i 1 \'ol. X C i w u i a H n g i t t t h e D i s t r i c t o f W e s t V a n c o U v e j ^ A m h f e s i d e , H p i f y b u r n i W 0 o % D u n d a r a v e $1.00 p«r year. C y p T c s s P a r k , D a u f / ^ I d , W h y t e c i i f f , E t c , ' ̂ Be per copy a t newaatatids. ..... .̂.... .... ' -- ■■■' ' ............................... . ........... V H^LCYBURN ̂ P.O.^ W E 8 T : '.V A N < jd 'U.C,' TH URSoAti' 1936 'M. No. 44 BUSSIA AND lAPAN ;fc'.#D. E. M«La Japan and Russia/rlvals as always for supremacy in the Far East, • a r i fidallfi^rdE'f tW 'l^rd^s^df<^a^ has certain definite plans for the (extension of her territories, which she has beOn putting into force for some time. While neither may desire to fight, a continuance .of frontier incidehts has. too often in the past involved nations .in .war for us on this, Pacific coast to regard what'has been happening with m V' The ' ,ahhual*4lheeting of the u f e -sa Vin R. io c iB iY ^ •d a n c e : m COMING EVENTS } thing less than.concern,'.For they-have to dQjgFith our peace, alfwsince no two nations nowadays cart make. waF^vithdut sooner or later involving the whole World in the conflicts , The line-up in Europe is reasonably obvious, but not so in the Far East, where the only certain thing is that Russia and Japan will take iopposHe sides. The Japanese hate every *. European nation .including Britain, and they 4i'ave, like the Germans in 1914, an idea that they; are, siipenneh. ' Their, organizing ability, patriotism and contempt for death niake them dangerous foes, although np to now their armies, trained qn,r;|he British model, have only met the scratch fdrteg of Chinese war'lords. ' Also with theni it is a case of more terri- , tory abreUd or. revolution a t home. , ■ Russia'equally- with Japan hates every other power, mprei " especially the*" British Empire and the United .States as the chief capitalistiq.natiohs. For years her Jewish; leaders have endeavoredVtb. und^mine the authority of all other foreign , governments by insidious propaganda,. P6r instancy, we have seen plehtybfrevidence of her work in VanCou'̂ er.; But.things internally ;are hot well, with her, as is the present case^with ' most natiQhs. ;"Ohly rejcently she has completed^ a typically. Russian Vdi^ning,'/. as, a result of which the numbdr. of those , reliably Bolshevist was reduced to 1,400,000, a sihall propor tion of hhr total population. She is said to have an army of. 15,000,00(1, a ll well traihed .by G em an ,officers,, who went , there after the ( l i ^ t War. Consequently, while having ample forces, . ' her rulers would iprobably prefer not,'to fight,until they feel .- firmer-in*the'eaddle'ht:home;'!' . An alliance be%eeh ,Geramn^^ and :RusSiaiwould, be .quite natural, bht"not .between^.Japan ■ ' ^=i-- i- -n-* E*; was held a t the home of Mrs. Royal Life Saving Society, W elt J. B. l^yland ph^hursday, Feb- Vanoouver Branch, bii Saturday,' ruSry 18th, :witji the Regent in February 29th, from 9 to 12, m the chair mid 8x> members pres- the Inglewiood Auditorium. Nov* ent. After the opening prayer a elties, dancing, specialties,' aero- minute's sil6nc6.^as observed as batic turns. Bert Kool and His a mark> of fibspect to the late Band.' Proceeds for the jpur- King. The afilri^ation of allegi- chase of life-saving equipment ance tp the .he^ monarch was for. W estVancouver beaches, then repeated by the lUembers, Admission 50 cents, followed .by . the' National An- . -------------------- . them.: r., ; . MID-WEEK'L E N T E N 'i,. ? -'R,eey^Ji\^;;vLlyland;waspr ' ' SERVICES eht repiresentingahe Council and Friday, February 28th--World's Day of Prayer in the Baptist Church.