Friday, March 4, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS 3 THE NEW COMBINED STORE North Side Marine Drive near Maple Leaf PAINT SHOP (Eugene T ile ) Carrying a full line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Wallpapers. NOW IS THE TIME to have your house decorat ed. Make it look fresh and bright for the summer. We guarantee our work. 14th St. Phone West 322 SINGER Sewing Machines New Machines and Parts can now be obtained here and repairs made. GRAMAPHONE REPAIRS We repair all kinds of Musical Instruments. G. C. M. BICYCLES New machines of this famous make are now on display. J. Gawthorn J. H. DAWSON B uilding C ontractor A L T E R A T IO N S , E T C . * Special Sale 5 Piece Electric Waffle Set Down Balance 75c. weekly on your bill TJ ACH morning now, right 1-' at your table, you can have steaming-hot waffles, golden brown, crisp and tender. Served with fruit or syrup they are just delicious and make an ideal breakfast food. Sold at all our Stores The set of an electric waffle iron, 2 qt. batter pitcher, sugar shaker, syrup pitcher and large round tray, en ables you to mako waffles just as fast as you can eat them. No grease is used at all and both sides cookatonce. Only 200 sets are offered on theso low terms. Valued at $17.50, the special cash price is only $13.95. Aet quickly on this exceptional bargain today ItamsH Ooiumbm ̂ ELECTMcRflnwHyCo. 425 Carrall Street XSS?' 1 138 Granville Street NORTH and WEST VANCOUVER - NEW WESTMINSTER CHILLIWACK - ABBOTSFORD P E R S O N A L SMusical Society Dance Successful The Musical Society held a most successful dance at the new Ambleside Hall on Saturday last when the hall was well filled and everybody went home highly sat isfied with the evening's enter tainment. The music of Chapman's Or chestra left nothing to be de sired. Thanks are due to Mrs. Mast- erman, convener and her ener getic committee, other members of the choir, who by their great efforts assured the success St proved. This followed the signal suc cess at the Wesley Church con cert on Sunday, February 20th, which has earned the highest praise from many and various sources as being one of the best the society has ever given. Now it has been planned to hold the Spring Concert on the evening of Tuesday, March 22nd. A number of choruses from St. Paul will be the principal work of the choir and much careful study has already been given to this work. With the remaining opportunities for further prac tise a highly creditable perform ance will be rendered. The other part of the pro gramme will be a miscellaneous character with numbers by the newly formed boys choir which is being trained by Professor Morgan. Those who were fortunate enough to hear the Westminster Boys Choir sing have great hopes for the West Vancouver Boys Choir and with training and op portunities why should they not become equally well known? Of course this is their first season and their work must be judged as a first season's effort, but by a bumper house give them all encouragement and confidence for further and continued hard work. A word to the members of the choir. A full attendance at every rehearsal is asked for in prepar ation for this concert which will wind up our season's work and clear the way for intensive study of the Festival Choruses. Mrs. Colin McLean will sing in the United Church on Sunday evening. Mrs. McLean is a former resident of West Vancou ver and has many friends in the district. • • * Mrs. Goudie of Moose Jaw, is a visitor in West Vancouver and is staying with her son W. C. Coudie at Marine and 23rd. • • * Mr. W. McQuaker has bought the "Emerton" house on Esplan ade at 11th. The house is yet un completed but it is the intention of the new owner to complete it at once. * * * West Vancouver P. T. A. will hold their regular monthly meet ing Tuesday, March 8, at Paul ine Johnson school. Mr. F. G. Patterson, B.A., principal of the High School, will speak on French Canada. There will also be a musical programme. All members and their friends are invited as this will be a very interesting meeting. * * * Mr. and Mrs. David Morgan have as their guests, their daughter-in-law, Mrs. H. Roder ick Morgan, and her children, whose home is in Cuba. It is ex pected that the visitors will be here the whole of the summer. * * * The regular meeting of the West Vancouver Woman's Bene fit Association Review No. 24. will be held on Wednesday even ing at 8 o'clock, March 9th, in the new Ambleside hall, 14th & Marine. Important business and initiation of new members. A good attendance is requested. * * * Miss Dowal, 1365 Clyde Street, has just received word of the death of her brother Robert, in Glasgow. The deceased, who was a chartered accountant pass ed away very suddenly. Miss Dowal is a teacher of elocution and oratory and spends much of her time in the eity. * * * Mrs. D. Hood of the Municipal Hall staff, has returned home much improved by her medical treatment. It will be some little time before Mrs. Hood is able to resume her duties. A whist drive and dance under the auspices of the North Van couver Provincial Liberal Asso ciation will be held in the K. P. Hall, North Vancouver, on Sat urday, 12th March. Whist 8 to 10 p. m. Dancing 8 to 12 p.m. There will be valuable prizes for the whist players and a good or chestra for the dancing. Re freshments will be served. * * * Mr. J. Carley, ̂ Marine and 22nd, has in his possession a small sum of money which he found enclosed in a note on the street. According to the note the owner is Mrs. Helen Ross, who cannot be located. If Mrs. Ross will telephone Mr. Carley at West 71Y the money will be returned to her. * * * J. R. Allen, contractor, is erect ing houses at 14th and Duchess, 30th and Marine and at West Bay. A. O. Lundberg is building one at 30th and Marine. H. C. Rae one at 13th and Marine and Vic tor Nelson another at 21st and Fulton. R. N. Leonard, North Vancouver is having a residence built at Keith and 11th. Cedars Lumber Yards are supplying the lumber for these new structures. LIONS' GATE BRANCH OF THE LEGION A special meeting of the Im perial Veteran's Branch o f the Canadian Legion was held in the Drill Hall, Beatty Street at 8 p. m. on Thursday 24th ult., to decide the advisability of chang ing the name of this Branch ow ing to the fact that a certain a mount of confusion might have arisen due to the existence of an other organization of a some what similar name in Vancou ver. A fter a most careful survey of the whole situation it was de cided that the name be changed to the Lions' Gate Branch of the Canadian Legion British Empire Service League and the secretary should take steps to have this alteration officially published. The President is Major P. F. Scharschmidt, R.E., and the Treas.-Secretary, Major P. Math- ison, M.C., K.O.Y.L.I. THE CAPILANO TIMBER CO.. LTD. Main Office N O R T H 3 0 5 West Vancouver Office W E S T 1 0 2 Cor. 18th and Marine Residence WEST 92R2 Builders and Contractors ATTENTION! W e carry a large stock of Fir, Hemlock & Cedar Lumber of all dimensions. Lengths from 6 to 40 feet. Rough and Finished Lumber, Sash & Doors, Lath & Shingles Grade, Quality and Service Guaranteed. Only White Help Employed GET OUR PRICES