West Van. News (West Vancouver), 9 Jan 1936, p. 1

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' *i -i- 3\" "- ̂ f fc'rtf >V t- rt̂v « \ ̂ ̂ %' , ' - ■"'*' 4 'i.̂ , , * V "' .w„ .i'- •,.̂ ,.̂ 4.,-yr̂ "p1i.'-!i"-i-.'-'.U. : ',™-'?!" ■'■-Vi /SS* ~: ~Cir<;uiatif$g in the District of West Vancouver-Ambieside. Hoilvburn.Wes, t i m per yea. Cyptcss Pari. Caulfciid. Whytecliff. E ti ■ ^ ? V . ̂̂Sr«|' ■ "V , , I JUM . ' Dundarave 5̂c per copy at newsstands. Vol X KTHibPIA The Italian forces m; Ethiopia have' failed and their defeat would only appear to, be a matter of time. They have hot made much profirress in the flat eastern section of Ethiopia, wheie their modern equipment gave them, their best chance of success and m spite of the fact of having met with very liltlo real resistance. ' . , The Ethiopiahs Wait on their mountains for their foes, and time is with them. Death in'battle awaits the Italians in the mountains, and death by fever and'disease will be theirs if they last out the rainy season in the jplains. When their morale, never very strong, has been sufficiently shaken in the opinion of the Ethiopians,-.it is quite on the .cards that the latter will descend;from their mountains and hasten their going. About that time there will probably be several Adowas. The Italian airmen have been doing some futile bombing of Ethiopian towns,, which has got them exactly nowhere. Their recent deliberate CrPss Hospitals, how­ ever, may get theni a long way -- in the,yh*ong direction. ̂ Their reasomfor bombing hospitals is not altogether clear at this,moment;" bejfond-the'fact that iris' evidentl;̂ "done of a set purpose. Possibly Mussolini, knowing the game is lost, has decided to drag down all Europe in his downfall by ihvol-' ving them in war, and, is taking this method of accomplishing, his fell purpose.̂ ,At any rate as authority for this surmise we have the recent statement of one of" his spokesmen that such was his intention; if Italy met defeat in Africa. Meanwhile, it looks as if we have been putting too much * trust in aeroplanes and modern equipment. " , . , H ofC YB O kN r.O ,. WEST V A N C q # B.C., TH U R SD A f, J A N U A M lih , 1936 ii»i«MMilMatlMliiiiiiii.iiiiiiBi«iiiii.MMMii>MiMiiiiiiiaiiiihiM̂̂ -- ^ 1 . . . ^. i *. _ , > _ ' ^ N o . 38 MRS; RESUME TEACHING I. 0. D. E. Mr. T • tr . wicrr..,,.. ooo .. ^ "oHce apfOars in thU Issile J h e regular monthly moeting r».«fZL Ai,?Wni i the Duncan Lawson ChapterDuchess .AvenuO, is wsuming Monday, 20th January, And that was held oh Mondav. January 5fnno®fnlli*Si*';tho ®th, at the home of% s, H. B . liAlMilVa TTaI* mmila hoiM Koah Tnn..n».®^ Trinity, XoUege, j^ndon, Eng- school trustees, and' eS^^poliw Sc p'areds w e S t oû ^̂ ^̂ knd, and Tomitd Conservatory, commissioner have to be eleoted. ing tovs fw M2 ?ĥ Younger children pe visited at Full particulars are contained cx^nTes thi. worŴ «.!,% their homes.'Any interested are in the notioe.i<"~ ^ asked, to kindly, phone her at -- l --T----------rS in ll West210-L. ... DANCE RECITAL BY . .. d u i t t many ^ 0 1 ' MOLLY RDWAttm» PITPH s ViT ™»py wno neiped inPIANO AND dance molly EDWARD ̂ PUPILS other ways. Among these are i INSTRTTrTioM » Saturday in the Legion Tearoe & Sons for delivering all /INSTRUCTION Uall the pupils of Miss Mollv parcels: King David Lodge* Y. W. a T. u. . The g i r l s joining the of the members «Y» of SILVER ANNIVERSARY SURPRISEare the assMikte S a S " acrobatics, pyramids,' .fahcŝ 'and ..