, V S:» I . - 1 , . : r r r :^ ? z ^ T ": 'r .x ■ « i"̂ l p | i ^ a m s h . ---------- - r S : VI ■» /,-' m ^ . ■ i •■' L . . P f ' . « - . ' j fv< ^^pipi ii»J m '* ■ :i ■ '.%■ *'i&. ■-.-' .t; Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver^Ambteside,, Hollyburn^ Wesi^^, Dundarave ' ■• -- '̂ M p f e s t P d B z i ^ a ^ : : r r :$1.00 per IWl \'ol. X CANADA AND.WAR HOtliY^BURN P.O.. W EST VANCOIJVER. B.C., TH U R SD A Y ,' M A ^S |lti3^th , 1936 * f ' 'f ̂ ̂ '*■1= *•» (•?"• ! •»4 I ■■■-■.< .-M iiîiilil̂Sjkl̂SMitSiliLiîiiî t̂f̂ . '"' ' ' ' '"" M A Y . i ) A Y ': ( : i b M M i S i i i ; | No. 49 TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD COMING EVENTS The recent discussion in P arliam ^ t as to wljether Canada should go to wa^ ln4h© event of Enjgland's bloom ing involved is both stupid arid dangerous: , » Any man ^hoi tfiinks that Canada's M ihtia and N avy have kept her safe from aggression js a fool. Both are excellent,, so far as they go, but so sm all as to be negligible in comparison with the forces o l other: nations who m ight Uke to take our country from , us. A s to the United S tates on which some Canadians ^ m " t o rely ' her navy fo F reasons Unnecessary'to explain ism ot for its siae.considered very seriously by other powers, while her aririy again is small.. A s a m atter o f fact, we have always.bw^d.our Security tb the B n tish N avy, whj^ch . has cost us, jp st nothing. .!rherefore,.if that support was with drawn'to fight England's' war, as-would happen in th e case of our refusing to'go ,in w itlj .the Motherjiand, ,we should become .. immediately a particularly easy plum for spme big power to (rr&b * * "S* ̂ ̂ ̂̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ 1 V * % i ' ' V ̂ ' * ' " * * * th e danger of siich talk.lies in the fact;tbat it gives o th ^ nations the! idea that' the British Empire is not united. . Germany in 1914 had th is same opimon, arid it was one of the main rea so n slh a t induced her, to. take, up h o s t i l it ie s .S h e thought th^t the Domiriions.'would refuse to tak e .u p arms and so force Erigland/to ,keep:out o l war. Consequently w th Hitler in his present mood such discussions are particularly u n w is e ," i f - « d t : d a n g 0 r o u s ; ' • ' ' * v /. Incidentally w ith * th e present liiie-up of' nations, Canada for reasons u n n ecess# y to sta te here, is altogether likely to need Erigland^s. assistance to maintain; herself against enemy, attack, j ' ' ' \ ' /V"' ■- * ' (, ' ' "" i ; TO eii fEngland: is atVwar, Canada is. at war, or-^-sunk. About .ieveritjr members at- -- -- - t-., 'iendod;rthC'lbWPWbmen*s Cuild, rhbWlheif'tnltial The iwiay Day C o m m ltib g W l Fidday, April 3rd -- W est Van- bf the m eeting held a t the Clachan on year at 8 p.m. o iexb Thur^bay>UlVtJI/UI|S V/*M,V»»Mll« w*» J VrM« MiV 3 p.l... Tuei^ay evbniiigf It was pointed April 2nd, in the council cham- • o u f that tw o.of'the members had ber. .All organizations m terested been awarded <K ingts Jubilee are asked., to send reprCsenta- medals viz. .Mra: A. C. Bagley tives. and Mrs. W ; T. :Grahame ' these receiving th e cdrigratujations of lhe\Gujldfe;;4 . - . 1.'