jh* »i » f w U if u Ul I *1'. s' n rs !ii i'f k" Iv . . ̂ . ̂ ■̂■■■■■■'....fc---t-____ _- .̂.-.B.,...- -iBfu... ..hlfW.. li... „̂„..̂ ,.̂ ,̂„.?r...-t!ft.5... ..i,-«, ....... . y ...■' .f:. ... ■' ||||iiiwwwfii»ii^^ «« rttir. f l io it© W m i i M „̂ .mS « » *fl. WHITE P h o n e W M tM ' I?' !"-> *4, )' tft l(Ĵ » •- A-.̂' !,?.|»3#tAllB PHIZES Friday and S a M » y - May 29fli and 30tli . l® ora ted Float -- 1st, «-Viiiiisouvar-- Boy. S o o t i t o , " Beat Beisorated Auto -- let, ikBi 2nd, E McTag- DOLE'S PINEAPPLE JU IC J^ri A KnfrtnliiiijH' Drink......... .Iriii ||< BUnVVB CHEESE, 1 lb. akL.^^.l<« SEQUOIA ftlPE OLIVESI. f 5 o*. Iln ...........................-- . lie l»* fitt... ........ ia« Medium Slne -̂ ' . NEILSON'S CHOCOLATE IIOSE* IIUDS--A real treat...,,.. lb. ISe CINGEU SNAPS....;......... 6 doMii 14c Packed in Sanitary Cellophane Bags QUICK QUAKER OATS. Ige. pkg. 16c Hed̂ dii White Brand POHK Sc BEllNS IB ot. t in ....................... 8 Tina 25c With Pork an4 Tomato Sauce p«. Delieioua Hot or Cold. STUAWIIBHRY JAM-Columbla 4 lb. tin ................................ 48e Red & White Brand ySLLY POWDERS......6 pkta. 26c Mnkea Full Flavored Jflffy Deaserta. * **""2 t*n* 21clender, Golden Kemela. MAPLE SYRUP-16 oz. bottle.... 22c Direct from Quebec. SALMON-B. C. White Spring, tin 5c Extra Quality and Flavor. M eata "; ' Phone West 37(1 Best Decorated Bicycle -- 1st, Jack McDonald; 2nd, Ruth Me- Best Decorated Scooter--1st, Eleanor Wyckoff. Best Decorated Wagon --- 1st, f»ARTICULARS OF WINNERS OF MAY DAY SPORTS nr ^ . (Continued from Page 1)76 YurdK -- Girin 12 and 18'{ 1.--Idrano U*e; 2--Pat Miller.' 100 Yafdw -- Boya 14 and 16j, 1,--Sidney Breeden; 2,*;--Judeoii ArmHtrong. , ' 100 Yards -- Girls 14 and 16;. . 1. Beatrice Spanks; 2.--Audrey liurkhart. Father & Son -- 100 Yards eacK: '- I.--Councllldr Fldilos & John; ...1. K. Breeden & Sidney. Mother & Daughter -- 60. Yards okh: 1.--Mrs. Sangstor & Hazel; ' 2.--Mr.s. Breeden & Violet. 100 Yards, Married Men's Race ■-- 1.--Bill Davje; 2.--Hugh Brown. 60 Yards -- Ladies 21 and over; It--Mlfjs May Crlpps'r 2.~Mfs'.'D: Tayrorr-------------- Ladies' Nail Driving Contest -- ' 1.--Mrs. A. MacAuldy; 2,--Mrs. J. Airusworth. II ' wcol JL#tn!.Orrtl<;U ■ VV«KVli *oi,, DAISY LOAF per Ib..,...... --.... 28c Peter Britten* 2nd Chas. Bree- FLETCHEK'S SPICED BAKED den; ^ ^ DoS ho* h a m ls p ^ i l i :™ : ™ "' t e s t o o u p l e - 1st. W. GAINER'S WEINERS, per lb. ... 22c Rny and K. Baocaah; 2nd, D. Mc- NORTirSTAR VEAL LOAF, Ib, 23c IntOsh & G;'B6squet. I'URE PORK SAUSAGE, lb. .... 20c Original Costumes--1st, Dor- iiEEF SAUSAGE, per Ib."