T ' w ll i 1̂ . t I I ...■ ■'■" ................ ........ . Mm, B i l l l i p t t ^ ' i m i i ^ B m rw t^ IJ:I6 ».m,t 7:15 pjo. Sandmy lutd BiU« Ombm 10 'MvtIKlf •tt-Mrr fy r r Hpg cBr B0f* w .,'u mmpy, tU u , a p . 10:00 'Permanent ~ Wooes (hat ore Diatinetfg Different &mwSim ' a.m,--Chuixh School Lo- «lttdinr AduHiMMm 11 A.09, lb 7:50 P'JM<****JP]riiAchtiur S«rvJe«s< . A hearty welcome to all ^ T ^ W ^ V A N C O U V iR ChristiaB Science Society CBVItCB BDlFiCB 20tAi axuf BaqBlwalt« UoUybaro _̂,Thli Society U a Brnnch of about / r h ,1 * ̂ ' !f t • " ii ! • 'K , '1/ J i ; t ' . ' f ' ' ' ■ i f i 'i M#:'- >irs 't I?'-: ^ ■ r '■H %4 • tU lii if P^- ^ P " ■■f? ̂ ' 1 ilfiiil tp I a 11'̂ i m # i lu M j- ill! ;i5 V sB " lAiif:kit ̂ " * ̂V? i if ,i !:t ,£5 /» * ̂ ¥ l* t . 1 111 %¥■ Secauae of our new low ateam* inti procoan, requiring only 2 to 4 mtnutea, we arc able to give you .a aoft natural wave* with luatroua curly enda. ' Aak the woman who ban one REVIVAL MISSION Cor. l l th & Marine, Atnbleaide VVKEK m a m s ^ Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, B pom PRAYER SERVICE--Thursday 2:30 p.m.; 2500 Marino Drive Gwendolyn V Beauty Shoppe SUNDAY SEBVICE8--11 a.m. and 7:30 p.ra. The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, MassMhusetts Sunday Service: 11:80 a.m. iHow Pretty to weiur bh U '̂«24fh^b^ ' Have Just 8hlpJh««ta of ' ' ***^"'*^- White and Pastel P>ocks; W h l l t # , a i i i | - Smart Chiffon Suits; Sma|jt Chiffon and Fwro RBk Dresg Sport-7%|f» 'for- the Sport Dresses of every dewptihhl ' GWEN'S GOWN "A M 1545 Marina Driva West 117 UNITEDCHURCH 21st & Esquiinalt Ave. Uev. tiillia Wright, Minister PRESCRIPTIONS S e r v ic e S u n d a y 11 ; l6 j i .m . a n d 7.*J6p.m. Sunday School .at 10 a.m. 'JVaiJ Hangers, Monday Mj Sunday, May 24th, Subject: "SOUL AND BODV" Sunday School at 10:00 tii.ii),la * Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. ,The public is cordially* in vited to attend-our services and meetings* FIRST WEEK^S ■ . I N $ 1 Q U E E N i C O j l f ; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ p.tn ■'Tuxia M m Group, Tuesday a t 8 BAPTIST CHURCH M inister: Rev. W. L. McKay An expert graphologist has checked through the voting couoon« received from Vancouver Golden Jubilee Membership. pVohasws for the week ending May 9th, and selected fhe -fo J Io w lK ff tures as expressing the most interesting characteristicsV" ** The pastor Will preach both night and morning. The morn ing subject will be "Revive Us AmWeside PharmacVL KER,W. L. HOI Marine Drive FREE DELIVERY Prop/ Phone; West 323 D n : G. D. H. SEALE D.D.S,, L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. ^Office Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Avaninga by appointment. -- --------- Phone West 72-------------- p.m. C.G.I.T. on Wednesday M m *«8 »uoject wiil be "Revive Us IrayerM eetingonW ednesday Again." There will also be a a t 8 p.m. ^ boys and girls. . w " r® -n P ® subject of. the evening ad- ol *the W.A. will be held on Tues- dress ' will- be "The Turning day, June 2nd, a t the h ^ e of Point. T he-choir under the .