'T'l w«-i>̂ŴPTr>? KM 'pi'ij,.̂ f t(̂ KK ? {.-rr̂ i'E-- t i . PIN "'""■I"'" ̂̂ I ■"̂ * ^ ' '»'* » m I I'* ,t ,ii |» («'< 1,1 j ' f (j in* ■« * ' I » i 3i:' - ip s-F E iitS Y .A N B'iSCH ^^ . ,j *1% 'If ̂ ■ .,.p,.p.p;i.«iw V*.\'<'i5!l*" ' ^ A num ber o f y ea rs have passed since th e ra te p ay e rs o f West involving circum stances , „ , ,, , . . construction o f a new fe r ry a t a cost, d f $45,000 and a four- room addition td Inglewood School co s tin g $11,000 be p la c ^ SCHOOL ACCpiMODATION (ContHbiited) pM LEGION NOTES * ̂At COMING BVBNTS Friday, March 20th, a t 8 pJtt- enthusitain and royal LIFE SAVING }17th to house support is be ing show n in Legion ' SOCIETY DANCE before th e elect6r a te ,: th e vo ting fo r sam e "to taJce piece n ex t ' affai»^;as evidenced by th e n n m ; ' ---------- W ednesday, M arch ;4 th , fro m 8 a.m , to 8 p.m , a t A m bleside o f new m em bers w ho a re The W est V ancouver G irls In Mull. ThA eiwiumfltanceA wtnderimY ailfth action necessarv will th e m un ic ipa lity V vveuiicuuay, ATAttii t i i iAiuxu o a.m, wi o p.xu. xxiMwâ oavp , .* Hall. T he.c ircum stances ren d erin g such faction necessary , will J5 be explained^byJ^Ke.council an d school' b o a rd .a t la -meeting in " the O range H a lh to n ig h t a t 8 o'clock. ■ . . , ;^? W s ;hna Kr̂ nvi ' Qha HOci ctAV>tri:ai4 ,f*nai vP WtSA-tJ %r wAQn/hmrtYA ber of new members who, are , ^ ■ a J S steadily, jdinintr.Post 90. .Mem-, S / S « .4 - "TKe*So»risa^has been condemned. .& has , ^ c d the ., ' ■ W«ds as W G deipeMtre ■■• ................ 8nd .t*'eIl .fo rtw e h ty -tj» o h ^ m a tions ce rta in equ ipm ent is lieqes>{i.iR4ii^rvp'fitfo v i x d v ' . .nocessaiw. at'i'thfejt tim e. In> th e ,' i^ o so y nas i^ e n se ieo ^ u , a,year" sary and in order to procure the steamboat inspeotors refuse to'-renew it. 'Consequently, .* ■ '^OSt proving . . i^ia in VaMnniivar same, they are holding a dance the council' Jiave n o ' c o ^ i l i J t o ^ M ^ h 28lr?^^"' *"® Inglewbod Hieh School o n ',...... . sanction the spendtagof $46,000 for th§ construction of a boat l i , . Saturday. 29th Febru^y, 1986. ' to take her place. . I t 'is expected that-the reveriue.firbm the h « Wr!f«»3 L^fhrl!l2f«mn« , Any equipment purchMed will new bdit will offset the cost of the bond,is$ue,vwhich..is,qnly ?f5 S S f? ̂ *'® **"® municipality for six years'a t the low,.interest rate, of 4 per oent..U8hqidd.the. ., n w V™ Wi.* q / '*"*'̂ ® ®®" "® obtained by-law service. T he -tw enty-m inuie s e W i^ hoW.