Phone West 4 ^ • " i s s s m b s f b o o e W M t 4 6 g P O W T V A N N B T O F B S n f A ^ RESULTS G o H M sd lilit C l « , liSdies-^;:; 2, Mim J tm J)urbinj Jipr the JWUjmiA UIZUBJI * "" l 4^rie Sqpmites A--Mrs. Lorm G r e e n w A y ^ 80 # v p ll of Miss J. Durbin) V )f' 4i u .» " t[ JVif" -H' ■).'i j' i'O At ■ , ^ 0 M < ^ * » ^ M a y * n i d ' « B d i 2 3 r d ~ c i i t r t i f e B '=rM rB:5v:xG iesnir w • , f * j i BESTFOODS^ . V2»* J8« ••********»«#*>'*«i"»*»*«#*##*##*#̂**̂ jpfl̂ Rad A White ASFABAQUS S ft *'f AiJ Green Id a n . Uii l ie chicken ' Bo uIm , N rti* 7 LUNCH t o n g u e , York, 7 ox« till l ie SIIUBDIIED WHEAT. pkt. 10c lIHUNSWICK SARDINES •W oil, »• 2 tim Oc COFFEE--Auni Mnry'iy Family Wend.......... ...................,lh. pfcl 20c ■ •' LYNN VALLEY ;* S(|uat I in *17e Red & White TOMATO JUICE, made from Ripe Fruit.......... tall tin 6« Red & Whit© CATSUP, 12 oz. btl 15« NABOB PORK & BEANS 18 o*. tin .......................;.,3 ifnii 25c FAIRVLIGIIT CAKE FLOUifl, make: tt picnic cake..............large pkg 22c Phone West 370t. , SPBaAL^MEA^ FOR THE HOLIDAY oyjvia in<»JTis» ou ipupn FLEI'CHBIFS EDINBURGH BOLLS J. Durbin). BURN8^?IClfic^ « 9.̂ **̂ !? -- 79 (pupil Of Miss J. Durbin). Young VocMfets, High Voice-- M aiy BrOadley, 80 (pupil..of Miss «T. Durbin), t ■ •'0iri»s J ^ 'V o ic e , 12 to 16 - - Sylvia Morris, 80 (pupil of Miss J e f f e r i e s "'"Obve HAMS LAMB B E E F COLD MEATS OF ALE K IN D S r i-_________ . . .i ^ r i s s i ^ " 1 S t o r e a t PHONE W EST 8 leatre. . meaty. NORTH STAR VEAL LOAF, lb. 2 lc PURE PORK SAUSAGE, lb, .... 20c BKKF SAUSAGE, per Ib. ....... . 44c c o t t a g e . ^ CIlEBSEfl ber Ib,....... . 15c BEEP -- PORK ~ LAMB -- VEAL The Very Finest Quality Betty Barbour, 83 (pupil of Miss J. Durbin). THE BMENING b u s h By Hubadar ̂;iTtvp:,Cal^ scientists.,, ac- .;;Kobr îng.-,to'^ ̂ .have, been K.KUX,CC.S AU. B E A N . p . C » i d *• ■'! wm/ , . " resuit are sam to nave evolved a method of turning Red & Whit© tomatoes" ^ ' gold. Considering 3 tins 25C platinum is the more ex- _____ _ pensfve, th is transmutation is not likely to be popular. What WEST VANCOUViat tUMBER CO. LTD. -FOR HEAL SA TiSFA CTlbN ; P hone W est 115 1 4 9 7 M a rin e Drivfe BOWLING CLUB NOTES ̂ ' Vpther clubs, who were particu- , w ^ t i X T w a v ^ l Aft^r « iZiTT^ ' i , ' struck with the beautiful ' turningA lter a brief ceremony in setting of the greens. turnit^.our old lazoi blades into T r» .... » ™ n g or tne greens. , gold. Personally, I don't like this II,{fU rifWhich M r . J B, W l a n d l W w is plan- « " ® e r s c i e S i a S h e d wmbe the first bow), the WesI , the 25th May., nuclei e f ntom.s__whatever w m A'li,U XH|CI«» . lUJU ii/I Llltj liX ^ m b e th e f l r s T b o i ^ r t h r w i S l . th e 2 6 th Ma^^ th e n u c l e i o f a to m s' ................. w """'••ne ^Teen w as ----------------- -̂---- . they are-- stutfed them in a officialljt e topened fo r p la y la s t Young Bridfl* " Affn,* ni^nMnn. « ...u iL u^ j........... , . , S a tu rd a y ; T h e w e a th e r ' w a s pie plant, The rate for ClassiOed AdTktiSdmettts.iE 2 cmita p^^ mInJn.. • 26 cents. Except in the case of tkode baring ' regular * ^'n^muia fieds are payable strictly, in a d r w ^ , a ***^^"*** Remember ClassiOeds in the West. Vatt'̂ News'%©t immedlats reaulta, ■ ........ ......... ...*.....*........... *...'.'.... .......'"■">' '■ iii I .. • '̂ ... . . ,. , ...j Numerous Enquiries fo f 460 LEGHORN' COCKERELS -- Tw I furnished houses at fair rentals, weeks old: 10c each Mf List your property with ,us NOW. . .11th & K i i a ^ T O r e s ^ f v '! ! ! . " ^ ' j If you want to sell, and will be sat-" 1 FOR DEPENDABLE L t d . l a u n d r y s e r v i c e J)AVE ANDERSON, West., .Vancouver Representative^ ____ PhpRes --' W est 69jiL or North 1310 hot undei the collar. They then girl (25) -- Seeks nny kind employ- shofethem at some other kind ment; fully doiheSticated; able taka of ,ato,ms, and hs a result of the children; best refer- dog fight some'platinum became ' iT Aioll ■w\r\nt/, n 7 ,-. i ^ itcheit Range "Home f e a 2 7 ? : . - "i*'* '•'" I'- gold, which I ball mighty poor FOR sale ^ Hawaiian Guitar in satisfaction. But you can't blame case and tutor, good conditidii. these nuclei. If you and I, broth- Phone West 325-X.y,« ,.>1- K,-'.r . . _ .. .. . .■ GOT A o DB ,HATE; CDT a t Uw s - 1̂ 08 Marine ^... ' OUM' ' d JjP^ Ium'IoKONCr in ie 8 ^ S o c i a l P r i c e s fo r ̂ „ i vuii- Phone West 326-X.„ er, )iad received suoh treatmeijt;-- f o r r e n t -- June, July, A u g u s t^ to _________ . .. we would come out of that gun respo^^sible tenant; five room furn- 'IGHIMNEY .RWT!>PPmr< mhd enough toJbite-..everything ished bungalow. West 642-x. i âiVo «i--. W^hat I. would like to -FOR s a l e -- Choice acre, southern ̂ do, however, is to shoot some exposure, lovely view; terms ar- --evenings. __________ of.these .nuclei from that whirli- w « f MASON'S TAXI -- Day and Niaht -g ig gun atJMuSsolmi;^~d-wat&h-- ---- ̂ Qi2-X,-------------- _̂______ _ LPassengera jfully ihsured.-WpstS- I'tllrvt f o b - i ' M r t i A T ' WnP C A T d m A . . ._ a '. 4 - . . . "' -'" , r~ Aj-fw -- Roof re* - f o f s 'A?,?^^W'^^on6-G.-Meldrum ̂725 14th.St. E ast, North VancouverAVATiinn̂ o * him taking thO Tyrolean Alps in his stride as ĥe legged it for cover. FRIDAY an d SATURDAY M ay 2 2 n d and 2 3 rd ' Have you ever noticed the r y * L uuiKIiy, ^ ___ ____ _ suit smairiauncK, $5. 2459 Matteirs. physdgs in the press of the gang MAvrPTTf Arrrhi:. , , . a ^ -- o f thugs at present in control of ±^7 FOR SALE -- Tent 12 x 14, 5 foot -HANDY 'A N N -SW hP oaao m • wall, ,10.00. Nield, 8897 23rd St.' ■ ^ I^a"S FOR SALE ~ 10x12x3, perfect epn- Vannsheh;J.Tarp8j Hardware, etc. ditioa, $7.60. I ^ h t 6-fopt J J h ^ y , FOR ._SALE Kowboats, " STORES CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY, MAY 26,' 1936. M ^M A L A D E -- Eraprosa, Sovill'e 6fang«;' aS o i , ........ w 22c. JAM -««- Sundolc IdORAnborrv 4 lb fin ' * .......... i : ' Lemon or Vanilla, 2 oz. 14c;..... ^ozl.ii^Z.