West Van. News (West Vancouver), 14 May 1936, p. 2

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I F w I Ul wrnnvMtmmmtmam' - tu n . BOUi Wi%UrMd(t«ri • INBiMtaf i « r v |^ ' .«MilM JUBi^^filll., BuadMsr i d M «imS Bik« &§m 10 MM, BtrMttgtrg it Viait^n WMleom, Permanent Waves i m e tiT E gr y a w h e w s iijsse. BAPTIST CHUBCO tm , W* lU ll«Xa?, BJL, m .nur-Cknyrch Scitool in*10:00 it etudfnjir Adult Ch»» II a.m. & 7:80 p,ror»-»Fjr««chlng' .. ,,Bervicea.,. A hearty welcome to all I\ i iJ that ara DiBiinatig Different I. i r I' ¥1 ' 45.- J i f ■ is ■ f I'l ' ' I f ."Ur - 4":'S I - . 1 iv Becouae of our new low atoam- ln*f proems, requiring only Z to 4 minutea, we. are able to give you a soft natural wave, with lustroua curly ends. AhIc the woman who has one KBVIV ADMISSION t'or, 14th i t Marine, Amblealde WKKK NIGHTS ~ Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday,.S p.m. PltAYEK SEKVICE--Thursday 8:80 p.m.; 2506 Marino Drive SUNDAY S E im C E S ~ ll a.m. mid 7:80 p.m. G w e n d o l y n 'j* - ' B e a u t y S h o p p e UNITED CHURCH 2l8t & Esquimalt Ave. Kev. HUlis Wright, Minister % 'i » 1540 MaHno Drlvo West 117 PHOTO SUPPLIES KODAK and AGFA FILMS ItIflGULAK VEIUCIIIIOMB & PANCHKOMATIC l*hoto Finishing by Crystal Finish Co. Ambleside Pharmacf W. L. KER, Prop. 1401 Marino Drive FREE DELIVERY Phone: West 823 The pulpit ,of W est Vancouver United Church will be occupied by Conference Delegates at both moniing and evening services next Sunday. Dr. "At • B. Henry, former mini.ster, will occupy tl^e.pulpit WEST vitffcOUVBB , Clu'istian Science I'C OWEN'S GOWNrMOi!SPORT SHOPPE CHURCH EDIFICE .20th andJHiauiinaltf HoUyboro Thia Society is a Branch of . The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts The School Giri M a y D a y - p r e s s e a Have arrived. School Girl Prices. All sizes West 062 .... S m ^ t T a i l o r ^ D re « » i.. a n d t l o w i i r e d C h l f f n n PresBtea s a d ! E n s e in h i i . . Sunday Sarvico: 11:80 aum. Sunday, May 17th, WATCH FOR THE ARRIVAL OF Subject: , "MORTALS AND IMMORTALS" ' Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. 7'he public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetings. at the evening service. '% pastor will also'give a short ad Tuxis Group will mee't next dress to the boys and girls. Tb Tuesday night at 8 p.m. evening subject will, be "Th(ri T r n ___ j ________ i__rr -j* r in tt mi. _ _l. 's. l i l" d r : G. D. H. SEALE ' D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Offleo Houi^s 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phono West 72 ' Established on North Shore 25 Years _____ (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. ]funeral Simtars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Pair. 184 BAPTIST CHURCH fM h iiferrR evrW .^ : The merriihg subject will be ,"The-;;Sacrificial^^ Pastor wiU also'give a short ad- C.G.I.T. nieet Wednesday at 7 Way of L ife ," The choir will p.m. . ^ load in the worship of song in iTayer meeting on Wednes- both services. The usual bright day at 8 p.m. ̂ hearty sing-song will open the New communicants class next ! evening service. Sabbath morning in the vestry Strangers and visitors will re­ al JO a-m. .ceive a, cordial welcome. ' . The Young J?eople'»' Society The Young People's Society will hold its regular m eeting as will entertain the society from usual following, the evening ser- the W est Point Grey Baptist vice next Sunday. Suggestions Church on Monday at 8 p.m., and . for furthering the interests and also the Provincial l^xecutive of activities^ of the s'oeioty in the the Baptist Young People's As- future will. be discussed and an speiation. The president, Rev. interesting hour is assured. M. A. Talmiooff, will be the The attentipn of the members speaker. A social, hour will be of the Young People's Society spent a t the close, is ealled to the fact that the The Prayer Meeting will be -Spring Rally, previously-arrang-" -held Wednesday at 8 o'clock ̂ ed. for -Sunday evening, May ' ^ ^ , 37lh, has been postponed until 'ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC Monday evening, May 18th, and CHURCH .. will be held Iir Ghalmer's United Rev-. N. J, Corley, Pastor H U I j I j I l Q U i t J M A 'Tonight arid Friday (7 and 9 only) ORIGINAL COMPANY NOW ON WORLD TOUR The Most Astounding Case in Criminal lAntials-- Bein^ A TRUE LIFE STORY OF JOHN LEE You See It and Marvel N ot One Gruesome Moment Millions Know It's True Was It An Act of God? ' ' ^ > t . 