West Van. News (West Vancouver), 14 May 1936, p. 1

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'ine isb ve. so ^ 8 * h.* • / ' -V- ̂ '1H»«<,»?i# ,< *,»#f. >1 f : ■..'. r I '■ , X-- V Circutatin$'-tn [ihe_-'lŷ ̂ Wesfyancoui)et:^^mblesi4e^ H<4l̂ bum% WesioMifDundarave $I.00 per y t u e . liill Cypress PdrkrCaul/eild, Whyt(Sdiff% per copy a t newsatande. i t [Vol* /?!' i^pIii:>YBtJRN:'P:(>.,, WEST .yA lfpipU VER.' B.C., THURSPAYj\M AYft'.> # . 1936 No. 4 POST OFFICE C h O C K ^ ASK ED FOE* i *6 i ̂ 1 « W ' > ̂ ̂ < ............. .. ;... * ' . *e Considerable agitation has recently developed in the municipality for a clock on th e new P ost Office ibnilding now in course of construction 'at Hollyburhj th(s not having been included in the original plans. The executive of the W est Vancouver Liberal A ssociation have passed a resolution ask­ ing lor the clock, which has been forwarded tx> Ottawa, and LAUNCHING OFv ^̂ THE pJEW FERRY MAY D A Y PARADE The Parade Committee Of th e CITIZENS^ BANQUET POSTPONED ̂in-.iTTFinj.iiiTUTmrtnTirnim , Owing to the fact that several ____________C o t.„ ......... Last Saturday evening before GenOrki May Day Com m ittee v^w*„is tu mo A»ot vu»u acvoi«, a large crowd assembled for the have iirrahgem ents in h^ttd fofr . o f the most prominent gu est occasion Mrs. J. B. Leyland broke the various sections of the Par-'- speakers find it impossible bo at- r tlie .VYiiiVU aiceo u ^ i i xv* rvci'*m̂ u w v/wvwiYf«., m»**u we uiiderstariff that re|>reMntatio^ have been_m'ade jalso toVv̂<3 UUUvl ' V1AC*|/ KF%e\f̂k» those in authority a t th e capital i outside the P oster Depart­ ment. ■ ' • S. , .A, „ , \Vith the exception: o f th a t in the, ferir . building, there is> not' one single public clock anywhere in W est Vancouver,, and conscciuently such ahradditioh-to the hew-H olly burn P<w ̂ Of-~ fice would supply ,a long, felt' need. The proposed"location is central and w o u ld . be., a great convenience to our residents gGiicrally. " ' ■ ■ ' '; U V v I X O lV I i X fJLA O i:tf« AJ^vVldn^J^^ M ia A lv V vJL l^ V d a a v iA P ̂fNK!«VvavaAO i v X : V ta i# p j ^ v d i w ^ a O I I I IV I J>v * IIA |JV /O tf AM It7 v \J C iv '* a magnum t t champagne over ade, and it is hoped that th e chil- tend on the date set, May 16th, the bow of the new ferry '̂Holly- dren will exercise every endeaV,or the com m ittee have therefore burn," thus christening her as to make the day a huge success, decided to postpone the banquet the taut little^ ydssel took her This May Day ceremony has be-: until a date to be announced >first dip into.the.briny from the come quite, an - event ih., We9tJ , yards of her buildprs, the North Vahcouver, and it , is sincerely - VahcoUver Ship {Repairs Ltd. hoped the citizens of the muni- later, , 'f fcVAAWVr M V Wjb' .f'.'U ,«ihWM !.«»«• Ihf . 4Mi VV*i • 'r> ' W Vli." ' VA* W': W*«nl W . >' «f i' Reeve Leyland made a brief adr cipality will g ive the com m ittee- dr;^ss previous to the launching, ' the support,this year w hich ,th e y , which was entirely a success, have so generously given i n ,th e A bouquet o f ' tulips, and snap- past: ARTS & t r e a s u r e ' 1 i SPEED That W est Vancouver r^^ ** , -- ---------------- - , ents have a wealth of beautiful dragon was presented to Mrs. Prizes are being arranged and art treasures was shown at th e Leyland by M rs.