«P , 1 P !. t* I L r r . ^ "*3-'*T' f 1> » Pi, h »; ? ■fi l \ •4 ■* ' ? i' j , i !/'I "I jf i'- ^!' >*- li) f; 'it' i;i : l f fl-'/;i :?isp a 'V ;ir - p l 'll i '8̂lfe y ■ i ) i i '̂iii : p i * i . m m E WEST VAN NEWS M js^yW T IM I Phone Weet 469 BKIl a lj^ iT E Phone Weet 46 S m i t h f d ^ r g e e r g Friday and Saturdays LEGION NOTES iilwiiMi i936. MiOirtli S^ttre CounclJ of Bx*Beiriee Men , rvj>reis(iiitatlves^ from all ex-Servico incurs orifan. i m A Whit# l»BA ,̂ Slatr# 5 ^ Large, 2a ......................... 2 tin# 2Ie Hed A White COFFEE Vneuum.Tin......... ......... I lb. tin 33« Ked & WhiU* HOUF̂ -^Tomato » iid Vegetable ......................... 2 ifiui 16e r iS H A IT L K ClJimS, flat tin.... 0^^ AUNT MAIty'fl '•'EA ..J lb. pk|r. 8»c Ited & While HEANB-~(;reen Cut ^ fitrlnglean ........................ 2 tina 2lc Ited & White CHIU BAUCE 12 «*. iKittle ........................ ....... 10#* FIIUIT & VEGETABLES 8UNKIST LEMONS, Juicy Medium S ize ..... ..................6 for 16c LAUGE BEEHLE8B GItAFEFUUlT .......... 4 for 19c FO'J'ATOKS - Netted Gema 25 lb. wick ..........................;..... 42c Hpiiiurli, 'I'umatoeM, '•Corrota, Green OriionM, CiiciimberH, Kadiahim, HAIK DATES ...................... 3 lbs. 15c Strictly Fresh. ICING HUGAIt ............ .......2 Iba. 16c i2fltion» on North Shore if l # r - .i ' « « 4*. t ■ ootnpnsiiig the Canadian U»gion, flnd jO.fiArbodies ™-- ----------- --- -- ««-«-, w m Jheld ThuAsiiy, May 7th, in "Club" Kdom8 " in'^Korth':yancouvcr,?M eats Phone West 370 '-V SIIOm.DEK ROAST VEAL, lb. I6c RUM I* ROAST VEAL, lb............ 20c BREAST OF VEAL.......3 lira, for 26c FO'I' HO A STS, lb...................... :..... 12c UU.MJ* ROASTS, lb............ 19c ik 20c SHIil.L BONE ROASTS, Ib........ 22c FRESH COD.................2 U>a. for 25c ... Each o r g B n iz & iio h thoroughly approved the proposals r̂ ut .for ward, with the main object of consolidating the eiforls, which lire beingr made by the various soldier organizations in dealing with the pressing problem.^ con- J E W R I E S ' S U P E jR I C ) # |* ' . . . O o y e i i |m e # ^ i l g 0 d ^ O irfy ■ • ̂- 'H A M S ■ "EAMB ..-:r COLD MEATS OF Al l K B S m !S?:̂ v e a i ' " 'JB]to«A3Ee^BN-«. 1 Store at Hollybttrtt^'^ P H O N B ;j? p iE „ ;« 1*1 MJIP....... .......,2 U«». to r Z&c ;-----------, FINNAN HADDIE, per lb........... l O ^ f r o n t i n g th e ex-Service m an and SMOKED ALASKA COD, per Ib.'^Oc h lg d cp en d ^n fs . / ' HADDIE FILLErrS, per Ib.......... 20c COTTAGE ROLLS, per Ib........... 24c BEEF -- FORK -- LAMB ~ VEAL Ail ineuta the very tineat CunHty. Red & While MATCHES...... 3 for 25c Larue Family Box. RALSINS, Auatruliun Sccdlcaa , 2 Iba. 2.3c Red cSi W hile CARROTS & FBAS 2h, fill .......................................... l ie RATEPAYERS* ASSOCIATION M EETING The ̂ m eeting exp4.ssed itself as satisfied that with the clo.so.st co-operation now. assured on matters affecting all veterams, a united ^determination of soldier policy was jpossiblcn This it is believed would encourage, those men who are n.oi yet affiliated, to join their comrades in one of, these organizations, and,, so^ strehgthen the wdu)le movement d n a 'a M is i^ - ' B 0ILD IN G . .M 'A T iB H iA L S WEST VANCOUVER LTD. --FOR REAL SATI8FACTTON. ___ ' Phone West 115 ̂ Brive The following, resolutions were passed at the ,Ratepayers' A s sociation meeting; , "that the School Board be requested to go on record, before they submit the school by-law to the public, that the, school addition be b u ilt . by West Vancouver builders and all labour be employed from West