West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Mar 1936, p. 3

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mmm tk̂ 'T § M i xr \5 b'l ■::>** , , sl'̂ "'̂ ' X. ' ̂ ^" ̂ 'mm I >; ̂ - y T - r . - v n i ' > J T t J A 'S I U M H A ..- 4: **. *» ?■ V̂*lThere are a lot Prices effectilTO; IWday and'isati5>Mitfc6'6*'& 7 |pi#**W rsoffl* - . . , ^ ; v . : v . --------------- g, CKACKERS'*-- ®E«di' ,̂ P>nnwbi ...................................... .,;.;r.'..«iar" lip TISSUE T- W iistinliifikf/.iiifle ttoMs .... ..each Sc COFFIN •« padccd -- i.*.;*,..*.̂ ';,...;.,.;..... -.Jli." SSe FLOUU -- B. & K. l»!astry, 7 lb. sack ............... :..... .............. >.....eacii 22c OLD DUTCH -^.Chases ilr t JAM - Fraser VkUey; Strawberry with pcctin. 4 lb. tin..... :,cack- 42c ^ iBllUfllsll '*****»*'*"*"«**«**fc«»*i*aeeeeB«**,* . * , * * * » , Ibo' titt"* fil3C CH£!£)SE(Ch^tMlly *1 lb«-pkgr.a*t:ra,B;;' 29cST n|c|rAv,77iMi?ĥ ̂ 16C' o A v r Tit n A V innyff i r SHL A UJtilriPink 1. UPMAia ITTiiWC} mB 3p i' 1̂.1 TEA--Nabob (L im it 2)..-- lb. 38c ORANGlfeS -- Suaklst, SARDINES-- King Oscar....ca. 10c Good s l c o .......... ......... .2 dozen 29c (Limit 6) CABBAGE -- New Seasons SOAR fbar- Med. Ivory ' G R A ^ F I tm T ^ . I a ... II /I j « - .rf Med. s i z e ..........................7 for 21c ..each 5c IIBimiNG -.G old Seal, No. li'tin....... ...................!.................each 8c TUNA FISH .i'PIaUM foe aai.dWiche»..Ni: 14 tin ....... :......,..each lie 1'INBAPPLB ~ Birto Sliced or Cubea. tin.................... each 12c Q UICK ,DINNE» _ Hedlnnda Nd. l Un........................... :..:....each 21o GRAPEEBUIT - Blika Jamaica No. 2 Un........ .'.......... .each 15c PEAS -- Aylmer, Sieve a, No. 2 tin......i...... :...;.......„, ,.;......^ach 13c TOMATOBS-- Aylm er, No„ 244 tin.:..:!'.;;.;...;..... ,................. ..........each lOc UOG POOD --.Dr, Ballard'a Champion;.; '...:........'...........g t ^ h '9c PEAS -- Aylmer,;Sloye.5,,h(o. 2 tin.... ,'........ .:....................*:..ench 10c Vancouver; have moved into a have moved in to the house they ,house a t Im iJ u c h e s s ^ Avemiio have p u r ^ i e d 'a t ' l f t l0 Clyde his hom e bh' S e E ast s S h for I t is expected th a t ^ I f will be some weeks, has recovered and lesumed a t Gleneaglesrtoday fol­ ia back a t his shoe repairing Jowihg the break in the weather, business a t I4 th and the ferry The greens are reported , to be dock. in condition for playing. V\ * . . 'i ' ' <1 M * iji ,y'\ f',>' Mr, ' and Mrs. G. A. Powell George Griffiths has ihoved moved on l^onday from 2660 into a houso a t 1317 Bellevue :iltoKaiAyfiiMifi*:into J t Jiouse-a W A v e n u e rW --^ '- ^ ^ - - 1219 Duchesk Avenue. ♦ ♦ ♦ * * * F rank Zimmerman of Vahebu- of. ColdsAroiud I See jrour m edldne thestsarew fell Li equipped. - (■emmill's Drag Stm . The Stop* 0 t Strclcja > f v 1686 Mcrind Drive Wc.t 87 or Woiit 607 Emergency Phone Weet 321 .' ■ (After'10' .'Ir Delivery Servied available at a nomitiai charge Redeem Blue, RibbonCards Here. (>i We reserve the right to limit quantities. l\^s. S tu art Caniei^on and her ver, has taken up residence in son have, returned to their home the Clachan. in Caulfeild from Honolulu, , * • * , . where