̂i ŷ. > ̂i»iSU.-̂ P b o m -V /e B iiH i WHITE , ;PiioH#.-<Vi*t.l« k »il ^1 '", >|ir *» l«l!*i*̂ rfl l t1»t Ji> f *■• ' '«* s; < ,«i -' -- a ;« - ^ ;V /fh i-» i |^ i of BUmm^ heW, its inltla] meeting for the year eveningi-FehraaJ^ "^llirTIfirfdllowing is the list of officers elected for the year 1936 p̂jjĝS* l4̂y " P i ^ •'v*̂ I Fi*iiiay"aHj|*|^ttlll^[|w*"T"Teb7tlk~"&"8lB^^• ■ . ̂ -. i ■ . urtr. J. Jr. Gillies; House Com-# P fli HAMS -:■ LAMB - f - COLO MEAXS 0F .A |^ : y®AL CltOWN BIIAND SYRUP. 2 U> Ua lie Koy«l (itt • ^ aU ijoat ImSû A«k yoi»r 1̂ & Whit* f̂sfiwiif̂ ./ %E#I i !|' I lUfd ik White TEA, 1 lb. plrt...;..../40c COLUMOIA STItAWBBItEY JAbl ' 4 lb. tin ;4$« CKE8CENT 8II0KTENINC, lb- I5c NAIJOU l>OUK & BEANS , - IS ox, • '*> •l***P«S<t2#R«2*f •ASM/3 iiiis 26c H«d & White JELLY BOWBEIIS M «< « CANADIAN SAUDINBS......... in Oil 3 tins 13c J1INEABPLE CUBES, tergo Un »c UiiU & WMte TOMATO JUICE Tin Ited & White COHN, Golden, 2s I in « * . . . . . > f r * ,, 12c CHUM SALMON, tell tin ;9c PIIUITS SUNKIST OKANGES....... 2 dozen 26c , Family Size ................2 dozen 43c f» ............ dozen SOc GUAPEFRUIT .......................S ta r 19c " ilM te S lS r- ' m o m W « st 370^ BI'ECIAI mittee; Jame^ ̂ Duncan, H. L. 1 store at Thompnon.rj'. Brine. _ ,. . At the resular meeting of the W. A, on'.Tueaday last, It was decided to hold a congregational '/, lb. SHAMI^K SAUSAOB __ social W«lnesday evening next. Vt lb. pkg.Vt lb. pkg. SLICED BACX)N .... 27c j|. ^ | | | jjj nature of an old- LBG8 OF LOCAL LAMB, per lb. 26c fa sh io n e d friendly affair, to give SHOULbEits O F^A ISB (Whole) th e m e m b e rs and a d h e re n ts , per lb. „ ................................. t«2* - « a----- A --i t » * tP t * * * P * * * * * * * » » m »0»0P*M»*0»*0t4f p *I-OKK bhouLdbr roasts ■■ otrangers and newcbmers,_more ^ opportunity to get acquainted LOIN PORK ROASTS, per lb......24c than 3unday services permit. Ajl FINNAN IIADDIE, (Scotch Cure) younger people also are invited. I lir i7 C T V A ................. r i i i 'T ; ; JSJ A\ program containing some V " SA< RKEF - PORK -- LAMB ~ VEAL incruding Miss Frame, Mrs. D. I *1 wir2a.»iii 'mibi#̂4 j/ *■ ' * J * •'".£<'ui£L'-"£.?kl5i5?7" ; P nmiunp vxnrciii* 4 nVA^IU TVXSiDA « ' .• A-',., r ,f IhM < .1* . ^--.... .. 'pf«J "̂M iUM*n« A .« ^WMb-b «»* Mrib T4, , a M ^ isaA it/ViJUiiU Jr IajLiImI Dp piffF lv« *«««̂«»» »Uv » • ! 4c*PEPPER'S PORK SAUSAGE, lb. 20c sinKiDfiTt and musical items, is REEF SAUSAGE.........2 Iba. for 25c being arranged by a committeejin iroAV t_ir.Ji'..*.. ■•*;. tn..__ha.,.. I'y LUMBER CO. LTD. --------FOR RiSAL SATISFACTION. -------- Phone West 115 " •.. ,̂ 1497 Marine Drive . Of the Very Fineat QuaUty. McLellAnd,* Mrs., J. Bisset, and I NEWTON. APPLES......'......6" lb«. 