New classes now being formed J. M. Morgan WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro duction and Singing Phones West 173 Seymour 3058© TRUCKING and TEAM WORK Excavating (Day or Contract) SAND & GRAVEL P. A. ANDREWS 1766 Fulton. I'honc West 60OR STEP RIGHT IN ! Join the hoys at a Game of BILLIARDS or POOL New Tables Just Installed CHET SHIELDS 14TH STREET right at Railway Crossing TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY and PERIODICALS FERRY BARBER SHOP (J. Miles) In connection with Shield's Billiard and Confectionery. Shampooing and Face .Massag ing in all branches Only First Class Work GIVE US A TRIAL HARROX BROS. & WILLIAMSON Jfunrial Sirrctors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THE WEST VAN NEWS March 11. 1927. BEST $2.50 Glasses on Earth EVERYTHING FOR THE EYE AND EAR We do our own grinding, lenses Duplicated. Repairs by mail promptly attended to. Pitman Optical House NEXT TO FAMOUS 615 Hastings St. W 0 * * r W a a lw a r lh 'a 1 Seymour 1071 Hollyburn Theatre Friday and Saturday March 11th and 12th ' M IKE' Featuring the new wonder girl SALLY O'NEILL REGULAR ADMISSION: Evening Matinee Adults ...... 25c 20c Children ........ 15c 10c THE Dundarave Pharmacy MARINE DRIVE Opposite Dundarave Hall Offers you thoroughly qualified experience in the important matter of dispensing your doc tor's prescriptions. J. VANCE Pharmaceutical Chemist PHONE WEST 606 Cheerful Service at all times. Now Open FOR BUSINESS Hollyburn Music Shoppe Corner 22nd and Marine Everything in Music and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS We appreciate your business. Councillors stale some type of ornamental lighting may be in stalled in the business area of Ambleside and Dundarave. de pending on the wishes and con tributions of the merchants in that section. • • • It is reported that a large num ber of horses is being obtained by a local company for use on Hollyburn Kidgc. The animals will be obtained within a few weeks' time, when the thawing of snow will make the trails passable. • • • Harry Hodgson of the West Van. News, has been appointed advertising agent for the muni cipal ferry and bus advertising. * • • The L.O.B.A. held their regu lar meeting in Dundarave Hall on Thursday, March 3rd. There was a good attendance of mem bers and two new members were initiated in the orange degree. Refreshments were then served. • * * Growth of the municipality is indicated by the fact that two years ago there were 66 street lights in the district and today there are 151, and more will pos sibly be installed before the end of the year. * » * Miss Frances Guinan will re sume her children's dancing classes at the New Ambleside Hall on Saturday, March 19th. An advertisement relative to these classes appears in this is sue. Miss Guinan has recently returned from New York, where she has been a member of the Greenwich Follies Company. * * * Mrs. L. E. Eggins who has been spending the past few months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rhodes, 13th and Esquimalt, left on Monday even ing for Montreal, where she will join her husband. A number of friends gathered at the C. N. R. station to bid her good-bye, and to wish her a safe and a pleasant journey. * * * Mrs. Bourne has arrived in West Vancouver and will re-open her tea shop in a few days. She is expecting her sister to arrive shortly from Montreal. The regular meeting of the West Vancouver Liberal Asso ciation will be held next Tues day in the New Ambleside Hail. * * * Appleton Court, the new build ing at the corner of 17th and Esquimalt. will he the object of a special article in the next issue of Utility Topics, the B. C. Elec tric house organ. GENUINE LUMBER BARGAINS No. 1 5-8 x 3 V Joint 4' to 7' $20.00 No. 1 1 x 3 and 4 V Joint 3 to 7 $20.00 No. 1 and 2 1x3 and 4 Flooring 4 -7 $20.00 1 x 6 Clear double check Rustic, long $18.00 1x10 Cedar Shiplap No. 2 $18.00 2 x 4 Specified lengths ......................................... $12.00 1 x 4 Flooring and V Joint long ....................... $15.00 2x6, 8 and 10 Specified lengths $16.00 No, 2 Perfection Shingles $2.20 And many others. GET OUR PRICES We do Save You Money Ambleside Lumber C o . 