West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 May 1936, p. 3

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• M,v 21; 1986.- , i ̂ ̂ ̂ js' j s'• -> ' y'# »•» ■« >4fa«v4v*lei«.4(.V'̂ '- .<'• <>■?««» •- 5'!# ̂#'4' I /• ■ J"- t"ui<̂ i«;»<%'j4?<tf.&S»'î »fc".'i,". ■ .-i* Ji- . 1.' rf «- ' • » ' * ' «- » ̂ * i 1 ^ *felbiUr 4i"'4lfV(Cii ̂S 6̂ * « * V " *̂S« I * ' • ̂f'̂ ^̂'fh- , 4 -J> 'ij# ̂ » ll«i\̂yŷ "'V it*.. Mi . . , H . SPEClAFFia»3r '• #*®i IM tvery Wi 1̂ W « l St . ,ii|i *1. A II aUtiiiHi !2 & 23 s.lĈsWiij«. ̂A?S *sîŝ̂!(t»«MVS»] i i i f m i 8 t , i i A W ' o M N G w i* , , B v a a m t m U m i J m e n ^ w S ^ W ' - • ■ a '/ ' i< 8 for 25c; ̂ 4'^fo*' 2Be I(»̂ i:,»i(BCi ' 9 *Wi: J26kj » !>uwiHtuST'..JtB»MOKft'[> X ? <»w i»>■«(( »*.,»'.• ^ 1d6« 1Y<s AÛ STX&AkLXAlNf ORAPEJS**** lb* IBc WINESAP APPLES-----.8, Ibs. 96c RIPE OANTALOOTES, 9 loi; ,16c'** - >*'«M'«irvT<i 'tt%fî A ttfWW t Jt ll*jk OCa < 1 >■ T -mCmm ♦ V t V » O VĵkWI fl/% 't̂ ANCy ROME BEAUiY;% IKS Large ̂ sise te';̂ is!*;v*iii.;;..8 fer 26c PANCY NEWTOWK T IP P IN ' ; AUSTBALIAN PJaAES--Pancy * „ V ,., ̂ r.Bfo>i» « «A ..................dozen" 4 Jb8, 22a Large size ........ ..........dozen 40o KELLOGG'S COEN FLAKES. 3 pkga. for 25cfresh STRAWBERMBS_r' 16c V FRESH VEGETABLES OUT̂ DOOR STRAWBERRY .. . HOTHOUSE CU0UMB|5R . ^ rhubarb lbs. 16c ̂ ' •»*i>»«k«»****>»*»**«'* loC Often hothouse. RHUBARB;. ; ; ; SPINAOH--New season, 8 lbs. 10c ..8 lbs, 10c riAT. iXTWw nAunnT.esN°;,krtcn"ri^nMTTnp OALif^fEW CARROTS, ,hothouse TOMATOES, lb. 20c 5 bunches 10c ' Oc, 16c,(20c iads foi;- ' Oc local NEW'^TURNilffiSV GREEN . PEAS................2 lbs. 16c 10c" ^ l 6 H l^ 6 COOKIhFRESH RADISH,..;. 4 bunches 6c. P22?I^5L«TXT^n ̂ ® A nnf n n « "FRESH GREEN ONIONS LOCAL SPRING CABBAGES , 4 'bunches' ■ 6c *', ' l b . ........... *.... . 6c FRESH BROWN EGGS -- Grade A, largei.:........ ' ....................dozen 2Cc . W e also carry Tobacco and Cigarettes, etc. 2%1 i * .i» mMmm i f l i This W eek ; 'ff» AMCbir, 1525T'.IjfOltlCMtt iikV6* -» I f . Gi ♦r' -.v-'J nue, left on Saturday for a busi- as West Vancouver d e lw ^ ness trip to San Tranclsco. execu% meeting of. tht ' a w g i i r e E i y ^ ^alt sizes...,.. .J5c ii The bova o f Hollyburn and V anoouvw School Board dfrieesi JlV. V/ a s ^ llo w s ̂ Pauline Johnson beat conveners* ̂ look forward - tOfvSHoU?&6 tolTfa g » r ■ f ^ Pauline. Johnson 0 to Sj Holly- burn beat Pauline Johnson 11 to oi^ratiop betw eeii honie aha 2 . . '. ; . '1/ ' *" " , s®*'*̂ ^̂ **' 1 ■* .»|l' * ' IZ * * *, I - V . , ,'" 4̂.̂ Mrs. M. G. Morrow o f Vancou- CRIB SHEETS.,.. 3i5c: GemmiU's Druf Store Tht SI«mt4 ©f SwFThJti. -HP 1886 Marini »r̂ f«!̂ Ĵ 5f " West 8T or West SOT0 acy „Phoni (After 10 p.: Emerfency „ Phono X " h a lN io t a r i y ^ ^ r v l i e H o r s e s h o f B w s u S S n e ^Monday (Empire Day). W e Horseshoe Bay.for^the sunan . m l 's ? 