-TH E W K T V A N NKWB s s a e sSitelil ....... * i 0 . LONG ■ 4ji v ̂ y. «* ®̂|IWII»i.y,'̂*ii'̂'liPIfîRMIIIl'l.ip ' i!' e * , ixfnr «WM». Tr ' » ^ I fiiiii. Maria*' iDri'r*^ t ] fc || | |3 fe m^wSfw Phoae West 77 I ISth r !6tli r L dcal and PersbniWv * ' 'i I'^SUNKIST OKAHGilS' ' ' ' ■ / ' .' n V..II fo r ' /.'.-"V:/-':.:;'.':/.̂ .v;;".../..';.;;.:...h;.:.'..,'...8 ^ j Stk;; "46e; 66c;*66cs c m 'r r JUICY ORANGBSi 2 dozen for......................ll#c; 20c; 8Bc • • . ;. i B i s n m m - G V M W ^ v v T ^ : ^ ' v» 8 for 26c; 6 fo r 25c;. 6 fo r 25c, wO-NUEUA'SUGA'E GRAPBFI^Un'.... 7, lo r. 26c; .6 for 26c; 6 fOr 26c SI^JIKIST L B M O kl" 'V / ' ' Medium sizer^o zw 16c; Largo Size, dozen 25c golden B I F F ' a.-;A.ks;,j4irHAuA.l.A.. ̂ lbs. 16c j • , . - '■' AFPLES . f ' * » qnitzcnberg Apples ...7„lbs. 25c Australian Grapes .........lb, I6c r«K'V Home Beauty.... .OJbs, 26c CaL, Straw W r y ..............2 boxes 2 ^ ASi-flliiin Pears -- Fancy, Ne% Salt Dates............... 5 lbs. 26c Cal? Cantaloupes............... 8 for 26c FRESH v e g e t a b l e s * '"^iSiubarb ............... „.....,8 .lbs, 16c_ . Now Season ................3 lbs. 10c Coimcillor and Mrs, G, D. Mr, and Elffar entertained the Reeve and have moved from the city; in to When you Have lUness some friends, last S a tu rd ^ eve- , n ing a t their home, 1566 Gordon John Thomas Wiikm^ci? .alJLalK %4L vXIwAL AIwW*w| JLwW Virv*%*Mal vv*a*a j Avenue, follow ing the launching Vancouver, th e owner Have your PRESCRIPTIONS for dispensing end delivery. jnL T clilltwy Al/«*VYf A»*4> v a l v aWMtaâ * * | 9 * I ̂ j f w t i ^ a o f "The Hollyburn," when a very Point, passed away on Wednos- happy tim e w as spent by all. day, May 6 th, in n is 74th ycBF, Music and recitations were en- The funeral sendees were held joyed, and speeches made, re- in .the city a t 2 :80 p,m. on s a i- freshm ents being served at tK^ lirday, the Rev, Willard Brewing conclusion, officiating. ̂ . Hothouse Tomatoes............... lb. 20c Mexit'iin Tomatoes ..rt.'...̂ .....*».lb.' 15c Local New BoetsL..A.3 bunches 10c Local White Turnips..3 bunches 10c Fresh Radishes and ' Green Onions.:......... 4 ̂ bunches 5c Local Cucurp.ber, , jL w V w " . ii**•«••••■••a•••!.# " • '̂ «», w Cal.-New Carr6ts....6 bunches 10c Cal Celery....... each 10c, 16c, 20c Lettuce ' i.A.:-........................each , 5c Cal. Green Peas....... ::..... 2 lbs, 15c Local Cauliflower-........... 2 for 15c Cali New Potatoes.......... 5 lbs. 26c Cooking Onioris....i.......... 5 lbs. 15c Ashcroft Netted Gems....12 lbs, 25c Since the construction of the The M isses Edith F irst Narrows Bridge has been Dunnett, Margaret approved, th e davelopment work Irw Andrew, all of the nursing W estm inster, Gemnull's Dnij Store Th* Stof# at Siirvlcii.;' ^ ' ̂ 1686 Marine Brife' Wcat 87> ar Wait 607 Emergency Phene Waal 111 ' (After 10 p.m.) large'size " Locaf,Netted :Gdms....5."l6 lbs. 26c FRESHi,BROWN EGGS -- Grade A, large,..:,...... .... ........dozen 26c We . also carry Tobacco and Cigarettes, etc. eagles. K. W; Sayory /VS" 1443 Marine D rive Ambleside Phone W est 340 . Evenings, W est 143 Listings Wanted i i H m e e erties lis becoming an ever in- Hospital in New W estm inster, creasing attraction to the people w ho are on » vacation, are oc ̂ of Greater Vancouver. L ast Sun- cupym g a suite at the Fortune day M athers Avenue w as crowd- Cup Inn. . ^ u w lh e r " MVk J. U.. Holt. 1774 Marine . ' * a * ' *. -Drive, entertained last Saturday Tom Brown of Brown & Mun- at Her homo^^ ton, who recently imderwent, ah sixths i i i^ d a J ^ (on Sunday) ^ operation ^ m aldng satisfactory her daughter, Q ^ l i e Joan, ^ e S ® T i S - & « r « i V a n c o & U l t l e J ^ t e a* Arrt taken vBV Rpneral Hosnital. • to