West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Jan 1936, p. 4

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th e re w n r b e lo ts * fjriday and Satarday Jan. 3rd & 4th K«<i i t whMt TEA AUNT MAKY'H C O t V m I lb. bttf, A foodi F « ia i f y 'C ^ « d M # j^ Ited it White COCOA......V, lb. III) 14c l»EACIfEB, Lynn Valley, Bqunt Za OelidoUH HnivcM Ithc TOMATOES. Squat, iia. Good Quality .............. tjiSH 2S«' EEAB, llluc & White, Ungraded .. .tin . ............................. ■ 10c K«d & W'hite BEANB/Ciit ■*•. »*.*■* * » »^ 0 0 i 04* t 4 P ** f^ P V - * rOHK & EEANH, Nalxib, IS-oss M*i 2 tinjH irf > **' ■ t •Df I *N* t * <• « » f jĴ iC Red & White JEU .Y FOWDERB ANKurted FJavora ........... 0 pkta. 2fic* FINEAFFCE CUBES, Lnrifc, . Kbit Tina ........ ........ ....... 9c Bed & Whltc FhOOH WAX. M b, Tin ............... .......... ;....... 3̂7c Bed & White CUBANBEK (a hminc. hbid neceanity) ........... ......2 thin 15c Bed & White S F A O n rm X 2 Una 19c CORN El) BEEF; GimmI Quality .... 11c Meats Phone West 370 year *n wMieii *"* -- 'tJf.'.lAWghlerA The most serious situation has an element of S.T f f l ' i s n s *sfi in writing this column is to m k e people laugh. Unfortunately, the editor says I make some of them swear, but even that is a form of. relaxation. Most of~us have. Govemttieiit^ HAMS 1 store at HoUybiiri]i,«^^ ' SEflBS2R8SlSw1&nM̂' ' 1>H0NE WEST 3 .SMALC SCOTCH HAGGIS, each 25c r ' v --- FOBK BOASTS, per Bj...... ............ 15c pU t to i t III th e se pOSt- illAMONI) "A" BACON,.... »/, lb. 16c POKte, SAUSAGE, lb. ........... '2 0 . JiEEF .SAUSAGB,.,...:...^.:„. 2 lbs. 2Sc FiNNAN HADDIFa, per l b . ....... I6c I*OT BOASTS OF FBIME BEEF |H*r lb.......................................... i2»/iC Bed & White FILCJIAKOS I till tin ............................... . 9c Bed & White Brand. SOUrS-Kendy, In use--' ♦ TOMATO ............ VEGK'rABLB ............ GBEEN FEA .......... Cl,AM CHOWDER . ■ » f »»> »|0 ; i jljl . ' . ,1 p ' : ' . ' V f • • M 4 *.4 W m M ^ ^ A ' ^ O ^ ^ *** Tins kindly feeling.s. One can't laugh and for the.average man,"̂ an un- satisfaetory subject leading to all kinds o f «i.sms, whicli are usually in the end thrown over­ board, My advice for the New Year is to resolve hot to4ake life too seriously. 'Seriousness more Often than not leads to bitter­ ness,, while laughter begets V ̂ % i t T-) M , v a M m STband all i '< *• WEST Phone West 115 m a t e r i a l s CO. LTD. tv 'll -FOR HEAL SATISFACTION ! ------- - ' , I , t ' * ̂ 1 ^ 'iv' .5̂ '« 1497 Marine Drive•{'-•.I V " * 45c Some West Vamouver Homes « « • v « * ^ A*. v « i w ■ P . A *' ' * ' V ^ C 7 * and hate at the same time, and at the present moment there's far too much hate in the world. ( . ' j • Colonel and Mrs. Lindberg have hopped to England for good, and the American.^ are ' very upset about it. They can't blame the-cotiple and they hate^ to blame theni.selves. Examined from every*! possible angle the incident offers no possible excuse for the eagle to scream, arid no . good American likes to rind himself in, that kind of. mess.. The old Pilgrim F'athers mu§t be going round in their graves at five hundred, revolutions' a mip- ute at the thought that two per­ fectly'- good Americans should feel themselves forced to return to the land of those wicked and merrie children of Belial. It