16th & Marine Phone West 199 The seventh annual Masquer ade dance of the Canadian Legi on in the Hollyburn Pavilion on 17th March promises to be a most successful affair. There will be four prizes, two for ladies and two for gentlemen. There has already been a large sale of tickets. • • • Three new Ford trucks have been sold by the Marine Motors within the last ten davs. • • tt Mrs. Frank Vyvynn of East Beach, is returning next week from the prairies, where she has been touring with the Allan Flayers. * « * Mr. H. 1). Southern, vice prin cipal of Hollyburn School, hits been away sick with tonsililis. • • * Mr. J. A. Vernon is building a house at Haywood and 23rd, on part of the old Nelson property. • • • The British-Israel Association will not hold their regular meet ing on Tuesday 22nd March, ow ing to their being a convention at that date. « * * The North Vancouver Provin cial Liberal Association are hold ing a whist drive and dance to morrow night in the K. P. Hall. North Vancouver. W. B. A. The regular meeting of West Vancouver Woman's Benefit As sociation, Review No. 24, was heltl on Wednesday evening, March 9th. in the New Amble side Hall, Commander Mrs. Laura Edwards in the chair. There was a splendid attendance of officers and members. Two new members were initia ted and Mrs. Kidd, District Dep uty, was a welcome visitor. Us ual order of business, reports, etc., were dealt with, and plans for several events to take place in the near future, were discuss ed. Officers and members are hop ing to participate in the dance to be held on April 19th at Lester Court. This event promises to be a very popular union dance, as many other Reviews will at tend. The W. B. A. Convention which will take place on May 17th, in Vancouver, is of inter est to all members of West Van.. Review. They will have charge of the Patriotic ceremony on this occasion. A birthday anniversary party will also be held on 11th May next in the regular meeting place (New Ambleside Hall). Mrs. Denniston and Mrs. Pear son, assisted by a strong Com mittee, will see to this import ant event being an enjoyable one, members will bring a friend or two, and the party will follow the regular meeting on Wednes day, May 11th. Preparations are being made of a playgrounds donation, which to hold an entertainment in aid members of Review No. 24 are anxious to give towards this very worthy object in our com munity. After an earnest and enthusiastic discussion, it was decided to leave the matter meantime, but to take it up a gain at the next regular meet ing with a view to successful ful filment. Some women won't believe a word their husbands say-- unless they talk in their sleep. SPRING IS THE BEST TIME TO REDECORATE Bright. Clean. New WALLPAPER in wnrm, rich tom's, will aid materially in making your home look pleasant and cheerful. We have many new patterns in blendings that are harmonious and artistic for every room in the house-- from kitchen to attic. LET US SHOW THEM TO YOU TODAY! Very reasonably priced. All papers bought here trimmed free of charge on our new machine. A charge of 3 cents a roll for trim ming other wallpaper. The PAINT STORE Eugene Tito North Side of Marine between 14th and 15th Phone West 322 J. GAWTH0RN in connection with the Paint Shop, north side of Marine at 14th Phone West 322 Agent for SINGER SEWING MACHINES and C. C. M. BICYCLES Cash or terms Gramophone and Bicycle Repairs BABY BUGGIES Re-TYREI) FRANCES GUINAN Will resume her CHILDREN'S DANCING CLASSES on Saturday, .March I9th U to 11.30 a. m. NEW AMBLESIDE HALL llth and Marine. Special rate for 3-month term to pupilx commencing opening day. Will exchange lessons for Piano Service. Residence. Phone West 98R2. 100 Acres (approximately) at Eagle Harbour This is an excellent Proposition for Subdividing Will sell whole or part. Also two waterfront prop erties on EAGLE ISLAND with Summer Cottages. For further particulars apply to exclusive agents: MacGregor, Creery & Farmer Ltd. 416 Seymour St., Vancouver Telephone Sey. 110 or 176. Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker & Jeweller Marine Drive Between 14th and 15th. Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEARLE Phono West 9 1 FEED, FUEL, CEMENT Etc.