25c Mrs. J. H. Moncrieff. Refi^sh- Red & White BAKING POWDER ments will be convened by Mrs. 12 oz. tin ..... ...'...... ..... :..........17c R. MacVean, and decorations will Jl 1' LIBERAL WHIST & DANCE W. C. T. U. be in charge of Mrs. D. Dewar and Mrs, W. Partridge. Winding up the ..first month The West Vancouver Women^s It pi The rate for Ciassifled Adv^tiMm«n^:ir^2^ ciihte ppr word, minimum 26 cents. E*iept In the case ef t im having , regular acc<|unts. all dassi. fleds are ^ a b le atrictly in Mvunce. ̂ ■ Remember Classifieds in the W;**t .Van ,.N®WA.get J»ffaiediate results. > in the year the West Vancouver Chri.stian Temperance Union will t r r E Q O A L L Y TO B L A M E WANTED. - Seeing Machine, ningid WILL LADY Wh* wieh«l i„ , ?. Liberals Whist and Dancec Iasi hold their regular monthly meet- Mnntenn nf Friday evening in the Orange ing in the Baptist Church, cor- ; R x ch eo u er^ kqfT.r.iii ________ ' m . r flYid lfifii Rfvoot nn '"^®"®^u®?Lourt-in Ottawa, last be good condl- "Mutiny on^the Bounty," kindly call tion and reasonable.. Phone : We8t: i, , again. F erry Library, bed complete, must tion 0 442-L. seDs 'I•3|i I ; ' Hrill was a decided suedes'H. ' ^ ' 'f Whist wa« In proRreas in the ' ^J^ruary fh„ r ^ S n «*J ' acctvl_^B WH.DIW^^Whfst was In progress in the i « ....... - ............... ...................... • th T ? - i r M r r T H ^ by the Canadian Phoie Art BurnrWestioT^^ .....Dunbar Heights. W «6 ft. lot, ata' ^ r hall: let ladles' ^ In g to v l c l ' S n t ' Mrs. P. Bowse, ' ' i.. at., k (irawin'gto 1st, Mis.s Gertrude danoeers were kept on their toes by the music of the Hamony.. King's Orchestra from 9 , until The court'president dismissed" West 514 midnight. Refreshments were plant petunias here. the appeal of the Princess Alice . _____ .1 .t. j t. .. rinvyiAngii* • **Vniii» tiri-f'/a -.it xi*.. j t\yo vessels in First Narrows, pAlNTY CAKE SHOPPE -- Home- and Nelson. , Phone West 534-L. ' ! enhance toyancpuver harbor; _ _ Joade Bread, Cakes and PaMries. p „ „ eV en ,■_ P i „ ,„ Z Z i served dyring the evening by the FOR SALE -- , Finley Electric Stow , -------- -------- and garbage,> 'urner. ,^hone West .i PICTURE FRAMING -- Window 148-Yl. ; r , , \ _________ iGardener: "Youi: wife, sir." . and sustained judgment of the "'shadrCurtX'S^^^^^ ^ ladies; assisting were the young Husband: "Pretty, aren't local judge in admiralty at Van- Estimates free: .Repairs. Pearce,' Cl'S" ■ .......... couver. The, accident occurred in - 1890 Marine; Phonp West 529. H ^ b ^ n / ^ ^Liberals. ,11, j Vthey?" V ~S. HAYWARD & PREBBLE _ Guarin- <h --Does Your Dollar say % Devoir' or 'Good Bye'?