..... .. Mrs. Thos; Todrick of Vancou ver, paid a ,VlsH to the Guild, being intensely interested in the movehient arid iri a few remarks iriade a special plea that.women work together lo r "Peace." Further obiig^^tulations were extended ; to A. C. Bagley ' * B ,-L .W O B L D -P B 0E lU m O iN , <1 ̂ j )» " * ' ' ̂ The Dundarave Branch, B. I. W. JP., were last Thursday priv ileged to hear Colonel Pringle in a very enlightening address on the "Beginnings o f God's; plan . in the creating and calling but of "seed" in the earth. Gbd couver ' Orchestral - Society's Concert in the Orange Hall. Friday, April 17th -- Dance by ̂ West Vancouver staff, B. C. Telephone Co,, In the Holly- burn Pavilion. Monday, April 20th-- ^West Van couver Choral Society's Con cert. 4̂ 1 I I LITERAKY SOCIETY exM jnueu .L o ;'*»**o. jjauicor a -- „ -- „ « w upon her re-election for a fourth, began th is "separating o f th is terni as Presldeht of the Pro- geed when He said, "I will , put SCOUT NOTES ;THE BipiNING BUSH By Subadar V vincial^ Council - bf> Women, a t the convention held in Victoria rec ently following which she dealt with the reablutibns presented to a delegatioh; o f the Legislature. ; Mrs...BaglOy :a||so stated that ■ the niajor .^deliberations . o f the Local Council o f W omen for the year were^ towards "Peace" and "Unemploymerit^.and th at'th ey hiad supported 'the principle of * "H ealth Irisuran^." A yery .e^ightening paper on enm ity ■ between-thee^ (th e seipp ent -- Satan) and tne wom^n, The next m eeting of the society will be held at the home of J. Duncan, vice-president, 1383 Duchess Avenue, on Satur day evening, March 28th, a t 8 o'clock, when Mr. Duncan will give an address on "Ancient Egypt." The address will be iL lustrated with wall and bookt i l l v -- • 0 » U U I / , 1 i. A ll rl T4* ll 11 lit' * i members of the sooiety are cor- Gen. 3: 16. Satan bruised, ^ e HIGH SCHOOL CON|!;e RT.,' heel bf J esu s in H is ^ S slon ,, and - u i - - j in the persecution of the The High School students o f . i i ' i f ing children of God, but (Jesus \y est Vaboodver Have completed Christ is .coming their plans for the concert to be Biven'tomerrow, Friday, M irch !!• - ' V T - jsy oUlVcMlar' A VerV'emiKHLUllUlK UaPcX vn . .xitHAU, - Mixu , **v. -- . . , , v,w; .- grid' W e s t V a n r T r b b p , ^ ̂ ^ ^ Appbiritments'^b^^ comes it will not be in th e seojbt 27th, at 8:00 p.m., and have,pr^ A t the> riieê ^̂ tori ® id k y / '; Nolawbaripreyehtfcanditsfrom - whb Hridbistihguished them- chairibers, or in, the desert, ; t f ^ pared a splendid progra^ ihnJfw A t tne m_^Bing ,, : :^ lv e s in ^' isW al. ' business, as the lig h tn in g .com eth , out no-one m W est Vancouver should UltaXXA/Ul WnjQ IUSQ."aU!»UWl5Ui»IieU tucm - uiieuavcxo. W ' Xll, v, ,--------- ; w " I *1 r IJ ■ i ^ ^ ^ ' business; as the lightning ,com etb;Out;rf . ® i . m-- %T,*4̂ 1A> V.. , -political Ihrid; l ite r a r y -r e a lm s ,.( 'th e east and Shineth.eyem u^^ m iss seeing, in e v a n ea p ro ^ a m ^ h e -west, so shall the com ing o f consists of musical numbers. .............. :thiss€e^lth'ro'ugfi'^^ ^{ems•and choruses. A "spooky" . . N oah who was p lay-h as been selected as thfe;i ; c ______ ___________ 'B feryK te^ :^ S ^ ' k a S r A t o '(or; final item o h the., program but Mr v S f - a f X J n n a n o f the ■ 1"®% JeKs and.