West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Dec 1936, p. 4

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:kii I Si i » 7 fi W e s t 46 I r a iW E l. . . . . . . .............. ........ ....... ; , i V u . . , , . . . , . i . - . . - » M i i « i » i i » ^ ^ #ifc#ypjiil̂ Ssj/̂ ^ ■ ■ "" Y')**"** -1' •■ fi-.I I 8....1 ^ '̂y |f5 l^^ ilr■ « S & A ■ ^" - ^ ' ■ | 8 | i ^ l P • 'S A "' ■ ' I 1 • § ■• A ' *■ ■■i^'i";l.h"-"""--9»i.0 » A H A P P Y X M j : - i ^ ' m . ^ #lW<<Ŵ lbNlliANŴ . ' •' jk ' "■'̂ •m': y ""'* ^::m ^^--- ■ ■ ■ ■ A J la p p | JXmas to All W « i t # 9 I MIXED NUTS, |» r lb . ....... ;.„....„. *0c CANDY--Xnaa Ml». lb..;...:..,,,.... 17c CANUy -- CrMinii, Jeltlei and . Chocolateo, lb, ....... ................;:./ 2Bt qilANIIERIliES, lb................... :.:, 30c OKANBBKKV SAUCE, 2 Ib. tin BSe CRANBBURY JEU tY , Tuttiblera 20c ENGLISH PLUM PUDDINGS / 30 ox. tillM .................:..........;...... 40c JA P pitA N C E S , box .................... 67c XMAS CRACKERS, Irom....... . 26c CHOCOLATES - Iloxea from ... 26c WINES -- Gold Brand, bottle... 39c MINCEMEAT, ....................... 2 Ibg 27c^ M E A T S FOR XMAS Turkeys, Geese, DuekB, Ciilckeit Capons, Bolling Fowl Hams, Cottage Rolls, FVerv hinf* wS* ̂h f ftneelallv ^o^get the advice of one qelerfid C rn d /A ^ worked for, when I first start- IiisnoH ofi" n»7nlB^ ru m p lin g h is h a ir ,unsurpassed, ^ newspaperman CIGAREJTES, 'TOBACCOS ~ j? ^ ' ...... kcKular prices ^|gg j^*g encourag ing , b u t ' om --. J IJ.J-.H J1* /• __L_ll cellor of Sydney University ui Australia, the continued exist- tence of civilization depended on editors finentiw^ to the editor of this paper, who prompt­ ly d ro p p ^ his pipe ont of his mouth as he observed "Lord! 1 always said there was no hope, but now I know why." I have written for a number of editors in my time, and without excep- tlopjlhey were the most hard- boiled lot of men I have ever met. Mostly rough tongued, mostly kindhearted, but ho one illusion about anything whatso­ ever in the whole boiling, I shall never forget the advice of one Government - 6ee«e HAMS LAMB -t- COLD MEATS OF ALL ' , - » . 1.' ' Ii « H * « f ! « wtroT) oIfJtlllJWlB wTMiiOJL 9 ,■' > ' ' . '1*; , 'V k.Jk< Very Wishing all our cu$tbmcri*ifecl^®8*',7 . istmas WEST VANCbinrER i i B | | l R |G , 0 . ITB. I'hohe West 115 -FOK REAL SATISFAUTldP!"\^'iL£j:If 'ill',, 'X.L ^ i «W ........... e i t o c , AU o HUH U J H / t /U l f tB l l I K l ■Xmas Crackers ■ Xmas Cigarettes J a p Oranges .... ........-- --- ' keep your sanity. Get the truth dltirovrcf i*P «4< 'Ui'iW'C* n v\ y-1 m4* i f l l M ^ n e Drive a » • l i _ l - t , P ',( rf F .iu .t ) , ■ ■ ' ' ■■■■■-■ " I I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ................ . . . ............ .. . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. < | 7 W i 4 4 . " - O C b i A A U J f , . V A V U ' ' U X i l ^ U X , W I . X X K. L. Purdon wrote the Ooun- Cu.tomer; "f wish to ooleot a birth- ®Wy®> ®v«n it hurts, and it « re Boy Street o t,H o rsesh o e . Uay proaent for my husband, and 'YiH soTOetinies, The most in- Boy. He was advised th a t funds . can't thin'k of anything. Ho doesn't looking thing I ever cn- availablo a t the present did not amokc. nor drink, nor piny cards." countered was a drug peddler permit of this work, which the * Salesman (hoping to make a help- who had committed three cold'j Council agreed .................... , ^ most desirable, w«o, .luvycvex-, on the agenda for consideration m the early part of 1937. C L A S S I F I E D :- '7 A '& S .' The rate for Classifled Advcrtlseineiits is 2 centg\ner wnr,i 25 cento. Except in the caw of thdoe having regqlmir «ccou™ . 