*.. " 23c FRESH COFFEE--Ground when " ROYAL CITY" iiurchased to suit your individual method of preparation. SUNDALE--Finest quality ■ lib .................'.....;............. 33c , iSUNEISE-Excellent Blend. 1 lb....................................... 29c --Aylmer, 12 oz. btl. 13c . CHILI SAUCE--Aylmer, 12 oz. bottle ............. iBc PINEAPPLE--Birka slicecir crushed * *' * FLOUR- Fork & Beans, 16 ozi tin....... .. 6c Pork .&^Beans, 2%s, 2 tins 23c Soups, Tomato or Vegetable 4) . l 'o, tin-.......... 5c , Whole Green.Beans--^Asparagus' Pack 2'a, tin |4c; 2 tins 27c Spinach, 10% oz..... tins 15c Diced Beets, 2's .............tin 9c ^ thugs at present in control of .Gerniany? Their main idea, WhoneVer a cameraman gets busy, is evidently to look as ter rible fellows as^^sible, in which with the poor start nature gave them they do really very well. .-And they are terrible fellows, though -not iti the way they thiiik. I f you cracked a joke over them, they'd certainly miss -«-the point and then probably have you arrested while they sat in and pondered whether it was not a verbal message from the . League o f Nations. But they do recognize that v/ords are pot weapons, although of much use --r V .* v'AiioB ivuwDoais, feetrfong.v. J i 'cNomand^ 1455 Esqmmalt.;^?West 179:X Expert Masseur; your home or mine West361-Y. BUY AND SELL STOVES, Tools, and all small saleable articles; ;Economv Shop, 1439 Marine. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; . Repairs, Parts. West Vancouver',l^achine Shop, 1449 , Marine.',': ': - ; ' s MASON'S TAXI - $2 to British -Pacific Properties, 1% hour's drive. West 612, __________ ' •- ^ SHOE REPAIlhS-T-- Get the best mat* * y '̂OTkm'anahip at Pox's, 14th a t P e i ^ . ' WANTED -- Highest Prices, for bottles, sacks, metal, stoves, fumi- , ture, etc. Phone North 431. - ' WANTED (tee furnished and one un|um ished -4-room cottage near _ fe rry . Phone W est 340 or West 148 SALE .-- Rock Plants, Shrubs, ^ n if e r s , Gardening done. '1333 Inglewood. ' . - ̂ GORDON'ROBSON; Barrister,~Solic* .1 4 4 7 'Marine, mdmings; 610 Hastmgs St., .Seymour 4199. after- noons.,. ' ;; ^ X 'A ? FOR ---------TTX^ ^^®nish ed^a n d Unfurnished * f l o ^ Houses to Rentof:Houses, lots, and flRflR central. 'West acreage for.;'hale." John Lawson, 17th, and~ Marind. Phone West 56.or Cubed" t in ! ! !S 2 % c WILD ROSE PASTr 7 p L0UR weapons, although o f much use^ -------- _ I7 th ,a n d Ma?ind. Phone West 66. ^ ■Sundalo, 40 lb......... ?1.40 .. .. 7 lb ..ta g.............. . 26c I ~ S" all C«»tatoy .̂ Wm HEADQU^TEEbCf*, AU Popdw . - 7 1 ? ...............<>? I . I p o in t we ve missed. ---------- ^ n d s of; C i^ re tte s and Tobaccos; P O W D B B -sin d S ; ■ a a f K ^ B a - P 'S j ---------------r - ' 7 lb 24 BAKING POWDER-~Sundaie PURE OLIVE oild--Napoleon 32 oz. tm..., 67c; 16 oz. tin.... 39c •8 oz. t i n .................................. 22c 5 f?w k e F lo u r ........... 