is-i mm M i f . 1 ii iX C{•( ■ •■. /ft Sf 1 s ||« H* - k ̂i ' J ■eI S' ll 4 r* If w m ^ iF j x M m m m m u w c t i ^ ' " ' SiWiiwi^"'Swfl<lW' '̂" 11:11 ii4iit«« 7:lf tutt* -Btttidbr Str«ii|r«rt 41 Vltftofi Bebodl 41 Aiitili (M m M tM num S c i€ n c 6 Phone: W m t 2l$*B la Your Permanent Taking a HolidaiJ It m , don't forg'et otir service of addinir a fe.vr extra curia in thoHf straight pieces of hair, so they will took tidy till you are. realty for a new permanent. Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe I..^lff 40,JMariiMi j. Hirlva, West 117 Halibut Oil Preparations HALIBUT LIVER OIL in Capsules, |L00 for..... 60c Parke Davis ................ |L 40 .HALIBUT OIL P:MULSI0N Per bottle ....................... 75c MALT EXTRACT & HALIBUT OIL, a 2 Jb. Jar for....... |1.26 The above are ail Standariaed. HOLLYBOMUIX .......14|b a»d'Utti5li#ia-- FRIDAY EVBNINO, Fah. 7th, at7:»0 Young People's Service Illustrated by Lantern Views.. ' " Speaker; MIL JOHN WILSON SUNDAY, Feb. 9th, a t 10 a.wi. ...Sunday School ,and , .... Young Men's Bible Class SUNDAY, Feb, 9th, a t 7.30 p.ui, ' " MR. A. BIMPBON., ̂ will speak on > "Samson's Riddle" TUESDAY at 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study C H D lta i EDIFICE /'tOHi aad Ba<|iilaiiaIL HoIIyEatro ~ T K i r t e f e ^ s T BraUch^of The Mother Church TImi F in it Church of Christ,. ^Scientist, in Boston, , . ' IliiMMdhitsetti ' *" j Sundays Sorvice: 11:80 a.m.- Sunday, February 9th, Subject: '" S P IltiT " S u ^ y School a t 10:00 a.m. ...TestiniO!ny».Meeting ...Wednesday at 8:16 The public is cordially In vited to attend our services and meetings. ■ .-4?E4«yuj 1405 M arin e D rive - W est Vancouver Clienta waiting Using Hartmanns Desenitizer for tJie preparation of cavities. D r. George S. l^acdonald D E N T I S T ' E ' / / / / . ^< i ' > ■> » * Phone W a t 44(i BAPTIST CHURCH ' ' Services ANBLESM PHARNACr W. L. KER, Prop. 1401 Marine Phone: Drive West 323 FREE DELIVERY DR. G. D. H. S E A L E D.D.B., L.D.8. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine D r,, ^Office Hours 0 to ,6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 UNITEDCHURCH Rev, Hillis Wright, Minister .. Choral Service Sunday Evening, February 9th. Solo: "My Heart Rejoices" (Bach), Miss Joan Durbin. Solo and Choral-Sanctus: "A New Heaven and a New Earth," A. J. Addy. . Anthems: "God Is a.Spirit," "Come.s at Times a Stillness," "The Lo/d is Exalted," "0 Glad some Light.? Senior Young People's Society.. ̂ The Young People-'s Society will hold its regular meeting 10:00 a.m.----Sunday School and . Adult Bijble Ctos. 11:00 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. -- Rev. H. G. Estabrook. Monday, 8 p.m. -- B.Y.P.U. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer and praise. Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Choir prac tice. ANNOUNCEME|SIT: T. C H R ISTEN SO N (fomerly with.Birks Ltd\ Moatr«.l) boa taken over the late W. Sagar'a WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING ________________________1622 Marine Drive Modem Equipment ■ Established on North Shore 26 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. IFuncral itrectora North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 ■ Vancouver PaHors 56 Tenth Avenue Plast Phone Pair. 184 ST. STEPHEN'̂ CHURCH . Rev. P. A. Ramsey « February Sfeptuagesi- ma Sunday. ; 8 lOO 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.