West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Feb 1936, p. 4

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I#** f ^W Vy #■ # ■'■ I ' < '̂ -. ^... / ' ' ' i-iftS'^ffiSfe'* F lione W M t 469: . SB 0l4l WHITE Flioti*lW M t46 Friday and Satiu'dif' • Feb. 28tb & 29tli BM * WUU MABMALADEV 4 lA tl« |! mmiŵ9M$- Red Sk WMt^ TOMATO SOUP Red A Whits TEA« 1 lb. p k t 42e ' IJ H l i K i yt !HTV*B"'NE1W' ' f,.:.'.:.: * scour n o t e s isswî l.vr'sA.. < ..... p ' < IFIwSiiiOiid IDfoop a tli6-c!0ie ̂ of which the badges earned dur­ ing th# iM t feŵ 'TObnth8,:; were: -^TristamrAd-, ministmtor of Toe H, the spon­ sors, kindl^r attended to prese^ ...the..badges! and inado„ii.|ho4^^^ timelv speech to the Scouts. The jneeting was notable inasmuch as two King's Scout badges were presented, this being the s^phd highest badge obtainable by |a scout. Thede were presented to ? E I .lI^ t! i» g a n and, E U ;"Ned; Pea!cock. , Instructor B. Savory . received his first class scout badge, A cords and ambulancep ::'Sider,,,l^ii|^gan' obtained'mia B ., cords, and pathfinder, cyclist, rescuer, public healthman, elec­ trician badges^ Patrol Leader N. Peacock, B cords ̂ pathfinder, public healthman badges. Patrol "fSlllS?S31iWilsohr^ R. Rathie,' T. Clegg received their el^tHcian badges. All scout's in the Jyopp will have an opportunity of instrU'ot- I. 0 . a E. L. O. L. No. 2990 , ing in the newly formed Wolf The regular monthly meeting The regular, meeting of the Cub Pack which will entitle them of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, above lodge was held on Tues- to their Cub instructor badge. ■ LO.D.E., will be held 2:15, day, 18th instant^ in the Orange ^ COLUMBIA gl*RAWBjgimY JAM 4 Ih. tin ........................... 89c Red & Whita CUT GRBBN BEAKS ' 2 tins 98e CANNED m V l T ^ f , .... J . COtUMBlA APRICOTS, " • CARtTON"im cH E s,nftiB irartie SINGAPORE p i n e a p p l e ; : f l ik id ...... .......................... tec CANNED FISH Red & White CHICKEN HADDIBS T in ................. ........................ GOLD SEAL HERRING it̂ T. S. T in ........................................ We Red A White SPAGHETIT with Chceee and Tomato Saucer 2 iltia 19c Red & White COCOA, % lb. tin 9c CROWN BRAND SYRUP, 5 lb tln S2c ! 'M es^ . P hone W est 370 >/, lb. SHAMROCK SAUSAGE 1 y, lb. CAMP FIRE BACON f Imth for ............................... .......................................................................... 21c ROUND STEAK ROAST, from Prim e' Steer B«nî , per lb......... 20e RUMP ROASTS OF BEEF, from " Prime Steer-Beef, per-lb........ .**T7c l»EI*PER'S PORK SAUSAGE, lb. 20e - KiNNANIIADDIBrperlb.^------- l«c- K IP P E R S ...................... 2 Iba. for 25e HADDIB FlLLErS. Scotch Cure Per l b . .... ......................................22c Ail Our Meata are of the Very Fineat Quality SUNKIsf*"ORANqES Knmily S l* e ................ ..2 dozen 39c SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT, 4 for 15c ROME BEAUTY APPLES, jfoed color .......... ................5 Iba. 25c '" " " . 