i Friday. March 4, 1927. Both in price and quality. That's what all our customer* nay. SMITH'S GROCERY is building n reputation. Economy to the house wife and reliable goods. Smith 's j (A. HARVEY SMITH, Prop.) GROCERIES. HARDWARE. PRY GOODS & SCNDRIES Phone your wants and o r will give you quick delivery 24th AND MARINE. Opp. Dundarave Hall Phone WEST 169 Detail* of the three cash prix- es to lx? given as announcer) in our last issue, have to be with held until next week, as we were unable to make final arrange ments in time for this issue. Full information will be given in next week's issue of THE NEWS. Roberts' Better Neats 14th and Marine West 1 9 0 Where Service and ({unlit) Count WE DELIVER MORNING 9:3ft--East 25th Only 11:30-- To All Parts AFTERNOON 3:3ft-- East 25th Only A SPECIAL FOR EVERY DAY Keep this advertisement for reference Delivered only with other goods SATURDAY NEW ZEALAND BUTTER, 3 lbs SI.35 Pullet Eggs-- Extras 2 dozen ................... 60c Ayrshire Bacon Sliced per l b ................ -- . 35c Pot Roast, prime steer beef, per lb 12 * i c Rolled Rib Oven Roast per R» 22c Boiling Beef, per lb 8c Cambridge Sausages 3 lbs........ ...... 25c Ripe Tomatoes, per lb. 30c Highland Potatoes, per 100 lb. sack SI.50 MONDAY Beef Dripping, 3 lbs. 25c Sliced Side Bacon, per lb 39c TUESDAY Boiling Beef, 3 lbs. 25c Pork Steak, per lb.......22c WEDNESDAY Loggie's Haddie, per lb 16c Cambridge Sausage, 3 lbs. f o r ............ 25c THURSDAY Cooked Ham 49c Stewing Steak, 2 lbs. 25c FRIDAY Soles, 2 lbs 25c Kippered Salmon, per lb 25c Roasting and Boiling Chicken Fresh and Cured Fish Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Boss: Don't you know what they do with little boys like you who tell lies? Boy: Yes, sir, when they get old enough the firm sends them out as travelling salesmen. Harland Bartholomew, the town-planning expert, of St. Louis, was a visitor in West Van couver this week. He covered tin* entire district, going through to Whytecliflf, ami was much im pressed with what he saw, stat ing that in his opinion it would become one of the finest resi dential sectors of Greater Van couver. • * * Miss E. Denne has moved to a house on East Beach, Amble- side. • * • Mrs. Armstrong of Vancouver has moved to East Beach, Amble- side. An absolute decree of divorce was granted in Supreme Court by Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald to Stanley Atkinson Jones, who formerly resided on Marine Drive, between 13th and 14th Streets, from Evelyn E. Jones, whom he married on March 24th 1923, at Centreville, N. B. Cus tody of a 2-year old son of the marriage was awarded to the father. Looking the Part By Dr. Frank Crane I called on an eminent scientist the other day, one who is widely known for his discoveries. I was curious to see him, for I had a good idea about how he ought to look. He did not look that way at all. His name is Dr. Millikan of the California Institute of Technology. He looked like an agreeable and successful business man who might have kept a barber shop in Oshkosh, or might have been a lawyer in Kokomo. Some people may get a kick out of physiognomy and phren ology, but I never could see anything in it. I saw a man sitting on a platform once in Worcester who had all the marks of a criminal. He had wide, flaring ears anda bumpy head, and altogether looked fit for treason, stratagem and spoils. I asked a companion sitting next to me who he was and was informed that he was president of the board of education. I have talked with President Coolidge, who chatted about like anyone else and altogether struck me as looking like a modest Massachusetts lawyer. There were no elements in him of the heroic or the majestic that I could see. He was just a plain, ordinary man. When you get close to Judge Gary you find him just as human and companionable as any one you might meet. There is nothing Napoleonic or Byronic or otherwise grandiose about his manner, although he happens to be the head of the largest trust in the world. I was surprised to find that H. C». Wells was a common place sort of man. He might have been a clerk in a grocery store or a floor walker in a departmental store. He talked about his children and things of daily life just about as any body would. He had no philosophical reflections to offer. I had expected to meet a man who would bombard me with conceptions of the future world or strange notions and social istic ideas. Mr. Chesterton impressed me no differently from a hundred other Englishmen I had met, a large beef-eating person, al though an interesting and humorous personality; nothing to suggest the brilliant essayist he is. . The only statesman I ever saw that looked like a statesman or a noble and grand person was Lord Grey. All the others I have seen were quite commonplace. The most statesmanlike looking man I ever saw was a hotel keeper, and one of the most amazing personages that has swum across my ken was a butcher by profession. Altogether this physiognomy has me hopelessly confused. I dread to meet a great man anti prefer to retain my pre conception of him and not have it corrected by the facts in the case, as my preconception is always very grandiose and wond erful, while the facts are likely to be disappointing. So I found W. R. Hearst, of whom I had heard amazing things, to be large, placid, resembling an Iowa farmer. He was soft-voiced, non-contentious and neither drank nor smoked. George Barrere, the best flutist I ever heard, looked like a Methodist preacher from Indiana. In fact I don't remember seeing anyone who " looked the part." DON'T PUT IT O F F -P U T IT ON and when you put it on, put on 'Ayres' PAINTS and VARNISHES ' SATISFACTION TH AT LASTS" We carry complete stock for every need. Drop in and let's talk it over--Our prices are RIGHT. S E E D 'S G R O C E R Y GROCERIES, HARDWARE, PAINTS AND VARNISHES, FREE DELIVERY Marine Drive. Ambleside Phone West 28. "Keeps the Uook Uheerful" Your Choice is Our Choice We select our cuts of Meat for your purchase. It we cannot please you with the quality of our meats, we might as well close up shop. We must please you with our prices that is, values--as well. Try us on your next meal order. JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET Nr*t to llollyburn Theatre PHONE WEST 3 WK DELIVER ALL MEATS KEPT IN REFRIGERATOR Fresh and Cured Meats, Butter, Egg*, Bacon and Lard. West Vancouver Lumber Co. L IM ITE D 15th and Marine Phone West 115 RESIDENCE PHONE: WEST 73X High Quality Lumber is Cheapest in the end. L u m b e r , L a th , S h in g le s Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE A Photo ka LaS always appreciated The King Studio Photos Always Please Everybody knows THE KING STUDIO 311 Hastings Street West, Vancouver ESTABLISHED 1902 V. V. VINSON. Prop. Phone Sey. 1016 for appointment AUTHORIZED FORD SERVICE We carry a complete line of GENUINE FORI) PARTS WEST VAN GARAGE At Ambleside Expert Workmanship 27 Years Experience Phone West 130 Watch, ( 'lock and Jewellery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker and Jeweller (W. SAGAR) Residence Phone West 655 Y A Good Selection of Watches, Clocks and Jewellery on hand at attractive prices 14th and Narine, <•»»'<« *«< v « ANBLESIDE NORTH SHORE MOTORS CH EVROLET Phone North 1186 Phone North 1350 135 First Street West, North Vancouver