«iŵ îLÂ •M issis#'m9w4 HHIIp WJnypiMfe JKHMmS/0 11:15 a.WL, 9:15 1UML ;,' Snndajr. School mmI Btt>l# Ctal 15 matt*'. ' , ,, -gcliei«l'#'-Ailirtr0Wt<iai^^ Prenchluir S e r v ^ 11:00 A 7:16 •t Ii T.; .■ ■ •■. f^-n-*i . -ti. ; > 'i" I ' :? r " t : k. C'JCjI JC' in' r K t i t tL - 0̂m¥' fc wtth everg ohampoo We era offerinfc this special for four days only starting Monday. Februaiy 17th, till Thursday'^ noon. Toko advantage of this offer and condition your hair for.your next permanent wave. Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1640 Marina Drive West 117 C R E A iM I IsC K T lO B IS a i i d P O W D E E S FOK FACS AND HANDft Wo carry all the Best Makes HOLLYBDM lAU. 14th and Duchess KKIDAV EVENING, Feh. 14th, at 7:30 Young People's Service ' "The Fugitive Prophet*' Illustrated by Lantern Views. Speaker: Mit. JOHN ANDERSON SUNDAY. Feb. 16th. at 10 a.m. 'Sunday School and ' Young Men's Bible Class V "% SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 MR. JOHN WILSON will speak on "Gospel Triumphs'* TUESDAY at 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study : W ^ ^ '̂ C O tn rB K , Science S d c ia fy This Social Is a Branch of The Mother Church . The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, _ Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, February 16th, Subject: ' M g o U L " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Making Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in- 1 to attencvited to attend our services and meetings. R E A L E S T A T E BROKERS Office Phone - West a i R ,..F h o « .-B .P . Blower - G.*W..Smltĥ i' A, Wright -• FOR QUICK SALE Idat your ^perU es for CLMTS^AITING.^: -- n-.we-T« - oW&sa»A>oAte*"..rtr«>#1»aUo,««4A«!iBMSTa(wdaBM> W. hSL8 __ ---------------------------------- ------------- ----------------,w„nfw„yiiMSi,..i>. ANNOUNCEMENT: T, C H R IS T E N S O N (formerly with Blrha LtdMontreal) : has taken over the late W. Sagar's WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING 1522 Marine Drive *;(•.' rf-r lefw Modern. Equipmentwep BAPTIST CHURCH - Services ' 10:00 tt.m.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a'.m.--Rev. H. G. Esta- brook; topic, "Solid Ground for Optimism." . 7:15 p.m.--Topic, "Three Indiia- pen^ables." ■ Monday, 8 p.m. -- B.Y.P.U. UNITED CHURCH Rev. HilHs Wright, Minister Sunday School at 10 a.m. Services: 11:15 a m. and 7:15 p.m. Trail Rangers, Monday at 7 p.m. ■ ' ■-' ■ : 1. - ■; ■■■ 1 ■ ' - ... ■ .| ., ..■. . I. ■ >■>. W lj|' ■■ •' ■■!. ■•■|■|!■ 'A . i.i'tj'r-'v,! '* West Vancouver Horticultural Associatbn LECTURES In the Inglewood High School, on Feb. ISth, March 3rd and March 17th By PROFESSORS A. S. BARR G. H. HARRIS and P. E. BUCK CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST ANBLESIDE PHARMACY ,1 -Lj',4 .■ 1 ■ W. L. KER, Prop. 1401 Marino )l*hone: Drive West 323 FREE DELIVERY ;|f ■ ' . V.'. 1' ' ■v4 D R : G. D. H. S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. 1 D E N T I S T \ % ' ' Hay Block, 14th and ̂ Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to S'p.m., Evenings by appointment ' Phone West 72 -- - i Established on North Shore 25 Years -- (Lady Assistant) 1 ' HARRON BROS. LTD, r - I F u n e c a l directors "SOUL" will be the subject of ' 2464 Manne Drive, "at 8; p.m, on _ _ m , o the Lesson - Sermon in all Saturday, February 15th, with Tufday 8 p.m, churchejs of Christ, Scientist, o n the usual pnzes_ and refresh- C.G.I.T., Wednesday at 7 p.m. gundaV' ̂ ments. No admission charge; Prayer Meeting, Wednesday The Golden Text i s : / "Unto collection. A. mu .1 A Thee, 0 Lord, do I lift up m y/Choir Practice, Thursday at goy), j^e Thy ways, 0 / di ĵpo much 8 p.m. ̂ ^ c uu Au Lord; teach me Thy path&" [n̂ PÔ 'ta n t- business and it has --------- «.x.jL.u. to .Church on Sabbath (psalms 25:1 4). arranged that the semi- Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer and next and come as a worshipper. Among, th^ citations whidh annual election. of officers will praise. A meetinff of the Quarterly comprise the Lesson L. Sermon is talce place on Monday, February Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Chpir prac- Board will be held next Tuesday following from the Bibld: 24th. The chart'display of the tice. • • ' evening; Every society in the, ^^de His wonderfdl. Planning Commission will be " Vancouver Baptist church* ̂is .asked to _ make sure works to be remembered: thê^̂ -̂̂^̂ the Church held their annual busi- th ^ it is represented. jg gracious and full of Headquarters in a few days and ness meeting4n the Church at V l je regular mê ^̂ ^̂ compassion." (Psalms 111: 4).; 8 p.m. In spite of the unusually W-M.S. will be held at 2:15 p.m. »pjjg Lesson - Sermon also in- inclcment> weather there was a next Tuesday Reports from eludes the following passage good turn out. Reports from the Presbyterial and study book by from the Christian Science text- various organizations were given ^ book, "Science and Health with T. satisfactopr With .the assistance of Mr. Key to the Scriptures" by Mary nature. Contributions to the Porter at the lantern, an illust- paifpr F ddv "ftod iq infinite Home Mission Board ̂ were rated lecture entitled, "Hymns Z onlv Life substanL SpirR' *" «>« the Ages," win bs given under ^ r s o u i f t t o n l r « ^ ^ church history, of which amount auspiceos of the Senior the universe, including man." the Women s Circle raised the Young People s- Society next^ will be found of interest to all. W. J. Fletcher, has moved- into a house, a t 2119 Maripe Drive. a^m of $Ti 8.