-G . D. Elgar, .will be awarded in the.follow ing- exhibitfon given last Saturday w ife, oL the Chdirman o f the glasses: _ . _ ' and Monday by the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., in the Orange : Halh> ^ all loaned by: loC^ mallt^^"Whicto Centuries hence,' when the long _ allow of a true estim ate being f o r m e d , ^ w ». ♦**« «**«. ______ ________________________ record th a t'speed ,was,sthe,chi^f, characteristic,of th is, â ̂ of^ Service,-w ife of-.the manager o f « merciab^Van; Best- Decorated ^ ̂ ̂ ̂ A • » the shipbuilding'.plant, by MisS BicycleT B est Decorated ,Tri- We are indeed:sp.e^ .mad. E verything m ust be- done ^ g e s t Decorated Scooter; hurry or not at-all. Business men tr a v e l b y aeroplane m- ^ kiimhrniifl f e a W . B est Decorated Wasr6h" stead of by train. T he m ost popular diverrion 'is to do. som e­ thing-faster lor to go, somewhere, in , shorter: tim e than, has ever been attained before* 'Almost any world speed record is sure of newspaper headlines. . Streaih jining^ th eJatest devel­ opment, and, it , is now being'extended from autos to railway trains and ships; . ' { '* "And th is craze for speed is bur rate ' of business tfprces at' man reserve strength, w.bich w as in te emergencies only;: And' sp vitail ° as taking the"biggest to llam m if Again, th e oraze fo r sbe- dents, ^ filled the m ight very well have been th e art and curio section of a large museum. There were m any beautiful pictures, some of which us up, for th e modeim itinually draw, on his shown, by .our demand for; thrills; batic^jfeat, the^aiito race in, which seJ 1 1 "1 '̂ JS J A hqmbrous feature o f the B est Decorated, Wagon, , launching; w as-, the sudden ,de- Character Class Patriotic oeautitui pictures: some oi wmcn ' scent o fr th e"champagne"-on to Couple; Humorous Costum e; , ^een hung in thV R oya l the hat o f , one iofUhe dock em- A dvertising Costum e; Original Academy, old jewellb^^^ ̂ plc^ees,vvho Was,standing by the Costume; Character O ostum ^ ' ornaments and bric-a-brac, old bow beneath the launching plat- B est Ihressed B o y ; B ^ Dressed furniture, : silver, :: lihe^ form;; A;careful.handling of his Girl; Children w ith .Floral;Das-- , dresses of part centuries, Indian," ; hrt, , and he. .might have had p l^ ; v " : ' Chinese, a n d ^ t o .* m ost o f the chatnpagne. A s it I n . '̂ ew of the ab u n ^ n ce o f m e t a l s , sh ip , was, hi^ hasty-reftioval o f him- flowers both in the woods a n d in .^lodels, weapons, idols and'other{ i' . se lf and hrt resulted in the gardens a special.class has, b e ^ ; primitive : ijbjects :̂ fr6m̂ ^̂ : W liquid -b e in g -w a ^ ^ ,; down h is_ .^ r r ^ g e d and .a p m e w fU ^ b f A frica and N ew G u t o i l l ^ ^ ____ back. , -- '.....i.;:....!::-- :----- --- -- awarded, th e b oy a n d ; e n t e r - ; ; , njng--jennyl "bld̂ ̂ w , ' A ^ : s ) o o n as th e Hpllybupn had ing the best floral display repre-.- etc! making .altogether a contestants are sure been warped alongside the dock, sentm g th e beauty to be found vronderful colection worthy- of ' light refreshmeh^?W are served in and around W est Vancouver, , |^rgo city i i nature to be, used ih„ show h eart troubles itking us neurotic, as_ _____ ..... __________ _____ ______ _-- ---------------- B-- -------------------- --- -- B--T, -- ,-- -- y f ning- jenny. : bid ■ wobdckrtin 0 ^ flCrO- . ' ~ 4̂ ^ \ \ a A . Tnvir +Viia Vmof flni*5il V ^ v *4*. ^ con tes^ n ts are sure to be killed before our eyes, and sim ilar contests are the b ig- light re fr e sh m en t.y e r e served in and around w est Vancouver, , |^rge city. li --__ Our^newsi£pere^hayeltiojie;cdhtmually;;pi|jjhe^^^^ ' .R EV IV A L MISSION _ _ times they even have to m anufacture .them, by whmH is m eant - great addition tô the^ferry fleet. The Mission, Amble- ^stum e^from the boosting up an ordinary event into-the thrill(^ tegbry . : H er/len gth -overa ll is approxi- s id e a t 14th and M m n e, presents gi^-y. violin solos by Mrs. Jones An instance of .this' w as seen in" th e recent Moose R iver m ately 108 fbet 9 inches a fr ,frw '® + n M d a v Brewer; Miss Margaret A m es, aeoident. N o w ttiany-men ^ave.been,entombed, before in Can- t o n i 21 feet, m^akin^ ̂ interest PvInJpIrthV se r v i^ folk dancing class in oostem e; ada and elsew here. W e knbw rforjnstance, of one tunnelling . 