^®de>-ship of Miss Winnifred ncll, 2o03 Haywood Avenue. Brealey, will lead in the worship Further details in next week's of song. - issue. The Young .Peonle's Sncipf-V I hose members of the society will not meet on Monday on ao- ^ i . s h m g tickets for the Annual count of its being a public holi- -^Ticnic of the Greater Vancouver day. Young People's Union to New- The. prayer meeting will calstle Island on May 25th, are held on Wednesday evening a t 8 requested to get in touch with o'clock. It is a refreshing insnir- Charles B ^ w in , West 421-L,.on jng hour spent in praise and fel- ,. or before Friday May 22. lowship midway between Sab ,_ Tho Senior Y^^ Strangers and visitors- Society will hold its regular are cordially invited ' meeting following the evening The Sunday School Orchestra service next. Sunday. As the will practice on Friday Sunday evening ser^vices of the a t 7:45 o'clock. The member! soiMGty are drawing to a con- are requested to" bring thei? elusion for the season and this music stands. ^ meeting is likely to be of a ̂ special nature, all members are Vancouver, B. C. Richard S. Babb, 3896 West 18th Avenue. A Russesll Mark, 236 West 61st Aveiiue Dorothy M. Jefferd, 1456 West 11th Avenue C. Bannister, 1154 Robson Street ' S. W. Rice. 122 West 0th Avenue. Miss R. Buchanan, 4064 West 10th Avenue. a W. Fraser, Abbotsford, B..G, F..W..Fairiaan,.-*. . . ; Bnd[geport. Lulu Island, Eburne, B,' C. William McRorie, . 816. Arbutus Street, New Westminster, B. C. E. Therrien, 1644 Marine Drive, West^yaricouver, B. C. 'You' do- NOT have to be a good writer to:win. ® ", '..'I ' r'-. ■*' .w>,"TVgt4t,j' V P , v . : . . . ■ '■ HOW TO QUALIFY 1. Buy your Jubilee Membership (irood fnr ■ : -- ' value in admission tickets); 2. Cast you? voteh fo r your fayori.ta|c^hdidate for Ju S O i i n n n i n i T i l r T A T V A T T t > r t ' n W ' Y i k vf e i N ? ; IN W T O lO E m Chilliwack Cheray Carnival Jubilee tickets are also good for admission to-Chilliwack Cherrv rnr îAroi .July 1st, opening day of Vancouver Jubilee Celebration? ■ ^ Carnival Buy Your Membersldp ^N6w ' ahd send in,your Coupon," SOIDEN JUBUIE QUEEIf JCOMMIfTEEiw H * * * . * , * t ______________________________^ a c Established on North Shore 25 Yeors (Lady Assistant) HARBON BROS; LTD. ,^skcd to make an effort to be ' present. ~ 1- ^ ' - ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev,' P . A. Ramsey C. C. F. NEWS The Whist Drive-will be held fortnightly in future, instead-of weekly, commencing Wednes- day,^ May 27th, at 8 p.m. The FUELSUPPLIES WOOD - COAL - t r a n sfe r usual' attractions and prizes to be given. ffuiicral iircctors ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. N. J. Corley, Pastor Phone West 540 May 24th -- Sunday after As- censron -- Empire D ay. 8.00 a.m.-r-Holy Communion. 11:15 a.: " ' WESTONIANS .Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street . Phone North 1.34 ^Vancouver ̂ Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. Sunday Masses Low Mass -- 8 :15 a.m. High Mass & Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. Catechism -- 2 :00-p;m .------ - Rosary and Benediction ---7:15 , p.m. - ___ _ Week-day Services WITH EYES AGLEAM Ma^s, daily -- 7 ;16 a.m. The oyee of a moose, altem - -- K o sa^ and Benedic- ately. blinking red and green r-~t from atop a m ighty totem nol. Catechism and Bible History will help* ̂d i r e e f tw r is t t r a f e p / v e r y S atu rday - 9 : 8 0 a.m'. through P m -y Sound, Ontario! th is.year. Plans for the totems ' ® 5 i i i .a J ' , pole traffic light were explained pu' \ Anthony s tothe Ontario Good R o ^ s con- holding a tea and veiition by J. M. -Daly, Indian the home agent from PaiTy Sound The Argyle polo- will be a vast affair- facing May 28th, Txiuiy uommunion. Thursday a t the weekly a.m.--Empire Day Service of the Westonians, it -attended by public bodies, was determined to set Tuesday 7.15 p.mi.--Evensong and Ser- loi* meetings. Tlie West- mon Preacher, The Rev. G. their- first^lacrosse 0. Stone,-Rector St. Margar- ^unie in North Vancouver today et s, Vancouver. weather permitting. Dick Gleade St._Francis-in-the-Woods -- V^^^®™̂ t i ve - talk- on- Caulfeilff ^ to the Spokes Club Sunday, 9;45 a.m ._Holy Com- » his munion. ' ^ ^ capable coaching of his embryo -public speakers. Bone Dry., , Inside Mill 'Fir*...