iŝ the last touch, the unthinkable, as the Devil remarked when one of Ws, imps hit him in the eye with a handful of red hot coals.' ' ♦ ' i >' 1 '• V 'i/ i') ' C L A S S I F I E D A D S■ 'i •• ' 1 i t M Si ̂ ' The rot© for .Classified Advertlsementa Is 2 i^enta.per word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of tbose having; regular accounts, all classi. fieds ore payable strictly in advance. ~ , * , Remember Classifieds in the West Van News get immediate results. LANDSCAPING, Land Clcarinff, Rock FOR RENT --_Cpay.4 room bungalow. , anduGement Work; Septic Tank, i Avith garage: corner 26th and Hav- Drains; ""fchirmieys cleaned.' ' T ;' " wood; av a ila b irja riu iry 3rd. Ug. . Barnott, Phone West 290-R. I ' ' g a tt. W est CDG-R-rli , ' ^ ^9.5? d a in t y c a k e s h o p p e - Home. ■"Marco." Kindl^y return to • 2612 - made bread, cukes., and pastries Marine Drive. Speck. _________, Small mince j)ies and fancy pastries made to order. W est'514.1845 BELLEVUE AVENUE - - Ac- : L NUBONE Foandatiol.'Cwn.™fa, Ei.escents. Phone West 353-L, ^ , elusive agent. Mrs; MacAulay, 1618 WANTED -- Moderately priced car, , Esquimalt Avenue.. W est 408-R, , j --------------------------------------------------- Phone'West-161. ; We call and deliver GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your nextCHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old ^!oun- try way. Guaranteed. * Brick*'and , stone repairs. Palmer, Capllano, shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Dnve North 811-R-2. J VANCOUVER M A C H I N E A" nriw- book, "SUh-Bathers,"- HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marjine-- Novelties, Notions, . Stationery, " - - ------ . Gto T ; Spray Pumps, Household-arucles: 1449 Marine.' Hardware, -Paints,^ -W ork- Gloves,. _ m a .enrnp ^ foUrfWd ear,|,sUy "perm anent Try ^ f a f f ie ( S 5 fo r tire^_, houseivife - or businesshas appeared, the eame being indefenop n f Th^i anfVini.a -- • ------ -- -- ............ .. ...,,, -. lo r n rea ,, nousewife - or business can never have visited English, '̂ llatT^al'd tau" Ince"'pho;;;-^S- Bay on a- sunny Sunday after- 2i or Seymouriler' ^ noon .in summer. I have, and -- ...■ ' --■v.'r.' ;--- 'havo offered up thanks on all'" LOWDON'S Home - made ' Oatcakes fours for the existence of obtainable a t your nearest- local clothes. Theros^ store. RADIO REPAIRS; Tabes; Ariels, etc. ikJ:'\F ^^V Srew , The Radio Man, 189Q Marine; W est 145. form divine, but I have yet to INSTALLATIONS-^EIectric' Repairs, ,see it or the male either, for that, convenience outlets installed.^ J, H. matter. Take the subject of Paterson, West 108. SHOE REPAIRS t-- Get the best mat­ erial and workmanship a t Fox's, 14th a t F e rry ., -" for instance, th e '̂ "ugliest FOR SALE -- Oak extension dining part 01 the human anatomy. You table. New condition, $12.50. West will note that everybody in a _iQ,?' l i r f w L . . ! _ J * * 4 * k WANTED ~ One ^famished and one unfurnished-' '4-room cottage near ferry. Phone'W est 340 or West 143 "X w ' ™ E I 'lMB t . buy cheapt* 01 s h t ip ^ e s s , t h a t is, o f lots. Good buys in ' tax sale home- cou rse , exclud ing bab ies. T hen c ; *1. Archer Ltd'.,'1415 Mar- th e re a re th e ladies, a n d g e n tle - ' Seymour 5954 GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solic­ itor, 