-a voice to yell,' - ^ 4 an'eiEceUent rendering o f uncorrupted) in h is generation-^ the other plays are n o n e tte less f t o , m S t a l t t ^ T ^ ^ "H #p 1 Murder!" w hen-.everany--. f ^ f ^ E d n t j a k e 's ik«m s w k h -th en o n ^ ro u g h rS h em dow n-to , thrilling and exciting, ^he-pro and us m th e dark to ask ^ a s appropriate to the Guild. , Abram, whom He called out, and gram is to presented m the ' ^ ^ h fin ^ r to d g e : ■ ,the..tim e.. Very, very few m en p p ^ .Said "I will make thee a father afternoon at 2:45 to the elem ent- Pathfinder badges... . .. cah?use a, revolver accurately. I . P>® f o f many nations . . . and I, will ary school children and Junior WFQT VANTOUVER ' - am twilling to bet that the,aver- igiandi convener of establish My boyenant between High, S(ihool pupils , a t a charge age:m an couldn't shoot,out w e and thee arid thy seed after o f t o t o t s . Tickets have-been ORCHESTRAD-SOCIE - pwn windows; ŵ ^̂ firing Vancouver, ^ thee in theft, generatforis for an selling rapidly, but 'anyone "un-- riir o-ivp' in '̂̂ he sam e room, i f th e salva- . „ -nractical farmer everlasting covenant." Gen. 17,, able to secure tickets m ay pay tion of h is im m ortalsoul depend... o " And so there are tw o ;;seed s;jii; ' a t theJdor.^Be^on T~f' h _ The above society will g ive their first confeert o f ' th e ^ s (m ^ , a'm an who'took h w s S thTworW M sy ,V u rjes^ ^ ^ , a good seat and te ln g your to miss th is ."d ld |toow ing -;that, i f he turned. i ^ a n on t t e earth,.but the saints of the Most w as held tast Friday w ith f t e s i - . ^ ^ K k o u ' S e d . t h d t ^ ^ ^ H ig h ' shall take the IQ ngd:^ S S v n ta S ® lt™ e a n » s U S l< ( w h o had the power) demand a . and possess the Kingdom for, .A n item h o p e d the r e s id d n ts -o f . W est' - higher quality of. pri^ucts ai VT ^ ...... i-n'isirtyp-' . wr. greater value for their money. Two very successfu l ,demon-. . . __ ' "H it! ............. . of interest w as the ever and ever " ' ' Dominion Convention now being Tke hall was well filled and ' held in Vancouver for one week, m any new and old friends were ' oommM cing .Saturday, March ' n /̂ v/'oi'vr w as sent as - ^ I ure lu amiuuxxvxiie , .j^ ĵ^aKeS m e very. w«L, axm̂ u "" ~ r l̂oao fnmrtrmw h ^ "! ; M ^ | ^ # « f " AeedS'>0- " ;^ a > 7 ® * 'j" ®* A; I to id mahout -Young ,and Mrs. - Gipson, were The orbhestra& ris^^efe sat down bn him. ijirlll - hieid ® r n d v e r y : w et, and I lik e , . . f from him at the, Dominion Convention was th a t judging by the zeal and en- . til ' '■ ■'■'■.a' -s 't introductionaridj her.;,' app(^-$ WELFARE ASSOCIATION as-m uch as ri cat, but, when I hear of the people s h ito in g in tim e ^aU the S e t o g Machinip" Mrs. J. E. weather and blizzards and snow Condon and ^ x?; banks and frozen n t o s . Acoun-^ appointed on the Sew ing Com*r in the"east once dished m ittee. ««!«« boiled egg, and the Two vioIm -_. solos,. Simple BAND CONCERT ; thusiasm displayed by the many ------------------- ---- ' delegq-tes the numerous intricate lo r iu m . xue. pivj^xrtiu axx«iiet-^x, , ' ^ by Mr. Delamont th is year f a r . P a r t o f the proceeds of the surpasses anything y e t attemp- play-at-H om e Bridge being given, ted by th e boys. Several well- by the Duncan Lawson Chapter, artists 'from Vancouver,.,. JiO.D.E., will ^ 9^,0 th e support .waa* ««i:,ist tHc bsud to make this, ' bf^lheir ward in th e Preventori- : the outstanding musical event of um in Vancouver. H ere children The proceeds of th is > ̂ i v p x a poor homes who have come ^'1; liu P V/leCb IAJ|CO• ^ Those interested shpul^^ their lists at th e W elfare ! quarters, 2192 .il^meH] Sergeant.. (to:neW ; . vr/\ti'.vXi Am4-̂ vDid you hear "about , Raw Recruit him?" ar;'abouK(mm'? S ^ ^ ^ s®®"" fr tm V b la m e tended them,routfd,'Siakh!Xour:.,;Cohcert M^^ should h i'eV, kt-.< V , - T - - %