^ March 4tli, 8:15 p.mi Recre- ..ation Dance and Final Gymn Display in Inglewood Auditori um. ^ OPERETTA BY JUNIOR GIRLS' CHOIR othei: guests were Mrs. 0. G. Some outstanding. preacher's Announcement of a presenta tion by the West Vancouver Junior .Girls' Choir will be re ceived with 'pleasure by those who have heard this clever group in former productions. The Bibbs, anil Albert'*^ibbs, Very have been secured to give, .the sweet true voices and unaffected splendid , r®Por% were read addresses at the Thursclay. Even^ ways of the children appeal to by the officers iand conveners of ing services during Leht in St> everyone. In her efforts to in- coirnmitteesrshbvpng that much' Stephen's (I5hurch' dofiimieiwing. oulcate, at an early age, a love has be^h^accpnjplished during February 27th, and lasting until of good music, Mrs. Colin Mac- the.past.'yeai%; .The Regent, Mrs. Easter. Most of these men are Lean, the untiring conductor, is Small, fheii very interest- giving the : Np<m-day lenten, deserving of encouragement and ing and inspiring address deal- Messaga in Christ Church Cath-;" practical support. ^ ing more. p a rtid ||M the edral, Vancouver, and lncli(de; . "Snow**1/i îjlie,"' an .^ e re tta , aims and obi.ects^of.the Order as the Bishops of Calgary, thW Yd**-.;»based on Gnmin's well known a wbble. \ ' ,kdn, and Coadjutor of Columbia^' fairy tale, to be presented in full. * D uring /the, afternoon, Mrp. the D4ans lof Spbkahe and"^blf; costume, on Friday and Satur- Leŷ lahjd presehte8;the prize for umbia, the Rev, G. H. Dowk .̂ ,̂ )day, February 28th and 29th, in - . the, winning cbat!:pf arms d e s to , of Holy Trinity Cathed^eb' ̂ W tbe United Church hall, is being to Mr.';BibbS.who"responded with Westminster, and the Rev, J , H., sponsored »by the United Church a little talk on co^t of arms pro- Craig of St. Mary's, Kerrisdale,' Women's Association. cedui^ and heraldic interpreta- Each , of these mbh has ........................... tion.' Votes bf< thanks were pro- message that will be>worth while . White,. Dorothy Greenwood; mny andBusSia^wpuld.be.^^^^^^ posed to"thei)ress,-M^^ hearing and a cordial .ihvitatibn .̂ .Queen, Carmen Johnston; Princr ,n and (Sermapy/; Such ah alh-; ,.and"r^^ Members is expended to'every6hV>:tQ> be/ -Muriel P latt; Carl, Jean Mink.her*most aeinons.nrobloin. war . . _* ing her mdei/enaerit af.tKe',Bptish;?ffa^/ Japan'can offer her 7 ; lustrated service ;"Advehtuifes of Minkley, Joy Cranwill, Eula Pat- . noneof these.adyantages. Again the Prussians; tJie dpmmant a the "First Followers of Christ," terson; and the Forest children . factor in Germany, are racially of Russian origin, and both J to which all children are invited. . who come and go all through the Hitler arid-Stalin,are dictators.-, Russia for her part,,would . ̂ r-- ̂ .^story. Scene I,--The forest; A very interesting paper ;pn . COUNCIL 'NOTES Quebec was read by Mrs, Lang. ' ...■■*'**• Dwarf s House; receive the benefits of German' organizing and manufacturing ability, military- gehius and ei^erience, and scientific achieve ment. The persecution of the, JeWs ̂and Communists would be considered by any European statesman of no account whatso ever under "such cirbumstahees. V : England and , France have given Japan a" free hand in China, and doubtless an understanding of a quid pro quo in the shape of her support in . Europe was ■arrived at. so that Mrs; Elgar kindly offdrk her , R. D. Brewis of the West Lake Scene IV--The woods outside the « . .s 0.1..-o ---------- 4... $-1, - -------------,-i .Prince's palace. The conductorhouse for the March meeting . Ski Camp applied to the council which will be held, on Monday, io r the attendance on week-ends be Mrs. Colin Maclean and March 2nd, at 2:15; - / . of a dpetor, nurse,,and policeman - A- Ellis. A meeting of the hew exeou- at the camp. The oouncil advis- tickets f< ,̂ adults.25c; children, t.ivA-will-be-heldizDhijV[Qndavt--ed-him^of-their-regret-that-funds- 1 6c,^may_J)e/Becured-from mem- At any rate, fojr yery^ obvious reasons 'we on this Pacific coast can only hope so. ' ' ' JwitlvJiis=request. ®-.. 