iiP» THE•Hii NEWS V* u-n't ,t̂ i< »i « .» , ̂1 A*-* VA *•(•■»* ***■* ' . -I»-1"»-- * i r̂u mSSwSWmm j?OR THE BBS" Phone E £R (iU i0 i^ f "-w 6 s T '8 5 "-̂ |̂ '... '/ ; '?W S »V "^ '^ ">rf' y'JaS-it* iv.4.* ■» " --P erso iia iu n *m m»-X Miss E. Hackay» vt^o has been adM' Mr. and Mrs. H. Roden-Smith Ambleside L. SPECK. Proprietor S h e e f ' ! ' j H e f s i l Works FOOTBALL >'.Jfc« Last thfe guest of Mr. and Mrs, J, M.t of CypraSs Park, have left lot Stratton, 1468 |M[arine ,J)rlve, New Orleans, from where they over Christmas and New Year, sail for the West Indies to speibd left , on Saturday., to return to^ a three.months* holiday. Fort Lanidoy» B. C. Mrs. Simpson has moved from 2219 Bellevue Avenue into a 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Kycnings, West 148 listings Wanted Real Estate Finance and Insurance Saturday at North Templeton Park, IXL defeated Renfrew Thistles 3-0, thereby entering the semi-finals of the Con JTOnes cup with Broadway house at 2939 Mathers Avenue. Hotel. IXL played without three ' ' * ♦ * ; of their regulars--Hortin, Wylie 6 bb Clement, who , has been and--Greenwell, .̂ and̂ .Thckmas,.spending the, holidays with ..his_ '"right half; played goal. Manager parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Harry Behnet was forced to play Clement, 23rd and King's Ave- and gave the boys a treat by nue, has returned to Vancouver scoring the third goal. ! Island. Next Saturday at Confedera- ' * •> * . tion Park, IXL play North Shore , Mr.' and Mrs.»R. M. S. Rye, who Juniors Jn a league fixture, formerly lived here but who fpr Game starts ̂ 2:30 .p.m." Local some time have been residing in * players meet at IJtk'and Marine Duncan, B. C., have returned and at 1:30 p.m. M r s . t . L S n d grove VIOLIN aiid PIANQ Pupils' successes in ,,, The Royal Schools of Music Trinity College -- London and Toronto Conservatory. . Younger children visited' at their homes., . , . West 210-L are now oOcupying a houses at 2267 Marine Drive. '*' ' *'♦. •(« u Mr, and Mrs. George T. Clarke 1417 29th Street, left last Fri day for Kelowna, B. C., where they expect to reside in future. m . # . Mri Creelman, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs.̂ Jack .McMillan,, 26th and Haywood Avenue, has left to return to Eastern Canadâ # * i IP . t , , Mr. Garrett, w ith.his, mother' .bias moved from 19th and'Marine Drive into his new home at 18th and Marine Drive. .» ̂ * * * , ̂ , *' ji ' J. Abrahamsen has mwed into a .house at 2411, Hay wood Avenue. - 'J .f.,. .n, Mr. Glassberg*, 2614 Lawson Avenue, has moved to Vancou ver. * * ' t t ' ".1 " i'> A number of friends of Harry Bell called on him recently at his home bn .the. Esplanade and pre sented him with a gift in recog nition of his - many sterling Y O U 'W I^^; Note Paper cknowledge your Christ mas gins. to a Our stock is adequate and prices right. Gemmyi'i Drug Store Tht Store of Strtieo. 1586 Marino Driro West 87 or West 607 Bmergency Phono West Mil. ' (After 10 p.m.) 7 ~ r of his-many Miss Mary O'Donhell, who has ' '^^ the been spending the school holi- PrAnt days with.her mother, Mrs. A. H l̂nh r̂iion' "t ^tew ' M. O'Donnell,' 2603 Haywood M?s ? ' SteX^^ Avenue, has returned to Bridge / ' p Pi'iinT.oTrk i r,pAvikAA * Thomson, J. 1 homson,^. Guiii- an, J. Murray, J. -Walker, J. Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes,' Paistrles; Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes ■ Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes, Cinnamon Buns Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note Address: 14(i8 Marine Drive, . Phone West 27 P U B L I C M E E T I N G For UNEMPLOYED PERSONS AND ALL INTERESTED LEGION HALL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16th, at 8 p.m. . , . Speakers: ' MRS. R. P. STEEVES, M.L.A.; C. GRANT, MacNEIL, M.P. OBJECT:--To Discuss A Call for Work ,and Wages Th^need for Unemployed Organization and Better Relief Con ditions -- The Menace* to Trades Workers and Those Employed. -- The Hearing of Grievances and Suggestions. All iWelcome ̂ ' Collection Lake in the Cariboo. «|« V' ♦ . Miss Betty Savory., left on 'Monday to return to Duncan, B. C., after .spending the sohool holidays with her parents, Col onel and Mrs. ,K. W. Savory, 27th and Ottawa Avenue. A son was born on Saturday at St. Paul's Hospital to Mr. and • Mrs. R/onaJd Martin (nee W,innie Logan). Mr. and Mrs. Martin ex pect to move to West Vancouver in two weeks! time.' . Reeve Lieyland was in Victoria the first-part of this week., J V ̂ I Considerable snow fell on Holly burn Ridge** on-̂ "Mond̂ ay night and Tuesday with, the re sult that there were thrte feet, of snow at the. ski camp. Duckworth; J. Neill, P. Hopkins, J. Vincent, A. Grade, H. Wilson. * * * , Mr., and Mrs. G. Bulkley of "Dreamy Nook," 26th and Belle vue Avenue, are spending a visit with, their son and daughter in Portland, Oregon.♦ ii< ♦ RECREATION CLASSES * H ollyburn T heatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY anj SATURDAY MATINEE ' January 9th, 10th and 11th The Provincial Recreation Classes and Swimming Classes have started again followingJbhe_ Christmias recess. An invitation to join is extended to new-mem- be'rs. ' . , ■ ANNUAL STEWARDSHIP ' ^'^MEETING A joint pnpiic meeting of 'the-, council and school board will be ,held in Inglewood Auditorium on Wednesday, January 15th, at 8 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is;to~report on the affairs of the piuhicipality and the school board for the year 1935. 'T h e M an on th e , F ly in g T ra p eze" (cr alsoThe NEW ADVENTURES, of TARZAN" •- (Part 2) SATURDAY EVE & MONDAY January--11th and= 13th-- "THE COUNTY CHAIRMAN" .also / 'MAJOR BOWES" "THE AMATEUR THE ATRE OP THE AIR" -also- . -'if#. J , ,.4- M Mrs. J .. Glover, 2478 King's Avenue, has been confined to her home through sickness.' ' * * * ' "THE L.TTLE DUTCH • PLATE" K. ■- W e believe in safety first/ ' sdd George Rockington. "That's one of the reasons why wfe have a telephone in the home.. ' ' ' * ■ - ' ̂ » -0 -S l-L V> ( "<• " W e 're prepared for; emergencies. W e know that in case of burglary, fire, accident or suddep illness, the quickest w ay to send for help is by telephone." , The telephone js-a great protection at a smalibcost." Miss Ruth _ Blair and Miss Josie Leyland .of the Girls' Aux iliary" to the Barbarian Rugby Club vt̂ ere the guests of the Van- . couver Rugby Uhî h on Wednes day evening, January 8th. Two delegates from each auxiliary ̂ were present, to discuss plans for the dance to be held at the Com modore on January 24th, in .honor of the New Zealand All- Blacks. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY January 14th and 16th " VICTOR McLAGLAN MISS H. F. LAWSON PASSES "THE INFORMER" The quilt raffled by IVest Van couver Rainbow Club No. 2. at a , band concert on December 6th, in aid of the Loyal Protestant Home was won by: Mrs. Dennison of Capilano. - ̂ ;« « 3|{ Miss Hannah . F. Lawson passed, a way last Friday ̂ at'her residence at 26th and L̂ awson,, Avenue. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday in North Vancouver, the Rev. Hillis . Wright officiating, assisted by the Rev. A. McKay, and inter-/ ment was made in Capilano View ' Cemetery. : (Once only at 8:15) ' , also "THE LADY IN BLACK" BARBARIANS' GIRLS AUXILtARY Latest Models ^ R A N G E O I L B U R N E R S Complete Installed from i^ s g B O FOR S T 'S . West 87 North 626 66 Lonsdale Ave. B.C. TELEPHONE COMPANY New bdoks in GenimilPs Lib rary include books by Jeffrey Farnol, P. G. Wodehousê J.'"S. Fletcher, Rex Beach, Warwick Deeping, E. P. Oppenheim,-Ethel. M. Dell, Sax Rohmer, Joseph Conrad, Cynthia Stbckley, Ed^ar 'Wallace, Temple Bailej ̂ John Galsworthy,-and many Western and detective stories.'New fee, 25c per month. - ^ A Joint. Meeting of the WEST VANCOHVER-SCHOOLJBOARD -- ^ _ a iu n ig ip a l - c o u n c il . Mrs,. Margaret.B. Wallis of _Sagmaw-Lake,JB._C.,-motherjof- Mrs7/Br^rTIill7T2372^€ffeWoir Avenuefi passed away last. Mon day, aged 62 years. ' . The regular monthly meeting of the. Girls' .Auxiliary to the Barbarian Rugby Club, was held last Tuesday. The meeting was of a business nature, and a financial report of the dance on December 20th in aid of the Santa Claus Fund was read. The girls wish to convey their ap preciation to the following who kindly assisted: Fraser Valley DAidas; Shelley's Bakery, Tearoe Son, Jefferies' Meat Market, _nbleside Meat Market, Mr. Me-. 'Gregor, Smith's Grocery, Green- -wood'8-Grocery,-Granger-'s-Groc-- RADIO SERVICE 12 years' experience CRAIG & PREBBLE 10% Reduction for Cash Day: West 539 Nite: W- 645-L WOOL jPOR SPRING SUITS DUNDARAVE "ORIGINAL" WOOL 4̂ KNITTING SHOPPE -- i-------- 2446 Marine-- --IJ- '7/ 1 ■ 7̂ ; 'i p #A i {■ ̂ ,E* V ■ t̂ F COAT OF,, arms The DuncanT/awson Chapter,. I.O.D.E., competitto for the ■ ery, The Lions'; Gate (Dohfectiorir e^ , Mr. Chisholm, Mr. Meg- laughlin. ' plans forrthe annual Valentine dance- on February--14th, were- discussed and a committee was appointed to make arrange-; Will be held'at the Tnglewodd. High School Auditorium WEDNESDAY JAIWARY 1 '̂th, 1936 / at 8:00 P. M. The purpose of the.meeting is to report on the affairs of the School Board and the Municipality for 1935. most suitable design: for -a, Coat of, Arms for. WestvVaheouverr^ was won by Albert Bibbs of 20th - Street.--Th^re-were-9-entriesin" the second competition, ...and while many of them were very ' beautiful, Mr. Bibbs' was'judged the best from the. point of" view. of simplicity and eorrecfhei^ of heraldic interpretatibh.: . -mentSr^ , Mr. and Mrs. H. Davidson-̂ of Courtney,' visited thq latter's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stratton of 1468 /Maripe Drive, while , on their way;home last week from a. =motor'f;rip-to^\^npn7"BrC: 1,0 * T E A R O E -& -S -O N , I483 Marme Drive pOAL AND ^O O D North Shore agents for CANMGRE BRIQUETTES The ideal fuel. MORE HEAT, LESS DIRT. '"-77 ̂ PHONifefviriEfinr^'i ^ r ' T ' '■ * s/»*t r»