6 a m T d t t " K Miss -Joan Durbin has' bemi t m S ; X s t b ^ t f r o S i out oM ftU en candidates11:30 Pain. The^hrst ooai irom , . .* e .'.< ^' >f ' . " i n i « ws / (MiimiiioiMg ) i MR. W.'R. RATHIE ' t ' . iitf ..■•■■!■„.. I *.'■ . ,■'■*. - ■ . • ■. ' . 11; ■ ■ .,' I*. ■■ r ; .'. t. r r. . L L , ft' i -■, rjfj t t 4t>Mŷ "■ f'yVtS-W «>[%- f, *r '<s, Ji,y B-.S'I'-*' ifi t o f th e firm o f *• C yrom a B raad s,"♦ < * . ' t « V t I J » is actinjg as Sales.Oi^tlet for G olden Ju b ilee M eoibersb ip Tickelts, In v ifa tip ii Cards, S o u v en ir Stum ps, : ;.,v; ' vSa V ".'V .wSSoBFW',-"* m idnight, jsuses m eei an ovuis. iup VAtK^oiiver ^ T\/fn.r oKfv, Jubilce Committee, Ih S tanley ® A ugust.little M iss Mary.ChappeR^^ , , , . .o . o >........... .,„.:: ^ ^ Engagem ent children of ̂ W est Vancouver, , and .Mrs. J. H aydn Y oung when she drives the ® of W est Vancouver, announce smallest^, car in the engagem ent, o f their only Equipped with a daughter, Elizabeth Wenonah,, a ga-s tank ^hch holds ^ whole ^j-thur George Proudlock, gallon, th is Royal A rtillery, N igeria, young-, car w eighing only 880 lbs., c a n , ^ oariy l^wo adults a full 60 mi es pj^^Qudlock, England, the w ed d in l; a t the rate o f Iq to 20 m les per ; n W herA "earlv tiaxI# hour. W ith th is little roadster, . ' the only one o f its kind in Can- ' \ ada; Mary hopes to attract som e attenton. - ' , ^ ii<V Stratton 's BAKERY Bread* Cakes, Pastries*, Birthday, Christening and W edding Cakes Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes, Cinnamon Buns ̂ Variety of Tea Breads, Presh every m orning N ote Address: ' 1468 Marine Drive, Phone W est 27 <, > i f Ml < < ̂' i V . . . .<4 , . ' ■<. ' s. i" ' I and~other~ Jubilee Lines-produced by- J , , . t r'rv ■ ' ' V a n c o u v e r _' ,> . j -' TENNIS CLUB ^ 1 An American turnam ent w ill . , . .., . b e held at th e tennis courts' pn A. J. McDougall, 23j'd and Monday, May 25th, play; com '̂ ̂ Marine Drive, is a patient in a nuencing a t 10 a.m. and continii- V ancouvef hosp ta l , in g through the day. Lunch and a f ternoon-tea - w ill-be-servedT or ~ ,, T , /̂A* w'Af* .J \ > •' jy. ■V L' 3!3'GfflSMS J!-" M iss M. E. Anderson,, a m is- which, a nominal charge will be -sionary-4n_Japan; js_;ret_urning_„made_.__ A ll members, ' " t̂heir on furlough and is , v isitin g her friends and those interested, in ' sister, Mrs. B -B . Gfipps, at 2361 -tennis are cordially invited bo TiT_̂ j-- ■>' take part' in th is tournam ent. Th nse. desi ritig..bo.play-w.illkindly. Marine Drive. Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND. SATURDAY MATINEE May 21st. 22nd, 23rd NORMAN POSTER. 1 t1 N ' 'BEHIND GREEN LIGHTS" also ™ "STYLISH STOUTS" ----- SATURDAY__EVEJ^ING_..AND , . MONDAY May 23rd and 25th. C Y R O M A . b r a n d s TEA. COfVEE w d SPICE M ^C H A N T S Wiir OpiTn on Saturday, May 23rd at 1520 Marine DHve W est 5V 3 ̂ Peee D elivery - Mr. and Mrs. J . C , Kloepfcr o f com m uni^ te w ith th e secretary Vancouver, are ocfupying their of th e dub, Miss P hyllis Clifford^ sum m er home a t '1 9 6 2 -M lev u e W est §9-R-3.