see "Ginger" at the Hollyburnver Orenerai nospixai. Theatre and then bad tHeî ^^ . „„ ..... .................... ... A. R; HiriiJmarsh of Vancou- party from 2 to 6 p.m. aWWing the W est Vancouver Liberal ver, has moved into a house a t a wonderful a ^ ^ w m o f ^ e a ; .A ssociation , i t .was. -resolved 1848 Bellevue Avenue for- the "f® S f b e M t o e r l^ t " * , & C i n e Allen, Josephine - K ^ ontafhew'pSs^^^^^^^ . Mrs. Wolleh h f cypress Park building at' W e s t ' V aheoiver." ' underwent ' a' successful opera- M anlyne M u ^ to j-N a n w The le lfer containing th e resolu- tion th is w eek a t St- Paul s Hos- Mary June J^ d an , Jean Fiddes, tiori has been.forwarde'd to th e pitel. Corahe Joan Holt. . , » • a n d Mrs. F . C.'Aubrey of LOiDAL L I B E R ^ S Vancouver, have moved to Glen-. -^SK TOR CLOCK A t an executive m eeting of Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cokes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes Meat P ies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes, Cinnamon Buns Variety of Tea Breads, Fresli^ every morning . Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive, : Phone W est 27 'T>roperTauthiorities at Ottawa. ♦ * ♦ ' ___ __ The Countess Catinia, late of Dorothy Rhodes,™ daughter of London, England, was the guest Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Rhodes, of Mrs: B.:M . Grady, 24th and Kelowna, late of W est Vancou- Waterfrorit; last Sunday. Mrs. ver, won 1st place for pianoforte Bischoof; Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. -under 14 years in the Penticton Herman Bisclj^oof of Vancouver, F e s t iv a l., This is her 4th succes- JrOW NSW OM EN'S GUILD , The n ext m eeting o f the Townswomen's Guild w ill be held on Tuesday, May 19th, a t 7:45 ..... _________ _ p.m. in_ the Clachan. M^^ w err^ scT g^ estS over the week^ sive year ifi w in n in g .' niembers o f the Guild on Sunday e d, o ISth and . . .T h , V a n c o u v e r N a tu ru l H i . a s s f e t ^ th e ^ o s te s s ^ w e ^ ^ ^ ^ tai'Y Society held their annual laneCus shower in honor of Miss trip la stS a tu rd a y to Caul- Irene Youny, whose wedding Mrs. W; K. Woodcock. feild to . study rock bluff flora, finding la r g e . quantities o f the various plants,;! and flowerings. -M iss > N ellie Stevenson , is . it « , , " • spending a w e e k / visiting'her there m full b lo ^ . -sister-at-CowicHanBayLi-^.- : will take place in Vancouver n ext week. ♦ * ♦ - ■ Concrete W alls & Floors, L ily Pools, Sidewalks, " Foundation Work, General Trucking. B U I L D E R S ' S U P P L IE S T E A R O E & S O N , 1483 Marine Drive ■PHONE WEST 84. , Sylvia Harris, aged 15 years, at about hoori yesterday got off jLt bus at Fulton Avenue and Marine Drive, and, in an attem pt to cross, the road t from behind it allegedly walked into a truck /E ngagem ent Captain and Mrs. P. H. John son, 1836 Fulton, Avenue, W est Vancouver, announce the en- " opposite direction. gagem ent |h e l a s knocked down, suffering S k m a v concussion besides a cut. on the Mr. Terence B. K. C^rickmay, a i ^ t h e loss 'of several teeth - -^ h ^ -w as-taken .-to _the Hollybura Theatre SAT. MATINEE & EVENING and MONDA May ICth and 18th BETTY-BALFOUR JOHN MILLS 'Born for Glory^ (A story of the Navy).1 * • also "MAJOR BOWES*~No.