7 ■ ' ^ ' r~~ ^ Jefferies _ Governiieiit Inspected 6i3y HAMS-- S-- I.AMB. BEEP PORK -VEAL- COLD MEATS OF ALL KIJHDSl ,;j^nE^eATE8SEN 1 ■ Stpre. .at. - PHONKJW Kk a n i ^ a l l l : ' - ' . ' BUILDING rm ^ T iR T A L S WEST VANCOUVER L W E R CO. LTD. -FOR REAL SATISFACTION Phone West 115 1497 Marine Drive The rate for Claasifliid Advertlaementa ia 2 cents per word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of , thoae,. bavinjr. regular aecounta, all class!, fleda are payable atrictly in advance. ^ Remember ClaBsifieda in the Weat Van Newa get immediate results. p.m. Monday, March 2nd, at the Hall, when a hew member was home Of Mrs. G. Elgar, 1566 Gordon Avenue. Mrs. R, J. Sprottwill be the guest speaker. C. C. F. NOTES . The semi annual meeting of the West Vancouver C.C.P. Club for the election of officers, was welcomed on transfer certificate from Melford, Saskatchewan; also an application for initiation wa.s received. In keeping with a , request from the Most Worship­ ful Grand Master of British. B.-L BIBLE AND STUDY . G R O U P GIVb WEBB'S a trial for your next CHIMNEY SLEEPIN G shoo repairs. 24Q3 Marine D rive,. y The British - Israel Bible and - Study ' ̂ a timely ....... .. __ ___ talk last Thursday by P. Flemr America, that ^̂ all lodges in the ing, who took as his subject,"Ts TA-- t there a waj?out of the difficultyDominion refrain from holding held last Monday! The officers any social events for a period of; chosen for the ensuing, six three months, as a token of love months were': , President, R. ̂ and respect for his late majesty, Bloxhafn; Vice President, H. King George V, the lodge unani- Thwaites; Secretary, Mrs, Meuse mously agr^d to this request. Treasurer, Mrs. H. Gleed. and no dance will be held thi6 The North Vancouver organ- year as has been the custom on izer was present and gave a.re- St. Patrick's Night, port on organization work{ ,in At the next regular meeting , pxi<̂ tpnt in thp world -the Vancouver North Constitu- Tuesday, March 3rd, V * * ® ? a ^ ^ t h e ^ M ^ ency. The Club rooms; have bfebn will be presented by the dele- throne an?lhe"roval line tracing newly decorated and the extra gate of the .Grand Lodge ses- stove during the^old spell makes sions held in New Westminster tS ^H m ?^hf^tS^ 're iection in a comfortable addition for the last week, and all members are - benefits-of patrons of the next requested to be present as this whist drive to be held on Satijr- report will be of great interest .day, the 29th instant. to all. TO GIVE AWAY -- Half p^ersian 1 Male Kitten, gray, 6 months" old. ' West 23-X-2._________________ ' WANTED -- Capable woman for cooking and general hpus,eworfc,<for week or two. Phone West 513, Old Coun­ try way; Guaranteed. Brick and ... stone- re p a irs . ' ' Palmer, ' Capilano. North 811-R-2. / . ' that the World finds itself in ?" WANTED -- Dry, Alder, 2 feet long. The speaker maintained there was, th^. Bible containing the answer.. Those most fitted to lead must first learn to obey. He traced the history of the Jews from Abraham to their rejection of Christ^ Israel of the ten Bxistent in with the Phone West 3&7-L-1, evenings. PIGGLY WIGGLY SPECIAL W eek-end S k V I N G S ~ at ydur Neighborhood. P IG G L Y W IG G K .Y FRIDAY -- SATURDAY and MONDAY FEBRUARY 28th, 29th and MARCH 2nd. ; Aylmer STRAWBERRY JAM with Pectih 4 lb. H i r e ....... .....................350 ORANGE MARMALADE (Limit 1 tin cach)« 4 lb. tin 86c I CATSUP--Aylmer, 2a.,..,.... tin 10c CORN--Royal City, 2s,.......tin 10c COAVAN^S COCX)A.t- Mi lb. I3c lb..............................................23c FIG BARS--F re sh ............... lb. 15c CHOCOLATE ECI.A1RS, .. .lb. I5c , TOASTED SODAS--8 oz. pkg. 9c FINE ONTARIO CHEESE, lb. 21c danadian Splendor MACARONI or SPAGHETTI. 