- A v e n u e s - ' ' IrLl'. ' , . ; -!- ■■■■"'" * ■ * c ♦.f f M D S I^ B X A M S Mr. and Mrs. 'Boris' o f N e w , „ The exam ination o f die; Boyal W estm inster, spent th e week Schools, local centre, for stad- end a t th e Clachan.. - ^ en ts im W est Vancouver, wiU be * held in th e m orning o f Saturday, n/̂ J nf T*̂ ' .T -\7o« 20th, at th e studio of Mrs. ■Mr. and Mrs. Ws J. (Van Deu- p Knight-Hodge,- .1382 D uchess o f Vancouver* fare spending _Ay,enue. The exam iners will be the summer m onths a t ̂ " ® Lloyd Powell and W illiam A lw yn •house-on -Marine -Dnve-at_Sandy-- of Tthe~Royal~Colle^~of~M usic,~ Cove. \ - - , ' iKindon, England. . .* , *. * W EST VANCOUVER SCHOOL BOARD ,V ,. . , v v .A Money-By-law re<i«ires\a 3/5ths'm ajority to c a rry .. •*«<« , -9-% t A.l "xl Tvin*! Axxrrkn/1 ^̂ VinAl ̂ The recent - By-law for. ' the , completion of_ Inglewood School failed to pass -under, this ruling by 20 votes, although those in , favor outnumbered those opposed- by 109;- The School Board w a ^ in fo rm ^ by a number of rafepayers who had voted a g a in s t 'th eB y -law th a t on fu rther consideration they were prepared' to register their approval. As the need for more secondary school' accommodation becomes inore- p re s s i^ , and the p ro sp ec t/6 f-its being :met "i^*"decidedly, favorable, the' Board applied t o , th e Municipal Coimcil fo r a-re-subm ission of the School By-law. ̂ ~ ̂ ̂ ' .The Council applied to ' Victoria for permission' to re-submit and received in reply a request th a t ' a petition signrfying the ̂ wishes of a .substantial number of ratepayers be forwarded to the Minister'of .M unicipalities./' ' . Copies of ,such'a, petition were distributed last E^iday e v e n i^ and were returned on-M onday with a total of 270 s i ^ a t u r ^ . Volunteers from the ' Senior . High-School students o b ta in ^ the: majority of the signatures on S%turday;jand the total, considering the short time available, is considered very encouraging. A favorable answ er i8 expected.from V ictoria.in a few and there wilH^e^ ju st sufficient time by the opening of the Fall session .to have, Inglewood School completed as originally planned. , In expectation of, another vote being taken early ' J^ue „ ratepayers-are . earnestly requested','to' consider the* eduea ti^a l > , needs of the Municipality, and are invited * in ;^se of doubt or uncertainty about xelative fac ts to consult their Trustees. , i ! ■" - -M iles B ell.o f th^ E oyal^ ^ ^ ' c . J. O V EB IN G TO N -PA SSES' staff here, has returned fro h s , regret o f annual vacation. ------- / -t--- -- - ----- ' MARX BROTHERS ""AUIGHT A t THE OPERA " -also" ■"WEE M EN" ' TUESDAY and JVEDNESISAY May 26th^ and 27th " '•< f* EDMUND :GW ENN *, >- -1, .-1 j , M- J. . *' * , I "THE BISHOP MISBEHAVES" (Once only, a t 8:20) also,. "T S E MURDER MAN »» ♦ * "■*" the. death last'^ t u r d a y after a 'nainful illness of Gecil Jam es, E. F.