9 8^nm bnd^he ^ Miss Edna W right of W est Van- project in Eastern Cbiiada just-previous to the W ar, where \ e r than the No. 6 . H er carrying is a t 8 n.m.'and the subject will as the result of-m uch: quicksand men were, literally buried ca p ^ ity is about 325 p ^ sen gers An interesting program w as run off on .Saturday evening. as_kr* I* A M '. *« «« ^ 1 • _ and mowed aw ay , by rthe{%cbrt7"Butrth:ef^^^ publicity, because then the public w as n o t/a s a whole inter­ ested in thrills except in; th e .case o f som e major disarter. We do not'wish tb^appearda^cking^ We are .m erely pointing out thibichange in i^ b p le'sa ttitu d e caused, w e believe, ■not-byLa_greater sym ^pathyiof suffering, b.ut b y .a n j n s is ^ c e ^ on some kind o f .thrill' ' \ ' Certainly "the wbrld-'cannot^ong continue living at the * -ih-the-summerrandT225-passen- A ' . a ' *■ . * M > . « *v H 1 * 4 .gers in the winter. I t is "hoped to have her on the run by the middle o f June. " ̂ ^ is a t 8 p.m.'and the subject will r-- ^v^A fv,o be ^Wonderful Jesus." JSatur- w^-Vnnv^inpnl -day--afteim 'O on-^nt^2430-^s--the-J^^gk_F '̂^^rt JHPjil ohildr-en's rally w ith » special children in costume, and singing for the i {ii present rate o f tension .and remain sane. SCOUT NOTES -1st W est VancbuveirTroop-- ' (St. Stephen's ) , Considerable ^progress was made "during--4;hb- p ast few message and singing children and young"'people. On. Sunday m oraing at 11 a.m, a devotional service of consfecra-' - t io n ^ il l be enjoyed and consid­ eration given the important and interesting subject "The Lord," Who Was." Sunday evening the W ELL KNOW STAGE : A N D SCREEN ACTOR NOW ON WORLD TOUR REACHES H ERE From Australia, via New Zea- X4V.X.XX6 --v*.w .................. . " of rr .qn'%v rvi land, South A frica, Great Britainmonths and interest IS, running song-service begins at 7.30 p.m. - ■ Vv£k .TYtrtai;. on_ „ i§7 im .S tr^ t; Eleven representatives o f th e ̂ MisS Edith W hite, various lorganizations; Of ";Wert^ 2361 Jefferson A ven ue; Vancouver attended ^he'cohfjbrt vt liiiss H r t t ie .y \ ende recently heild b y tbe.D :'V.Al"=i;r Marine'Dri've: high: Badges were fecentiy a- a n d the service will be-m os^en- , warded to the following :.JVlusi- joyable w ith 'special m usic and unit h ere -te p r e s e t The Man bians, to P.L. Martin; Airman's, singing. A t th is service will be v to 2nd'Kendrick; World Friend- brought, a m essage, entitled ship' to Scout A nderson; 2nd "God's Radio," which will be re- A class to Scout Graham. A good ' vealing and inspiring. The Mis- 25;000 m iles precedes the local sduringiWhich tim e the o ld 'silen^^ Park,jand* a good show ing was friend. regarding the Y outh Ilnem ploy-. . I t is regretted th a t M iss Molly number turned out" to the recent sion doors ^ in g 'o p e n to all in ment movement, and^inany .use-{.-:: Edwards , has withdrawn her district spbrts held at,̂ Mahon welc^ne. Oome and bring a ful' suggestions ,were. p i i f for-, name as candidate for Jubilee Park,jand a good show ing was friend. . ward which it is'^ hoped v d ll' Queqn due to pressure o f work.' made. P-L. Martin .secured first materialize in the' very' heafev. AIL votes cast on her behalf will place in the high jump, clearing future. At any fa te th e (JommiL-* "go 1|) Miss W est Vancouver. the bar at 5 feet. H e ^ 11 repre- tee has already been ,su ccessfu l ̂ ̂ ,One o f th e first week!s prizes sent the troop at the^Vahcoi^er in placing two boys to.work :dur-" _ in th e Jubilee Queen Contest has, sports. S. Leyland; the. A.D.L. CHORAL SOCIETY WIN SHIELD Vo an-m placing iw o Doys 'Do.worKjaur-h -m in e juoiiee v^uecii vviiteot lias, Djjuii/o. »./. v**v The' Kerrisdrte - W est ing the past week, and'hope w ith' come to W est Vancouver, having for the North Shore,^aid an of- couver .Choral Society won the ; the co-operation o f th e , various v been awarded to Dr. E. Ih er - fieial v isit on May 