m -------- - ,*.^«..r'. « * , » ^ ffsouW, 2,1936. 4> ^ , ' . THE WEST VAN NEWS ■ ^ 2078 Gordon Avenue **iwfe* SISI I Kindergarten g i „ d « ^ a r t e n - . 8 W 12. New. Term Opens -- Monday, Imiuury 6th ' Mfe M. Crickmsy ■': : . or. Booglas 288 t iM a B d z ja m id d E ^ ^ -N"#̂ 'irW«. i«iiV<'.-'a»*««-%! D 17IM M 0 I g f • Mrs. Reginald IBiarjlay on the on M<^n^y from 1926 Bellevue ̂ birth of 'a*» little daughter on' A v e n u e I n w a housnat 30th and Marine Drive, b i r t h ___ December 2Srd in North Vancou ver Hospital Mother and daugh* ter wilUb^ back house a t the end I. b. D. E. . . . D A N C E , F O R 'f / ., .YQUN<3ER.„setr FRIDAY, JAN. 3rd, 1936 Admission 85c,, - - Juniors, 16c reasons w h y A "prospect" is interested yin he "Buy Now" appeal of t l^ ih - ustry for severarreasons,yhich' SWIMMING FISH REAL ' MINES IN MOTION Some people may notf know it ■ but the salmon is not only a fish' Mude' comtoteWe," 'Rouble- but it's a amaU sized mine. too. 1 winter operation; ^ v in g on , Perhaps that may sound like a !t of winter tune-jafc: higher fairy W e but it is true just the •ade*,in value of old, car now; same. Burn up a fresh salmon tisfaction of driving a iiew car and what will be left? Ash, says hile it is new, with next year's someone, and, of course, tha t is correct So far as it goes. .But What is in the salmon ash ? - There is lime, there ia phos- phorusi' there" is ' magnesium; of this week, William Reid has returned to his home a t 1075 Esplanade after spending nine* months in the Kootehays, *̂*4 ̂l|t * l|l ^ Mr. Baxter, 2198 Argyle Ave nue, moved to y«rticOuver today. ' . '*•"* *' * HollyburmPoet Office handled over 2,000 'parcels during the Christmas rush, , , , M«s.i-David,:Baird» 3033 Mar ine-Drive, and-her sister, Miss ige Farmer has ar- the Interior and is Miss Madi rived from spending the school holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. G. Farmer, 2307 Bellevue Avenue. * * , ♦ * ' , Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Jay and family, .1836 Esquimalt Avenue, moved on Saturday into a house.., ., a t 25th and Mathers Avenue. : * . * < ♦ * « V , n. After January 1st the library in Gemmill's Drug Store will be, on a different plan.' The charge will be 26c per month and eighty new books have been placed on the shelves. Will anyone having (After 10,.p.m.) Stratton's BAKERY Matures; consideration for a lumanitarian experiment that iill level employment; possibil- lyof price increase later; and he chance to finance car pur K. Skinner, have left, for a three books from this library return mlonths' stay in Pasadena. They same at once. , were accompanied south by Mrs. ♦ ♦ * H. ,G. Barker %nd ,son, David, ' Mrs. R.^P. Blower, 1788 Fulton who will visit in California for Avenue, was taken last Satur- several weeks. . day to North Vancouver General * * .* Hospital, where she underwent J. W. Fox, who has been for an operation. She is now getting several weeks a patient in the \ along as well as can be expected. Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Chrlstenin.g and Weddihig Cakes Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbujry Cakes, * Cinnamon Buns Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive. Phone West - 27 ased at new low rates, just an- there is chlorine. Taken togeth« lounced. A blotter is something ' you bok for vî hile the ink dries. TO OUR READERS er, these mineral elements make iip about 98 per cent of the resi- tdue that remains when'the fish has been burned. Scientists' have found these _____ things ' out by actual analyses, I Any householder not receiving They have found, too,-that <jfher 1 copy "of this paper pn any and fish besides salmio-n, and shellnsn lach Thursday .evening,, is re- as wdl, are mmes^in rniniature. luested to kindly phone. us a t All species do not have the same ^est 363, in order that the