■ '■ --". .-a %̂~"7̂r.".'. -»-i;.?SJ.?1 iifiiaftsifflw m b r m WEST VAN NEWS 22221^,1936. •**Ufi/ #BST rAif lU r. Him. W right,.M U i.ter....... ■ .JlHiMlAjr iiriilSiMi' •"> ■' ' 11:16 «.u|i.,'7it6 p.m* B u n d » y School m od Biblo Gftii Strungor. & Vifitorw Wolcom*. BAPTIST CHURCH Stttt4.j SenrieiM; School is Adult CIam 10:00 ii.m, Preuching Service. 11:00 A 7:16 Phoue: W e.t 216*B * J1 New Chick Coiffures from Seattle 8 Stole Show HI.m RoborU- hae.Ju.t returned from Iho ** P.rude of Fa.hlon. .nd Beauty Follie. of 1036/' w i t h n e w |deiui.J|pi. itjpririg coilTuroMi and facial make up< Call and have a chat with her. Gwendolyn. Beauty Shoppe 1546 Marine Drive Weat 117 LIQUID PETROLATUM - A J6 o't„ Rot. llodvy Oil for 40c Gallon for ?2.00 H0LLY6UM BALL 14th and Duche.. FRIDA V EVENING. Feb, 2 l» l at 7:30 Stiffs Young People's Service ' Subject: "Scetiea front the Life.of Our Lord" Illustrated by L antern ' View.. " Speaker; MR. JOHN ANDERSON SUNDAY. Feb. 23rd, a t 10 a.m. Sunday School and Young Folks' Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING a t 7:80 (iood News from a Far Country Speaker; MR. JOHN WALLACE TUESDAY at 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study W EST VANCOUVER O iw K Science Society , ,20Ui and BMiulmalt. HoUyburo This Society I. a Branch of, The Mother Church The Flint Church of Christ, SdentLit, in Boston. Maaaacbu.ett. Sunday Service: 11:30 a.no. Sunday, February 23rd, Subject: " M I N D " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at^8;16 p.m. The public is cordially In vited to attend our service, and meetings. WEST VANCOUVER SCHOOL . . .lx m m tJ m ) pa tho dolUr of *k MONB ̂Bl-WW N«, M2, «toBwi) " " " j 10S6 fu rth er o r otliyr rate as shall be A By-law authorklug o f"b^D tetric roT WeaTVancouver |to levied and created to the said C o ^ r ..............................fMon d a ^ , t h d wholeborrow the sum of lii.OOO by way „ loan for school purposes.hcreinaf^r. set forth. -------- all purposes as ^West Vanem. WHEREAS The Board of School School M ^ e y By-law No. 642, 1936» Trustees of the District of \V<-'st Van- . ^^fSSEDby4be ,Council on the m couver has presented to the Lowacil , RECEIVED of the said Corporation the following APPfWVAL of the Inspector of Muni estimate for the extraordinary ex- cipalitjiw p f ih e Province of B r l S penditures required by the said Board 14th day of February of. School Trustees for school pur- 1936j * RECEIVED the assent of the poses ;~ fo r the purpose of erecung elector, a t the election for that nur- and equipping a four-room addition pose on the day of to Inglewood School located pii District 1986. Lot JLU61, Municipality of West Va,n- HJECONSIDEEED and finally adopt, couver, Province of British Columbia, ed by tho Council, ' ̂ AND WHEREAS tho estimated cost SIGNED by the , Reeve'and Clerk to 'the Corporation of the District of ,^3EALED with the. Corporate Seal of West Vancouver of such undertak-' the paid Corporation, all. on the , inn> <« fhr> Hiim nf ifili.OOO. . dav 6f - ' " .A .D.4986.ing is the sum of $11,000. AND WHEREAS it is necessary for tho said Corporation to raise by way of loan thp' sum of $11,000. AND WHEREAS the sum of $11,- 000 is the amount of debt intended to be created by this By-law. AND WHEREAS it is necessary. . . * 1 < • , t........ Reeve, Clerk. TAKE., NOTICE' that th e ' above is a true eppy of the proposed By-law I if Also Petiolagar, Petre-Psyllu, Agurol, Saruka,.& Psyllium Seed ' I .11 ANBLESIDE PHARNACY Ik W. L, KER, Prop. 1,401 M arine., . . . Phono:. Drive ̂ West 823 FREE DELIVERY f • >"■ I DR. G. D. H. S B A L E O.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST . Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by oppointment, 4 Phone West 72 Established on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) H A R R O N B R O S . L T D . Ifuncral Btrectors NoTth Vaiicouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street ̂ Phone North 43# Vancouver Parloi'^r 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 UNITED CHURCH Rev. HilHs Wright, Minister Church Services will.be held next Sunday at 11:15 a-m. and at 7 :16 p.m. Sunday School at lO' a.m. Trail Rangers, Monday at 7 p.m. G.G.I.T., Wednesday at 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday ' at 8 p.m. Clioir Practice, Thursday at 8 p.m. Members and friends of Naomi' Chapter, O.E.S., will worship in West Vancouver United Church at the evening service. The min ister will preach at both morning and evening service. The Senior Young People's So ciety will hold its regular meet ing following the evening seiwic^ next Sunday. Miss Margaret Richardson will conduct the de-' votional ..period and the Presi dent, Stan Garrod, will lead a. gene'ral discussion on program possibilities for several months ahead. Every member is asked to be present and to bring a con structive suggestion. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. N. J. Corley Phone West 240-R Sunday M^ses Low Mass -- 8:15 ia.m. High Mass & Sermon-- ̂ 10:16 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7:15 p.m. i Catechism and Bible History every Saturday -- 9 :30 a.m. Week-day Services Mass, daily --̂ 8 a.m. Fridays -- Rosary, Benediction, Confessions -- 7:45'p.m. Saturdays* -- Confessions from' 7 :30 p.m ̂ to 8 :30 p.m. that tho money to be raised hereunder ̂upon which tho yote of the Munici- be raised upon the credit of Corpora^ pality will be taken a t tho Ambleside tion of the District of West Vancou- Hall, com er of t4th Street and Marine ver, . ' Drive, Ambleside,' West ■ Vancouver AND WHEREAS the Uounci) of the B.C., on Wednesday, t ^ 4th day of said Corporation of the District of March, 1936, between the hours of West Vancouver has authorized the 3 a.m. and 8 p.m, " ' ' submission of this By-law to the electors after the approval thereof by the Inspector of Municipalities of the Province of British Columbia. * AND WHEREAS the assessed value of the whole land of the sdid Corpor ation according to the. last revised as sessment roll amounts to $3,626,'872 and the assessed value of the improve- ments amounts to $3,887,425 making together a total of $7,514,297. AND WHEREAS the value of the whole rateable land of the said Corp- • oration, according to the last revised (Signed) WM. HERRIN, ' , 'Municipal Clerk. C. J. Overington PIONEER -B A R B E R ^ I'ffh and Marino Phone West 135 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH ̂ Rev. F. A. Ramsey February 23rd -- Quinqua- gesima Sunday. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion, 11:15 a.m,--Matjns and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- ____mon_________ BAPTIST CHURCH Services * 10:00 a.mi--Sunday School aAd Adult Bible Class. Rev. H. G. Estabrook, who has been supplying for us for the past four months, completes his ministry, with us next Sunday, February 23rd, and will conduct both services. 11:00 a.m. --r Topic: "Forward March." 7:15 p.m-- ^Topic: "The Heart of Achievenient." Monday, 8 p.m. B.Y.P.U. Wednesday, 8 p;|m.--Prayer. Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Choir prac-, tice. . 4 /, . . . On Sunday, March 1, our new pastor Rev. Wilfred L. McKay, will commence his ministry. Will. all members and adherents kind ly be in their places to' welcome r him. ' . ' gorpoiiaTion op th e district . OP WEST VANCOUVER ^ Notice to Electors li'HPUfiigCj/NC^^ that the vote of .the electors qualify- lingS^dxiftpiFoperiw :M uhicipahtyi^llI:he5i;^ : on ■ ■ the'̂ :abpVeriByilhw|ht:ith(^^ corner of 14th Street and Marine 'Driv0i'iyAihblOSide//West"iiVancouv ---- ------------- - - -- ---- ----------- B.C., on Wednesday,' the 4th day of assessment roll amounts to $2,852,521 March, 1936, between the houlrs. of 8 and the improvements amount to ' .o'clock a.m. a n d '8 o'clock p.m. and $3,656,340 making together a total ■ tha t William Herrin has been appoint- of $6,508,861. , ed Returning Officer to take the votes AND WHEREAS to provide for the. of such" electors, with the usual powers payment of interest and the creation 'in that behalf. of a sinking fund for the payment: of the said"pi4ncipal sum of $11,000 it wouldvbe necessary to raise annually by special rate the sum of $550 princi pal and the sum of $550 interest mak (Signed) L B. LEYLAND, ̂ . ' . ■ 'Reeve. (Signed) 'WM. HERRIN, " ' Clerk. ing together a total amount annually nr-Eiarn tr _______ o f '$1,100 for the term of fifteen (151 EXPROPRIA- VERNON iPBED STORE A, C. SBARLB Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders* Supplies Monday"rStrMatthias"Day/,-T07T5~ a.m.