West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 Mar 1927, p. 5

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Friday, March 4, 19127. THE WEST VAN NEWS 5 Y o u r F a c e requires special treatment in the spring if your com­ plexion is not to show the effects of the changeable weather that prevails. We have Ponds, Pom­ peian, Yardley's, Daggett Ramsdell, Three Flowers and others. The West Van Pharmacy PHONE WEST 37 P E R S O N A L S BLACKFISH The blaekfish which every now and then comes up the inlet is the ca' ing whale of the North A t­ lantic, so named from its prac­ tice of following a leader or pilot whale. According to scientists, he lives largely upon squid or octopus. He also, it is said by local fishermen, enjoyes herring, pilchards and sometimes salmon. His penchant for octopi may be the answer to so many of the blaekfish having taken up resi­ dence in the Gulf of Georgia. It seems to be a favorite range for them, and at one time there was a blaekfish whaling station on Bowen Island. There are said to be great numbers of octopi in the waters of this Coast, and it is reported that some very large specimens n- are to be found in the rocks at r the bottom of the Lions' Gate. Small, tasty devilfish are fre­ quently caught in Burrard Inlet, while occasionally very large ones are caught here. The black- fish may be accounted for, there­ fore, because of the possibility of devilfish for dinner. Signalmen at Prospect Point mention a strange feature of the visits of blaekfish to the har­ bor. The big creatures which sometimes attain a length of twenty feet, are always seen when inbound, on a rising tide. They are never seen leaving the harbor. It is thought they pro­ ceed outward well under the wat­ er, and do not come to the surf­ ace until well out in the Gulf. Ornamental Buckles Mr. and Mrs. H. E Innes Ker, Esquimalt and Marine Drive, had as their guest over Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Banks of North Vancouver, who are building a spacious home on the waterfront at Sandy Cove. Sunday evening was spent enjoying the splendid piano selections rendered by Mrs. H. E. Innes Ker who is a brilliant pianist of concert and radio fame. * * * G. Gemmill -- the West Van. Pharmacy-- has made applica­ tion for the sale of postage stamps. We understand that he will be able to attend to the pub­ lic wants in this respect within the next few days, as the ap­ plication has met with favorable response. * * * R. N. Leonard is building a house at Keith and 11th. * * * The West Vancouver Pharm­ acy has rearranged the interior of the store. The space previous­ ly used for the Library books has been cut down, and room made for several tables and booths for the ice cream and soft drink business. The new ar­ rangements make a much more attractive store and gives more room. * * * Mrs. J. Clarke, 18th and Esqui­ malt entertained a few friends at tea on Tuesday afternoon. * * * Ken Robinson of the West Van Auto Service, Marine at 25th, an­ nounces that his garage will henceforth be open until 9 o'clock each night-- Sundays included. * * * A new hotel and some cabins are being buit at Brunswick Beach just west of Whytecliff. We understand that Mr. C. M. Conley of the P.G.E. Railway is interested in this new venture. * * * Mr. Fred Tite has bought Kev­ in's Furniture Store and will op­ erate the business along the same lines as the old proprietor. Mr. Tite will take possession within the next few weeks when Mr. Kevill leaves to conduct his recently acquired business in New Westminster. We under­ stand that it is Mr. Tite's inten­ tion to continue his shoe repair business as usual. Mrs. Skeats returned home with her baby on Monday. The new son is making splendid pro­ gress, so is mother. . . . The foundation for the new Christian Science Church at 20th and Esquimalt, is about finished It is expected that the new build­ ing will be ready for use in the early partof June. * * * J. Miles has opened a barber shop in conjunction with Shield's Billiard and Confectionery estab­ lishment. A section of the front store having been partitioned off. Mr. Miles has been a resident of West Van for some years. * * * The North Shore Electric Co. is building a store on Marine Drive, opposite the Memorial Park. * * * Mrs. Bourne, who formerly operated the Butterfly Tea Shop, intends re-opening it in the near future. Mrs. Bourne has been away visiting at interior points for some time. * • • The suites in the newly re­ modelled building over the old West Van Supply store, have both been rented. It is expect­ ed that the tenants will occupy them at the beginning of next month. * * * G. C. Byrnell's brother, Thom­ as, who lives in Grandview, is seriously ill. NEW DRUGGIST LIKES WEST VANCOUVER Belts are showing a tendency to be broader and often they are of suede. The buckle grows daily more interesting. It may be an antique pearl and silver, or tor­ toiseshell beautiful enamel, and the like. . The newest idea is to have it of squarest stones to match the bracelets worn. . The finish of the neck opening often follows the buckle fash­ ion. Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 FEED, FUEL, CEMENT Etc. CEDARS LUMBER YARDS Ltd. I'hones: West 313 North 212 - 207 L U M B E R We have over a million feet of high grade lumber in our yards, and to reduce this immense stock we are going to great­ ly reduce prices for the next month on a number of items. Special for This Week, Shiplap $13, 2x4 $12 WEST VAN YARD 2446 MARINE DRIVE Phone West 313 Windows, Doors, Paper Roofing, Cement, Plaster Gravel, Veneers, Beaver and Plaster Board. High School Team in Semi-Finals "Being a rolling stone has its fascinations," says Mr. J. Vance, of the Dundarave Pharmacy, but he ain't going to roll no more. Having sojourned in near­ ly every town between Windsor and the Rockies, as a representa­ tive for various Drug firms West Vancouver looks like a good place to call home. Mr. Vance is gratified at the many expressions of good will shown him by new local acquaintances. On Tuesday of this week the West Vancouver High School Junior Soccer team played its last league game against Brit­ annia High School. The local boys won the game and also their section of the league. They are now in the semi-finals for the Junior Soccer championship of the High Schools. The boys have played their entire schedule without losing a game, having drawn one game and won all the others, and have scored 25 goals and have had on­ ly 4 goals registered against them. This is the 2nd season that West Vancouver High School has entered a team in the Junior League, and it is a creditable feat to have produced a winning team out of a small school having only 35 boys all told in competition with the large Vancouver High Schools. It speaks well for the way in which the boys have trained. SPEAK AND THINK K INDLY I f we only spoke more kindly of our friends each day, We would find our toil grow lighter; God repays Those who do not speak unkindly And we know We shall reap abundant harvest for we reap whate-er we sow. If we only thought more kindly of our fellow men, Daily looked for good in others, Even when We can see their faults and fail­ ings, Happier we would be And our hearts would ring with gladness. Full and free. -- Gladys Tolley.. ATTENTION We can supply you with all kinds of Slabs-- Double load ... $5.00 Slabs-- Single load .. . $3.00 Inside Fir-- Double load .......... $7.00 Inside Fir-- Single load .......... $4.00 Special prices on 5 load orders West Van Supply (E. H. MINIONS) 1458 Marine Drive Phone Ambleside West 105 F R A M A R Montessori School F O R S M A L L C H I L D R E N 18tk & ERnlm.lt Hr*. W. D. Fruer Phone W « a t B 3 L T t r m , Reasonable " What's the matter, old man? you look worried." " I 've got to go abroad at once. " Bunk! Don't let the doctors frighten the life cut of you like that." " It wasn't the doctor; it was a lawyer." EAT THE BEST This store prides itself on the quality of the goods sold. We can buy cheaper goeds and sell them cheaply--but we wont. We stand behind everything we sell, and we cannot afford to sell cheap goods. You can al­ ways rely upon the best quality if you get it from Greenwoods. G reenwood'S GROCERY West 16 Phone your orders. We deliver Shnrpens Machine Needle When the sewing machine needle becomes blunt and refus­ es to work properly, stitch thru a piece of fine sandpaper for sev­ eral inches, then burn needle with the flame of a match for about two minutes. Pen nibs can also be made to write easily by holding the point in a flame. lUlli and M ARINE M. WILLIAMS CUSTOM TAILOR AMBLESIDE Specialising in Men's Suits and Overcoats to Measure. Large Assortment of Patterns to choose from. ORDER YOUR NEXT SUIT FROM US Dry Cleaning CITY Dyeing, Repairs and PRICES and Pressing Alterations W E CALL AND DELIVER PHONE WEST 20 S A V O R Y & D U V A L R EAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1429 Marine Drive Phone West 114 North & West Vancouver Stages Office and Waiting Room: 5 Lonsdale Avenue WEEK-DAY SCHEDULE Leave North Vancouver for SHERMAN and CYPRESS PARK on the hour from and including 7 a.m. to 6.40 p.m.; also 20 minutes past the hour from and including 6.20 a.m. to 9.20 a.m. and 1.20 p.m. to 11.20 p.m. RETURNING from SHERMAN 30 minutes after above times. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Leaves North Vancouver on the hour from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; also at 1.40, 2.40, 7.40, 8.50, 9.20 and 10.20 p.m., returning from Cypress Park 30 minutes after above times. NOTICE The stage will leave North Vancouver at 6.40 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. Phone West 84 for Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe I64U Haywood Ave. West Vancouver FUEL Inside Fir Slab COAL Nanaimo, Wellington and Arrow Hard (Sootless) SAND GRAVEL WESTON TRANSFER (Bob Black, Prop.) 14TH and MARINE Phones: West 17; Residence 91 R PHONE 408 L J. H. REID Sand, Gravel and General Teamwork 16th and FULTON D. MORGAN, J.P. N O T A R Y P U B L IC REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Twenty-fifth and Marine Dr. Phone West 4 Pearce's Drygoods Mtk u4 fltrU* Drift T#*l 144 4 only Sport Flannel Dresses Regular $6.50 to clear at $5.25