December S^pItsiiiiSi'iieftiSiJS*^ ... H'1450 Marine) SPECIAL Fre». I w 'X , « . . , . ' I . * - * 1 ; - ^ . , - o » ' „ * j T V » # r * . « - d , . , , ^ .......... ̂ _____i_.-.lK*i.' ■.>,*-.■ - ix, 'M Zltm. 16«- c and 20c b̂y» 138015th Street The ferries >rlM give ftn hourly " " " s £ S £ : g s f f i " '■' " " " iy mS. , m s , » t e *w *M î ®i '"*® ®" "® "•"• " "• «»«»y hew «n'tt thirtytime this yeek.^ - ̂ mtameg past midnlitM.:: In S m J S S h T ^ ^ T ® rf'®' ? h iU f-K S? s m l^ * B o ^ « S ui^term ^iate iloclcey team de- leave Ambleiside " M > w w S ' s ; ® ® - , ! »m r i t / I ̂ ̂ t 1̂ -i g î ,̂ s,iiiii|iiiiMi i i,„iii,i I iim, ii' j , "i;;;,"r '" '̂ ' '":"::i;' ""■ ...."■*!̂'̂»»tî ii>yMM|,.|̂ i,i .̂ ,,, v i m ] win be an early bus, . ' ' 4̂ W ^ ' ' '» Pbr'L%vel.bUiS'<WheduIê ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ ' A ifssya atory'to ereoting,houses thereon, ' ■ -^-i..'■ ' ■ ■ - \ ' ??.? Ave- ■ .M ri R .' B. Bou6hette;v ^nd td is f i W t i n i i t ' I d y n n m o u r Year*! Fifnlic '., 'Royal,Ambassador's,7-Piece' ' "T ."i" • » , " ■ • ' , ' • • ■ * » » J ' » » « » » « * w u * o , ! « • * t K K K f , Orchestra Snapny Rhythm Prizes ' ""'ll V' i '•'xru^ wirm *"**̂ ̂ *̂** irrizeB, ■ Noise Makers, :§ovelties Galore ' . ' ' 10 to 4 ' ! \ 7 * i ____4 ^.. Admission 75c I n X S S ^ l i S t e h e l i n / e n t e r t s i n i S a Inglewood A j^^e. ,,,at. Bndge for the C6ttsuttv#i" y Aj Dickinsoa,'keeper of the 4% n"1wdM s^a" ev4ta^^ hae^L^nTl?'fnr î*'m**"ia®®' The, prize winnerso for ,so,me days, was of the evening wore'.Mr. Powell ' f c " e n e L * ° H M and M ss Doris Maxwell; ; .„, -* ♦ * / The Street lights will be ^ on , all, night C hritoas- Eve to living in the' city for some time permit people to see going home I who - formerly resided , in , from the Midnight Services/ ?! Vancouver, has left, for \ -., * ' jj Australia. . , . The geheml delivery Holly bum Post Office will be Ctutkitimi. ̂ . . . «, n n - M Jt ̂ t f * . U ' - .H .....................' C a l c e s ' 1 ........................ i Vi ̂ f o ' ■* 4 'f , ■ N' Plain'or Iced. Scotch Bun and Short,B rea^. ' ■ XMAS PUDDINbS M irjICE PIES ; hi/ . i . » u phoi '̂e .:"We s t ';2t,» / S' r, " 'M > ' , . . yii't *(» * , ' ' " t ' , v * ' ' ' "'M ? I ! u u i ^ » ;' ̂ I ̂I r S t ■} # » ^ !.V> I iiH % ', sni*' t V fW » ,11'Wtl'f »,' H V f t ' ' » ,} '"f < ', .i I'j n "'I / ^M t S.Hju'iV "t 'n "'Mt,ff »•( il ",'jf, > I t' l* •*« 3 i i m ^ J-V I , {'Vti •V t f R T V ffV i< X M ̂ L "> Ji 1 a t*' ' 'V > CHOCOLATES • v '-,,;:MINCE PIES '■. ' ' CHRISTMAS CAKES <<3S'^'i™,■•'■|5ETTiEOMS"■.■ ' •: BRAND-SsSuABIES)PLUM p u d d in g s ■ '•„,,.;' |PETTIP0MS BRANDY SQUARES All at'the. MARINA, 1421-Marine Drive Don't forget we arel clo s^ l^ ^ a y ; ' Saturday-and Sunday • THE MARINA i^^h^ you all alvery Merry Christmas .^Thanking/yotf'i.for you rp atron age. TERESA KERRISON ' Prop. ------------ -. GERTRUDE HERRING p u V . , , of Pemberton (& Son to sell , to , „ . „ * * ■ * 5-20 per,cent; ' Miss Betty Savory arrived * • here last Friday from Duncan, B.C., and is spending the Christ mas holidays with her parents, ________ ̂ ̂ ̂ ft, SANTA CLA0S-' ? i , , ')"■(• [̂}'h r . ' , U S ' . ' s -t"\,t 'h\, i " f'T.r,' - ' ^ ' ^^ms Barbara ' Reid, daughter Judy.................... . /" 55 of Mr. and Mrs. L'. B. Reid, SOSO Mrs. Harold Brown-........: * 5.00' 'Procter Avenue, has retiimpfl tn ' " , her home her " f r o S " 4 k " ^NATION HEADQUARTERS -B.C:, fof the Chri^mas holidays: - ' SANTA CLAUS FUND 2 k * ' * ' ?