11th, and lire- Men's Musical C lubs shield in delegates to take care, o f several *rien, 16th and Marine Drive, jnore before .very long. ; feature has been completely suberoeded by an entirely new 1 0 0 % talking version, released rju sf in tim e for , the local show ing. The story of John Lee, th e Devonshire lad, convicted o f murder and three tim es ,saved from death by alm ost miraculous I -.le neiSf m eeting o f the"West --/M A Y DAY DONATIONS I Vancouver D:V.A". v̂rill cbe ;heW ^ at the Ferry Building, Tuesday, * Anyone desirous of m alang a the 19th instants "A ll mem bers donation or giving a prize- is fieial v isit on May 11th, and p r^ Men's Musical Club's shield m . . - , -i, n̂ -x. sented the warrant to S. M. ^ w - the competition for large choirs circum stances, has a thn ll a ln t s ell. T he investjiture,. 'vvas? made Monday n ight a t the B. C. Musi- pwn, ̂being ^ t ir e ly true in every rtmilar ter tlfe^ fq llih g o f a hew cal Festival^ V?Tiile the o n ly Particular, To enhance this fact, recruit, Mr. Sewell renew ing his entry, they-received an excellent W. Leonard Howe, stage and Scout's promise" before th e as- adjudication and made 85 and 86 personality and close seihbled troop. W ork'w ill soon marks. In th e contest for s m a l l ' ' in en d o f Lee, w ill appear in per-xne 19th instknL ' A ll mem bers - donation or giving a , prize- is semoiea u - T ' t i ; . " w ro f ^ s6n a t ev e fv ndrformance intro- are requested to attend, as there asked to kindly get in touch with, be started on the cabin .and i t the W est ^ancou ducinir th e artual scenes o f the are several m atters of- import- Mrsi'J. R. Patterson, chairman o f is hoped to have th is pompleted Choral Soc ety came S e d v ^ ^ S id t^^^ a n c e to b e d isc u sse d .^ ,T W » fe ^ ' th ^ ^ t h one, of -dun„^_the summe^; K. according,to age: . , , »hots taken by Mr. H w e on h is -- 'V^recunt visit- to . ' I" ?i -u wie iNurin onure 2\eLUfi4W, xiie x v x i^ w m ^ lo €* Soldier Council on: Wedries'day,'" "donations and prizes May 6th, 1936; w hen m atters. of{v'feeived; yital importance f e g d fd ih g .^ noci. future of returned soldiers i w e r e " '^Couhoil uiscussed. •, ' ' so far re 2nd W ^ t Vancouver T r ^ -The Coi 6 ■j u b i l e e .̂ Q U E i s i S S c ^ ^ f i E i a ^ s & # ! m Cash ..............$25.00 l . O.' D. E .................. D .M ............................. Piano under 10 years ______ ̂ , . Kathleen Collinson (only ^x^mmittee .of-the-.Second years old) 80 and _76_; Wert Vancouver" /B o y : Bcout : Helen Pochin, 75 and 76; Group wish to get in toiich w ith. Both pupils o f Mrs. F . Knight- 1 0 0 0 -- anyone-who has_any "Cub: e a p s , i - i H o d g e _ ^ -- ^ ---------------- 2*00 jerseys, or stockings for ^which . . Piano under 12 years * Devonshire, tragedy. . the Babbacombe, scene o f th e ' L A W BOWLING CLUB The G olden;Jubil^'^m i^tte^ Bakeries Ltd...::/ take pleasure in announcing', th a t ' Prizes . tWO IHOPA 5.00 3.00 5.00.. jerseys,' or buwk.iuks j.uj:; vymi>n . A'loiiu <i»uu«;g -Tho-official opening for .the they have no further, u ^ ' A jeall " RutK Pam um , 79 and 75 and , season o f th e W est Vancouver to any member of. the '^mtoit-^^ just brtow f in a ls .----- " -"^Laiyn ^Bovriingr Club" will /take tee or to th e cubmaster; W est Pupil of C . E. Burbridge. place a t 2 p.m. on Saturday o f 216 -X. wilL be greatly appireci- V ocal Solo under 16 years .. ; th is week, May 16th. The greens Mrs. N ew effP T m afraid IV e" nut too much sa lt .ih {th e :soup, dear. ^ Mr. Newed: "N ot a t aU> dav*- B e tty Blaiir, 82; -Muriel P latt, 80. Willvbe in first class shape for th e opening^ which it.fe" expected Doth pupils of Mrs. Colin M ac-' 'yrill herald in a successful '■Leahs , V iolin under 19 years M rt^^lilurrty 78 and season. A ny who contemplate becom ing members of the club are a sk ed to kindly refer to the