THE VAN lE W ff Phone W'e a r 4 <9 '4 ? "jik WHWTB ' 'fW o ® e 'W & 'iA '^ f * ' S' 'V,-" * ' » 1. I ( ^ m M m VANCOUVBB-S B y (h p tiiln C. J . A rcher %i»mm '♦ <ft! «:.•." i iSeShMw <KBt.*iMH4iii)iirimftt'bijHt.M%«l' -C ---- - ' k'i' V»f ■"«̂'i roc^ m .» I,' (Contintled from last issue) With ̂ tlilrf background briefly |:3| . Friday and SatM ^y parade themselves for our inter- *• ,.k* i ' '# s ft#d & Whit* CATflliP. t% ot« »w****w..#«.**».»4..**v**3t 'hsWhif ONTAKIO FEACIlEg. nuttat tin iSe IHL JACKSON'S ROMAN M E A t. Flr«t I»ri*e Ontario HONEY 2% ib. tin i,i ,t,, nwr»,t»0t̂*» .tin Sffc QUAKER OATS, non-prewluui i9e KELbOOO'S ALL.RRAN» • -Lnrfo pktM...'Wc With free;measurluf eup« ? *' , REAS *- Size 6, tln.g.................... < p« Al'RICOTB-Squat tin TOMATOBB-Squ.t tin............. : yWc AUNT MARY'S COl'FBE 1 It)* St0̂ COLUMBIA RED BLUM JAMi 111 itn ' "̂' aiaa*i Jll* lljl 834!̂ F fb * 1 4 th & 1 5 t h ested coiiiideration and action ____________ ̂ . 1.______ . 'Them l i no such thing as atand- Phone West 370 la g a tm . T im e Marches On SPECIAL-- TYRONE ROASm per lb , ^^.^auggM tionsforprogres- . sive Improvements have^received attention and action from the Munioipa! Council, others have 22c been shelve pending the return to normal conditions. SHOULDERS OP LAMB CWbole) " Now Is the time to make a 16c deflnite advance, improvements pqftK SHOULDERlM)A8TO ^ , commenced, and unemployed i6e A m because as sure, as the sun sets, 1936 is to bd the -jEFFERIB'ĵ PERIGW Meats - . G overnrtN i» ||.l» iip^ COLD.MBAre OF ' ,1 S t o r e . a t _ H p j j r j | i i g i a ^ ' ' PHONM^Wi^'li^«■ T V --iUin I,., LEGB OF IXICAI. LAMB, per Ih. 26c d h d ' a l l ' . ' : ' B U IL D IN G Per lb LOIN PORK ROASTS, per Ib. .... FINNAN.HADDIB (Scotch Cure) .P41T Ib* *.............^ coiiiiii6ncftmcnt yesr of srroEt K iPPE its,....................2 lbs. for 25c progress for West Vancouver, iiADDIE FILLETS, per lb , .......20c and here are some proposals thatP K P P R ira i>rknir aA T ra iv ^ n ii. <9a- » * * ««»*« DU6**y jy*v/*/uo».o oi* v S ? ™ 8AGB Itc " » b r S r a t e d aSd carriedBKEF SAUSAGE---------2 Ib.. for 26c t„ ^ g ^ jt a „ d REEF -- PORK -- LAMB -- VEAL of the Very Finest Quality. . I Ip SPECIAL-- Mixias Bowls ISc, 20c, 25c Coupons for ENGLISH OINNERWARE and SILVER w ith every |> |irchase of 25c or over. P.-T. A. NOTES. f j , -T».. Snoop: 'Truth is stranger .. ^ 6 ncJ«t regular meeting of than fiction " T the West .. Vancouver Parent- . «Mnvhp if nnivTeacher Association will be held Slink. Maybe it only, seems at the Inglewood School a t $ p.m. stranger becauses. it's ,so. much next Monday. The speaker of scarcer." the ovening^Avill be Arnold Wet urgency; ; Fire Brigade New fireball at a more central location, with a permanent staiF of a minimum number of two men,, and. the installation of emergency call boxes at strateg ical points,' thus reducing fire risks and insurance premiums at the same time. W E S T Phone West 115 I ' -FOR .ETD. K « ! . > , . o'.' 'J f,f" ' S r ' RBAt ratispaotion,.-:u;v:-?-^i * <1 .«'• t ,1 i S S i i » r t » e Drive * ' If j•«I'ASit,,,*.iw.,, / 1,,; f . j' , , C L A S S I F I E D A P S t The rate for Claasified AdvO^menta ia 2 cente^per wwd, minimnn 25 cMita. Except in Ht« c«m .of t iM hayhig legnlar aci^uiits, all dasij. fleda Are payable'atrictly in W f i t t c n . ' ̂'■« 'miJ> )i,x' ̂ , Remember Claaaifleda in the Waat y«i.N*irn pet iirimediate. results., ill ■*"t..... .... ....