0. E. S. ANNUAL ;DANCE PUBLIC MEETING The report of new/officers is. • $ j 1$. as follows: Hon. Regent, Mrs. A. The councicl dealt with ̂ the A. Almas; Regent,,Mrs. W. ;B. Small; _Hon. „lst_VjC6 .JRegent,, * Mrs. J. Lawson; 1st Vice Regent, 9Q Mrs. W: Gourlay ;;HonV 2nd Vice flow D.L. .771, .Block 1, Lots 29 ETHEL ROBERTS WINS BEAUTY CONTEST omi (Chapter, Order o f the East-^ at,;8."p.m, next, Thursday, the JZ' "ond and 30. To inform the writerU. .viwgan, ,^iiu . that funds are not available for "-:;Miss "Ethel Roberts of the Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe won the contest out of six hundred applicants at Seattle as the North, West Beauty Queen, Miss The annual dance of the Na-\:,= ,A public meeting will be held n[ Chapter, Order o f the East-, a t ,;8 p.m. next, Thursday, the em star, is being M d :t6m p r ^ ? / ,27ttm stan t,_ jfw 1iichmem^^ - . jNortn w est kp' (I^day) in the Orange' HalL of;the council and school board ,p+orv Mra 'P C'Chanman- tibr. this worlt at the.present time. . ^ ^ t n w estae . Garden's Orchestra wUl supply -' wiU' explain to the ratepayers k r l i ra y • 2. 0 . L. 237, Block 2. Parcel Clay did the music for the d an d ih g .jw K 4 h c necessity for p ^ in g the C s . k B ™ wiU take place from 9 to 1. Ifeira and Mhool money by-fews Educational Sec., Mrs. E. China; ets $1.00 per ^uple; . admission to; be voted pn on Wednesday, Echcoesi Miss Grace Dauphinee; 1 1- 1 J .- _ i_ M^Ch-4th. ' ' V SfbnrlaT/l"Tldiflrfir ' T M T l * r i ' W va.wv. .iwr ""'V Jbeing by invitation only. ANNOUNCEMENT B." Proposed Subdivision M r .s ty le pu f on by Berliners Incorp- ivirs K um na- - Ward. That the plan of the pro-; ., style^show/was held race Daunhinee* subdivision be accepted qfDTidnryi Rp^irpr Mrrt subject to there being nq con̂ - . on Monday ,Tuesday, Wednesday c" r f M rJ : .. ' F. Bfetocjc, Mrs. J- Barker; A roh,:C. C ._F^E W S, . - . ^ 4 s T w f c S h - S w X r / /P O S T OFFICE CONTRACT The usual whist drive will be . Q. J. Archer-Ltd. , announce Mrs J -Meintvre: Girl Guides , Avenue to Marine Drive. The council instructed .the held on Saturday night ahd^pro- - thaf'Major F. Bayliss, has joined Mrs F Jackson * L ^giie of Na- The plan of the propo^d clerk to 'fo rw ard a letter to vision has bt ' ' * . e . room--warm election February an aiiernaiive =4,0 inv jugnt ui touch with them on the question way over the P.G.E. Railway of Jqcal labor, and to say thatGorporatlqn>bf theTDlstiicI of. Wejst Vancouver m s i K 'E : ; mmmm A PUBLIC M E E T N G ..^ l^hcld;rfn the Orange Hall. 22nd A Stit»t imd Marine Dfivje,. at 8 p.m. on THURSDAY:; ̂ 27th,. 1936 ^ at which memb̂ sr ̂ $e | ^ will explain to the -ratepayers the'necessity fdi^^pabtfigj^die Fcny-and-School Money- By-Laws for w hiclf Voting place at the Amblc^ide Hall,; oh Wednesday,/ Mamh 4di»/ 193 t /benaScn , the . hours o f 8 â in. and p*m. . vv. t , ^ ^ ̂ " V ̂ ̂ / February, S K / 'W«nicipM:Cfef>li, Prpud. AT T i m n k t ' ' levefcrossing and to the munici- they, (the council) were definite-PROVINCIAL LIBERAL +v,„ jr____^ o' engineer' s ,obtaining the de- ly of the;opinion that as far as /WHIST & DANCE - silked right of way over the P.G. reasonably possible local labor E. Railway crossing in perpetu- ̂ should be used both as regards .^Don't forget the "rally fwhist ity from 'the provincial govern- ">r£isans and general laborers, drive and dance to .be g iv en /m en t in Victoria. ̂ - r -- ^ ^ ^ -- under ̂ Englishman, an Irishman Lil^ral Assomation of CEMETERY TRUSTEES ^nd a Scotsman got away-froip Norih Vancouver-'Co^itueBcy ̂ ^*^'^"their sinking ship on a raft, and, a t '8 p.m.Jomo^ow (Friday) in CJemetery Board for the a f to drifting around all day, -/ the.K*jof F._HalL_Cafds^f8 pmL^li.pomod-:jAnuai!^T936,JxLJanuary ̂ ' .Imd. riot^bebii-picked-up-as they and dancing at 9jp.m. follows: Reeve sunset the Upper^ Hall t̂o the-music Of the B, Leyland, Councillor Dickin-" Jrishnton got down on his knees Arcadians <fiy€rpiece r^ch^tra.V-/son,'Cduhdllpr^ F A. Chib /f^^ p^jr^/ and - the English Refreshments nnd/fine .yvhist - ton, W,. Blaî ^̂ ' seeing him do so, took <3f his hat prizes.' ̂ ' ------ --- -- s as a^mark of resjiect. But the 1J' fii ill' '■k H f f i much-as^shediMik^nmrW --------F e te ii# "2 4 th 7 a t c o m p ly " choir anfShe United , . on the side of the En f f i g g ^ -- -̂--- :-------- ,----- -̂---- 1 n f / i g ' ' h,-. ;----------- i f i i i im i'j. V . * i#riv tation'will Drive1 1 „,V, ' ' V Uv v'*-c f 7 I r " , g. f ,'7 ' 1 }■. <• /-M-Vrii 'SiSi ̂T •' ̂J * J'-"--- - JitmIfsiil S i _WC'-... ..n_- .. . .. -Mi Hil MiPfw