....;....14c Lemon; 2nd, Josephine Cos- FRASER VALLEY COTTAGE CHEESEfi per Ib.....................16c Best Drc,s8eti Boy -- 1st, BEEF -- PORK -- LAMB -- VEAL Stanley Wilson. The Very Finest Quality _ Best DrCssed Girl--1st, Diana , ~ Jackson; 2nd, Kathleen Ley. RICE KRlSFIES-j^Kellogg's Character Costume - 1st, II i ĵ5 wM*r ........Sheila Costello; 2nd, AlmaRejd & White TBA-Orange Pekoe Chisholm. . . Children .with Floral Display ___ V'"'"'- •'Vr-v ' ■' * " 4 Bcwis'l 'Govern BBEV ""vW' ■ COLO MEATS OF A ^ ^ 1 Store at HollySiuS^'-hclcia^^ PHONE WEST a #*T t " \ : . ' { » u j i h l N G ;;;::M |g ||R lA L s W EST V A N C O 0 ) d E R ? i i ] S ^ i | a , -KOtt REAL"8ATISFXoTlok|^ Phone West 115 IIM lIa fin e Drh '1st, Avis Hoclgsop; 2nd, Kath- ^leen Oollinson. Special Prizes -- Jack At- Water, B ert Jordan, David Wil son. ■ C L A S S lf lfD ,'" ^ ® The rate for Classified AdTCdrilaementa'ia 2 c^tp pCrV.word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of .ihiMie having' rekulkr la'ccouats. all clsMi. fieds.are payable strictly in , Remember Classifieds in the West Van Newa/get Immediate result^ LEGION W. A. WANTED - Highest Prices for .FOKHAIlsililwiik^ Biversible B.bj. bottles, .sacks, metal, stoves, .turn ; Carrtagej;gbqa>ondition. Cor. lElh ture, etc. Phone North 431. . apd MatndrsiV. ' \ The monthly meeting of the Legion W. A., West Vancouver LOST - Curly Black Collie puppy/ FOR SAL1.1-1B^|,' Stoves, Jam Jara. brown paws, 5 raos., Keets Landing, Phone STS-L/ . v ■ ' Finder please phone West 270-L-l, - y; ,' !", "i ' *' ~i . . '■..-....................... ................... ....... MAY _DAY_ SNAPS LOST -- Stetson hat at May : Day; Ball, yVest 694-X. . ■ DisWTdw'iNr,ViwT"'» -- "--------------- - REGISTERED LIGHT SUSSEX binl -AngoUca;--i-Joe'fl-new-speedstor7ls------"Gosh!~I w ish~rd 'know n a- and laying hens for sale. Apply, Hunterfs ■ C6ffee;Shopi ^ ̂ The May D<ay Committee find ,,„,Trn tt # • i. ̂ a ^em selves'short ofsnaps of the ■ " 'J « p S ? o t r d T o f d ";? a t t^ '^ ! May ^ Day celebr|itipn , and -ara4e-entrance, also garage. -West ;,,T,irTr-- ----------------------- --- therefore,.'would be grateful i f __ 967_______ _̂__________ ■ ■ , ,^GET tOUR^HAIR CUT at Lew's - r any who took snaps would either ww im v a« ,41, -f v i u* u ' w ^yerington's, 1406 Marine Irinrllir i«4. iTc., 4-T« 4. WE,BUY--Anything of Value; high-. West 135. v-kindly let them have the temp- es^prices paid for bottles, sacks. -----------" bout the paper. Betty; Yes;.you ought to see it Izzy: 'Tm thinking of becom Play dead on a Umely road." jng / debt collector What do temp- est prices p'aid fk* 'bottles;'sacks. ~ \ : / -̂---------------- ^ th ink y ^ h c idea ̂ ^ rags, furniture, metals;* etc. Just' CHIMNEY* SWEEPING -- Rod or ei»e give them copies ot .the phone; West 91 and we wiil call. pairs; painting,' Phond G. Mibldrum -- T ̂ fi V4UW V Mxawwva V \A>«. i* JilUCl |JlCap« pilVIiC VVUOU iJ | v-JU-'X« ' ........ _ '■*" I ̂ Branch, will take place a t 2:30 « a i » Z ' -au 11 FURNITUBlE Ê OR SALE -- Spaipr« 1 , fiext Monday in the Legion cas^ orTme ■ «t°-. Phoned West d20-Y. Xiaii, • I j,_______TD oi ' •- " r-" , ................- i| v. "n' N ? 3 " ° I h O S T Wiita- 'F** Terrier; li,Ml Van News.------------' .......... -- -- brown ears; answers to f'Pal." bit.1 ense, 3671;2;,-Phone,' West-496-Y-.- * i-' M' ¥ 111IrTlIl- « ■; j.;Ti* - J | / fa] ■Si f i ' i S t 'i Bcautyi is ôjily skin deep, /That must be why some girls adopt the slogan; "Save the Surface and you save all." Moe: "It's a good idea. All you need is practice. You lend snaps themselves. J T i f ■ "My papa's a mounted police-on me for nothing, iVi'ah ** oai/i T>n4- 4-., u;,. . le; V Burrard Junk Co.,. Vancouver, A.' Horen, 533 Main Street. 725-44th<S,tr:East;-'Nbiri;h"VahcouV̂ i evenings. ' A n Ideal Shopping L ist to r th e W eek End Friday and Saturday M ay 2 9 th and 3 0 th PEACHES; Golden Aroma, Sliced, 2Vj '8..„ tin23c PEARS, Ayjmer BnrtTotf 2aqut ................... tin 15c GRAPEFRUIT-Polk'.s, . - ■ oz............................ tin 23c CORN--Aylmer, Whole Kernel to Ml oz......... ................... tin J'Oc Green beans , Royal City Cut, No. 2 ..................... tin 10c Gold '̂ eal iiEimiNG, tin 9c SALMON, CloverleSf Fancy Pink;.......... .,.,tall tin 10c BAKING POWDER, : Empress, 12 oz.................... i4c m an /', said ' little P at to his -mother's visitor." ̂ ------- " 'Ts that tieiter than being a foot policeman ?" she asked. " 'Course it is," replied Pat.* "If ^there's any trouble he can get away quicker." FOR SALE -- 1926 Essex Coach, good condition; Ambleside "Service, 1503 ^■-Marine Drive. ̂ ' MASON'S TAXI -- Day and Night. Passengers fully insured. West 612 Wanti^gen-EXPERIENCED GIRL eral or housekeeping.positioM. West 392-L. T*'First Class Rowboats, 1^%- feetUong.. J, Normand, 1455 Esqmmalt. West„179-f Tramp: "Madam, have you sim h^ thing ̂ in the hoiise_as-a medic^ almanac? I'd like to bor- WANTED Persian . 375-X-3. -- Good home for black cat, male. Phone West LAWN MOWERS " SHARPENED - Special' m achine;. Repairs, Parts, West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 M a r i n p . ' T- ■' row it." Farmer's Wife: "W hat for?" "I wants to see wot the doctors recommend for an empty feelin'. in the stummiok." LOST :-- On Marine Drive between ---T_wenty-third-and~Twenty-fifth, silk- purse containing money. Reward. M. .Hacket, 2328 Bellevue Avenue. SHOE REPAIRS'--' Get the best mat- " " Fd?'s,14th at Perry,; FOR SALE -- Pure bred wyre-haired •puppies., Excellent stock.'