-- DON'T SEND IT TOO FAR FROM HOM E We alone sell M. B. K IN G 'S MILL. SA W D U ST King's Mill builds up the North and W est, Vancouver pay roll; r. W eIt s 100 per cent, new fir. VVe guarantee full units-'by rneasure- ment. You'll t>e delighted Sacked $4.50 per u n it B ulk $3»50 per u n it . ' No extra charge in West Vancouver. EX CLU SIV E A G E N T P hones { N orth 94_ W est 39 at Vancouver held both vessels FDR SAL!i? ,~ Secondhand, full size}av v«m.uuy«r iieia ouin vessels teed Radio Repairs. Day West 539, bed. Restmore mattress aho % hprf ' were proceeding at an immoder- . Nita West 6S?.. - , - . .. n o m w T £ ! ^ ^ ' ~ ate rate of speed having regard ----- '--tr -f ■ i J K, To existing/conditiohs. One life Question: Is your baby a boy SMAL^harming w ^ lost la th e collision. . or a g irl? ', . > ' • ̂ West233-Yi. The appeal was dismissed with Answers Of course, what else costa, . •." •t. , ' * COuld'it b e ?" / 'Y-T; _ FOR S A L E C h i l d 's Crib; Wicker " i«* a . «a. e,') R ll< y o ^ T r« CS-nriv*ni»* O w v rk M IDLamm BUILDING^PERMITS. $6,835 Buggy; Swing: Swan Rocker. PhoneTTT_J. w I - N' V - , . Butcher: ' "This pound of but- ; " ■ The municipal hall last month ter, you sent me is three ounces WANTED -- Baby. Carriage in issued 10 -̂'ipej^its totalling short." , - - i condition. Phoiie.;West l33-3y. / $6,835, which is-an increase of GrocerV "I mislaid the pound Diu«xTnv ' ,> ̂ * <R9 4flK/Mrrav. fW.̂ T___ «r.x,*«.ii+ Vrv t XI. - FOR RENT ,--v Room with Board; PIGGLY weight. ;Sb I weighed it by the Near Pariy aid S s . w l t l S ary, 1934, when .4 permits a- pound of chops you sent m e yes- ---------- ----------=------------------ mounting to*44,350 w.ere taken terday." ' ' ( . f o r r e n t -- Comfortably furnished modern 5 room ^cottage, garage. ' -C;-- X . V . - r t T i> - Vi:; . :*■■■.. ■ •..:iot|L Particulars are as follows:4 dwellings,' ̂ $5,400; ' 1 garage, "My 'brothers ' work as ■ one." Phone West 352-L.__________ $76; 6 alterations and additions,. ' "Mine do too. One m an could give werr'<4 fm- vnnr next$1,860.____ ___________________ do:the-work-cf^l four." ^EBB S a^triaj/or yow nextshoe Yepairs." 2463-Marine-Drive.-- U uŝ t a few Of"mahy^yiccials at; Your"NeigHb%flrood"̂ 1.1 PIGGLY WIGGLY -- FRIDAY and SATURDAY, February 7th and 8th. •v;.' --7 * ' ' ' V -k />: - SHOP. , ■ "Repairs Spray Pumps, Household a rtic les.' 1449 Marine, ' r ' •«- It- . " > -• ii- ..- » w* ^ SUNSWEET PRUNES ™ Large Calif., 2 lb. carton.... :........... i......... 18c RAISINS -- AU8trn]hnrSeiH!ross_„.,.,.,uV...... .............................. 2 'lb s .' 19c COOKING'FIGS -- Calif.' Black..... . 2 lbs. 18c;--^White.:^.^..2 lbs.- 16c CREAMETTES -- Ready Cut Mataroul::.....,......... 8-oz. pkgs. 16c-^ , -- J » V - t ' , J ̂ j) ONTARIO CHEESE -- Extra Fine Quality ............ ..... ........ pound 20c ' / APRICOTS -- Crest Brand in Rich Syrup........ ......... .................2 tins 26c ROYAL CITY RED SPRING SALMON, Hs.... lOd RASPBERRIES. 