̂ '"'̂ sen.Kerley, Dwothy Messin-S' , ten , dancing,, etc., re(-lt4 iw Phyllis Pochin, Jacqueline rf c x S rW r" 'A Mickey and •.Miriiiy' PaWersmi and Norma Minions,el experience. .Both are local P»rfv" arranged by; A. PaVsbn; who contributed 10 dressed dolls' , "■ chitted:,s6arveSi"'iv^h6t«.hnldfi , West Vancouver'Baptist Young Prisevi^it last Saturday even% K ih i^ W est .-S ^ ° toys"wrToof- . People's Union"in their, meeting ', ^ Councillor, and ylVfrs;, G.; D'. 409-R-l ' ".-r : Hall; 'Faii:y ;-Godmother, 'Kath- Inglewood Juniof on Monday, the IBthrinstant. at Îgny at their home on Gordon , - ̂ ' ■ , jeenBaccash ; Little Boy"Blue, School, Pauline Johnson o The, speaker of the" P̂ y'̂ tTieif reŝ bts'̂ „ --ganley- M cCartneyM istress.-^ Hollyburn, while many otherII i:. r.. _ xr. V ftTiH fn P«]oK»*a+o t w i f i i ' , Mary Contrary; Shirley* Tibbs* Parcel̂ were sent in, The ̂ ̂WivKKqv*/̂ . BrowniesA '.-I. '*"*̂ '̂ •1' v-/vJiivXcixf OjxxXXIOOS'*' *9v11u III* ' XriG 'RICHARDSONMother , Hubbard, Betty r. Brownies contributed.$2 towards. h ft wrapping. date of the.pef»forn?ance were?, escorted ; to the ginia Ward; Rabbit,;Lota Urqu- of the Dundarave junior Dram- e^ifomia. ..Word: has been, re-. hart; China Doll, Di^ajackson • ««e Society is fixed, for S l S y t severely Prince, Shirley :kamatis;;Prin.̂ , thê ̂ of February,-.at theSANTA CL Atm FITNn 'Centre of the< dining room to the that - he was severelyA LLALb b UND Wedding March, day after Christmas -/Previously acknowledged 47 after which Mr. J, T. Watt on be- f îptor. cycle ̂ hill climbing • _ ........................... . ^2810 .̂alf of those present'and o t h e r / o f spinal Jordan, George Beck; ^̂ Donali 5 21 absent friends, presented them ̂ Huefc," Patsy Jamieson; "Horse, ' with a silver tea seiwice and Popil of Pauline John^^ School, collar," Senior iGrirls, ■ ' i'll: "̂'Previously acknowledged- $323, "Christmas Carnival" 1/.' Contents Milk-Bottles.,.; "Major Blows ' ' Amataars"_.,...$ll0.95, Expenses......** • 9.97 MSS, Dorset Stephenson; gowns Hollyburn Theatre. There will Î enny Hall, Jonh: Barbour, Roy " be a performance for children of spinal Jordan, George Beck; '̂Donald before this, nienmgitis. He waa a former Duck," Patsv Jamieson • "Wnrap. Tiia nvio#rj=x« • i. ^ with a silver tea service and P̂ pî ®̂ Ĥ uiine Johh|^ School, collar," Senior iGirls, ' their appreciation̂ to salver, also a bouqimt of-chrys- ^ + U ? A n g u s and Hattie Young gave ̂ .Gray for "her donation of *^' anthemums to the bride. Mr. t̂ the time of his death was only some of their:inimitablA skotniiPa oHo-inai LEGION NOTES , axiLaemums to m e onue. Mr. yv«,o sume oi meir.inimitaDie sKetches originar water polor 100 98 • ̂few well chosen words, .iP 4̂ ®̂ there was a fine exhibitioh ' "the Raffle, Mrs C C _conyeyed the best, wishes of.all . i T r ^ with hig - of tap toeing by_ _Miss,/-Joyce/netted centS^^ - those who had shared in the who has taken Over the :■ Electric for^Ilo^ne- .te'̂ uteqnd wished ,the councillor f„" display,,in the/wiS-LiiwuLt; wisiJtja me councillor ...... uiiWLxuu:, un .moiiy, liawards mQSDesenSdmnliwai®. and. his wife, health, joy, and; where recently he had dancingdasses. The latter with dows.' The drawine- w u a Tnn-- ' il I ■ . prosperity. ,Councillor Elgar in been enga^d in the motor cycle -Hattie Young and the senior- g'enerouslv «nnT»Ar+/̂ veryLegion members !^e,request- replv stated it was a very hannv , business at, Long Beach.- ' Only-' group-was also seen in a hp«iifi a ed to note the changtejn date of occasion. On behalf of himself be spent several weeks ful "Indiafl'Scene" A Parson ' committee land/THs wife C e l p ^ s Z ^ ^ i s "here visiting among his friends, was m S of ^m bniisfw S^ Miss S d a v /f - deep appi-eoiation of the gift and ^^?