gfm /'**'* L. ̂ Bg ̂ Mm̂ } '- « f ' I,, f . • ' 1 » -V, ,»% %>wa»' #j gk '.- .■' V. A , i ? *1/ 1-N̂4K)̂, <i>iwi|ii#iiiiwii>>iititpwiiiii>wiwwiiy)i^ Prices e n e m i m m l m f ^ ; l4 t li; l i t l i »teF55»SSSS5 Mrs.Anipts MclieeiJi, lU h wid C A sen was boro last Sttiaday iiWWiiy.iiyiWif)<w #w**< PliOUî *'*'****'Kooi î ^ ̂SNSkf p̂ljUUMlSS 3W-?.*. SiUEitii4C3toM#JWNAy.iril®*#(**ŵ»*#rif-i*%*« Îlbiî 'iSfj |̂ |]̂ j\5|lT̂ JBIl *"**** JÊ &̂ttltl̂ ĈNT̂AI ^).c tApIOCA -- Siipwlw •....u.r*,..*.:.**;..... PJSAS JpJTiifiM&I* Sf 2 Iftft GKEEN b ea n s ^ K^il^Olyj cut, N«k 2 POKK AND BEANS -- Ri>yal City; 16 ......*«2 for^ l$c COKN Itoyttl City; IVhltCit No* 2 1015 tomatoes -~ Aylmfer; Nd.'2J4 till.:*..... 10c tomato j u ic e -- LiW»y*0, 1 0 m , ttit.... SYKCP -- Crown Erand; 2 lb. ■ "■"■ " ....................... ■ ■ - } ^ 10c TEA SATURDAY ONLY Nabob (Llmtt 2) ............1................. ............... lb. 38c' i' ««.al..~,...-»».....»*..i..iM............ ..... PEACHES -- Lincoln; 16 oz^tin............................................... 2 for 25c ALL Hit A N , KcUoss 0̂ ^®^K®.P^Sj................... .......... . ..each 18c Free Measuring Cup vifith ^ach pacUni^e. . / ■rittiTinnci JC tvUl J.i!> grapefruit r - Sunkist Family Size» Uiiii skinned -juice....... ............. ............................,...:.....:.;,...do2en 29c POTATOES -- laical Gems...... ;............. i l l ......... 10 lbs. 13c CARROTS -- New Seasons -- large bunches..... ......each 5c ' her iZ w H h riw h sickness. Hospital to Mr̂ and Mrs. Alfred . ,. . - ohisholjm,' 14th-and Ilnehess. Mrs, Emma Harvey has moved Avenue. !i '•lnfo'i"K(Hiie" â -"OjUey'Avenue,....... ■ ........"»*- j • ■ " v' " • lYsstii'tlay.. . . . . . . 1 ./ .T-. .'I, ' ® Miss Eva Campbell. 2436 Mar- , ♦ . ♦ ♦ ine Drive* has left for a visit at Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D. Bar* her home in Elnora. Alberta, bour have moved from 1200 She expects to be away folp some Inglewood Avenue into a house weeks. . a t 978 Mathers.Avenue; ♦ ♦ ,, Jim Murray won the gold Regarding»the story of the medal for shot putting yesterday seagull "Contained id our last atH|;he Provincial Recreational week's issue the name of the Centres Indoor Traok Meet in party concerned should have, New Westminster, been ,*'Wollen," not ^'Warren." ♦ * * , ' * * * following friends and J. Abrahamsen, 2411 Haywood neighbors arranged "a Surprise Avenue, has moved into a house Party" at the home of Mr. and at 1576. Argyle.Avenue. „ . Mrs. Wm, Partridge. 2212 Belle- fie* PHONE your o r d e c t o W ^ t 3 7 '■■flmml j and our delivery will do the rest. '■'"I I I Genmili's Drâ Store ' ' •>( ii ,ik k ' / f The Stone of Sortleo.. , 1686 Marino Drivo West 87 or West 607 Emervency Phono West 811 (After 10 p.m.) •. I>4<ii i jA ***** UHt ̂ <«t ki L J t 'i » vue Avenue, on Wednesday Fred Tite, who was in business evening of last week, the occa- a t Ambleside some years ago, sion being Mrs. Partridge's was visiting in West Vancouver birtVday: Mr. and Mrs. Bucker ■javi SOAF>--P. & G. White Naptha ■ ; 3 for 10c OXYDOL--For instant Suds , large pkg. .«each®-,10c®' SOAP -- Fels Naptha....4-bars 25c TISSUE--̂Westminster,-large' ■ '•,• "B A K I N G W P E R ' Mafcic*"̂ CORNED BEEF--Helmet,2 tins 19c . JAM--Fraser Valley with pec tin--Strawberry or Raspberry 32 oz. jhr....,^..'...............each . 24c TEA--Max-i-mum Orange Pekoe lb.................... ..... :..... ;........... 39c JELLY DESSERT--Liishus . • , .V, '.f ; ; , a for .