16 ounce pkgs....................3 for 25c HEAD RICE-r^Pancy, . ..3 lbs. 20c P. & G. NAPTHA SOAP. 3 bars lOc CORN or GLOSS STARCH ' 8 pkgs. 25c .BEANS--Kentucky.y^onder. . < , 2 tins 25c PEACHES--Lynn Valley 2 tins 29c PINEAPPLE--Singapore Sliced ' (Limit 3 tins) ......... 8 tins 25c TOMATOES -- R..C. Largo i . 2 % s ......... .̂.................,..2'tins 19c EMPRESS JELLY POWDERS ' ' 4 pkgs. 19c ROWNTREE'S CHOCOLATE ' % l b . ..... ........... 17c BETTA BISCUITS -- Genuine Imported Fancy English: As- / sorted Varieties; regular 15c St z e > 2.-.: pkgs,.. 25 c,. 1 Pairylight ;PREPARED CAKE FLOUR , pkg................r............................. 21c B, & K. PASTRY FLOUR, 71b. 22c .MIXED SOUP VEGETABLES • 2 lbs I2c IL C. SAL SODA -......2 pkgs. 15c R. C. .CLEANSER.............. tin 5c In our Modern M eat Department Only the finest quniitj| is ogered p a t r o n s 'o u r Meat Departments . J,. and . . . a t prices wnich mean a d istinc t'sav ing -on every purchase. RIB BOILING BEEF, lb........ 7c Lean M in c^ Beef, lb........ A 10c Pot Roasts Beef, lb........... '-9c Prime Rib Roasts Beef, lb........ 12c PORK SAUSAGE BREADED .SHOULDER P^R K ROASTS. lb ........................................... ^ 1 0 c\>ROL i 1 d R IB lb.„.. 16c SEE OUR WlNDO|i^S FOR S P E C IA L 'W J ^ - l^ D BUTTER PRICES. We reserve the righ t to, limft' quantities. a r c G L Y : : m r G « captivity j sin the north. We or they had riotjkept ^ d 's statutes, had worshipped gold, and taken interest,, etc.:, When we obeyed thdse,oamh]ahdments of-God and scrappe'd gold in favor of the wealth of .home property and productipn, misery and sin would cease, and,, we would lead the world. FOR FULL DETAILS AND PLANS - of Tax Sale Lots see C. J. Archer Ltd., 1415 Marine; Phone West 225, . Seymour 6954,___________ . ; . . WANTED FOR CASH -- 4j rooms modern, close .tb ferryi $1200 to $1600. Box 9, West Van Ne>ro. THE PERRY LENDING LIBRARY-- - New Rates for^h-m em bersV lO c a - book; limit 4<d^s.: FREE -- Individual figure .analysis--: For appointment phone. your Nu- Bone Corsetiere, Mrs.- MaeAulay, 1618 Esquimalt; West 408-Bf, PRINTING -- For aU kirids of ~ printing ""phone .W est Van New8,;JYest 363. SEARS ROEBUCK >VILL SPEND , $9,500^000 ON PRESS ADVERTISING l a w n : MOWERS SHARPENED Special machine; Repairs, Parts. West Van'cbuver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. * . t ' FOR RENT Furnished 4 room suit« I , close to fer?y.' 1358 Clyde Ave., Hollyburn. < DRESSMAKING -- Ladies' Suite, - Children's Clothes, , Boy's ■ Pants ] specialty. 2791 Marine, Phone West 619-R. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST "CHRIST JESUS" will be the Chicago, Feb. 19. General* R. E. Wood, president of Sears, Roebuck &̂ .Co., announced today tha t the 'company^ will ' spen^' .MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Perinanent. Try bur fatigue facial fo r ' tired houdevrife or business 1 , : woman. We^t ,804. ,17th and Marine, oyer Royal Bank. . SHOE REPAIRS r-^ Get the best mab erial and worluuanship a t Fox's, I 14th a t.F erry . " ______ WANTED -- One famished and one , unfurnished 4-rodm cottage near ferry. Phone'W est "340 or West 148 GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solic* itor,;^ 1447' 'Marine,.'^mornirigs^ 510 H astings'S t.; Seymour 4199. after- noons. . ' ______________ WANTED .-- $500 cash for stoves, ranges and' furniture. Highest prices paid. North .431._________ _ FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. 