'a3^ fleda are payable strictly in advance. * Remember Classiaeda in the W*«t V a n f^ fw irk h | results,**v i<*vCTKf*iv u iu Jii/u ; orinK# no" pjiiy CfliJufl/ « « j ,,, , ;p i v lioinoinpor mflosiiiocifl uim<g iTWi . VMi: I work, which the • Salosman (hoping to mako a M p - who had committed three Cold; V-- -------------------- :------------------ r ' v " id with him was ful suggestion); "Jb,ho fond of fancy flooded ourdei'H. Every man s a w in d o w s WASHED -- Floors wax- Reh It was, however,', work?" • savage a t heart, you know. It's ed, odd jobs. Any article of value ' . for consideration ______ ---- ___________ ________ merely a m atter of stirring him accepted in payment. Phone West' -- gon,, manager.. ir to f l9 3 7 . . . __________ up enough. 00 be careful with the 5̂5. , BARBERING' .' w . _ W f B H u r t n A n A*. trA .a U l K rt TEAROE & SON Phono W # t^ |4 Wish their . _ Patrons and .Friends "THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON" FOR SALE Cedar Shingles at Wholesale Prices WANTED--Shingle Bolts also Short Alder and Maple Logs Giant Lumber & Sbinde- Hills ltd. 1st Street & Fell Ave. , Tel. North 1570 or West 166 up enough, 00 be careful with the ______________________ BARBERliNG'.'w. For G e id i^ 'I spoon, or you'll be getting kicks. o a »« <b, ___ 1.. .̂ " W. RhodeJ ^ family ^ understand /em yet; You may. I f you do, write a novel with plenty of, sob stuff in it. It'll pa-y you better than reporting'. Now get out and get copy. Pm busy." WE . BUY u-- Junk, Rags, Bottles, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Heaters. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. Teacher anything. Tommy?" Tommy: "Yes'm--a hen! "A stratum is a layer" of Gan you name - one. CLEARING, Excavating, Concrete Wor'k of all kinds. Building and Re­ pairs, Waterproof Concrete a speci- ^alty. Estimates free. Phone Mori- ' son. West 590-X. SOLID MAHOGANY ROUNn nm i - INGTA3ia!;"$ £ 5 o ;* h h iK 5 ^ 1 $10.00, . Ltd., RadiM'*v| R an g ^ , 'W®®h^r8;.:'Hollyburn Purn* '1 jture..Exchange.i l47fi j -... ........... ....... ̂ **IV« "W W jfm aTA TiO N ER S _ T ■ • WA» I WEST VANCOUVER MACHINE SHOP -- Repairs, Spray Pumps, Household Articles. 1449 Marine. A t this time we would like to wish our many friends and patrons A (d b r is tm a s an b A H appg Nrm ^rar. W e thank you a|l for your support during this year of 1936 W E ST V A N MOTORS 1451 Marine Drive - (BILL GROUT) -- -West-268 THE SH ELl STATION Wishing All Our Friends the Compliments of the Season • * (R ■" Ladies' Suits Children's Clothes, Boys' Pants a specialty. Mrs. Robbins, 2791 Mar- • me. West 619-R. ^TT^i yASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybum Block.................... - = . - » special N h i i ^ & 'S T l i ? p lan es , ^Fountain: Pens. Stamn A! . I bum^, "Monopoly" -- at S boM' tom -prices. - r 1 ^.1 ages and tastes. ;I^<;Mrs. H. B. Gray, j West Yancouyer? artist, at bargain- p rice s .' ̂ ,1 - - ,1 JfT?A T a t THE STORE OF I -I F O R S T S 66 Lonsdale Ave. North 825 I486 Marine Drive, Ambleside ISMgiBlBilgMiRlTO g| i s i s n jEEBQ LOST Male Husky Puppy, with red collar. Persons harboring will be prosecuted. West 528. I' Set r2^ .., Phonei,-\yest 218-L. Cio'ck-.J _ work motor.