® 7*?' *° 5fc?.-,'T6m Turner and Join jefc S te ^ e e , and nominations tookys of each month. . the kindness which prompted it. their-sudden be- fenes acted as accompanists 1 - n/r * t- / The next meeting will be Fri- The toast to the bride and, groom * / . / - with the assistance of'Miss 'i. 'Jr??* f'̂ yis.nd kindly offered cay, January 17th. A large .at- j was'given by Reeve Le.vland.' _?__ ' ---- ' . M̂ **jorie Murray, violinist. The' &®̂ \P̂ fb® next meeting Alio LvetoL Lu Lite Luiuc aim. groom - . . - Zv . «.s»owLaiice oi jwiss < . , . - ........ .--tox- .-v i was'given by Reeve Leyland,' - ' ---- ' . Marjone Murray, violinist. The' Jrli fbe next meeting tendance is requested as several" who spoke of the community HOW ABOUT SPEED TRAPS? ' lighting effects were in charge * ,)Î bich will be the Annual meet- tems of importance-pertaining- spirit always in evidence in the ' ' -- " of* Norman McPherson, J. E ' *Î urs« to tne welfare of the-returned : Elgar family, and said that West Considering sp( feojumr and dependants â e being ̂ Vancouver was the better for fially dangerous, oeait with. , aiipii î+iiyAna TTho -rtiTYioi-nviziv. /vP-' better.than cure fA ---- *̂1-^*1^ 1̂ 1 1 1 .1 1 6 opixiL always 111 tjviuwice 1X1 Liie ' . ------r-̂ - iwrman •Mcjt'herson, J. E.: ' * to tne welfare of the returned / Elgar family, and said that West . Considering speeding as essen- Purbin being responsible for the ^ February, which is iier ftnH , Vancouver was the better for i'ls-by dangerous, .is prevention 'P̂ 'otty*.stage effebts. - Day. ; such citizens. The remainder of better.than cure? The average ' During the - evening Betty ----- ; the ̂evening was - spent very motorist may be' . inclined to Barbpur was presented with ■* in/>nTYimiinifv "am m unr" EfiT6 ft W ith A lfrp d UppitTPC tri/»n_ SD6 CÎ 1 nvif/n , onyl b IS yery gratifying'to know tnat keen intermit'is, beingitaken te ^gion affairs, as evidenced oy the number,of applications tor membership. - VANCOUVER ROYAL SCARLET CHACTER - « ---- ----- ' TO MEET HERE - " G- D. Elgar, Mrs.. - Elgar, Senior, Mr. and Mrs. W. dames J. McMillan' W. Blair, J. Allan, A . Menzies, J. T. Watt, assisting. , ' ' Those attending were: Coun- 1 Tuesday ̂next; ^January ' ?4th, one of the lar^e.^t: o-fl+bev_ : , ^̂ pd.- .M̂ 'Sj H. McMillan, _Mr.^and14th, one of the largest gather t̂nd- Mrs. D. McMillai m g y rL O j-an g e-c irB .wken.-JbheL-dfficers/and^-^--- "j^/r ®k®ve cha#,e^^ , Sg?® "- ______ be pi-esent Mr. and Mrs: J: Ti. Watt. This, business-: of ;.encburagmg:>'^Xi'^^^ ^ - i, -- -- jithehisW of th e orSfiSSi® Mrs. J.Eimmer, Mr. and speed, then arresting fir It, is !*®*- . . ®»oed,. as follows: Lay Dele- >y. to raise^4;d :AiIison,-Cduncillor and just, like watchingBandits:go':- h ^ T i S t S Hayward ~uver members to M u l S ' E. Fiddes, Mr.-and Mij. J. mto \bmk±ndjamhe^^^ . i t th fL ^ g C S l ' " cfchkpili^n'and'̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ tershibfnl --ivirsTTi- witson7-̂ j *c»rof thfe Mr. aid j frataal welcome to Wes" ^ S ^ b e -- M̂. E k ^ ^ s^ w S h '? The mppH« -ii ' Watt, Miss Doreen Elgar. does any other driven? - • S L tp^ : ™ngc future activities. , V^i^^^tmti€s,andurgedar€- Wor Brn̂ T̂ xi? Had.: T /'What is.your occupation?̂ ' Wise men learn n̂uch* from f̂ools, ' voW /IT*ZCIZTT~T ̂ ./ b̂e Archbishon's will ivi 1* J+L , ®®P»"V̂ancOUVer̂ ' ' **tt isn̂ t an occupation; it̂ s a pur- but the latter ----^^n-tfte^hairr / ̂~' suif/ Piki ft hiiT-chnPctoK̂*-----r--̂---body. --: ',1.̂ ' m chair. ' suit, J 'm a bill collector.** ̂ bbi t J- '/I »'* " -V '•■'<■ I I »- XJ X f , t.' „ 4>, ,.5-fil' dllr 3%Mrks