Vancouver. "That the Council be reciuested to ask the Public Works Depart- vinent o f Ottawa that the surplus money from the Post Office ap propriation be spent in W est Vancouver and particularly the placement of a clook on the Post Office building. Dr. Curry was delegated'to attend on the'Coun- other oi-ganrzations, who will by such support. disfiiHs with the Council the Interesting information has feasibility of extending medical ®een received by the branch in aid to the Relief recipients' fam- connection w ith the proceedings ilies,....... i'hc special parliamentary G L A S S IE IE lX A lliS II *• ..'* .. « *'̂"̂ '**T* |/t.6 A i 4C-* 1,14 V,-** 1/C4X Jf Approval of the F irst Narrows now, sitting in Otta- 1... ........ wa. Other important business is The rate for Classified Advertisements is 2 cents per Word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of those lisTing reg iilsr accounts, all dim.! fiods are payable strfeUy in advance. ; . ̂ ' au ciassi- Remember Classifieds in, the West Vain News get immediate results bridge* by the Federal Govern- business is meiit, was discussed W ith great Fridays meet- entliusiasm and'satisfaction. hoped that mem- _______________ ber.3 will endeavor to be present. Members are again reminded to get their nAmes on the 100%' LOST -- Young tom cat, brovi'n with black stripes on body, four white feet and white throat. West 333. ' FOR SALE -- ' Attractive 2-piece Imitted' suit, 40,, to '42. Dundarave ^Q rigm al Shoppe. 2446 Marine ndv. A friend-- one who knows you ami still lovcByou. • ..Legiomuy" J ftto a n d -p lea se A hnv iwno w»*nmy I'q a irnnd mind, the I êjrion general mm. S i " be hold tomorrow , ni?ht, Friday, May 15th. at 8 o clock sharp. FOR SALE -- Rock Plants,. Shrubs, , Conifer^, Gardening done. 1333., Inglewood. FORi RENT--Furnished ground floor . suite, new house; central. West 686-R. SALE^fi-iroom house, sun room. . breakfast: nook; built-in bath, fire place, furnac^i garage, $2,500. C. J. _ Archer Ltd.. West. 226. Sev. kqr4 cil, with other delegates from. FOR SALE 686-R. Small Cookstove. West GET YOUR HAIR CUT a t Lew's - • W estT ss Marine Ambleside-- L. SPECKr -- Proprietor-- Metal W o r k s "GORRESPONDENCF S A W D U S T >8 *he time to fill your bibs at summer rates, M. B_. Kinjg Lumber Co. ^ , Products of X D lU . WEST 3 9 .Furnace Bufners. Products of Home Oil Distributors Ltd. E>?clusive agent for North and W est Van couver. You can buy no better. , KN1LL*S FUEL. Dear Editor ; It will soon be time to plant - gladiolus corm sTf w~ould like to urge every grower to take pre cautions to have all corms free of thrips. These ruin the'^flowers FOR SALE ---$1.50^eachT_____________________ GOAT J^ILK FOR SALE -- Phone -r 7 Window Sash 3'x4: ~Fhone-rWest-'86-Y^l-r tiHIMNBY SW EEPING -- Roof re- Meldrum,' , , 725 14th St,' East; North Vancouver I '--gyeniugs; ' :---- -- i West 624-L. -M rs.. Jessop, Duchess Street. -____ 1370 MASON'S.^ TAXI- -- -b ^ and Night. -.Passengers fullvJnsured. West 512„ WANTED -- General -- Good Cook;n Refrigerator sleep out; Phone West 138-Y,. 1139 . cL h W est fi07Keith Road. W est b07.________________ and spread rapidly. They have made their appearance in West - . Vancouver gardens. Peal your gladiolus corms carefully (bunr these husks). Corrosive sublimate is some- -HAVE YOUR- EOTS"CEEARED NOW gLABS.