#' I *?T" "» K "ie". -------v^ ill! ,****f****'̂ 'H'f W ■* ' ' • / * -^T -•, V » « Circulating in the District o f West Vancouver--Amhleside^ tio tlytfu m , $1 .0 0 per year. Cyprcss Park, CaulfcUd, Whytecliff, Etc. , D undarave 6c per copy at newsstands. \'"ol. X iiO liti.VBU]RN P^O .,>W ?ST y 4 N G O O V E R , B.C., T H l/R S D A Y , J A N U A ftiW n d , -1936 N o . 37 WEST VANCOUVER'S BUILDING DEVELOPMENT As we mentioned in our editorial , last , week, the year 1935 saw a substantial building develojimfent in West, Van couver, in fact, there was greater activity, in' this line than has been the case for a number of years. The peak was reached ' in May; whfen $Sl,485*s worth of permits were issued, h u t . in August a total.of $23,345.was reached,, and in five other ' months the figures exceeded the $10,000 mark. * The total for the year stood a f $161,820 as compared with $81,530 for the year 1934, in which latter period there' was also considerable building done in the municipality. It will be rioted 'that the 1935 total is> almost, double that of 1934,'the actual increase being $80,290, wjhich is quite re markable considering the times in which ;we live. Practically all.OT, this,represents solid,growth, for, there has. never been ariy speculative building here except in the case of one or two houses some years,ago, and,they were ([uiokly sold. ' .. • . . li is only another, illustration of the truth that no arti ficial obstacles can overcome natural advantages, and should give us renewed .confidence in the great future Of our munici pality' as a'reaidehtiar'sectOrr ^ (Full particulars of the figures for the year 1934 and 1935 are given-below^^ , ; ' > , , - > 1934 , January ..... ...... ........ $ 110 February ................... 6,875 March ..........................3,625 April ........ 4,630 May .............. ............ 2,205' , June .............. 6,970 : ' July v....:.:::;:.:;:.::.:;.,.'. 19,645 August ..................... 9,650 .September ........ 6,050 , October ............ 12,75Q "Noveiribert................. " . 200 .. December :......... ;..... 8,820, M OLlit UDWAtoS* DANCEES . , .> jm '<3llVilRECiTAL^^ SANTA CLAII$j l l J f f R A T E P A Y E R S * ASSdCIATION Contributions" to ̂Saiita: Claus Fund in B. C. Electric Siales Rooms- Next Saturday, January 4th, pupils of Molly Edwards will .r. . • » 'mu. hold their recital at the Legion . Previously acknowledged $149.57J»5- w.ill bo held on Tv_., u.. T . . . A*̂------4. ̂ ary 9th, in Dundarave Hall. All The' annual m eetinr and elec tion of officers of the west Van, couver Ratepayers Association Hall, assisted by Angus and Hat tie Young and pupils of the lat- 'ter. ' The prograni; will be given twice -- at 2 ;30 p.mi. for children ana-at 7:30 p:m. for adults. The juniors', will present a Mickey and Minnie, party with Less Amount, Brenda Wicking, (published last week in error) 1.16 will be welcome. $148.42 Sale of Candy, Grade X 12.50 Jun io r.......... ............. D oreen...... ....................: ' DANCE FOR YOUNGEEiSBft The dance for the younget'Aet arranged by the Duncan La^spn Chapter, I.O.D.E., will take .)p|acd „ tomorrow (Friday) in the ,50 Orange Hall. The music will be •45 provided by;, the popular Marie AVti'nwioi Acifi»fi wVilnVi tirlfVi .25 ,25 such characters as Horse Collar, Nanny ........... ...... ......... Donald the puck, Alice in Won- Peter H a ll...... .............. , _ _ derland; Cinderella and Clowns Bert Jordan (Ticket Sale Abrams' Orchestra, wbioh with attending,,'lilr.'iParson has ar- Concert postponed).... "SO extra novelties and favors will ranged this*'number for the West Van N ew s ..... 86.05 ensure a jolly evening of danc- ohildren. , ; - v t B. C. Electric Employees ' ing for all, First there will be Seniors will; give a group of Association .... ; a party for" juniors front.7 to 9 dances including a New Year's ..Carol Singers..... $49,36 J .,- ; p.m., admission,. 