. Phone West 627-X. WANTED uiifurnisw^ ie famished and one ^bom - cottage near ■ * " ir West 148 A . ̂ PICNIC SUGGESTIONS 4 . PRINCE'S FISH SPREADS K i t e I J t ib K t" T o T O ™ 150 ......M- •i-® f ' f ^ HAPPVVALE HCKLES';.......MUSTARD, French's, 6 OZ. btl. 9c 9 oz. bottle PAPER NAPKINS- S w ^ itX orsioTTMTste^ Milady^........................pkg. 8(^„,.WAX PAPERw 15 sheets........3c A peppery-old gentleman who' had had a light meal in a cafe^ glanced at his bill, which read-- Omelete, 25c; .tea, 10c -- total d5c" "Take that back," he said to the waiter, "and tell the propri- etor to write omelette with tw;ot S* ,y nvM - EXPERIENCED COOk; G i^R A L --For summer home,, West Bay; -- one child ;-sleep in7- West-ri82,----- GORDONr Barrister, Solic- Ror,-'1447 ;VM^hie,' mornings; 510 . Hastings St.,'/Se^Mour 4199. after̂ ~" noons.~ ̂ - FERRY LENDING LIBRARY-- At Bus and Perry stop. Always a good selection of books. '* SALE LOTS -- Inquiries in-rited Prices and plans available hefe for g u r inspectionr' C. J. Archer Ltd^ fu r n ish ed AND ̂ UNFURNISHED ' Houses to Rent. 'Houses, lots, and acreage for ,'sale. John Lawson, 17th and Marine/Phone West 66. Right, sir," ;said the waiter, A few minutes later the bill Was MARCEL SHOP -- Thermiqiie Steam H^DQUARTERS for All Popular , rpik^fettef an̂ ^ : ®I,§9'Fishing Gadgits for local wat- ers. ■ AmblesideTTaa Rooms. MAYONNAISE, Hbst Foods 16 oz. ...... 36c; 8 oz......,„ 19c BISCUITS--Red Arrow Cream Crackers,* 1 lb. pkg.... I7c Honey Grahamp, 1 lb. Cello 19c Ginger Snaps, 6 dozen Me . Educator Crax Butter Wafera CHEF4SE--Mild Ontario, lb... 19'c ' Matjui^d Cheese lb... 29c' FLOUR--̂ OgiIvies'Royal Household 7 Ib. 25c; 24 lbs, 85c; 49 lbs. $1.65 KETCHUP. Heinz, . 8 oz. bottle............. 2 bottles 25c C H IU SAUCE or CHUTNEY H e in z ........... .............'.bottle 23c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, Smith Florida ............ ..... tin 10c TOMATO JUICE, Libby's - 14% oz. ...,.v,...„.„,.„„....,2-tlns 15c CORNED BEEP--Helmet No. 1 tin .................................... lOc " Gandy-- ' ; . . Licorice, Allsorts, Ib.48c Orange Slices ................lb. I7c Nellsons Rose Buds..........lb; 29c ' Wrigley's Gum ...... 4 pkgs. 15c COFFEE--Sundale....... 1 lb. S3c ' ' ;_^,Sunrise..... .........Ib, 29c ROMAN^EAL or LISHUG " ' Pkg."i.r;.T.r:::.".;:.T.:..::.:"r,7.rr" 29c TRU JEL JELLY POWDERS . 4 pkgs, 23c BRAID'S BLUE LABEL TEA * *9, ' ... 39c CALIFORNIA TRUNEk r ... : .,lb. > Sc LARD, Shamrock 2 lbs, 27c RED PITTED CHERRIES---̂ Aylmer 2 tins 25c (Limit 4) ^ CLASSIC qLBANBER.:.....tin 5c (Limit 8)' ' ■ ^ I back.- * It read--"Ome- " 25o; two .teas, 20c--total45( V (breaking the news of brothers arrival): "George has. come to stay a few days. Poor ooy siookingWery-seedy.';̂ Husband: "See^dy,"-is he?