^ E DGINGŜ INSIDE FIRp Kmdhng; Dump Truck for hire.F_ree Estimate. Phone W est 593-L. > g B t o 4 W e T 5 2 7 ! ' IF YOU intend to build give me a Call Special attention paid to basements and repairs. Free estimates. Phpne West 593-L or West 388-L. i- HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine D nv^M arshw pIls Paints, Enamel, Varnishes, Titrps. Hardware, etc. tim es MAtRCEL SHOP -- Thermique S t^ m Permanents. Only best m ateria ls ' used. Expert operators. Phone n \o QUAllTV 1 > . L A S T T W O o A i r s of th e BIG Money Saving SALE o f > ̂ ..... ............ . Turn !oeconomy; Food Products FRIDAY and SATURDAY, May 15th & 16th R-'5ed to. d is in fec t th e corm s, o r lye^ b u t a sa fe r , e a s ie r uM«rawrs. r n way i s 'p ia t recom m ended by th e --West 304, Royal Bank Building. Dom inion G overnm en t e x p e r t : b ig y c ip f o r <5A n? . . f re e " ^ ? ? ^ b efq re p lan tings gbod condition, $9,50. P h o ^ - ^ ^ s t tre e th e corm s of th r ip s by 470-R.________ . ff^^^^igating them in paper bags, -wit-h-naphtha^lerre~RakesnspTtnkl- FOR 'SALE --, F irs t Class Rowboats, ̂ 12% feet Jong. J . .Norniand, ' 1455 Esqmmalt, W est 179-X. FOR RENT-^--' A ttractive JBungalow; five rooms, .-fblly, modern. Phone West541-R.^ . . . . ed over them,-l oz. to 100 corms, and after bags being closed, stored awaj* - at room tempera ture for a period of between 3 „and 4^eeks._JPumigaMon--should ?*'lLempted.in tin or other- .^.?llL_?_5Ilfmners:iiasiLthis^::W-Ould WHOLE ORr^PART__TIMEf-EmpIoy- ment Wanted by girl J 5; fu lly dom estica te , able take charge house and children. Willing undertake full secretarial or similar duties, and drive apy make car. Highest Wf- -erences. Phone West 513. b u y . F o r,A ll Cash, four-rom bungalow -with "basement, must he cheap. No agents. Apply promptly. Box 44, W est Van News. - l a w n m o w e r s . SHARPENED -- SpeciaT machine; Repairs,, Parts. West Vaheduver Machine Shop, 1449MariTiP.' ' - V - ; .LIBBY'S CANNED MEATS - POTTED MEATS Assorted 8% oas. tin......... l\ tins 25c VEAL LOAF, 7 o*........... .....tin I5c DRikD BEEP, sliced, in glass 2% oz. ja r 18c; ............... 2 jar.s 35c SANDWICH SPREAD oz......... ........................3 tins 25c J LIBBY'S CANNED FRUITS PINEAPPLE JUICE, 15 oz. tin'10c 2 t in s ....... 19c; 46 oz. tin .......35c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 15 oz. . tin.... 1,2 %c; 2 tins..., 28c; 6 tins 67c L Ir BY'S o u v e s .- .Q,lJEEN OLIVES, 4 oz .b tll....... 9c STUFFED OLIVES, Chopped 4' oz, b o ttle ....... ........... ........ . i 5<, STUFFED OLIVE, Y dz. btl.... 12c m COFFEE-- SundaTe, our finest ..... lb. 33c Sunrise, Excellent blend...... lb. 29c m a r m a l a d e Aylmer. 32 oz. glass.,............ .. 22c -EMPRESS PURE JAM, Strawben*y ^ Raspberry, ,32 oz, jar,.,:........... 29c. LIBBY'S CANNED FOODS PORK & BEANS 16 oz. rin....... 6%c; PORK & BEANS 28.0Z.J........... IOVjc; SPAGHETTI - 16-oz. t i n ...... . 8c; SPAGHETTI 28 oz, tin........... 14c; iTOltATO JUICE 10*Al' oz. , tin.;................. .. TOMATO JUICE, 14M, oz. tin, Sc 3 'tins 23c; 6 'tins.,.. 45c LIBBY'S PICKLES Libby's Maple Pickfes Sweet; Mix or Sweet Mustard 28 33c HAPPYVALE PICKLES Sweet Mix or Sweet Mustard ® P̂ * lOc LIBBY'S TOMATO CATSUP 12 ,oz: btle 18c 4- tins.... 25c 2 tins,.., 19c 2 tins.... I 5e 2 tins.... 27c .2 tins... 11c result m sweating and sprouting of .the corms. When the correct time has elapsed, the flakes still remaining around the corms should be removed and the con tainers well aired. Care must be taken to guard treated corms against re-infe.station. For your own sake, and the sake or your neighbors, treat your, conns this safe,,easy and in expensive way. --The flakes can be purchased at the florikt?. „ . PLA'm GARDENER. FpBNISHED^ COT'TAGE -- ModS'n, on V/aterfront; May and -- Ju n e- Phone We.sh 350-Xr ----- - " w a n t e d TO RENT OR LF^ASE -- Modern house or cottage preferably waterfront. Reliable permanent __tenants. West '673-R.