'Houses, lots, and -j acreage for sale. John Lawson, 17th and Marine", Phone West 65. . -- THE,W ELFARE ASSOCIATION re. -subjcct-of-the-Lessan^Ser^mon--$9,500,0QQ for newspaper-ndver----- guires-discarded-clothing;--Phonê in all Churche^-of-ChriatrBcient-- ~tising:inil98B. .. ' .YYegO lland ,fiqick3fil_calieck ist, on Sunday. -- "Results have-dmonstrated to The Golden Text is : "Unto us us that the newspaper, is by far a child is b6rn,,unto us a son is the most effective medium for given; and the government shall the promotion of bur . retail be upon h is :sh o u ld e r(Isa iah sales,' G. W. Cunningham, ad- 9 :6 ) . ' ^ . vertising manager, said; . Among the ' citations' which ----- ^ ^ ^ comprise the lesson - Sermon is : Mr. McGinnis was taking his the following from the Bible: first ride in ah airplane; As they ' "And, they crucified Him, and were flying over a baseball game, parted His-garments, casting and'when they were'about 4,000 lots." (Matthew 2 7 3 5 ) . feet up, the plane suddenly went The Lesson - Sermon also in- into a nosedive. ' ^, eludes the following passage The pilot laughed as he pulled from the Christian Science text- > the plane out of the dive at book, "Science and Health with 1,500 feet: "Half o f■ the people Key to the Scriptures" by Mary down there thought we were Baker Eddy: "The lonely pre- falling." HEADQUARTER3 for All Popular Brands, of .Cigarettes' and. Tobaccos; ' also Fishingr Gadgits for local wat­ ers. ,A m bl^ide Tea Rooms. IN STA LLA ^IO N i-E lectric Repairs, j cdnveniehce^buriets. installed. J. H. " Paterson; West'.lOS. HANDY ANN:SHOP,-2442 Marhfe- NbyeltieA, - <„ '̂Noti6ns,, Stationery, . Hardware,:;;:paint, . . Work Gloves, Nails, e tc .-' " _______ ______ bAlNTYjCAK E, SHOPPE -- Home- - '.made -Bread^<-:iCakes and Pastries. 'West '514."' : ' ______ ciricts of the. tomb gave Jesus a refuge from His foes, a place in which to solve the great prob­ lem of being; His three days' work in the sepulchre set the seal of eternity on time. He proved Life^to be deathless and Love to be the master of hate." "Sure," groaned McGinnis, "and half of the people up here thought go, too." : • _____ PICTURE^PRAM ING -- Window Shades; Ciirteui Rods, Picture Glass, Estimates < free. Repairs. Pearce, 1890 Marine.; Phone West 529. Feed the wild birds. "Can I touch you fo r five dollars?" "For five dollars you can sock me on the jaw!" « . . .GUARANTEED REPAIRS- , :>Expt^ienee:Inhwes Satiagaction . BROYm & MUNTON ^ 1542M ariner ■ \ "West 36€ TQ,OtBimABEBS b u s # vjripg to c o i^ d e ia ttim _of KNOX'S Cnstmen, No neiglilior wenx^ld. you havealloWed - a t our-^onvcnience; sometimes by 4 1 us to V' 3 9 "t- 2143 West. 41st Ave. -- 2468 E«.aHa8Hng» ' 4040 East Hastings 2009 W. BrtMSwiway -- 3026 S. G rim '^ le'^ ' 1245 S. Marine (Maiipole). 168LMarine D rive.' t ; . : .... ..." fr' f '5 *, 'V# r. V ' V K... k, ' , ... V avour_convenience;,SQmetimes by4 am ̂ loads Thanks fw co-opcratiofi. No one has been left cold - WEST KN1LL*S TRANSFER N o r t h 4:^9'4 'ff 1 Any householder not receiving a c6py:of.,this [paper on ^ \eacif:53iiiiadfe is qubsted.>~tb,:'l£indly phone us at JWestJfiS, in orderfhat the omi^ ' sibn ittay-he coirected. We shall , esteem any ,such phone as a faj- .%hs;it>is ;bur only way of ch^K- ^hgr^Tip(';on our deliveries, -̂ uurboys hafo strict instructions w plhcetaiipa^^ the yerandan; of every hbu^ oh their routes. n ' Feed The-hdia .birds. mm rA; fISl