omis^ organic substance^ of course,.; lion may be correcteid. We shall but all have their share. Istcem any such phoiie as a fav- .The importance of this condi- |r, as it is our only-way of check- --tion-liesHn the-fact th a t-th e ng up on our deliveries. Our human body needs such'mineral Boys have,strict instructions to elements and, can- obtain them ilace a paper on the verandah through the use of' fish foods in pf every house on their routes.' the diet; Without such elemients F. FRANCIS LOVEGROVE^ full bOdily,^health and strength " . ^ ' cannot' be obtained. Deficiency of lime in the human diet for '" instance, gives rise to serious ail- liihents and even "to physical; de- .. formities. So, too, if the dmt is ' in iodine, another of the s E substances which are presefit in _ th e flesh of_sea fish anc^shellfi^h, subh "ills as^^ itre . may follow. Shaughnessy Military Hospital, has now recovered and is back again in his shoe repairing estab lishment on 14th Street a t the ferry. . - Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon and daughter^ of Vanoduver, have lah Hainilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. W." R. Hamilton, 2193 Ar-, gyle Avenue, had his head crushed last Monday- between a roll of paper and a beam on one of the freighters loading i ^ a n - couver. He was taken to St; moved into a house 'at 195 25th Paul's Hospital, where it was dis- Street. covered that fortunately - noly • bones had been broken. He is - Municipal Clerk W. Herrin and Mrs. Herrin have returned from Yahk,, B. C., where they spent Christmas with- their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, H. Dixon. expeoted home from the hospital • at-theend of the yveek. SUNDAY CONCERT^- > Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE January 2nd, 3rd and '4th The final rally and. evening . concert in aid of the West Van-̂ . The ferries were very busy on ^ cDuveE_Santa_J31aus Fund took " on Sunday evening i^ H d T - Ambleside L. SPECK. Proprietor Sheet Metal W orks VERNON FEED sto r e A. C. SEARLE Phone W est 9 T^ilizers of AU Kinds Wood, Coal," BuUders' Supplies Similarly, various other of the inorganic constituents of fish are requisite to the. proper function ing of the human body. Their wide range in mineral elements ' necessary to Man is one of the^ very good reasons why fish ' should'be giyen frequent place in the diet. K.W.3&V0I7 ^443 Marine Drive ___ Ambleside___ Phone'West 340 Evenings, West 143' In the case of the salmon, potassium is present in greater am-ount than any. of the other inorganic constituents. As shown by a United States analysis^ pot assium makes "up between 24 and 25 per cent of salmon ash. Next in percentage's chlorine. .Next in order are phosphorus, sodium, magnesium,," and lime, with the lime percentage 8.6. Mineral -content varies,""of course, with different species of fishand shell fish--An-analysis-of-piko-ash, for- Jack Froud, Leslie Pearce, Bevan Savory, Teddy. Clegg and Art Wilson speht*'tbe,"week end' at the Scout (5amp a t Supnyside, V -The council .ordered tw ^ can vas J stiretchers' be purchased from Jones Tent & Awning Ltd., at a cost of $4.50 each. ;V erndh^N;"' Kafiey " wi^te "theT council re proposed exchange of lots. The. proposed exchange of . Lots 8 and 9, Block' 4, D.L. 554, N.W. Pt. for Lot 11, Blobk 6, _ D.L. 582, was approved subject to, payment by applicant of $76, the difference in assessed values of the lots in question,, and regis^ ^tration and conveyance fees of wre; i.e:, a total of $yz, and the delivery of unencumbered title to Lots 8 and 9, Block 4, D.L. 554, N.W. Pt. to the municipality for registration in the latter's name. lybum Theatre, there, being a good attendance. Mrs. Doris Stainsby and Jas. ; . Lowdbn .each san̂ ^̂ ̂ two. selec-. -tions, Which were much appreci- 'ated by the audience, as did Ralph Lear, the