® ^ ^nuse a t 29th and Mathers gation on this occasion. Avenue. . . Special music is being prepar- FOR L td . . d e p k k b a b l b -LAUBrnRY îSERyiCE DAVE .^ D E I^ p N , West Vancouver; Representative Phones West 691-T. nii l i i n THE ed by_the choir. . A cordial invitation is extend ed to all members and friends toWpKt V/lft .attend'these services."r r A11 V an i \ ezvs Pn Monday night the Women's Published Every Thuredsy ' , Association are serving, a ban-. --- WLat which;the PuM tahn S E - f e w m g . p .D .,^ m in is t e r o f -P. F. LOVEGROVE ' will vv--.Nits - -S.be tjie giKgt'speaker,-^ ̂ Phone West 363 " Dr Bre'̂ iing wiB, he assisted ^ ^ ̂ -e ' V* I W "rh^'V l^'1% C l .« ' _____■•le ^ (Next to Rollybuxn P.0,) Phone West 363 MallAddw..; P.O.Box01,B5dlybiir«»,RC. North yanconVer OBlcoi 123 Lonsdale Avo. .Drop m for an afternoon 11.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year O nce m -m -m' V - p ' . , . . ^ ^ ^ y U U / l r f n . e again we invite YOU ALL to spina;*tront r j L i : fr >--a CHRISTMAS m oney ̂ -m jX^est* Vancouver