$5.50 per cord Inside Bush-Pir...:$5.50 per cord N®. 1 Jf3.76 3 CordsTor;.$11.00 Special bri F ir-B ark - (Limited .Supply) $4.00 per cord o P rices , onT=5«der and ^ d G ro;^h F ir for ̂Summer Drying. W-e strictlyu guarantee quality and qaun tity Phone , West, 499-L 1257 Clyde . Ave. CHARLIE_: - . BILL -THOMPSON " DUNCAN~ The word-alimony, dear reader, is merely a contraction of "all his money." ______̂_ the highway, and the images carved on it, from top to bottom, will includeithe moose,-a bem*, a LEGION W. A. Canad^In v ^ w e u r " ' f 'a 'c a n o t ' a tepee, a schoolhouse;:. and a from 'Rev. F. A. Ramsey for church. The eyes of the-moose, U^gibn and W.A. members to c<Kordinated with traffic signals attend divme service in a body will be the only animated por- c o m in g and evening,. tion. to commemorate-'Empire Day. CHANGE OF ■ B y S . ,S C H i ;D t J L E ; ' ^ Noi?ch V sncoiivcr Wefi# " V " . W « . V a n c o i n r e r , c a u l f e U d , H i a a . * . B a y ------------------------ effective may 16th, 1936 ^ WESTBOUND Xv.' North Vancouver..... Ambleside . . . i ■ Ar. Caulfeild Horseshoe Bay ....... (ESa) (SaO) P-M. P.M. ■4.20 4.20. .4 .30 4.30 4.45 4.45 • ; t h b . W est Van News Published Every Thunday I ------ Publisher E.^Fj LOVEGROVE P h o n e W e s t 3 6 3 BuMnm and Editorial Office; 17Ui and Marine Driva (N ext to Rollybttni P.O .) P h o n e W e s t 3 6 3 Mail Addreaa; P. 0 . Box eL.Hollybuni. RC. N o r t h V a n c o t t v ^ 'O f f ic e : ̂ 1 2 3 L o n s d a le A v e .i X. . .̂ 0 ' * . ' 11.00 a year by carrier; 12.00 a year by mail. On May 6th, under the aus pices of the W.A. a second con cert party was taken to enter- tmn th e Jncurables a t Marpole Home iby Miss Molly Edwards' .^Mperis including . Miss H attie Young, elocutionistr Miss Mar- jo iy Murray, violinist; and Miss Ivy. Miles, soloist; Miss Joan Jefferies and IVfrs, Turner,- ac- coinpailists; dancing girls, con- s ^ tin ^ j 6 t the Misses M arjory R iY e r^ J i^ e Turner, PeggyLow- don,: Audfey Richardson, Lucy Smith,T>wothy Bozier and Hei^ t a T e th Paulson. T h e r% ular, mieeting of the W;A* h as been, postponed until Ju n eT ^ iO n account o f the May Day celebrations falling bn the last Monday, to the month. - ^ c e p t .Saturdays S a(^ WEEKDAY SERVICE •* , ......... Ar. North Vancouver 7*50 f 'I? ^^*^5 1.23 -------- lŜ a d n e s d a y . . a l H ".M ,? i L . 10-36 1.35' WESTBOUND Lv. North Vancouver ' Ar. Caulfeild_' ...... ....... Ar. Horseshoe Bav Vi............... I0*45 P.M. 5.40 ■; 5.50 6.05 P,M. ;,P.M. 6.40, 10^45 5.50;:; 10.55 ,7.05,. H.15 7.20 P.M. 12.00 12.10 12.25 12.40 SATURDAYS ONLY > 3.40 3.58 4.10 e a s t b o u n d Xv. HorseshoeJBay . , Caulfeild * _ 1 ' -- ............. . Ambleside ..... -- • At. North Vancouver 10«00' 11.00 2 io 2.58 Except fff» A Y service § 3 I I f S:S iiS 'S 3 P-M. P.M .., P ,M .,' P.M. P.M. -- ; . 5.00 .-:-r : 7 30. ___ H S "f'i® " 6.05 ~ 7̂ 40 11.15 rJn f'?® '- -7.58 11.30a-'SO 5.40 ' 6.35 8.10 11.45 Sap; SATURDAYS ONLY A.M. A.M. 8.30 10.30 8.40 10.40 8.58- 10.68 9.10 ̂11.10 , , -̂ 5-nn d a y SERIVICE 12-10. i l l , P.M. 6.20 6.30 6.45 7.00̂ P.'M. P.M. MID. ̂7y20 10:45 :12.00 -7.30;/:10;55: vl2.T0;; 12:25 J; 3 2 O E ^ 'vl2^40t '4.30 „ ^ *̂ -40 3;58--,i 4.58 4.10 , », 6 .1 0 P.M. ■ O A ■ *__ _ _ ■ ,.'̂ ""̂ "®ouvey - P-M. '."P N S ' > # 'V 24,<Ii..ii.i5" J'f§ , ; ; 7;58-/8.58=il^ 6.10.,t ,:8vl0l v9.1Q}Tl4fi, Pb^tfbiik : Phones J West 12 7 1 3 1 'ir , 5 ' p . I,-..