̂ --Evensong and Ser- next Sunday evening-following Tuesday,' 2:80 p.m. _ W. A. fi!fn Business Meeting. h r S i r S u M " 4 ®'- Franda-in-the-Woods, ■by Ree. Hillis Wright and Mr. rahlr.iM Charlc.s Baldwin will lead the 9.-45 a.m.--Matins and Sermon discus.sion, taking as his subject PREPARE FOR THE JUBILEE The 1936 Wall Paper Sample Book has ju st arrived. To avoid disappointment place your order now', - "Free Estimates. Cheerful Service. V . H E R N A N D E Z , De c o r a t o r P h on e W. 678Lt "t f 111/*-, ^ * i 1-c H ' 'ip »n r*-'*' * i «? "^*1̂ t » -*s ■> ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. N, J. Corley Phone West 240-R , Sunday Masses Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass & Sermon - ̂ a.m. Rosary and Benediction p.m. Catechism, and Bible History every Saturday -- 9 :30 a.m. Week-day Services 10:15, • 7:15, "Phases of Citizenship " Every ' The Rev. A. E. Cooke with his young Rorspn is cordially invited_ .family has arrived in Vancouver woaIt hs* « to be present. r_____ " " " j S ' U T d ' S - S a ^ Mr. and Mr.s. W. J. McKeown Church. He is a brother rf"Mrs r ?°aary. Benediction, have moved into a house at24th Lyirian t o i s 2186 Midne « . Confessions -- 7:45 p.m. and Marine Drive. Di4v« ' ' Marine S a tu rd ay sC o n fess io n s from ____________ .________ ■ . J ■' ' 7:80 p.m. to 8:30-p.m. . ; ■ HOLLYBDRN HALL There.will be a Young People's Service illustrated with lantern views ̂ tomorrow (Friday) at 7:30, p.m. - in Hollyburn Hall, when the speaker will be 'John Wilsori, Next Sunday,'Februai7 9th, ,at 10 a.m., Sunday School and Young Men'8 Bible Class. At the 7:30 p.m. service next Sunday, A i. Simpson will speak on "Samson's Riddle." Tuesday at ' 8.. p.m., -prayer -and Bible study. Joe Murbh, 1415 Marine Diive, has moved into one of the suites in the Hollyburn Block at 16th and Marine Drive. AmMesidê beet Metal L. SPECK, _ _ , Proprietor W O T R S €. Ĵ r̂ Overington . PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Phone West 135 VERNON FEED STO RE A. C.' SBAftLB Phone West .9 Fertilizers of All Kinds \ Wood, Co^, Builders* Supplies Judge: "You are charged with voting three times. What have you got to siay about it ?"' Plaintiff; "I've been gyped. They only paid me for once." a thaich roof on a modeni House, audOHevzolei followed the very «a'iWo' sound reasoning in developing jh e famous soHd-steel-Turret--Tdp,-.,roof for all ite new, 1936 models.' Pressed --. -- wouucos suu:»ei; or neavy steel, die .Turret Top makes possible ffitUMih .perfection of streamlined beauty. It completes your. safefy, too, with its up-to-date overhead pfor ' tection;' and it aids in keeping the car warm in winter, cool in summer. Come in and inspect the new 1936 - Chevrolet with its Turret Top Body by Fisher today. Let your own eyes prove it is The Only Complete Low- Priced Car. Greatly-reduced 7% GMAC Plan time pajrments. ' THE PYest Van News PahUsbed Bvetjr. Thursday Poblii^er F- F. LOVEGRdVE Phone West 363 B a a in g and Bditorlal-ORica:^ TTtb and lfaHa(i"~l)if?a CHEVROtET eiVES VOV AE& SIX' I W t Top Body by niuB- ' PRICED FROM *772 $905 at Ibcloiy. Ddwri at raUaqr,.o$ĥ -Oettat anTfioranimaBt' auMrafieo Fm na»y I waa RPglVH (Naxt^ to HoBybum P. O.) Phono West 363 ^M aB Adfdrew; P-.O. Box 8L H ^ b o m , B.C. OONSEDER THB OOMPANy BAOC.̂ OP THE CAR 'j N««th Vancouver Office: m Lonadale Ave.; i l i s i i ...,