̂28c MARMALADE-** Empress; Grapefruit, Lemon, and Orange 32 oz. jar.......................each 26c 12 oz: tin............ r...... ;:....each 23c WALNUT PIECES--Light Amber, Vj lb. pkg......... each 14c MAYONNAISE-r-Best Poods • 8 oz. Ja r... ..............:..each 20c 16 oz. Ja r....................each 35c We reserve the right, to'limit quantities. last Sunday, Since leaving here idge, Mr. and Mrs. D. Dewar, he has b ^ n in the - Peace River Mr. and Mrs. E. Gallilee, N. Nel- District, but is now spending the son, Vic Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. J winter in Vancouver.'̂ Banks, A. Garthorne, Mr. and ̂ Mrs. L. Garthorne,^Mr.Tand-Mrs. A. Darby has moved from , Lennox, the "Misses A. , Dewar "The Gables," West Bay, into a and E. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. house at 1114 Mathers Avenue. Moncrieff. Cards were played at 'S-t 1̂ 1 In .(I ¥" t ( '# k s v l t Ŵ- fi* s five tables and refreshments Mr. and Mrs. J* Y. Bambridge . served. After the singing of formerly of 6607 Angus Avenue, "She's a Jolly Go6d/ Fellow", and VflTIPmnVAV nvo riAtXr livino*" n f T nv>n> nil ".niviA/l in I Strattoa's B A K ER Y Bread, Cokes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes, , . Cinnamon Buns Variety of Tea Breads, • Fresh every morning Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive, Phone West 27 •t i K. W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone W ^ t 340Vt 'I * - Evenin^^W w t 143 SSiSSsilft#-' ®!sa. ? . Listings Wanted Real Estatei.7s' ̂ ' ' Vancouver, are now living' at 2166 Argyle.' . - , ' Mr., and Mrs. Harvey Armi- tage, 2548 Bellevue Avenue, have left for the east to spend the balance of the winter. 'Auld Lang Syne," all joined in wishing Mrs. Partridge many more happy returns o f the day. I. 0. D. E. Mr. Howard S. Coulter will ad dress the I.O.D.E. bn Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs; Frank Farrow ® O.E.S. ANNUAL DANCE The Naomi Chapter, OrdCT of Legion Hail- The-public are the Eastern Star, » « • giving ®f v" «ouver, ^ cordially invited. Subject: "Can- their,annual dance on Friday, " suite a t 1415 Manne Drive. Government and February 21sti_ in the. Orange . . . : ___ w hy It Was Adopted."HalhiDancing .w ill.tike place . „ A serviTO and, reunion _____________ from -9 .to .1, and . Garden's .Or- ' Artaban will SELWOOD LECTURES chestra w ill'be in-attendance. 5® IN VANCOUVETickets $1.00-per couple, ad m is-. St. .Rbiiip s Church, Van-- _____ sion being by invitation only.. : ' couver. . • * ^ If I Si. r*- '•V'. _ ; r. Mrs; M. Williams and her two sons bave mov^d into the Atkins house at 18th and Marine Drive. D. V. A. "You .should dresS ̂ according to your incocme.". ' ' " "But I don't bBieve in niid-v ism.' hr ' / ' "I*".I* / 'fi F U E L SUPPLIES V INSIDE PIR..:.;...$5.00-per cord WITH BARK ON INSIDE FIRl......$5.50 per cord , BONE-DRY.® ^.Heiter Blocks -- Furnace Wood. --Coal-----Transfer----------- • r c ■ . Wood specially' cut to. any len^h desired.' _' . . . ' . t- 'Phone: West 499-L. ^ Mrs. Selwood had a gratifying success with her lecture on "The Country of Sir Walter Scoit" at West Vancouver Branch Dis- the St. Andrew's«and Caledonian abled Veterans Association jour- Society in the city last Friday neyed to Shaughnessy Military evening. It required a special Hospital last Thursday'and ent- subject ' to bring out even a , ertained the patients there to a Scotch audience on, such a bit- varied program ' of. _ song and terly cold night; but her hearers dance under the direction of were not slow in. saying that Miss Molly Edwards and a. group they had been amply rewarded, of - West Vancouver : young That prominent Scotchman, Rev.