()0. New officers" Sunday, following the evening : j tt «cott has moved into .a were elected as follows for the • service. Every member of the gui/g a t "The Gables " West Bav year l9S6; Church Clerk, Miss congregation is cordially invited iDeLrawes, westisay. Helen Stevenson; Treasurer, fo attend - this lectur.® which is Mrs, M. Hibberd; Sunday School sure to prove exceedingly inter- Supt., Mr. Coles; Deacons, esting. Messrs. W. J. Clifford, Coles, F. North Vancouver t*arlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone-Fair. 134 Amblesidfr S h e e t ^ M e t a l Proprietor- ' Works P.. Colpitts, D. G. Draper, E. BRITISH-ISRAEL MEETING ■ Humphries. T hr Church lost by death . The local British-Israel Bible during the year two members. Study and IVay^r ffroun (Mrs ------- ' Cornish, leader), .meeting r^gu-' WALLY CRAIG & GO. Over 12 years' Experience, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Day: West 539 N ite: W. 645-Lf ■ W. THOMSON 1429. Marine Drive PLUMBING and . REPAIRS Phone Itfest .571 ST. .STEPHEN'S CHURCH lariy in the GoWl HaU, 25th Rev, P, A. Ramsey Street and Marine Drive, are February 16th -- Sexagesima Pi^ased . to announce a special -- -̂-------- ------ - -- ~ ---<moQ-lz2$«-'(hvvr::mî rî 7sia"Sunday. C. J, Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marino Phone West 135' 8:00 a.jn.--Holy Conamunion, i 1:15 a.m.--rMatins and Sermon. 7:16 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. Wednesday, 2:30 p.m; -- St. Stephen's - Inglewood W. A. St. Francis-in-the-Woods, ^ --------iulfeild 3 ;00 p.m.--^Evensong and Ser mon.- V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E A. C. SBARLB Phone Weat 9 Fertilizers of AU Kinds Wood, Coal, __ JB.u11clera!_JSiipplies___ ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. N, J. Corley Phone ^West 240-R Sunday Masses Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass & Sermon -- 10:15 ' a,m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7:15 p.m, Ca.fechlsm and Bible , History revery Saturday ~ 9 :30 a.m. speakef-forThWday, February 20, in the person' of Mr. Probus-' Fleming of th e , Provincial Branch of the British-Israel World 'Federation. Mr. Fleming is a young man and an excellent speaker. He prepared the page, "Kings of Israel" which appear ed recently in the Sun. He is also the author of the articles now appearing, in the Saturday edition in the same paper. This will be very worth .while. You are cordially invited to be pres ent. Note the date -- Thursday, February 20th, at 25th and Mar ine Drive. She^ltpay^or^his someday Death of E. B. Woods THB W est Van News Pttbllalied % ery Thursday Publisher F. F. L0VE6R0VR Phone West 363 Basiueaa and Bdltarlal Office: 17th and' Marine Drive ^ (Next to BoUyburn P .0 ,): Phone West 363 Mail Address: ^eek-day Services Mass, daily -- 8 aim. F ridas -- Rosary, Benediction, . Confessions---7:45 p.m. Saturdays -7- Confessions from 7:30, p.m. to 8:80 p.m. Edgar Beaumont Woods, youngest.son of Xt. Colonel A. W. Woods,. D.S.O.,- and Mrs. Woods, 2161 Bellevue Avenue, passed away suddenly last Sun day at Matachewan Mines, Ontario, aged 34 years. He is survived by his wife. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon in Toronto, This ^1 is studying under a lamp refleks right into her eyes. The li^ t is inadiequate for contoed work and would eventually aficct her- eyesight. At present i t is slowing up hw studies, and she can't̂ und^stand why, she seems dull' compared with other students. The remedy is.proper light--at 20 to 30 foot'candles for studying. i-' P. Box-61, KsUybunn; B.C North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdafo Ave, 11.00 a year b^Mrrier: $8.00 a yeffir maU. Si® GrlA' Auxiliary to Barbarians' Rugby T ^m ̂ « ^ r ;y A L E N llN E ^ l^ ^ TOMORROW (FRIDAY) Feb. I4tH lilW OaticiDg » to I . Morte Abrwns' Orhestra Admission soc '^eryone, especially school children and studobts, should have his or her eyes examined periodicaUy and thenhavea check'up made of thehomc luting. Phone Seyr^r SlSl for an appoitOmetd, - r a il w a y g o m p An y HOME L I G H T I N G d e p a r t m e n t C.C.P. !n e w s ' The nexij regular whist drive will be held in the Headquarters, MM 'I' ■■ ■■/J