-... . '. 'I ' .'if / u.,,::,V/, ■ ■' ' ' i i i )t ^ M * * >n' ,' '4̂ I'ffTHUksDAY ■ W PRIDÂ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ ' ;,,. , Deoombor 24th and 26th, '. I , -'.-i ■, !"'-t )«b a t r 'b c m s k t ) •/ . PGR iMAS HOLIDAYS I * - -- .11 4k) W»V' H iiVi i'l'Vj " I ' iW 1̂ :̂„ ....... . ........... ......................................................... ....... ■ I ....... ,. • - * I « 1 ^ r p1 l' % T \ 'I, ' ̂ 1 > ̂ I*' " jf SAT. .MATII^EB &"EVENING! ̂ , ' ' , '; and MONDAY' \ 4 ̂ ' 26th• and, 28th , ' I \ ! ' ' ' ;'>MMBk-;M]^TON.;'i'. V\V P- .';jANB,PROMAN ^ " , * ' f i f , , I ...." I IUl > T . r , , ■ "-vW OjtEVBRYONE - ' ' \ ... ..............-------------------------- ---------- T ' V - A r , ' t , ^ ^ j. ' ' ' ' 'ir" '.f , ) We have beeii^ksked by air P^eyiously abknowledged $'10i;9§,' mail to print the-following de- î m̂or .................... .......................... . . . : ..... .... .2:50 - tails of the wedding of Miss Ivy ■ ' ̂ ^ Miles: ' ' ^ ■ > _ 99.48'. „ X ;4 X v f a T f .W A T T f - - ' A h ' ^ j K ̂ , n ^ 1 A ^ JL .m . -- L. r . ^ - x . k * sN ' Jjc ̂ fp Jr. Red Cross --•, Quarter ^ .SCHOOL BANaTO PLAY „ Centuiy Chapter ;.... .v' 1.00 On Christmas Eve, weather Naomi Chapter, O.E;S.... 10.00 ^ * m ' ~ « ' I M I _ J ^ J # 1 --«. _ ' _ r .a rT4 - '•h On Christmas Eve, weather ^̂ aomi Chapter, O.E;S.... 10.00 permitting, the West Vancouver ^ Boys ̂ Band will play Christmas ".^pw ls Branch........ . .50 carols, from 7:30 to 8 o'clock: at .... 1*013! ' ;cttiui». irom / :t>u to o OCIOOK a t ttt m -tt.... ....... ............ ■the Municipal Hall and then will , Y H: ...... 5.00 ^ proceed to4;he business district. & Mrs. W.:As,tley.... 2.0Q EXHIBITION SOCCER QABIE " Jta Anderson ............ ;i .'so, TVT̂xrf Oo4--- T̂ No Namp . ̂ 1 nrt "STARS OYER , . ■ - 'B R O A D W A r ' ' ' ' . v - S i l ̂ (Musical Comady). '; ' ' ' Big Program of Nnveltv.*Short I ' h I','. Big Program of Novelty, Short . ̂' " ' ' ' Subjects ' ' / '̂■' ir- I S i i W CK V .J t r ,- i <• '41% ' ' ■ ■ - > - y ; TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY i December:29th and.SOth , I /\ i f' HELEN VINSON _ NOAH, b e e r y - . ; f . " T he King of - * - 4 v , y'i> rp '•'"■".lit"/"'It' X' , - 1' ;' / ̂ % i V s O' ' t' , I * , I- .'f" V . - />■' ' '"./'X'l/* ■"'3".,,7/ '-4 -41̂ , I"' , an-d-: ; . , , . « A B R IG H X ?^naiP R :e> S P E K @ ^ | West Vancouver, And Mr. . ^ ^ . . 4 . , ____,-'*c~'p^L H^nver Gillen of Burnaby,: Were united in marriage by the Rev. ------------ ̂ ^ J. E. Ward. The bride's'Only, at, ___- tendant was her mother,- Mrŝ M. ^ T" Miles, .andMr. William Ford sup- ■>v;̂::>;■■■: iWrhnTW-*t:̂ ir-v-'VrRlri'̂ ' ; ;7lX ?i'S . RffRESHMtNTsr v Adroisslon 2 S t f ' . ̂ ' ' , r V'S'Xni'trfljX -s, , , :̂ EUEbcSDPPLlES * i4: ■ , Avxiiea, rtuu avxx . vv Aiiiaxu jc uru »up-- ,, , ̂ ported the groom. "The bride . looked charming in. an imported ' SmalK Inside Mjll PiV . ' . . ' from,9 r 14 inches,... $5.00 cord,1 '4'- A A J. Sawdudi may now be. obtained from,your Ldcal Dealer. No. T Pir̂ SawduSt ?6r;rJnge;or fum- .(̂ aceriOxdet now wiilld prices are; ' Maw.-lPhehe,..";^ V' ' v f V - , V ; s A !i ; A y - ' 'i , r '•■■ • / I ' ;V«*1'• ' Free Delivery r ; . ' V C > 1 ' * . ♦