- people. The entertainment was Andrew^ Roddan, was heard in jbhoi:onghIyL_enjoyjedJ,by._alL-the__w h a f ,was_for himLfhe unusual ^patients. , The 'lafler,Nexpressed part of proposing^ instead • o f Hollybura Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE - February 13th, 14th and 16th JACK HULBERT ■ AI^NA LEE " T H E CAM ELS A R E COM ING" ' I (An hilarious story of the sup pression of the dope traffic Egypt.)' SATURDAY EVENING ONLY;; February 15th CLARK GABLE 'After Office Hours' :u ̂ also ̂ "MICKEY'S GARDEN" . t '1f.* 'fii .IS m "STAR NIGHT AT THE COCOANUT GROVE" TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY . * February 18 th and-19th KATHERINE HEPBURN '*' 1 •' ̂Alice Adams' (once at 8;15) also "THE PRIYATE SECRETARY" ' ' ' t.*' \ . '-t N o ; : ■'Vi' <■ ~ , J w--̂ < ' • 'iJj, - ' r.:" WV\-, 1 ^ 0 "I was making a cake this morning," said Mrs. Plumley, "when I suddenly realized that I was out their appreciation with numer-. responding to a vote of thanks ;- ous encores which were duly and the ladies of the society were responded to. ' \ pleasingly attentive to^the lec- The regular monthly meeting turer of their own sex at the of D.V.A. will be held in the supper which followed. Orange--Hall r - on Wednesday, February 19th at 8 p.m,; The ex ecutive will meet a t -7:30 p.m. when a__fulL. attendance is re? requested. ; . HORTICULTURAL ASS'N LECTURES "EMANON CLUB" -ir "The directors of the .West Vancouver. Horticultural Associ ation announce they have' ar ranged to have the following in lectures given byjuniversity pro of icing sugar/ And' you knowtwhat John is --. he won't eat a ;cake without ic ing .'J hadn't time ^ p out to the store but there was another way out of the difficulty. Yes,. I telephoned, and the icing sugar arrived soon after.^ , ^ ^ ; "Little conveniences like that make me thankful we have a telephone^n the house again." , . A group of those inter the study of new economics and fessors: February 18th, "Prun their application to present day ing, Principle and Practiced by problems has been, formed. The Prof. A. S. Barss; March 3rd, group is known as the "Emanoii "How Plants and . Trees Seed Club" and meet's a t Hunter's and Grow," by Prof. G. H. Har- Tea Rooms on Marine Drive on. ris; March 17th, lecture by Prof. Tuesday evenings a t 8 p.m; " ' E. Buck on topic ~to be an- "Does m e State Owe the In - . nouhoced later, dividual a Living" will be,th)e Enterprise iUtchen Ranges Complete with Waterfront CREAM ENAMEL NICKEL TRIM. $37.00 Plus your old range in --; usable condition. '7iii dV. F O R S T ' S Wests? ̂ . North 625 66 Lonsdale Ave.' .WEST VAN Sheet Metal Works Phone' West 39r ' > i r Furnace , ated Range Repairs, i u - Sawdust Burners ,'T. -■'r u. "'ill '"S' 1 '"'I'- 'V'"> ' 'f . f ' " ,7-: k ' B. C. T E L E P J T O N E lC O M P A N Y C' -'•jf ' *L j . ' ' . ,k.7k." , . ̂ ̂ _ All these lectures will be held PRINTING -- For all kinds of subject for discussion on Tues- Inglewood High School and printing phone West Van day next, presented as ̂ a sym- ^n i start at 8 p.m. ' News,.West 363. posium. Those interested .can have fuller information by phon ing B. B. Stevens, secretary. West 481-X-2. - . " V;',f HOLLYBURN HALL John Anderson will be the speaker a t the Young People's Service illustrated with lantern DUNDARAVB JUNIOR DRAMATIC SOCIETY«, LMJiNJL', "R O O M S F Q R : R E N T " HoUyburn T hea tre ' ' MONDAY,, FEBRUARY i7d»;, 1936 ' V"> " 8.15P.% s\ ' Reserved 85c. Unreserved 26& Students 16c (balcony) Auspices DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER I.O.D.E. Hall, taking as his subject "Th^ Fugitive. Prbph^." ' Bunday School and Young Men's Bible Class as usual next Sunday .at 10 a.m. A t the 7:30 p.m. service hext Sunday John Wilsbii w ill; speak on "Gospel Triumph^:" -T-X' .Jin ^ ^ i i T E A R O E & SO N , 1483 Marine Drive ' "t ,? ' .Y .■ • O Q A L A N P ^ V V ^ 'Q P , ' . - - - North Shore agents for CAN/yiOllE BRldUETTES . V ' Hi'i'Py -u 13 f ■