-4*_* TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 19th and 20th PRESTON FOSTER " THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEII " i si ' :Pi , (Once Only a t '8:15) also «TO BEAT THE B A N D ' m r. XCA1311UC , only^ son o f Mr. and Mrs. E. J . il__ Ll '̂ 4! WT̂ ê 4* XToVin/Ml- North Vancouver General Hos- Their eyes.;, ,save them! ver. TTie w a d in g ,w ill take place . , in St. Stephen's Anglican Church, W esr Vancouver, on Vancouver Welfare June 20th. ̂ d istribute the cabbage "plants'-to th ose: - who - requested CHORAL SOCIETY. them previously, on Saturday, ANNUAL MEETING 23rd, a t the headquarters,, 2092 Marine Drive. ,The annual m eeting and elec tion of officers of th e W est Van couver Choral S ociety ,/w ill be held in the Legion Hall om Tues- day. May 19th, a t .7:30 p-m. sharp. This m eeting will be fol- :iowed b y .a social gathering to which friends and associate members are invited. A ny pros- ♦ . ♦ ♦ .0 ■Mrs. E. M. Talbot has moved from' the c ity into a house at Gordon Avenue and Marme D rive for th e summer. S G O O P LATEST MODEL D A n i A Q 1936 CONSOLE R A U l U O 25 only "ActrQalckly"1 5 9 ^ West 37 jNorth 62̂ FOR S T'S 66 Lonsdale Ave. ;v- MAY DAY COMMITTEE axv. -------------- The MAy D ay Coinmittee met pective members will be welcom- la s t Thursday evening m tne ed and asked to make them selves Council Chamber, the reports o i known, v' ̂ the various delegates showing. ------------------------- arrangem ents to be well forward JUNIOR CJHOIR fo r th e m any events and cere- monies. *"■•̂ 1 "r- t. i T ' ̂~ t ■d -> , • w .. .c ,Their wholcfuture depends upon their eyesight their education, their-mental development, their ability to earn-a living. Don't jeopardize^^eir eyesi^t in ^ e k early years. If your' cM ^en have weak, eyes, have them examined'.and cared for. „ ' The Girls' Junior'Choir under The next meeting, at which th e baton of Mrsi Colin M ^ - all delegates are asked to be Lean gave a very successfu l re- present, will take place at 8 p.m. ̂ cital Saturday afternoon in the ton ight in the Council Chamber . United e & r c h Hall. M iss Mary ;as usual. ̂ ^ Murray, the guest artist, played beautifully. Mrs- O'Donnell on C. C. F . NOTES FUEL SUPPLIES WOOD - COAL - t r a n s f e r Bone Dry. 'In s id e Mill Pir....86.5P.per cord Inside Bush Pir..„$5.B0 per cord ' No. 1 F ir Slabs-,..$3.75 _ 3 Cords for.,61X.OO Special on F ir Bark (Limited Supply) $4.00 per cord . ..-Special Prices'^on Alder and 2nd Growth F ir for Summer '.Drying. We strictly guarantee quality /and qauntity. Phone W est 499-L ' ' 1257 Clyde Ave. CHARLIE BILL THOMPSON DUNCAN . If they have good eyesight, help them to keep it--~ don't jieglcct it dr ruin it by forcing them to study ' V, in inadequate light. ' . Many a pupil is .cailed dull Because he can t study for the want'of l i ^ t . / ' : Let / B.C. Electric H«nc Lighting Adviser ma\e a ffee mrvey of your h(nntU^ng.Thorie Seymour SlSl. ill behalf o f th e United Church Ŵ . The W omen's Meeting at the , A son w as born on A in a brief spee&h made a pres^ home o f Mrs. Tom Russell to : th e Vancouver General Hosjntal entatidn o f a Moorcrbft, vase to have been addressed by Mrs. D. Wilson. G. Mor-. Mrs MaoLean and a bouquet of Steeves, M:L.A., has been post- fltt, 2456 B«Javue Avenue, tulips to Mrs. A . -E llis , th e poned.. -------- -̂-------.. .. ----------------- ------------------------------------------------- choir's accompanist, fo r their work in connection , w'ith "Snow W hite." N ext Saturday th e W . A. are entertaining th e Junior Choir. . , ■toil B:G: ELEGT^q COMPANY t lG H T -IN G .^ -d e p a r t m e n t,HOMEr -■'.-'"'Ca */■■ .'JiJ. , A' « x'~' J-T-'r* „i. JS*-'?" aa-T. ;.'A' 4 a}- - -'i • • - - EXPEBO^^---- ]Watcta and Cldck KBPAIRING/ T. CHRISTENSON (formerly ■with Birks Ltd., Montreal)' ' 1522 Marine Drive West Vaacouver, LAVIfN BOWLING CLUB O fficial Openffig o f Greens MAY For particulars and m em bqrsEip-application/form s-apply to Gordon Robson, J. W. Banks, D. A; Jay,\ Alex. Menzies, Jas. Hamilton Smith, W illiam Partridge oA Harvey Sm ith ' X y •f. , ^ J- - ft - ' * H. ,*" r -* ^ ^ , i c K' t ̂ r V. v s r J .V% f i in