15 cents; and novelty.. Miss Joyce Woods,'who Expenses .......* 2.00'^ , ^ then the dance, which is for the is taking over the classes will . . ---------- 47.35 yoqng of all ages, admission 85 dance; while Hattie and Angus Telephone Bridge $78.60 cents.xr___ ____*11 __' . 1 -i_i «jt 171______ 1*1 /JA ' < . j 1935 ; 4,350 " 8,220 16,050 14,496 31,435 13,775 17,550 23,345 3,550 8,126 12,500, 8,425v Young will give, a sketch written Expenses ...... 1 11.60 by himself, t ' ' In future; Molly Edwards is ^ giving her frill .-.time to . Recre- WEST VAN NEWS * ation work,, but will continue 66.90 JOYCE WOODS. TO T O V EEM O LLW W Commending Jhniafry 6th, with a senior, group of dancers. Previously acknowledged $$6.05 . Miss Joyce'Woods ' i ^ xondrict .Recital tickets are: Children " By cheque to Santa . -S - classes a t'th e Legion Hall In-tap, 15c; adults 25c. Claus Fund ..... ..... $36.05 ........................ c h a n g in g BUYING HABITS Entirely normal is the desire RHYTHM BAND $81,530 $161,820 THE NORTH VANCOUVER PEKRYAiCCIDENT of the^public to drive -a new car Miss Marjorie McGillivray of during the winter. Normal, too, ^Vancouver; associate of the J^-D. --is-the tendency to' want a next- Tvipp Piano School, is bontinuihg season model and',- therefore,' a the traiifing of her rhythm^ bands great , deal of car-bujring at the and heT^preparatory piano class- technjlque; Sh!e ^so has many ' year-end used \tb be pos^oned «s for children 6' to 7 years ;old of the routines used by Meglin's acrobatic, ballet; character, national arid ballroom, dancing., She is a reoent assistant/.of., June Roper, who was a famous ballerina in Europe. Since studj^, ing with .Miss Roper,- who has ■the -latest of technique from - ,down south; Miss Woods Js able 16' give ' her pupils the same. ...^The,Vancouver;provmj6e>iri"orie-of>>ils recent ̂ . ., , ^ laid itself out to cast a doubt^upoh the seaworthiness of the ' of tbV1936 cars has'cbanfged all days are over. The value of k Studio. North yancouver ferries, but only succeeded in convincing that, ,and when the sales for rhyth'm band as a fundamental Miss Woods will be a t the Leg- anyone in the least conversant with marine matters of its own > _ November and December of 1935 course in riiusic for beginners is_ ion'Hall on'Monday from 3 to 5 . amazing ignorance^ are totalled up. it will perhaps specially emphasized and instru- to meet pupils and their mothers ! We quote, the following: / 'Are the boats 'seaworthy? - discovered that the buying ments are supplied. ; . and to register. 'The hours There is at leakt a grave suspicion that No. 2 Ferry, the one' habits of the public have been Will any interested kindly fo r'her classes will be the^mme which was in thb collision, is not. ;:It is a very old craft; and. changed sufficiently to accomp- phone Miss McGillivray at West' as those of Miss Edwards, n a ® ^ it is well known that it was Pnly being maintained in service . '*'Hsh what the motor industry 86-X-2 or West'T84-Y. ly : Monday 3 to 5; Wednesday -- v̂ ants, namely, the.spreading of - --i----------------- 3 to 5; Friday 4 to 6; and Satur- employmient through the year, FRAMAR MONTESSORI . day 10 to 12. These,two hours rather than have it^pneentrated SCHOOL PARTY oil Saturday are for all pupils as in the past, in the early spring . - --------- rind Miss Woods will gladly as- r v m n f l i Q , .r.4? 4-U ;« __ T__ - i -'i -̂---------------------------------- - n j i r , ----- ------1 . *x i _ 'V pending the fitting out of another boat to take its place." Has the Province ever, heard of the steamboat inspectors? Does it not/know... of the very searching .annual inspections made by these officials, all very highly qualified men' who refuse to pass anything, be it the hull, machinery,. or equip- . m ent,which is riot absolutely in accordance, with the require ments of the. Canada-Shipping Act for vessels of this" type. Quite apparently^ not, andf it says very little for a leading newspaper