they have been spending Miss Richardson and Miss - the w i n t e r . - - - - Saunders have moved into one V . of the Clachan cabins. A. R. McKay has moved mto ♦ ♦ ■ * . . a house a t 2819 Bellevue Avenue. n would appear th a t spriuE is ̂ 4.1. ft A- ..I. ' on the way. The robins and the Dprothy Partington, bluebirds are back, also the 1003 Douglas Ci^scent, was a meadow larks, although the lat- . luncheon'hostess on S a tu rd ay ,, ter is the only species-of the warbler family so far-noted as ■ Miss Kathleen Yates. Pink tulips having returned from the south, and hyacinths w erethe-cho ice ' * * > ♦ , ' table decorations. Charlie Gillespie, Dave Holli- ,f.l7; Vi.-,; . j(* '̂1 V 'J. .T , T(* V '1 V ' ' ' ' ' •"« ̂ "' day, *'Lol" • Killam and Peggy Ram fell on Holyburn Ridge Ha,rlin will represent the Van- on Sunday and.there were fewer couver Ski Club a t the W estern hikers^than usual there over the -Ganada Downhill and Slalom Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding C a k ^ Meat Pies, Sausoge Rolls, Banbury Cokes, Cinnamon Buns Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note Address; 1468 Marino Drive, Phone West 27 4̂. I i- '♦•liAl» 1 'V trri'jJt Hollyburn Theatre week end. ■̂"b?endabde. LAUNfpAY SERVICE DAVE ANDERSON, West .Vancouver Representative Phones T~ West 691-L, or , North 1310 . , - ' - ....... - ___L _ _ _____ ___ ' ' 'I - . I ' , ,Ut Ghbmipiobshipŝ M^ n)f T ft ft 11 1 1 , ®th a t Banff. They will also stay Mrs. J . D. Bell, who has been to take part in the Rocky Moun- occupying Mrs. S tuart Gamer- tain Zone Championships, ons house,,has'.returned to her ♦ * ^ home in Caulfeild. jpved Finckenhagen was chos- ' en by the Vancouver.Ski Club to ^^**86̂88, 23rd carry the ir colors in the com- and . Bellevue ,, Avenue, have bined championships a t Wells on moved into a house a t 2372 Jef- March 18th and 14th. ferson Avenue;_____ « THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE March 5th, 6th ond 7th JOE E. BROWN 'sWjl "BRIGHT LIGHTS" also "WATER vTHRILLS" ' tX SAT. EVENING & MONDAY March 7th and 9th i- t- CLARK GABLE • " CHINA SEAS" , Gwen Clay has ju s t returned from a trip to San Diego and Los L r. Announcement-- . " T ̂CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., - Montreal) EXPERT-W ATCH. & CLOCK REPAIRING 1522 Marine . Drive ted l a s t w ^ k T r o m lh ^ n lm e ; K i e s w h e r r s ^ T a r b ^ n - of thfe Scouts^ who had received, • ^ o n - f t X i n g new styles in h a f r d K - badges, etb. W ^ Si- day fo r Vernon, B. C. " .--------- -- THa Wpflt VflTiPnnvPi-rirl«» T« haStor^C re J h a w hair on the neck ing.. The trend for spring, she states, is fairly short but no' .. . - also "MY GRANDFATHER'S CLOCK" "MICKEY'S FIRE BRIGADE" 't\\ ■liOT - ivir. a n a M rs. J ie n K o b in so n haiai-ny> rnpx.r Lqt7̂ «« sh in g le s . T h e h a ir o n t h e n e c k and family, 13th and Clyde tav to tion 't(T stagI a S r a s t r a " "®* *'® enough to curl Avenue: have moved tf» T.a Hnpr i. . . . ge a qemonstra-. but not long enough to hang un- TU ESD AY .& W EDNESDAY March 10th and 11th -TNSIDE FIR.