West Van. News (West Vancouver), 9 Jan 1936, p. 3

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iiP» THE•Hii NEWS V* u-n't ,t̂ i< »i « .» , ̂1 A*-* VA *•(•■»* ***■* ' . -I»-1"»-- * i r̂u mSSwSWmm j?OR THE BBS" Phone E £R (iU i0 i^ f "-w 6 s T '8 5 "-̂ |̂ '... '/ ; '?W S »V "^ '^ ">rf' y'JaS-it* iv.4.* ■» " --P erso iia iu n *m m»-X Miss E. Hackay» vt^o has been adM' Mr. and Mrs. H. Roden-Smith Ambleside L. SPECK. Proprietor S h e e f ' ! ' j H e f s i l Works FOOTBALL >'.Jfc« Last thfe guest of Mr. and Mrs, J, M.t of CypraSs Park, have left lot Stratton, 1468 |M[arine ,J)rlve, New Orleans, from where they over Christmas and New Year, sail for the West Indies to speibd left , on Saturday., to return to^ a three.months* holiday. Fort Lanidoy» B. C. Mrs. Simpson has moved from 2219 Bellevue Avenue into a 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Kycnings, West 148 listings Wanted Real Estate Finance and Insurance Saturday at North Templeton Park, IXL defeated Renfrew Thistles 3-0, thereby entering the semi-finals of the Con JTOnes cup with Broadway house at 2939 Mathers Avenue. Hotel. IXL played without three ' ' * ♦ * ; of their regulars--Hortin, Wylie 6 bb Clement, who , has been and--Greenwell, .̂ and̂ .Thckmas,.spending the, holidays with ..his_ '"right half; played goal. Manager parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Harry Behnet was forced to play Clement, 23rd and King's Ave- and gave the boys a treat by nue, has returned to Vancouver scoring the third goal. ! Island. Next Saturday at Confedera- ' * •> * . tion Park, IXL play North Shore , Mr.' and Mrs.»R. M. S. Rye, who Juniors Jn a league fixture, formerly lived here but who fpr Game starts ̂ 2:30 .p.m." Local some time have been residing in * players meet at IJtk'and Marine Duncan, B. C., have returned and at 1:30 p.m. M r s . t . L S n d grove VIOLIN aiid PIANQ Pupils' successes in ,,, The Royal Schools of Music Trinity College -- London and Toronto Conservatory. . Younger children visited' at their homes., . , . West 210-L are now oOcupying a houses at 2267 Marine Drive. '*' ' *'♦. •(« u Mr, and Mrs. George T. Clarke 1417 29th Street, left last Fri­ day for Kelowna, B. C., where they expect to reside in future. m . # . Mri Creelman, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs.̂ Jack .McMillan,, 26th and Haywood Avenue, has left to return to Eastern Canadâ # * i IP . t , , Mr. Garrett, w ith.his, mother' .bias moved from 19th and'Marine Drive into his new home at 18th and Marine Drive. .» ̂ * * * , ̂ , *' ji ' J. Abrahamsen has mwed into a .house at 2411, Hay wood Avenue. - 'J .f.,. .n, Mr. Glassberg*, 2614 Lawson Avenue, has moved to Vancou­ ver. * * ' t t ' ".1 " i'> A number of friends of Harry Bell called on him recently at his home bn .the. Esplanade and pre­ sented him with a gift in recog­ nition of his - many sterling Y O U 'W I^^; Note Paper cknowledge your Christ­ mas gins. to a Our stock is adequate and prices right. Gemmyi'i Drug Store Tht Store of Strtieo. 1586 Marino Driro West 87 or West 607 Bmergency Phono West Mil. ' (After 10 p.m.) 7 ~ r of his-many Miss Mary O'Donhell, who has ' '^^ the been spending the school holi- PrAnt days with.her mother, Mrs. A. H l̂nh r̂iion' "t ^tew ' M. O'Donnell,' 2603 Haywood M?s ? ' SteX^^ Avenue, has returned to Bridge / ' p Pi'iinT.oTrk i r,pAvikAA * Thomson, J. 1 homson,^. Guiii- an, J. Murray, J. -Walker, J. Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes,' Paistrles; Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes ■ Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes, Cinnamon Buns Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note Address: 14(i8 Marine Drive, . Phone West 27 P U B L I C M E E T I N G For UNEMPLOYED PERSONS AND ALL INTERESTED LEGION HALL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16th, at 8 p.m. . , . Speakers: ' MRS. R. P. STEEVES, M.L.A.; C. GRANT, MacNEIL, M.P. OBJECT:--To Discuss A Call for Work ,and Wages Th^need for Unemployed Organization and Better Relief Con­ ditions -- The Menace* to Trades Workers and Those Employed. -- The Hearing of Grievances and Suggestions. All iWelcome ̂ ' Collection Lake in the Cariboo. «|« V' ♦ . Miss Betty Savory., left on 'Monday to return to Duncan, B. C., after .spending the sohool holidays with her parents, Col­ onel and Mrs. ,K. W. Savory, 27th and Ottawa Avenue. A son was born on Saturday at St. Paul's Hospital to Mr. and • Mrs. R/onaJd Martin (nee W,innie Logan). Mr. and Mrs. Martin ex­ pect to move to West Vancouver in two weeks! time.' . Reeve Lieyland was in Victoria the first-part of this week., J V ̂ I Considerable snow fell on Holly burn Ridge** on-̂ "Mond̂ ay night and Tuesday with, the re­ sult that there were thrte feet, of snow at the. ski camp. Duckworth; J. Neill, P. Hopkins, J. Vincent, A. Grade, H. Wilson. * * * , Mr., and Mrs. G. Bulkley of "Dreamy Nook," 26th and Belle­ vue Avenue, are spending a visit with, their son and daughter in Portland, Oregon.♦ ii< ♦ RECREATION CLASSES * H ollyburn T heatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY anj SATURDAY MATINEE ' January 9th, 10th and 11th The Provincial Recreation Classes and Swimming Classes have started again followingJbhe_ Christmias recess. An invitation to join is extended to new-mem- be'rs. ' . , ■ ANNUAL STEWARDSHIP ' ^'^MEETING A joint pnpiic meeting of 'the-, council and school board will be ,held in Inglewood Auditorium on Wednesday, January 15th, at 8 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is;to~report on the affairs of the piuhicipality and the school board for the year 1935. 'T h e M an on th e , F ly in g T ra p eze" (cr alsoThe NEW ADVENTURES, of TARZAN" •- (Part 2) SATURDAY EVE & MONDAY January--11th and= 13th-- "THE COUNTY CHAIRMAN" .also / 'MAJOR BOWES" "THE AMATEUR THE­ ATRE OP THE AIR" -also- . -'if#. J , ,.4- M Mrs. J .. Glover, 2478 King's Avenue, has been confined to her home through sickness.' ' * * * ' "THE L.TTLE DUTCH • PLATE" K. ■- W e believe in safety first/ ' sdd George Rockington. "That's one of the reasons why wfe have a telephone in the home.. ' ' ' * ■ - ' ̂ » -0 -S l-L V> ( "<• " W e 're prepared for; emergencies. W e know that in case of burglary, fire, accident or suddep illness, the quickest w ay to send for help is by telephone." , The telephone js-a great protection at a smalibcost." Miss Ruth _ Blair and Miss Josie Leyland .of the Girls' Aux­ iliary" to the Barbarian Rugby Club vt̂ ere the guests of the Van- . couver Rugby Uhî h on Wednes­ day evening, January 8th. Two delegates from each auxiliary ̂ were present, to discuss plans for the dance to be held at the Com­ modore on January 24th, in .honor of the New Zealand All- Blacks. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY January 14th and 16th " VICTOR McLAGLAN MISS H. F. LAWSON PASSES "THE INFORMER" The quilt raffled by IVest Van­ couver Rainbow Club No. 2. at a , band concert on December 6th, in aid of the Loyal Protestant Home was won by: Mrs. Dennison of Capilano. - ̂ ;« « 3|{ Miss Hannah . F. Lawson passed, a way last Friday ̂ at'her residence at 26th and L̂ awson,, Avenue. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday in North Vancouver, the Rev. Hillis . Wright officiating, assisted by the Rev. A. McKay, and inter-/ ment was made in Capilano View ' Cemetery. : (Once only at 8:15) ' , also "THE LADY IN BLACK" BARBARIANS' GIRLS AUXILtARY Latest Models ^ R A N G E O I L B U R N E R S Complete Installed from i^ s g B O FOR S T 'S . West 87 North 626 66 Lonsdale Ave. B.C. TELEPHONE COMPANY New bdoks in GenimilPs Lib­ rary include books by Jeffrey Farnol, P. G. Wodehousê J.'"S. Fletcher, Rex Beach, Warwick Deeping, E. P. Oppenheim,-Ethel. M. Dell, Sax Rohmer, Joseph Conrad, Cynthia Stbckley, Ed^ar 'Wallace, Temple Bailej ̂ John Galsworthy,-and many Western and detective stories.'New fee, 25c per month. - ^ A Joint. Meeting of the WEST VANCOHVER-SCHOOLJBOARD -- ^ _ a iu n ig ip a l - c o u n c il . Mrs,. Margaret.B. Wallis of _Sagmaw-Lake,JB._C.,-motherjof- Mrs7/Br^rTIill7T2372^€ffeWoir Avenuefi passed away last. Mon­ day, aged 62 years. ' . The regular monthly meeting of the. Girls' .Auxiliary to the Barbarian Rugby Club, was held last Tuesday. The meeting was of a business nature, and a financial report of the dance on December 20th in aid of the Santa Claus Fund was read. The girls wish to convey their ap­ preciation to the following who kindly assisted: Fraser Valley DAidas; Shelley's Bakery, Tearoe Son, Jefferies' Meat Market, _nbleside Meat Market, Mr. Me-. 'Gregor, Smith's Grocery, Green- -wood'8-Grocery,-Granger-'s-Groc-- RADIO SERVICE 12 years' experience CRAIG & PREBBLE 10% Reduction for Cash Day: West 539 Nite: W- 645-L WOOL jPOR SPRING SUITS DUNDARAVE "ORIGINAL" WOOL 4̂ KNITTING SHOPPE -- i-------- 2446 Marine-- --IJ- '7/ 1 ■ 7̂ ; 'i p #A i {■ ̂ ,E* V ■ t̂ F COAT OF,, arms The DuncanT/awson Chapter,. I.O.D.E., competitto for the ■ ery, The Lions'; Gate (Dohfectiorir e^ , Mr. Chisholm, Mr. Meg- laughlin. ' plans forrthe annual Valentine dance- on February--14th, were- discussed and a committee was appointed to make arrange-; Will be held'at the Tnglewodd. High School Auditorium WEDNESDAY JAIWARY 1 '̂th, 1936 / at 8:00 P. M. The purpose of the.meeting is to report on the affairs of the School Board and the Municipality for 1935. most suitable design: for -a, Coat of, Arms for. WestvVaheouverr^ was won by Albert Bibbs of 20th - Street.--Th^re-were-9-entriesin" the second competition, ...and while many of them were very ' beautiful, Mr. Bibbs' was'judged the best from the. point of" view. of simplicity and eorrecfhei^ of heraldic interpretatibh.: . -mentSr^ , Mr. and Mrs. H. Davidson-̂ of Courtney,' visited thq latter's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stratton of 1468 /Maripe Drive, while , on their way;home last week from a. =motor'f;rip-to^\^npn7"BrC: 1,0 * T E A R O E -& -S -O N , I483 Marme Drive pOAL AND ^O O D North Shore agents for CANMGRE BRIQUETTES The ideal fuel. MORE HEAT, LESS DIRT. '"-77 ̂ PHONifefviriEfinr^'i ^ r ' T ' '■ * s/»*t r»