circuiting in. a great port to go off a t half cock in such a fashiom / / / --. ' ' The West Vancouver and North Vancouver ferries have been operating fori years without one. accident, inyolving seri ous loss of life, that this should'be so is-a very high -̂ compliment to 'the .seamanship ^ndrcareful navigation of f heir officers, when tnef^onditions under which they frequently have to operate is^akeh into consideration. Such editorials only tend to send passengers on the boats in a condition pre- disposed to panic in case of accidents, and thus impose an ^ded burden on the officers and crews besides exposing, the months; Index of .this change in ., Tbe children of the Framar ,. sist each with any individual dif- habits: sales at Montreal Show,^ Montessori. School had a very ' -Acuities. November 23 to November 30; enjoyable party on Friday, Dec-. ; ------------------ ^ were reported by General.Motors ember-20th. Their table was dec- ' , _ Fi^e minutes after leaving the ^ssengers themselves ̂ to unnecessary danger. The Province need not,wor]^ about the seaworthiness'of the Inlet ferries or th e ir'.equipment, even if one pa^eng6r did, as alleged^ pull the -rope, controlling the lifebelts without result. It is- more than probable he~pulled the wrong rope. - But, if the Province!is so concerned with the safety;of the thousands living on the. North, Shore,: let, it become con sistent and"pulHfor:the First Narrows Bridge.. The accident tovbe double the sales a t the orated with' Santa and his rein- ' V^est Lake Ski Camp ̂nn New MontreahShowof January. Sales deer and his sleigh was piled Year's afternoon, Gordon Mcr at Toronto Show/in November with 'X m as crackers. All the Tayish. of Vancouver, slipped on were 75% higher than a t Janu- children received presents off the ;a root and broke his left leg - riry ̂ Show. Chances- are that gayly decorated Christmas tree.;! above the knee. He received first year-end^ buying will be greater The little tots then played games riid from Miss' Margaret Hardy, next year, when thes^e purchas- and just before hometime caught a West Vancouver nurse, who -'ers report what a paying invest- balloons vt̂ hich fell from the* happened, to be spending a holi- ' ment they made in added winter ceiling. ; / \ day on-the Ridge, and was taken comfort and economy of opera- __~ ^ ' ' down:to T5th and Ottawa Ave- Tion. \ , -- r - - BARBARIANS' AUXILIARY. - , hiie by his.companions on an im- provised stretcher obtained from WEST VANCOUVER > The regular riionthly meeting * the West Lake Ski Camp. From NURSERY SCHOOL of the 'Girls' Auxiliary to the - there an ambulance conveyed Barbarians Rugby Club will be/! him to Vancouver. , . The West Vancouyer-Nursery---hcld-at-the-hpme of the Misses' ' school M;"COridllf*.tPfJ TWi-o T?'" art/? riiana nn T'liiia-; ' . has given it a very excellent argument. And do we see them.,doing it? We.do not School conducted' by -Mrs/ E / Barbara and Diana Reid on Tues- " ' He (oyer/the phone): "What time Claxton, of the National Froebei ;-6ay evening, January 6th, at 8 '/®*^®youexpectingme?"'- . ..Union, a t 2832 Bellevue Avenue, " All members are asked to ' She'.(coldly): 'Tm not expecting ' wril open for the Easter term on ' '6o their utmpst to- attend this you at-all." Monday,. January /6 th . This ineeting. ̂ H e:'.',Then riLsurprise you." school, which is recommended by ^ - Dr^R. P. Kinsmari;ds. a; moderin kindergarten specializing! in'free - ̂ - outdoor activity. Any interested •are requested to kindly- 'phone ' .Claxton/ a t ; ..'r¥c.i >. ' r- 9 \ > r c •s.' * I < 'L '- I •• ' \ ̂ -r-/ 5/. ' 1 ^ ' , - .ii'S,"'? t L'-i, VA:*iy I* r-' ^ ; FRAMAR MONTESSORI SCHOOL . . Montessori'School -- ̂ 2078; 'Gordon '■Avehde;//wlR ' r̂e- /:IS I open a f t ^ the -(3]|^istririds-1i<ji:E^ da^8 next to d ay ,-Jan u ary 6th/ , ^ folk dancing, and/singdng;: Jtiii- ! ■ , dergarten from 9;:to; 12, and ! ■" I / ! ■ Any parents or others interested t / -xld i* S'ti.