2 pkgs 25c Old ^ l i s h Meal........... pkg, 21c Fairylight Cake Plour....pkg. 22c MARCEL SHOP ~ Thermique Steam Two ladies were sitting beside ' materials ----- -------- ■■ ____________ . M open window. One was listen. Wert s o l^ v a l S t * ™STALLATipNs;::Electric Kepcto, m g to a church choir acro.q« fhp -------- ^ ..Koyai ĵ ank Building.-- conyemencdfoutlets installed. J. H. C()RDIAL--Granthams 26 oz. b o ttle ........... 07,. WELIX GINGER ALETTs oiT ^uQzen .................................... 99̂ . 25c doz. Refund on return of empty bottles. u »^SGUJTS - Imported English Biscuits, Five varieties, nssortod. Arrowroot, Short Cake! Bourbon, Digestive, pkg. 2 for 25c RITZ m SCU ITS-C hristies, .................... ............... 16c MATCHES, Eddy's Blue Ribbon Q U ^ER PUFPW WhI a t 'r o ^ D E R M Sweet Mixed. 28. oz. ja r ....... 2Sc FIG' BARS--Red Arrow, lb ' IBc --Red. Arrow d o g fo o d --Dr. Ballard's ^ 'Champion, l ,Ib, t in ............_ 9 c l*e.-,pkg, 19c iw f if& r 'S J S A fe i < ' Rr, W jy A L C R Q 'ira SOAP-- ■■ ■■ EURBKA..BLEACH, b ittlc - 7vX iiig to a cnurcft choir across the ~ -- ^myenienci^putl way; the other wn.<« liafA«ir,« FURNISHED COTTAGp. _ Paterson,^West- thenoiseoferiek ets. n W sal"d"^ l *0- « E COESOTIER^ Mrs. MacT the.other, "and wo-n. . ;Por all kinds of printing-^.phone .West Van News, West 863. . J N- ̂ 5* t , S- ̂ ̂T> I ̂ y , jN'OUR MODERN MARlfigr.q Ambleside S h e e t ■ L. SPECK. M .e ta l Proprietor W o rk s d L 4 P.O. n a v ig a b l e '% ATF» PROTEC* , ' ; TipNrACT WEBB'S a trial fort'your next _shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. CHmNEY SWEEPING Old Coun- RS-C. 1 2 7 -^ Chapter 140 " ; < J V -'L. - NOTICE ' IS .HEREBY GIVEN of the filing of plans fo r the laying of a oubmarine^,'Telephone" Cable across Queen. Charlotte"'^ Channel (Howetry wav Charlotte - Channel (Howe Stone /eoaSr^i]m^.V from .a point a t the foot of an North 811-R-2 -Capilano, unnamed path at-G arrow Bay in the -- ---- ----------- ■ ^mncipality'."bf, W est "Vancouver on [ANTlV AMOT on/t:n T'm.JL:-- the MainTAnit +l»o West p i a o i Y '!14S-We^ 4l8f Av- iro? Broadway 1681 Marme Drive. V e r n o n f E E D B T O R E A. ( I SEARLB / Phone West 9 '■■'•Vi' ' ■ W / Pertilizersl o f AR Rinds Wood, Coal. Bnildets* ̂SnppHos GUARANTEED;.. r a d io REPAIRS ^perimnea Inauraa Satiafyetion .^®?d w n & m u n to n :. 1542 Marine VWeat 366 Aftc^ l^heV'eagfi^^ One (IL m onth;flrhto,^headate?^ this Noticfe, 'the'Hritiafa- ColumbiC Telephone Com- pany,>iU ;-hnd^'Sectioh 7 of the . i f <:•' .apJiIKto:. th A ^ in fe te r of Public W orte?htV ,M s""^ce City of p ttaw ^ ' fbifethe'approval of said plans and.theJe^ye;^J-laying-said caTile. British Col- umbiair: th& i^ouTtech^ day. of ,May, J,4 IJr _ __... ._ ,*AÎ UO, .."LO ̂^ . BBITISfitrCDLUMBIA^^^^;■: IV l̂BgiEaPHONE-COMFANY-1,' 'f' avCi., . 1 . r j.-̂'>.-f i\kW45iV V 4- V "1; V *5'̂'V* 'll ' H ' >- r-, , " r tr ̂ '\x\ \ f?**' ' ;•' ■ • ' , V •::cc"x # ■ ■ ■ -'- '• aAiAAamimaAAAAiaAî ̂ .. . f a i. , - V -/v