West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Dec 1936, p. 1

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■ f I\:;,- - '» .̂'T f , <A ......... ■£' i - -I m ■I»Wrt«s>t*'WtiSl̂ '»««̂ ̂ eie!»'e'rt&̂ v̂w«'-«-< >• ■V »1.00 jter jTMr. •̂Jljll̂ îar'̂ tf̂ ■||̂ »̂i"-<w-iitfkiy.̂ v«t̂ ̂ H?Mr .. *>*»:»»«■«>'iwr iatifigin tBe District of West Vancouvef^Ambleiide^ Ht^ilyburn ^ ..# Viiw* Vol. XI « 'SSi(4)®« Cypress Park, Cau^^ld, Whytecliff, Etc ', \, Dunddrave ■■•';! W EST V A N c6 u y |R . B ;a/W E D JfE SpA Y V DEGEM *1956 « - -la ' Wm : , w v "- , \ r ' : N o ; ;,".:r-V ----------------------------- ■ ^ ■ - ^ ! - . ................ ■ ■ ■ ■ : ^ - . r . ^ t L ---------- . a ■'*■"' i<ti" p_.,, , . , , ^», :ŵ(̂ ■̂;a"#vv4 ',.v̂ v'.&.M̂ uv ^•»4l *«* 4 '>t̂ (f f'f '»■ ̂ , to All ->,4. -y '» t- T' 'iiiys ^ liWff rtt ji(ii ,* ' * 1 *,i« ' 'ii»i yÔi o'7̂ J»' C \ , t • ! . ̂ ' 1 «* *>]r*<j»Miiii«i>ir»>wJ >" ̂ ̂"'■' ■ ■ •fiiw*|iia»3Mii5¥,i;̂ '»«fii«S!fli«*|S« 4:>• • :j/,N.'Ki='-""'v ':".C H ttisw X s - , . . , ■ - V-'u V LgJ..4...... M..' ,.. iw, ,r . "I r . , . ; '. ... The ChkstKiss . season jis with iiii onc8*again, and every body* however rich or however poor, is feeli% more kindly. . ^ T M * «, i ' ̂ 'sa.'i ' i .«, V. ' •(« ,̂1 7 , ».,« r f^ w H » * « t . 1 ,1 »̂ «. ," 1 ̂ i J 1 .H l> .'I 'COMING EVENTS'i«'<" s < i ^ < 4 , f t }i , is4 ! ,<( i» j( . S ^ ^ ■"'i 1' ii r»' Saturday, Jan. 2nd -- Canadian V' Legion Annual ̂ Children's iir% i • S* * " 1 « ' ̂ i ' L i' % i; AA|5aiv0 û*A/po ifiic vity ptxi:;tsvt9)* tiie siuro WlIlQOwS are bright, with/Christmas^^^^ bands are'playing the old familiar carole, ahd the crowds: of shoppers 1̂11 the side­ walks and pavements.. ^ have a little to , spare of twe;:world*s,gotod ̂ hands in,their pockets and not. a few are wpyking.to swell the v^ous, Santa Claus Funds established in order that the poor and especially theircWldreniahaU be. weU.provided:for;. Such is the way in which C a n ^ is , keepinsr ChHstmas this yeaf, and; if the depression ,18 still with us,,we oan be thankful there is-rat aiiy rateiisaoe ihthc lahd. . . . • i cily'back to-thst first Chiustmas morning • *'4"» *f T»*| t« i •', - . >I ' ' . 11.1 . 1 ' ' iv '-V >v' ^ ' *i H > . • r i'.. " :. ■ ■ ' ' r K i « I t jr I '.* ( A I. , » .k ti' •' ̂^ .............. .wf' \fH , , ,* , > IlfV- •' V w , i ' nr 1 «'.' ̂' 1 . I • , f ?1' ' .' 1 jrarty* ■' i»•'. ■ .i '< Friday, Jan.' 8th--Younger^Set^;,"K% ' * Dance under auspices Duncan ̂ / ̂ Lawson Chapter, LO.D.E., in '• : ■ Orange,Hell. „ ' ■ ■' ' ' .■ "- 'M li ■ ONE DOWN AND TWO TO GO / ' 1 ̂ \ 1 n ̂ f < / r 4 \>r̂* 'h . . . Last Saturday at ' Park Barbarians lost . . fought battle to a bruising'Mer- ̂, *; : 'j / " V * 4A«J. a/a vusxxi/̂ .i/v. bxi ri/Xiv̂ iA Aut;etaa{$c'Ul peace ana KOOQ Will. le t, in spite;.of all the differences which time and science and the discoyeit:.(>f-new,c^^^ and peoples- have made, in the world since then, the spirit of a'greater goodwill amongst n̂ en stilji^rsista at.Yuletide. ..................... . For/that'Wp can be truly thankfulwit 'is, a great thing that; on ohe day in.the'ye^^at'^Ieas^^ can forget his. • I"" * < ' / ' ' '**,* * ' snort enu ,oi an o-/ score, it, \ certainly was a hard ;game,Ho, . ' , lose, inasmuch as the local boys ' ■■■ BROKEN POWEE LINES MAJOR BLOW'S ̂ ̂ . a ' ' \ : / ; . ; , ; : , ; G 6 n 6 .6 U S ^ B S . J.i ■/„. «*py.*«vx^*uiiixxi6 luvxtJ auiexy wiaii oauia any war, thatr the. n^ds.of. his; weaker brother and the happiness t .. , his heart to th§ exclusion The felling,of ;Christmas-trees _ . has resulted in several breaks in -, Major the supply of ̂ electric; service./ certainly were leading 7-0 at ..half-time,. ,: V. :. but the combination; of a-heavy ,; . te^m playing downhill with the ;.' wind behind them was a little ' ̂ ' three hundredh rent Sunday! fre^ 12: , _______ _ . . . .; .,: 3 o'clock in the afternoon. • • Apd.W'iri^^ wM in;our heW w e hope aU in Wesf f / l i t e - . o f ; , the.;;varied:. p is t,3p.... -- . -y ^ (^ w -w i I-4iave: ac;veiy, happ^ ,. -. . . ; .A found the Ime had bwn broken . .Aubrey eiafkeas "Maj6r'®^ ̂ made'. ' .• .-■ I. " - y .... •-■y ' A by :a' ti-^, .w hw b.had;^^ ■kfept<mrffd».Beinft:ena',C^iP4 'i I" , PlNG PONG TpUENAME^ rPIRST NARROWS - f. f t breakdown came when a. tree V'i' A. J. Qapomhas been-aji^m { :̂ 2ist Streets. : . s^retar^prO'tem. of^t ̂ Referred back to the Elngineer a;; ',f4" ' ^ "" r'""'5'*/ b ' '" a'a * -- 9̂ «ii.- I^JLmtJLV Y JLXZJUr'* ̂ . . v l^ y e 'W e 's tW ^ -i ^m idiH ghti* ^ and every hour until W e h a v e naautjne x u n a n a u i e xvirs. ju o r is » i;a in s o y , aiswi **. ff,. fireworks, the excitement is clos- 'Considerable credit is'due.the Addy also acquitted themselves-' { * \ • ing in and withinra few hours. following, . who , solicited the^ well. • ̂^