-Wellrr he is n t goings, to planjfc himself here!*' ' ' ' 'S 'fALKAXidNS-HMWc BejiS., _W ert 304.- Royal Bant Build4^ ' ' ^ SMALL FURNISHED COTTA'GE ~ ^ ^ -------- - • Modern, on Waterfront; May and FKlNTINGr --; For all kinds of - A«ne. Phone West 350-x. I ' F nntihg / phone * West Van NU BONE.CORSETIERE, Mrs. Mac- f^€Ws; -West 363,__________ WesT408-R. ;̂ ®̂*' Fhone NAVIGABLE wiTERS" PROTEC-- RADIO REPAIRS, ARIAts; TUBES,. _ Me, J. L. Pettigrew, West 145, Dun- ' darave P.O. M m LTlPNiACT ;'>r;k.slG.'irl^^ 140 l \ riv r.K .™ «, ~ --------. GIVEN of GIVE WEBB S-B-triaUfoi* your next filing o f 'Jilans-for the laying of a _sho6 repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. Submarine\^Telephone Cable across CHIMNEY SWFFPTTsrr ' ni.i ' Ghn^lothe "Channel (Howe try wav Sound) f^om a point a t the foot of an SJne r^ 'n a S p i w r -Pathiat: Gairow Bay in the North 8I 1S " ^ JJanicipaUtyt|6f /W e s t' Vancouver on ----- -- :-- -- . ..*:_____ _ the MainIand,/tO'/ i 'point at the West HANDY ANN SHOP; 2442 Marine-- ^^ajg.;9 ^y®/FowenJsIandJn ^ . _ IN OUR MODERN MÊ LT MARKETS V VEAL; LOAF, S l i c y ....... lb. 20c JELLIED TID BITS, Sliced, lb. 23c ; VnAin iC o,.SPICED HAM. Hormel, L^^WOpD^LOAF, Sliced, lb. 29c Sliced .............................. lb. 39c |RIB BQIUNG ̂ BEEF, lean/lb. 5c P - I G : G L Y W ; ) ; G G / L ' Y 2148 West 41st Ave.- 2909 W. Broadway 1681 Marine Drive. '_24M 8025 S. GranvUle -- 1346 S. Mf^ne '(Marpble) CARD OF THANKS The Committee of the 2nd West Vancouver Boy Scouts Group wish to express appreciation to, the many friends of,Boy Seputs who in various -ways .assisted -inN putting over the _l , J, {■"V;' ■ . 41. scanting", idea through the medium of "the float'display in the Empire Day parade. We wish to thank narticulajrly those not in gie Scout grouii,including Mrs. a l w,. IJOinting the mottos; ^*,^;,.r^am aSrfor, painting sighs; - t^apt. Viiwe^and the council for use of tlm 'bds sheds;'W est Vancouver, Lumber Co. Jto t the v truck; and driver;, also Mr. Halph Mayer pf;the JToc jJI "̂ u p for skilful work in the building of the. float. " " Notions," Work School Supplies, ware. -- -------------- -------- ------------ tna i^istrict Registrar of T FOR SALE -- Rockery, nlants' Vancouver,""Briiaahi' ̂polumbia. variety, week days only; please c 'A fter r,the'/%xpirhti^ Barrow, 24th and Nelson.*^ " »onth ftom* th e "date of this Notice, . the: British,'Gaihmbia:^^^ ^ ̂ approval of said plans j iiandfthe leave, of T a i^ g teid cable. i .GU ARAN TEE!)//■ RADIO REPAIRS - Expeitefiee Jnattrea Satiaifii^ion " BROWN & MUNTON 1542 Marme W est 366 '̂ ̂ ^ERITlfeH dOLUMBIA. --------- -- 3----- - ' ^:7'!*§BRmSfltCOLUM BIA i COMPANY ^ --H---------------..--^---------------------- ^ ................ .... ...J. i