well known Van couver tenor. . Miss Durbin's Girls' Choir, rendered CJiristinas carols, while the Wdst . Vancou ver. School Band under A. W.l -DelamiontT-were-heard-in a-num- b e r ' of fine selections, which helped materially in the success of the concert. The humorous readings , of Colin Lawi^ence, the Rambling Rhymster of CKCD, were also very popular; Mrs. J. E. Durbin acted as accompanist. Jim Holt was in charge of. ar rangements and J. E. Durbin re- sponfeiM^or-t-h^rett-y-stage ef- .fects, - the additional stage ac commodation being built by W. C. KELLY "THE VIRGINIA JUDGE" also "The NEW ADVENTURES of TARZAN" SATURDAY EVE &" MONDAY January 4th and 6th_____ "Oil for the Lamps of China." also "OFF THE BEAT" "MOLLY MOO COW»» TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY January 7th and'̂ 8th JAN KIBPURA 'My Song for You' also ^HONEYMOON LIMITED' The council directed the in stallation of a street light a t Pic cadilly at a sujtablb location. Messrs. Bradley and McDonald. Mr. Fletcher kindly loaned the theatre for the concert, as he has done in previous years. Reeve Leyland made a brief speech, in which ' he .outlined what the Santa Claus Fund CJbmmittee , had been able to do towards Mr. McDougall was present .at ameliorating the lot of over one GREATEST IN: WESTERN CANADA Particulars In Daily Papers or your Local Branch Store. F O R S T 'S W ests? ' ,Nortli625, * '66 Lonsdale Avc. North Vancouver _ Wo will dispense y ew prescription promptly and accurately at a reasonable price and deliver it. ««.We have done in West Van- .. couver since 1020. Gemmyrs Dru{ Store The 8tore of Servlee. 1B86 Marine Drtvo' West 87 or Went 607 Ipmergency Phono West 821 example, showed that -38.16 per cent was potassium. The ash from ..eels was found to be re markably-rich in lime, nearly 46 per cent.. the council meeting to ask for permission to cut standing tim- -ber-on~DrLV-7-7-2j--N--of--P jG.F1v After discussion it was decid ed that this applic^ition be not granted. . hundred and fifty families m West Vancouver and thanked "all"those"~who~had~im~any~way-- ̂ helped in the Various endeavors connected with the fund. ./"A rookie . in the cavalry was •told to repQrt to the,lieutenant. '®dvate-Rooney,lLsaid theof- BUILDING PERMITS^ $8,425; . The council referred the mat ter of the disposal of ,500'cubic Y. 'O. D* E. ficei % **take lAy horse down and have him. shod." ̂ ^ ' For-threehours the lieutenant waited for his horse. Then, im patiently, he sent for.,Rooney.. ^fPrivate Rooney," he said. The, municipal hall in Decem- ' -her issued seven permits of a total value of $8,425, made up as I.O.D.B., will be on g r ip e d the. priv- i' follows:r2 dwellings................. $7,500 >3,gara^s ......2J5;j 2 additions ...... ; 650 new post offfice site to the chair man of the board of works and the . engineer for recommenda-- 6th, a t me nome oi atei growing pale' around 'the ~ ♦ * ♦ . Mrs. H. B. S tey^,_26tli__^d'_giiis^_z'Omigosh_I-_DJd_yoa_say_ '■ r^r.^} J, $8,425 The matter of properties &etw§e»4he school board and the municipality was referred by the council to the engineer with power ;to act, , Nelson, a t 2 :15 p.m. shod?"- TEAJtOEr^rSONr 1483 Marine Drive ____ O O A L ^ A N D ly y North Shore agents for CANMORE BRIQUETTES The, ideal fu e l MORE HEAT," LESS DIRT. PHONE W EST- 84. LEGION NOTES Important - -- - ' , On; account of Wednesday^ be-;^ in^ New Year's Day, the r e ^ I a r meeting of the local branch will be held in the LegiOn'Hall tomor row, evening (Friday)!; f ] ;; .K n -Z - m nJM I -'.OimM'Af PREPARATORY PI^NO CLASS Clourse for Pre-School Age, Children,-- 5 - 7 Years ^SchooI"Agei^lasseB MARJORIE R. M-tGILLIVRAY - -- Associate The J. D. A. ,^ ip p F ian o School - ^ , Studios at Dundaraye and Ambleside' Telephones--^Dundarave, West 86-X-i2'; !Ambleside West 184-Y \-'cI _ 'ijx 1 ̂ ■ >.*V> a ' .-Ki -iX**,