--Holy Communion; =Tue^ayr2^()Y>'^'̂ W f^ S O T Meeting. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, ---- SCIENTIST---.------ of $1,100 for the term of fifteen (15) years for the payment of the,, said loan and interest thereof as herein after mentioned, the amount to be calculated annually, on the whole of the rateable land or land and im provements of the Corporation. NOW THEREFORE th e Council of the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver in open, meeting as sembled ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:- . 1, I t shall be lawful for the Reeve . of the said Corporation and the Clerk of the Council, for the p-urpQses afore said to borrow or raise by way of loan- from any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, who may be willing to advance the same upon the credit of the debentures (hereinafter -men tioned) to the sqid (Corporation a sum, of money not exceeding in the whole the sum of $11,000 and to cause the same- to be placed in. The Royal Bank- of--Canada-a t-W est--Vancouver/ TION BY-LAW No. 643, 1936 A pessimist is a man who thinks everybody as nasty as himself, and hates them for it.-- George Bernard Shaw. Ash Wednesday; 10:15 a.m. -- Holy Communion, ' Thursday; 8 p.m.--Lenten Ser-- vice; Preacher, the Rev. G. H. Dowker, M.A., Holy Trin ity Cathedral, New West minster. Friday, 4:00 p.m. -- Children's Service. St. Frands-in-the-Woods, : \ Caulfeild Sunday, 9:45 a.m.--H(^y Com munion. - High ideals are not obtained by running your personal affairs in low gear. THE W est VarkNews Publiahad Every Thtnra^fay Publisher F, F, LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Buaifieas and, Editorial Office: 17th and Marine Drive ' (Next to .HoUybum P.O.) Phone West 363 ------ -Mail Addreoa: ,P. 0 . Box 61, BoUybum, B.C. It. is, said the average Ameri can family pays the doctor $75 a.year. *This will be real news to .the doctor. ' . L , . ♦ * / Blinks: "Does your wife drive in traffic?" . Jinks: "Well, she drives into it, usually." . Business is like a wheelbar row- JTt stands still unless somê - one, pushes it. . ^ , "MIND" will be the subject of "tW^LessDTr - Sermon"^.in alT Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. y * • The Golden Text is : .̂'The fear "of the Lord is" the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding." -- (Proverbs 9: 10). Among the .-citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." (Phil- ippians2:5). The Lesson _ Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary. Baker Eddy: "When the divine precepts are understood,, they unfold the foundation of fellow ship, in which one mind is not at •war with another, but all have one Spirit, God, one intelligent source, in accordance with the Scriptm'al command, "L e r this Mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." British Columbia", to the credit of the said Corporatipn fo r ' the purposes --above™recitedr-and--the-7debentures" of the said Corporation to the amount of Eleven Thousand ($11,000) Dollars in the whole may be issued by the, said Reeve and Clerk in accordance with- WHEREAS i t is desirable and in the public interest to expropriate the lands "hereinafter described for the purpose of forming a public highway within the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver,' NOW THEREFORE the Council of th® C orporation/of the District of̂ West Vancouver in' open' meeting as sembled, ENACTS A s FOLLOWS:-- (1) The