*;" ~r$5:50 T)er cord " Avenue,, have nmved to L ad n e . S T T h e d S y n X , , " ' ft r QQ««.o+ji e -IT- Thobile Salesmen's Association nc h> « EVELYN LAYE " EVENSONG " (Once a t 8:20) -------- jjjgp--------- FIR SLAiBS (heavy- bark,, almost-dry)..,.....$4.00 per cord NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL . ' ' On account o f errofnn phone book our phone is listed under "Fuel Supplies;" ^ Phone W est 499=L CHARLIE THOMPSON ________ 1257 Clyde A venue - ^ ; This Week?s Used-Srt Wi 1443; M arme:I)rive BARGAIN -A 1 f '■i 8-Tube PeForest Crosley Console Radio the caste of the rebently-produo- »' 87' ^ " " , ' ed play, "R odm TftFfieht," held" "ORCHIDS TO YOU" V ■f- 'Dowie "'has* moved, into S in honour of Mrs. Gordon Gray bnnqp a t 94th .'̂ itrppt .'and Miss Beryl G ray .. The even- . at I5b l 24th btreet. ing was s ta te d off hy the, usual B irthday P arty SALES- SERVICE Employs - J ,, ' . " Superheterodyne .Chassis Excellent Performance -- ' Lovely Tone. . surprise introductions, i f t e r a , ' which games were played;, Both birthday party was given o n ' : -Mrs. Gray and Misa Gray were the recipients, of a,lovely =book> to Michael and I each, which were.' appropriately ' the de-- a:iitOffrai)hed bv each m ernW aT ■ parture of the la tte r for Eng- RADIOS RANGES - WASHERS RANGE OIL BURNERS ;-V'Weflt'37. ' Nonh526 ' . . V 66 Lonsdale Ave. a:iitographed by e ^ h member Of; ' the cast. A t the tim e o frthe . spent _________j . : : -- v e ry e n jo y a b ly in d a n c in g , fo l- CABD Oip TH ANK S i(Ai 90 Day Guarantee Amblraide Phone W ^ t 340 Evenings, West 143 presentation, stream ers a n d io v - en jpya^y in dancing, tol- elties were distributed, which . BROWN-& MONM | S A t ' f " • ................... ' Jne^uquig: - PowelUJtfeam.s_JtfmwFgam.rv ' i U.^ Holt, who haa been a ' 1542 Marine Drive W est 366 .The W. A. of the W est Vancou­ ver United Church w ish to convey their sincerest thanks to all those who in any way assisted in the r^ecent very successful production o f the operetta~"Snow W hite." ~ WALLY CRAIG & CO; ' A FAIR DEAL TO YOU AND j , ' - YOUR RADIO, Over 13 years' Experience D a y ; W est 539 N ite: W. 645-L Shaughnessy M iitary : rnose attending were: Mr. « -^wpitai fo r a week, has re tum - and Mrs. Gordon Gray, .Miss m n /a n ^ Avent, Ed Partridge,, to his home a t 17th and Mar- Beryl Gray, the Misses B arbara. ij Lang. - Ofiyg --"I Beryl Gray, the Misses B arbara Sparrow,. Jeanne McDoiigall, i Betty Gray, Phyllis Biglow,, . .. . '̂ k ' Joyce Burhridge, Marion l*febble __ _____ VV '̂ s ' >. t,/-- -- M etal Proprietor Works an.d Brenda Wickihg; Messrs. , David Brown,f F rank Sm ith, TBob Cliihie, John- Allan, DorialdiMc-"v'lr . • ' ' u J iiF-, ' > L. SPECK, ? V , . r . W EST VANCOUVER PAI^ENT TEACHERS' ASSN ' WHIST DMVE In Inglewood School. and Refreshments ^ 12th, at 8 p.m, . Collection. . mow fire rit V Res ;;5atits i'fbr s the\!^py||̂ ^^ 4 ipnal jCentres,̂ .cr#SvXoimt]b^. run 1:0 biTheld "at S '^.m .toh.Sat-, J, Uii bv/ uc JUCJU , a D. „uii ,o»Lr urdSy ^ t this.:;wepk: i^^ Piirk. I t w iir be rem em beri^:" SWUNG is not far ,behind, and the DOLLY VARDEN fiw np "V'*' J. ^ is hot behind w ith ___ ̂ ■ . ,,,T ' 'F irs t arrivals are here HATS '1444 Marine Drive 1 rf *• f»!n ' ' L' i*'*̂ **-! ' r . 'et '3^ ' - - "is*' -I' i l i il ip sS p iiii