*"4r Post Office With increased facilities pro- lDVELY Hu d so n ' s e a l OOAt ' , SUMMSai-fltoTALS - wanted- size 40-42; good style; BnapJ$86.00- .' Purnished'^Houses, give dates avail cash. Box 14, West Van News. . / , able, particulars and, rent. C. J. j msaSMypdapMia able, particulars and, rent, C. J. , Archer:Ltd.;.l4l6 Marine; West 226, Seymour 6964;, . ' » , .f jy.- li-. ster who will speak on the mib- I I ject "Education in the ___ Social Order." Everyone intej^f estedJs invited to come and hear Mr. Webster. Kefreshments are to be .served in the liinch room at the close of the meeting* ' GUARANTEED RADIO REPAIRS Exp0ri«ne0 Sathiacthn I BROWN & MUNTON 1542 Marine West 366 vided by the New Post Office give WEBB'S a trial for youTr next iseymour o»04;,: ^ (about to be built) an extension shoe repairs. 2468 Marine Drive., See "Rooms For Rent," . Hollybum ------------------- ----------- .. ii-y.y;-. ' IThfeatre;,-!'Februarymb, Duncaa MESSRS. BLOWER & ALLEN^ Real I«v<^dhl<aiafe^ ^ Estate Brokers, Phone West,'21,,; ' « r a' ^ ^ have engaged I Gordon W; Smith,' WANTED A, wiwm furnished b̂ > Phone West 696-X-l; and ArthurSysig^^^^^rote . Wright, Phone West •BS.L.Stybothygg^j^ilybhrh^g^^ i s f: t | --Does Your Dollar say 'Au Devoir' or 'Cood Bye'?-- . DON'T SEND IT TOO FAR FROM HOME W e alone sell M. B . K IN G 'S M IL L S A W D U S T builds up the North and West Vancouver pay roll:its 100 A C . . . ment. percent, new fir.. .Wc|guarantee full units-'-by measure*' . You'll fedelighted. r % '■*txc Sacked $4*50 per u n it Bulk $3.50 per u n it , No extra charge in West Vanconver. ' J S IV E ^&ENT P h o n e s / N o r t h 94 rnones 3 ^ of mail delivery limits is war ranted and necessary. There is also need of-mail collection boxes to be placed in suitable locations. Marine*Drive Sidewalks . , In the interests of safety, necessitated by the increasing number of cars on the road, there is an urgent need for the extension 'of sidevvalks from Eleventh Street to the East end of the municipal boundary at Capilano, and from Thirty-first you.______________ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Codn- WANTED TO RENT OR BUY ~ try way. Guaranteed. ,Bn<^ and - 4-rdora modem house, Ambleside or Capilano, HoHyburn., Phone West 886-Y. North 811-R-2. ------------------------•I ' *; ~' t'f FOR SALE 17 R .J. Pullets, $1.25; uapiiano,^and from Thirty-first ̂ ~ street going west as far as Caul- -------- XGliCl* f Tii/itf/\i»ciiii'n t 16 a->̂64 *̂̂4* ̂BLOi^Elv ^4X j\LL£IN̂ ed. Jn lanes, )tand. t o , adopt the , ', ■ . • „ ̂^ pte^ent^poles a X b ^ ! B. ™" ultimately transferred to, lanes. Jan. 30, 4936 . ' Perries JJ;** WM i.r..;/; Vf ■■ OUIQ ■ ■ UJi ■.' UJC screen in' the" Hollybum oiTheatre. , HERE'S ONE:, 6 ,rooms, fully mod ern (3 bedrooms);. all in la-v«Ti and garden, on. a. comer Jot, nice location, Special Price' $2350.00 for quick sale; - PIGGLY WIGGLY SPECIAL AYLMER i 4 "DAYS ~ "Fridi^, -- Saturday -- Monday February 1 4 -18th. Tuesday - A few of the MONEY SAVING Prices during this SPECIAL SALE Ĉ4:r CHOICE REP PLUMS - - 2s sq........ ...tin 9c;. 3 tins 25c; 6 tins 49c FANCY RASPBERRIES -- 8 oz.......... tin 10c; 3 tins 29c;, .6 tins 55c -JUMBO PEAS--Tender, 2s, . tall tin 124kc;- S-tins 35c; 6 tins 69c PEAS & CARROTS -- 2̂ sqt........ tin lOHc; S tins 30c; 6 'tins 59c MIXED VEGE'rAJBLES -- 2 sqt .:...„;.r.tin lie; ̂3 tins 32c; 6 tins 63c OUT WAX BEANS -- 2s......... .l,...tin ll%c; 3 tins 88c; 6 tins 65c TOMATO JUICE -- lÔ is oz............ „„tin 5c; 3 tins 14c; 6 tins 27c FANCY SPINACH -- 2s s q u t ,.,„L.tin 12^c; 3 tins 85c; 6 tins 69c ' FANCY BABŶ BEETS -- 8 oz. K,.,„,.;.tln' 9c; ' 3 tins 26c; 6 tins 49c■-■ t"WOPi'f.D~»'6iiY»iiri.ri»r»i> |i<'ihihimii~h ■>Ni|i»i»imnii'.-i m,..i,Li'Tii -Iitii i-. I iu»iii'iHi ,, U 11.! I.i ' ̂ A-i .