lands and premises situ ate, lying and being, within the Corp oration pf-the;D istrict 'df 'West Van couver, ^Municipality of West Vancou ver, Province of-British Columbia, and kn(^m ^nd described as (a) 'T h e , Westerly; 41.5 feet of the South'W est .Quarter (S.W,%) - of District 'L"ot;One thousand sev- ~er̂ y-one-(-D.L::-::1071-)" Ĝ ^ New Westminster .JDistrict. (.b) The "Westerly 33 feet of the -S o u th ^ es trQ u arte r-t S:W7%-)-of- District Lot One thousand forty- six (D.L/..1046), Group 1, New W estminster District, . , *u ■" 7 are hereby expropriated and taken by the-Municipal Act in-sums as may be - th e - Gorppration/'of-the-D istrict ofc ■ of not'less than One Hundred West "Vancouver'for the purpose of ,($100.00) Dollars each. - . , forming a puhlic.-highway within the j-i. debenture shall be signed by Corporation;' and the Corporation Clerk and .the Clerk hereby take.s full power and authority shall.attach thereto the corporate seal forthwith after.-thb;.c6ming into force ̂ of this By-la'vy.to enter into possession said debentures shall be dated of, break up,, take and use the said the 1st day of April, 1936,-and shall lands as may in any Way be necessary bear in terest-at .the ra te of five per or convenient for "'the said purpose cent (6 /o j. per annum payable on- the without- the ■ consent , pf the owners St day of April and the 1st day of thereof, subject,-however to the re- Uctober in each and every year during strictions contained in P a rt T4 of the the said debentures or Municipal Act, being' Chapter 179 of principal .of the the Revised S tatu te i/p f. British_Col- p id debentures or any of thein-shall-- ^umbra7l 924r " " ' " be payable o ^ h e ^ day of April, (2) The said- latids so expropriated - Mph attached to are hereby dedicated for highway pur- each of the debentures coupons signed poses. ' - ' e?e^v hy-Iaw'may be cited for interest that may all purposes as "West Vancouver Ex- bf eTther Signatures may propriation-By-IaW No.;643, 1936." 'be either printed, written or litho- PASSED Tiy t h e Council on the 17th graphed 2. The said debentures ' shall be expressed to be payable / n lawful money of'Canada. day of February, N.D. 1936, RECON. SIDERED. and • finally ADOPTEpy SIGNED by the 'Reeye and Clerk, and "■3" The ' 7 ' ■■ . SEALED'.WITH . the .Corporate Sc^ nal and the Corpdrdtidn all-on the 19th ' ?hl M l FobiLry; A.p. i m - „ . * f Mid week Lenten Services in ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH, EVERY THURSDAY; 8 P. M. SPisClAL PREACHERS-- -------- ̂ ^ Feb. 27th--The Rev. G. HrDowker, M.A., Holy Trinity Cathedral, New Westminster -2 » North Vancouver Office: ̂ 12s Lonsdale Ave. . 11,60 a year b:̂ carrier: $2.00 a year mail. ; Mar. 5th--The. Very Rev. C R McAllister, D.D., D. Litt. ' , ' i ' , A cordial invitation to everyone. , . WEDNESDAYS; 10:15 a.m .^H oly Qommuhion .FRIDAYS; 4 p.m.--Children's Illustrated Service. » - M s ' , f --T n , t ' the Main Branch of T he..^yal, Bank 01 Canada in Montreal, Toronto, Win- Calghry, Edmonton; Vancouver, Victoria and West Vancouver, Canada, a t the holder s option by the Corpor- • LEYLAND, ' - Reeve. V :" ■ .WM: HERRIN, V. '. Clerk.' ■4.. ■ There'shall . TAKE NOTICE'the above is a troe nnuaill by a InL iai o f Ry-law^No. 643, 1936, cited therefor upon *^l' P«^.oses, as "West Vancouver and improvements of the Expropriation'By-'law No. 643, 1936, . the sum o ? S ve H u n S ?^ .'-by'<the. GouricU. on - the 17* ($550.00) Dollars Tor t h e o f ,Februar3^,-1936,„ BECONSlD-_ forming a sinking- fund ERED and* finallis ̂.adopted, signed by • ment of th r s a S ^ d S e n tS e s Jleev^^and .Clerk, and sealed mtb sum of Five Hund?ld ^ ,theC prporate:Seal df therCbrporat^ Dollars for o„ t h b „ f Febraary, A.D. a t the ra te aforesaid, to become due on such debentures , during the cur- (beiPE the equal aanm l spMial ra te of decimal three^ eighty- 1936. ' r ~ -Municipal Clerk. Hollybum;- -B.' G, " " ■ 18-2-:1936i: ' Am m lo-2t-1936. ' -i mms mfs ' iPV•.,1 iiWi4