-' Robert ShpffiAifi ^ c . J. ARCHER LTD. Extend Cordial Season's Greet- h a n d y ^ m ;s h 6 p , 2442 Marine- .i r --:^" as/iCar4i3i',^^^ etc., Toyif, 1 ' Stationery, d --Notions;:-Handkerchiefs, etc. 7^ ^ ^ i® g » clothing, boys\ ,i a n d 'M ^ s j shoes. X Welfare Associ* 4 atipn> -West 690.; ̂ -:; .: - " . - « Synopsis of Land Ad raE-BMPTIONS • " ■'"eyed Crown oS? ^ ,^ r s 'v ." "g declaring Intention to become subjects, conditional upon res^! dence. occupation an d Iniprovem lnt. mg to All Clients and Friends, And wish all ' ' A VERY MERRY CHRIS'TMAS and A HAPPY & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR V , Chas^^J^^AwW , E.'M. Minions GIVE ,f0i. y0Qj ' shoe repairaV g j t^ -Marine PriTC, " ̂ ; TO BUILD, 'll A lter or -repaĵ ^̂ ̂ypiir , property, g e t 1 '^ ^ 9 estim ate : from James J- Chapman; „'yVest.4 2 rY-3; * R Ekins, \\ Auctioneer/~-!:Tiicensed for West j Vancouyer.:c(^Phohe North 1338. ' . ^u^°r" atlon ; eoncernlna Pre-emn Ions is elven in . ?™PLandtiona 15 given to f i X t l n No. x ^ P re-em pt Land/* copies of ■ vCan bo obtained free o t charcp hv o® ®®P»*'t" en t of L an d sf Vlc- Uon ' w 'c^Aru"*'®" '* ^ o v ln c la l Informa-- -tiiw . Victoria, o r »ny G overnm ent Agent I.M " A w ?* ,5 ^ S c " ,«rT S?, T» - J l®r pre-em ptions ' a re to ho Und^T R«oXg*'mvl8torto thl v eM raS lfV « " •» .'occupied for five * Im provem ents m ade to value ni FOR RENT -^"Furnished Hguse,/^ " ^ooms, fu rnace; close in. JefinLaR- i::-SOm W est.B5.;y - r , Home - for Christmas by and night Passengers fhlly insured. West 612 ® W ® . ,the best mat- " long distance" GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solic­ itor. 1447' 610.w®^*;.'H^7-VMafm mornings; ww . H astipgsi'S tli'Seyihour 4199, after- '̂ y.\ B . C . E L E C T R I C W I S H E S Y O U E V E R Y H A P P I N E S S A T T H IS S E A S O N A N D PURCBA8B OB LEASE o f ^ '^ S c a n t 'w d ^ purchase- puipoLr of Crown L a n d s . " ^ « w o iB se and Lease As f' > 1 P R O S P E R I T Y D U R I N G s3spena.d t lm b » lan?® ?o i S c e S d t t ? * . ' be purchased or leaflcdl^thR ' including pkym eat M r t n m p ^ • e d i t io n s 'U nsurveyed areas, n o tĉresr-n>av --2a -V, ue w aaea aaj nomesltesiv condl calfh for Christmas -call by long-distance telephone. bearing your voice again t h p f fh ^ Christmas trea t for be -11 Houges?-tb>RehfJ lots,.and.. : tor.Visile... John Lawson, j lyth, arid Maririe;phoiie West 66. I H ^ D Q IT A R T E R S , for A U Popular Brands rOf^cCi ̂ and Tobaccos; • also;.Fmhin]g-Gadj^ local w?̂ ' "A hihI^ide':Tea Rooms. I N S T A L L A T B e p a i n , outlets installed. J. H* Fatersoo,tWest:i08.-- ____ T H E C O M I N G Y E A R tiona l upon athe first veiLr "ePut erected In fulfilled a n d are a ----------- - • a u v Q j r e o . areas not axe " purposes leased by one p S ^ dlvlded*̂ toto^e?a&^tiaS2tJ*®' !?" ^ ran g e « 4 m ln l s lS S d ^ d 2 ? S S S n B * ^ ln , i "®'tions amended from ̂ 7 tTvarying condltlona. time to meet mlts are Issued^ied^wrates per head of r t o c l^ ^ r ^ wonthly tag privileges Is owners, Stock-oraewT»«?» ®*°ek .uBptt. Ini g^-w. S yo ite? '" 'fe«"hlgSr 1 98-X-2.:i i '