-j:tJ-a -a,';c . j. -.r " A*«;xKA«?9 J fv *' loptjuitu jrnv&.fjaoo Grade the West Vancouver^p- PA U L IN E JOHJJSON SCHOOL exclusive agents';! proach to rm edy the~present " 7 -- DRESSMAKI NG^ ^ Ladies' Suits, lake forming situation in . wet The following pupils were the Children's Clothes, Boy's Pants 1 ' ' . , . . q /Iaw.o ' on.a/>;n16-.. .OTTai T>U...... W and provide a properly leaders i n their Iresjp^tive div- specialty. 27^1 Manne, Phone ] inrilinafxk/l >Fa«. inimis nviA frrafloa •__ > 610-B.indicated stand for private cars l^ions and grades;; meeting and depositing passen- ^ a Division L------- -------- r**-- v.« 6 ^ 4a - .......... WEST VANCOUVER M A C HIN E gers.. Ditto for use of taxis. At- Grade 6a„-- 1, Lbi^.Colvin; 2, Spray fumps, the city endrextending the roof Patricia Milner; 3; Betty Nairn. Household,articles. T449 Marine. cover on the^wharf as far as the ^ IsobeL Edwards; MARCM, SHOP.^ î hermique steam -T-gate."--------- -------------------------2,--Ruth--Pamum^-^r-"Valerifr,-----Permanerit.'-®ty^ur-fatigue-facial- Uun«r T.0 VP1 H ue ' vK Smith. for: 4ired .-housewife or businessupper l,evel .Hus tlivisionJI.________ 1 woman. West 304. T7th and MarineEveryone wUl agree that this . . PNIsinnJ . ---- W6l w ith ' jsuitable connections for -Sunday hikers Division HI. fOnerfamiahed and one 4^r6om cottage near ferry; Phone W est 340 or West 143 Parks and Ofothing Beaches Continuous improvements are . •__ . ' noons. . : r-- required to meet -increasing . 6b -- 1, Elizabeth Rob- ZTTZZT^^-- -------------- "T nerfs.-such aa-modem dressinf Joan .̂ ~:ropms a t Ambleside Beach, also ^**^chner, . . _-Y --a.-!' . l prices naidt -J!Torth 431. SPECIAL ASSORTED CASE ; AY LMER CHOICE VEGETABLES-^4 tins'Regular $2.95 Value; Special__ .................... further clearing" and-extension J. , „ Division IV. - ̂ c i r r w r . T T v v m xtyouvn to the east hf t.hifs Rn«ri_ Grand 4a -rr 1, Jean* Fiffdes; 2, JJNFURNISH® I* !.« « « • $2.60 to the east bf this beach. Bowl- « -------------- ers^and footballers are aome- Jackson; 3,-Freda Jem what provided foT^n th e ^ rk s . Houses te^Rent. Houses, lots, and acreageS^for / sale. John Lawson, I7th, and Marine; Phone West 66. SPECIAL ASSORTED CASE ' ̂ JmJMER-CHOIGE-FRUI-TS^Si* '4.I2 Value;! Special..^ lltmlllllUHiiiWiOKrtl'Ii Sunsweet^Lavge TENDERIZED : PRUNES. 2 Ib. ctn.." The next-step should be public Grade 4b -- 1, Jack Shaw; 2, -- •:-- tmnis courtafand a t least one Russell; 3, Daphne Gral other c h l l d r e n V p l a y g r o u n d r . . , • Community'Centrê ____ - Division, V. .v ._____ -- „ .; j : ;i : -* '7" ■nils is a': definite necessity, Grade 4b -- Y. Darid Morton; H gA P^PiU g^,for An, P ^ Id would include an auditorinm 2, Patricia Lanir i 3. 5?f ) % 1̂' CHOICE PEACHES, lb......... i7c Ak.^PASTRY FLOUR, 7 lbs. 2Sc .- . ■ .. 1...IJ i.]..'hiiffi!rtf ■"xriT̂iiwui.Lflillî^̂ LJ--l_J!--_L__̂_'̂ ̂ ̂ 1 n Q n a U t y i n « a r.. - . - I -HIND' QUAmnRiKOASTS "i ' i S f RUMP, ROUND STEAK or SffitOl^.'vuh^ choice. Serlb: Division V. -- » T » \ . « . ' v . o o a u j r , ---- - --b ---- It, DaVlu AULwa uvjii, 2 Patricia Lang; 3, M ^ /B ea t- . Tlsri^hihg^^GStnor with concertatage, well equipped , ; : ' ^ erg; AmNaide:'̂ Rooms. _ gymnasium,.swimming pool and' Grade 3a ~ 1 , Gerald Trus- m s T A i i V T m v < i -- m p r t r i c R e p a irs ^ d ^ t o n MurtS,.,which once 2. Lome!Smiih;.S,-Donglas ' {. H bwlt would b ^ e self supjm ^ Moore. Marine'll * ̂ I r f ' J Although t *■ «. t- Si, n r '■ \ ' t.1■* ' ̂ * r-i*" ' s. . ,),i, , 1/ ̂ ■'tte®gp^iii'as»stJ - -V / ̂ ■' SiUS .W esi\Usi'Aik. - ■ I