- * ^ SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best mat erial and workmanship a t Fox's,. 14th a t P e r ry .- ; - . WANTED One 'famished and one unfurnished4-room " cottage near _ fe rry . Phone W est 340 or West 143 f o r s a l e -- Large i^glish^Piram, . very reasonable. West 673-R, d u n d a r a v e g ir l w a n t e d Light housework, 2626 ' Bellevue Avenue. West 297-X. GORDON ROBSbN»;Barrister, Solic- It°^' , ' 'Marine; % mornings; 510 H astings,St., 'Seymour 4199. after noons. - . J____ ______ WANTED - - Highest P ric e s for bottles, sacks, metal, steves, furni- ture, etc. Phone North'1433L Blessed is the boy who has tound his trade and gets busy. XT® washers, one Beatty, one Whirldry; gobd,:condi- tion and guaranteed. Price- reason- 'Wo Y, ^ asy . terms. Beatty ..Washer Store. North 907. FURNISHED \ ^ D ; UNFURNISHED Houtes to "Jlehti " Houses, lots, and acreage fo r usale.^ :̂ ^̂ Lawson, 17th #nd M arine;'Hhone Wert 55. H ^D Q U A R T E R S te r All Popniar Brands of .C igarettes and Tobaccos; also Pishing G ad ^ ts for local wat- Ambleside T ea Rooms. miiim . g u a r a n t e e d RADIO REPAIRS Experience I n s u r e s S a t i s f a c t i o n BROWN & MUNTON 1542 Marine West 366 ^ Washing machines and adjusted; oil changed, ' " ak'e w ^her, cleaner, or home, electrical appliance expertly overhauled very reasonably. Beatty W asher Store, , 91 Lonsdale Aye. North 907. " INSTALLATIONS--JBIectric Repairs, convenience outlets installed. J. H. Paterson,-W est 108. ; ' printing ̂phone West Van News, West:363. MAYONNAISE, Best Poods T oz. jar.,.. 35c |w ift?s SUverleaf, 2 lbs 27c OATS, Robin Hood Non Premium ^ ......................15c ?^92®^JVAX, Johnson's Paste - 59c' T a iL B J TISSUE, Sufidale^ WEST VAN , Sheet Mejtfd Works Phone W est 39 Furnace and Range Repairs, ̂ Sawdust Burners 3 rolls 17c NU BONE CORSETIERE, Mm. Mac- W esT '4S NAVIGABLe Jj'^ A T E R S p r o t e c - _ TIONACT R*S.C. 1217'--1 Chapter 140 of, W l C E . I s 'riaERE^ GIVEN . daravp P ^h Jifiling of pMn? forrthe laying of a Submarine Telephone - Cable across... .i?ll n _ ' Z* . f /TTĴ wX PORK UAiruAOP IK m o d e r n ,MARKETS . WEINERS, Pacific B rim d.._Jb. I9c - nkg ' " 9 - DAISY LOAF, sliced, '...... ^ for 27c j E E THURSDAY'S PAPERS i m ADWTIONAL SPECIALS I . G G X Y w r G i G - ' i i Y . 143 W est 41st Ave. ,2909/W.' Broadway ^ >158l^arine. IJrive. - < F E E D ST O R E A. C. SBARLE Phone W est 9 Fertilizers of AH Kiiids ^ Ij'ii f o r SALE CHEAP -- »2fi F w il goeen C harioi4»-'iC ha^^ (Itoy^e ing with Ruxtell fr<wn a point a t the foot of an Ambleside Service Path .ati^Garrow Bay in the_ Drive. ' Marine Municipality ,^f',iWe^t Vancouver on oritirrxT^ „ -- -------:-- s-- ■ the Mainland;.to'n':*pbint"n t the 'West . SE^NG^^ANTED - -- Jio ̂ too of ̂Snug Ĉove} -Bowffl Island, m sm alL^orth 7.̂ 2-R . : Province o fJ^ ta ih C^umbiaT^th ~ ' ' " tefr-Mimster^of ̂ PubHclWor tbeg iv e WFRR'u « * - ^iniswr:ot'jt'uoac.vvorKs oi shok re n lS r yoor.next department of M a^e^at .Ottawa, and _^no6 repairs. <2463 Marme Drivn.. the-District:,. R e g is i^ i o f» Titles CHIMNEY SWEEPING_am Vanwuver, British" Columbia. try way. G i S t e S s S l P r ; ^*he' expiration .^f-O ne-P) stone repairs. P a W r fWT« S®®? Yrom the. date ,of this Notice, North 811-lS- Capilano, the British Columbia Telephone Ckiin- Tismv' -------- -- ■: ----- - ^®®y ^M..,uhder Section 7̂ of the swd.ANDy AlMXr €!YY/\Tn . Af̂ f orvwil«« 'Diilnlu?