^iVC^^ " ^^ThA^nPxi^ hours will b e 'can ce lled ,au tem a tica lly ,^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g a y f S e n i t & S i K t o Y th ^ lS i r io n ' » W W uc^ services rendered by th is brew , en tire ly vo lun tary , w ith n o . le s S S S a i; j s i S l i S M S r o - - = r ; = c ^ blow to,.,jhe ,growth>hd;prp3pdrity of thetm 'T̂ ^̂ would be the worst kind of publicity, would aifect business seriously, and^e would lo^ pi very large share of the it is hoped to derive froM -Vancouver-sJubiteeXedf; „„..,v., , t o those havfeV tickete ..on .ebme, « " ;Tirbe""wv'id;d w T s? ^ ■ »afiy%xa Aosiwvavtr ai*p cordially inv ited , to ^ i P ^ - th e school a f te r th e dance* M iss *i**u«Lu, o«j...w*»v.;va$v7. v*,*e***«*- w.,,w,>.-*w„a.. 5 r Molly E dw ards h s s k indy und- •■■ ISf ................................... ii 1! rrom wesx Vancouver ■to proc^d-to dancer^*. ̂ The orchestra w ill be: ALpwsea. jtxa u iua\>uer wi«v w»c vw«*y*̂ P.-sx,*. vx 7" - " - ' t ,7 ^ ^ led by Bert ."KOoI,. who is well of fact,-it wasiproposed to complete the plan abOut.two years sch^I was, desirable, W ortun- ' known in West-Vancouver and a®o. ^ d t h e ™ , w a s w .ateiy ^ 1??®.®.!!̂ ® lii" t ? ̂ )Mj| " , Si! HOLLYBURN HALL W iiigt^buying and semng;'*Yodmjust what you w f o f . " by reverting to-an^b^lete and ...______- - ' ; T:'-f ,-v ' ■ ' , wasteful system ̂-TOie reason is wll still cabin passages a^^l . . ^ Young People s Service will > simply the i r i c r e ^ jn.secondary ' Should he /held at -7:30 p.m. tonight, school V>imils anH'thA ohlv rem- . further" information concerning ^YFridavViii TTOllvfhnm Hall, whan edy wmMrtJ'lM Hi ' ' x^' views. Sunday School "and i ' r t , <■ t ,-̂ j - . "Lm . .« . ^ A r Y oung P eople 's B ible Glass a t 10 p-"" GUILD , ^;m* next Sunday. At the 7:30 p.m. service next Sunday, March •r:* ' 1 he ; m em bers p f th e _ Guild , H aro ld Sum m ers will be th e \ th # g u e # s o f ^ s . H M r , ^ as h is ^subject__ H ^se , 24th:,.>A-Banker's M essagi" At the ^ ̂ l?r on , Thursday "'^^eijjig. for prayer and Bible -eek -- Ito c h ,a tudy a t 8 p.m. n ex t' -s'fl)*( h!'! L . ^ vroek -- MMcn .jetudy &i 8 p.m'. next Tueaday. B. (Tvhen the businesstf^neetlng_ c.-JJuns-wlU-giye an.address-On B A N C E ..5i .' . weather "I I A. Decorations' of Mrs! ■Partridges Mrs. O'Donnell and B e r t Chisholm an d ' ^I q - t-r r* - ^ > f ** ' i l l Ii": '4'X i'J PUBLIC - 'f.' f ? -̂11 .f--, _________________ _ ____ _______ vptersî 15c; maybebbSihid from:^bhfr ' t o tW ; , - ' bera of the W. ASdr,the;«»hoii: ; ,bd,heM tonightMal^ o'clock, m ^num ' _.' •' ,'~r} j fiSk Orantre Hall," at which,mem- 4th This dispIa3̂ ;ikV̂h 'X E G IO N ^ W lliS S F S ^ ^ ^ ^ of.will Airnlain to the rate- ing and tumblmg^WjU' The Legion.!W:;A monthly meeting 1 afternoon, 'whT^h"tl good attendiance. „'Miss^ r- jJ- r .u, -d will explain to the ^^Srs the necessity ferry and . .<* Beeve' J . B. Leyland w as in ^ th e le t te r p a r t of %r'. •' ' fe*:., 4Cv, if- i