1 \ ' \ ' An Atmospheric Scenic Prologue Precedes th e Picture Special Music-- Stage Stars in Person-- Comedy, etc. Biggest Show Value~in' Y ea r^ R eg n la r Prices. i SOFTBALL Church. Further announcement Phone West 540 at the meeting on Sunday even- - Sunday Masses ■ i ' ,. _ Low Mass -- 8.T 5a]m .. The regular meeting of the High Mass &.:Sermon - Women s Missionary Society will am be held n ex t Tuesday, May 19th7" rcatechisril Tonight (Thursday) at Amble- T side-Pa^^7-® t4tons-^Iay^^^ Dairy (formerly Keat'sPlaying at Mahon Park last son's ,______ _________ Monday night Tritons defeated Grocery), at 6:15 p.m. As this i« hv th e .first Horiie-game of the ____ Bud_SuIIiyanJidJhe.hurling large turnout of spec- Tfitons and was given good sup- tators is hoped for. made his debut in softbML catch- Bischopf, Sr., is leaving ing-for Tritons'and a good job on Thursday for several months' he_made of it. ̂ visit to th e Hague, Holland- M - I Corporation of The District of West Vancouver ___ T* " ' ------1' --- 2:00 p.m. woo eiVCH g w u oup- a 2 .1o p.m. Papers will be read Rosary and Benediction -- 7:15 in the. field. * Jimmy Love by members. All ladie.s invited. p.m. * i,,-,. ;aiu..4. .•----- , CHURCHES OP CHRIST, Gf'fij'TVTqpFCfr ^ass, daily 7.15 a.m. o i^uvjM iol Friday -- Rosary -and Benedic- -HistoryAL/o , w?ll be the_subject of the . overv Satnrdav --~ 0 *80 a m'- Confessions, Saturday -- 7:15 of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. rtm The Golden Text is: "What ^ W EST VAN RRQDUCE F R U I T A N D V E G E T A n f .E S FF^ESHDAILY man kn-oweth the ̂ things of a ST. -s flP H E N 'S CHURCH S ? ; i F. iA..:Ramsev.-w h ich -is-in -h im -?-even -so" the-------th nfra-nf-finri - V i i m h m f L - * , , , ' 1 7 t h , 1936 -- Rogation Phone West 186 Free Delivery Daily u Sealed tenders arc. invited for the- things of- God knoweth no man,' - Snndav purchase of the following properties blit th e Snirit nf .Gnd " fT Pnv to which the Municipality will issue ipthians: 2^ 111 ' ^ a.m.L^Holy Communion.' . deed without covenants:-- nwuans <s. l i j . 11:15 a.m.--Matins Renortc nf inclusive, Block B, ' Am ong the citations which Synod • P s N.L.14 of District L o t.1084 Comprise the Lesson - Sermon is 7-1 iv n m « .i oTenders must be delivered to the thf» Fn1Inwin«> ■Pv/\tvi i-u dm i L ip p.m. JiiVensong and Ser- «»dorsknied by X2 o'clock noon on the "Lord thti^haS ' "1?" ' P '̂^^^her Mr; D. Black-leth May, 1936, and must bo accom- been our dwel- aller. panlpd by a certified cheque for the Piace in all generations. Wednesday 2*30 o m ---*...11 ---------1 - Rpfnvia \fhix _____ pi. , ou. Stephen'sIn g le w o o d W. A.M ' ........ ......... ' " Before, t̂he mountains wereihe Council re.seiTe. the right to brought forth, or ever Thon rojeot .„y or all ton^ - hadst fprmed the eartrand the world, even from everlasting to Mumcpal Uo,k. everlasting, Thou art God." (Psalms 90; 1, 2). F or th e sa fe ty •'Charity Fund--Give TiU I t Hurts." The Scotchman read it, then, with tears of grief in his eyes, handed it back to the fair solicitoi'. , "Lady," ho said brokenly, 'ahe vena -1- idea hurts." ̂The Lesson - Sermon also in­ cludes " the following passage from th e Christian Science tex t­ book, "Science, and Health-with- Kejr to the Soriptiires" by Mary Baker Eddy: ."Immortal man THE was and is . God's image .or idea, also spoke even th e infinite expression of meeting. ' The 23rd birthday of the W.A. was celebrated last Monday by a tea given by members of the calendar system with Mrs. Blox. ham as convener. Two original members, Mrs. Johnstone and Miss Almas, were presented with flowers and gave brief addresses. Rev. F. A. Ramsey, President Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Broderick, m y y .The main reason I have a telriphofi^ in the Ouse is for the safety of my .fapiily," said John Wegrate. " , . ' " x r XT even th e infinite expressicw e s t Van News, pfiniteMind,apSri^ is coexistent and coeternal withPttbllahed Every Tburaday that Mind." Publisher F, P* LOVEGROVE " Phone W est 363 Buaineaa and Editorial Office: 17th and Marine Drive (Next to HoUybufn P. 0.) Phone W est 363 Mail Addresa:'̂ P* O. Box 61, Hollybnm, B.C. St. Francisdn-the-Woods. Caulfeild Sunday, 3 p.m.-- ^Evensong and Sermon. ,T» E.' Batchelor, 1374 Gordon Avenue, form erly customs of­ ficer a t Fort William, Dntario, has. j iis t been appointed to the custom s staff, in Vancouver. North Vancouver O^ice: 128 Lonsdale Ave. 6L60 a .year b;{^emiw; -62.00 a year- mall. Mr. and M rs;-D. Allan and Mis. Lewis of California, are guests for the summ er a t "Sal- utans," the home of Mrs. B. M. Grady. FOR - tPEPENDABLE L aundry L td. SERVICE^ R e p r e s e n ta t iv e I believe in. being ready, for emergencies, and 1 know that the quickest way to send fdr .help in case of Illness, fire, -or burglary is by telephone.", ' The telephone is a great protection at: a small cost. . , B . C . t e l e p h o n e G O M P A N Y