-^Gampbell ,-has m oved- Overingtoh," 1406 Marine_Driv!e.__. from Vancouver to a house a t / rpĵ ̂ deceased was th e pioneer • W est Bay for the summer. , barber ̂ o f W est Vancouver, ̂ '♦ ♦ ■ ♦ . . 1 where he was well known and Mr. and Mrs. C, Cundill o f liked. H e leaves to mourn his Vancouver, have mpved in to a loss his w ife, one daughter, Alice bouse a t 3372 Radcliffe A venue. . Hilda, at hom e; one brother in ̂ , ♦ ♦ * Toronto; five brothers and tw o Mrs. HoMsworth o f Bei-keley, sisters in the. Old Country. . California, is v isitin g in. W est f ""eral services w ere held Vancouver. - . Tuesday in th e North Van- 'y '• 1/ -J V Electric 7 > ' " Full size, fa s t freezing -Very specially priced ■-'H west >7- . North 525 66 Lonsdale Ave. ̂ ̂ r-i' i ̂ . couver chapel o f Harron Bros. Watt,*- "What kind of a woman is Ltd., the Rev. H illis W right of- Henry's wife?" fl.rtiQ4-ir»fv - onr? iVi+ovTMonf w na Howfij "Well, he has as much home Friday evening; May 15th, n/r . J i\yr«« TP 9QQ9 ^ td . , th e R c v . H ilH s W r ig l------- . . _ M r. a n d M rs. E ^ ?cOTt, 2392 fl^ i^ tin g , a n d in te r m e n t w a s Howe. "Well, he has as much K in g s A v en u e , g a y ^ ^ d e lig M fu l i i r C a p i la n o V ie w C e m e t- chance of going ou t alone as one of c o m in g o f a g e p a H y - a t ^ e i r ̂ the Siamese twins would." hrtm p F r id a v even in ffi M a v 1 5 th . -- ____________ ____ !_____ _________________________ -- \ \) " 7*' rf ,sMl. ̂ ̂ -.'S* '3 ,•>. Concrete W alls & Floors, ' 4 i^ily Pools; Sidewalks, . Fdimdatipn Work, G e n e r a lfu c k in g .4-lf'4 f Cl • m o marine i/rive ' ' 4g^/'.^H6NE4W EBTrr8% '/ , in honor o f their daughter Muri- twenty-first birthday. l h | | rooms and table were attractive­ ly decorated with spring flowers and foliage. The gu ests included Vancouver -- Misa Joan Din- ham, Mrs. S. Bate, M rs.,and Mr. - R.» Hawes, Russell H aw es; . Mr. Robert Folley; W est Vancouver , -- M iss Irene Shirlaw,,M3ss Eye- lyn Young, Miss Muriel Bell, . Miss K ay Hodgson,: Mrs. M. T . , '̂.. Shirlaw, Rupert H afrisdn, Chas, Baldwin, Hillis W right;; W ingett 'W est Vancouver Branch D ib b led Veterans (1921)- ' " - • > »re-v'/h/' " - ' EMPIRE DAY CHURGH SERVICE A t s t /S T E P H E N 'S C H U BC H ; SU N D A Y , M AY 24th. Members to.assem 'ble a t 10:30, a^m. a t the-M em orial Arch. Irish, B ill Hawkes, M y->nd Mrs. r. ^ d t t and Babs'^ and M iss i i i l i i iMm W0fi . .■" - 1̂ jPf i . , It f. Program s can be had from m em bers ;of th e D. V. A . or Muriel Stonem anTT- ™ : , a t their stand at Am bleside ^ k . ---------- WM -EXPERTii:|!Sf^;;' . >1 ̂ t4'/. I 7- LAl f " ;A a n i2 i i iE G E T D A IL Y rr W atch a a d Clock REPAIRING: T. CHRISTENSON P h o n e iW e s tJ S S ^ g -^ ^ ^ k ̂ y t ir --̂ T 4 : ;<S0NDAVS ANR HOtlDAYS ,All.day.,;..:.76d.-' IsSoles.....60c' i i l il a i