1447- Marine, mornings; 510 Hastings'.St.'i' Seymour 4199. after­ noons. w a n t e d Mother., h ilp .' Ph„„^, ̂ "^ho makev.'0ne won- West 552-L. der if they'll live till Christmas. Taking it alh in all, the crowd ^"9®T - - Locket containing two pic- physically %>eaking. look a b^ween Inglewood School and pretty scratch lot. l i d you can - p u r Ni s h ] ^ a n d u n f u r n is h e d ° Houses to R ent.' Houses, lots, and a c r^ g e for %-sale. ̂ John Lawson, 17th arid Marine, .Phone West 55. t same about any collection of naked savafi"es with • r "' "«--' o»iu uiic the possibleexception of'th#> J^^Bister, so your poor husband ;"Weil, Mrs. Joyner/' said the WINDOW s h a d e s AND AWNINGS made to'measurements or repaired. Estimates, free." Picture framing. Pearce, 1890 Marine, West 529 or 145 .' Zulus'. N,,, d<i^';rareone "i f our G r^ t Majority ?"savincr vi-hepc- liir̂ v _. Uh, don t say th a t,s ir ,sa idsaying grUces like chkrity and a Mvo <*fi -- sense of humoi*. And-1 would • .1 m sure .he was not be a doctoi^n a bet. ^^at." ' THE W ELFARE ASSOCIATION.re- quires discarded'udothing. Phone West 37 arid teuek will collect ' What kind of meat have you this . morning?" asked the husband of the butcher,' ; ; . "The best steak w'e have ever had, sir, .replied the butcher. "Here you ni'e, sir; as smooth as tender- as a woman's heart." " The husband looked, up an5 sa^l; as Small Girl Friend - (to eight- son of auto salesman): Oh, I think you're lots better lotting than your daddy.*' Son : *T ought to he.' I 'm a later model/' HEADQUARTERS i^or AU Popular ̂ B rands'of Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also Pishing Gadgits for local wat-. ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms. ^'li take sausage," A British, representative, who was present a t .an official ball at thp capital of a. all state in Europe, was Asfced by the premi- The News H^3S7HOl KTCOt/FER (Becommondt'd hy Dr. IL P, K insm an)! 2832 B E L L E M IE ^ '^ ^ ^U E ' Modern Kindergarten speeialixtng m"'free outdoor activity* Mr s . e c i i i t l b N ; f S f ? > ' f "V / '" Phone: Wostj S6-X-2 3{-'̂ NaUbhai Fifdehol Union) ' ^ - A . . '- ■if PrincipiU -- Does Your̂ DoUar say 'Au Revoir' or 'Good Bre-'- D0n ':T SEND IT TOO f a r . PROM HoS e ? W e alone seU IM. B . K IN G 'S M IL L S A W D IIC J T 5 "'? builds, up ihe North.-and -West Vancouver 'biv roll • ■ mem. ■ ■ ■ • .You'll - -- Sacked 14 50 p e r u n n -- ^ ^ t l s : ^' ' Ho extra r-kaWri ,*» UniU . "Yes, dear,'? she said to her was haying an enjoyable friend over tea,. **My husband yoiir excellency," he I assure you, is ' the; only' man "Butvybur' minister of who has ever kissed me?' ̂ ih st stolen my watch, '% ally, darling? Er--hut tell that's right." Die, are you bragging or com- course -nriL"- the premier plaining?" . answered, fTIT '̂iix. that up at ,A few Iniinutes after- wardsihblianded; back the wat^ E X C L U SIV E H o extra charge in West Vanconveh /: >fc-- •'...V. la a ... jm m . . . la i,^ .. ... ^ . t . ...............a -f ....................... -- .............. ............ - AGENT ■""" '•'twS? ' ' i 'North 94 39 0 to the "Britishdr^^ thanked him and, asked what the minister of war j h ^ ' tp?say.?if^Ph/*'̂ 3.td the premiei'//*9i%; doesn't know I've taken-it/' ' ~ S^frVAN':%" WBfwm 4viih%ira?^^39 ;Pu'rna'l^ Impairs f.Sawdnat Bncnefa.