2s..... tin, . i8c KIPPERED SNACKS....... tin 4%c . PUMPKIN, 2s................,.,2 tins 15c >IERRING; TomatOiSauce Stins 25c SIEVE'6 PEAS, 2a...............tin, lOo LIBBY'S .CATSUP..,.:,2 bottles 26c BANTAM CORN. 2s........... tin 11c COW BRAND $ODA, 1 lb. pkg. lOc :>f> " # . EMPRESS COFFEE -- In Vacuum Ja r ... ̂ " So 7 NABOB TEA -L Limit 2 lbs. ..lb, S6c ..lb. S8c MARCEL S H ^P ■-- Thermique Steam Permaneht., >Try-our, fatigue facial for tired - housewife or business woman; vWe'st 304; 17th and Marine over Roy§l Bank. RADIO REPAIRS; Tubes; Ariels, etc. , J; L;" P e ttig rew ,' ThV Radio Man, - 1890 Marine; ̂ W4st 145. SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best maU eriaL and-; workmanship at Foxi,- 14th a t Perry.- ■ ■ " ̂ '•l^iFr" - WANTED ;6ne furnished and one unfurnished _4-room cottage new j ferry. Phone W est 340 or West 1« GORDON ROBSON/Barrister, SoUc- ito r ,, 1447 MaHne, mornings; olll H ^tinararS t,' Seymour 4199. after- I noons; _ --- _____ _ l- - ^ f , WANTED -- $500 cash for stoves, ranges , and , T '»j' -'s'-'-.v '*■' . --xj .. <■ >,3-y *'Siyigs p r ic e s . i^ d ^ ^ ^ h ,4 3 1 . ;̂C t i i i t I SMALL WHITE BEANS ....lb, 5c ROBIN HOOD OATS, Ig. pkg. 15c CRACKED WHEAT...,. .3 lbs. lOc OGILVIE'$ WHEAT FLAKES PEARL BA RLEY ............... lb, 6c , , 18c SPLIT PEAS .......................lb. 5c -BAKEASY pO R T E N IN G » ,C . (Lim it 2 lbs.)....,...:;-------- ,.lb» 13c SOUP MIX .......................... lb, GcTjX -- ; ^ ̂ ̂ " - „ . iZALO'TOILET T IS S U E . _ _ ; 3̂̂ ^ LENTILS....... l ia . •lb. .EALO.'TOILET TISSUE. . ̂ ' _ M ___ Mr. Merchant, you and all your friends. may drive automobiles, but most of your customers come by street car. . , U ' ' U ~ ^ Even you never ride in street cars your- , . self, we suggest that it is to your own Interest that the itreet raUway L helped rJ f V to serve this dty* It a square in proportibn . iC to the numbers it carries, that the street - jiN D UNFURNISHED ̂ , Houses:W:;Hent. .'Houses, lots, and acreage:^ forX'sale. - John. Lawson, 17th and'M arine, Phone West 66. THE iv ^ A R B ^ S O C IA T IO N ra- qu irky dkicaxded- dothing* Phone W est 87 .imd truck will collect ^ H E A lIQ U ^ im iS for AH Popnl« 1 .1 - . M B B p iM N a BBKFf.per lb.- 7c j B p I f E f i i ^ V B A L ROUND STEAK^OAST • n ^ ;■! Î ef; lb .■.•.fe..;.;...-.,.:....;.-.;. ?«• 26c. ■ t ̂ -i. I, "t' M L̂> "c- in trafdc.reg an opportunity:', to give fast, safo s ^ ic e to your customers. r * , \ > , k f i / i ' ^ ' J'V ' ̂4 >'■ ■- ' " ' - \ 1 ' , 4 V . . ' VX'*'"* If . -convenience, nutlets, insttdled. '•:;;N O »IS^H B ,5>T lM E ; to boy cheap. ' . Iots;';:C^d[ buys in tax sale h ^ ' s i t e k / - : c ; j ;S c h e r Ltd., 1415 Mar- . ine. W est 225, .Seymour 5954. i ■ >' r ..... . - - .....- West Y»;'Af.&'Sw