'* K i ■!:, ? i S M l ¥ H '§ M A R K E f [ ^ m \ W B B f V A i f HEWS PEA TO O J O CHAPLAIN iW O'IHi . WeijC 46 REK W 'ID WMnE™"̂ 1 S n e ' -------------------------- Weat 469. I Meati«***'Elidiif5 West 376 Prices good froiti Friday, Dec* 18th to Thursda^^ il4th, locltisive* H«v. A. W. Woods of 2161 .Believii^ Avenue, ^u iio r c to la in of th e 3rd Canadian Division during the w ar and a well-known B.C. resident, died in West Van couver on"Tli ursday" aften ioonr He had been in ill-health for a M •MIXKO NUTS, per 4 In I MIXED CANDt.,..... ... lb, ^$t Cre$m0, Jellien, Omtiffe Sllcea, (̂ bosrdlnttfM. Hc ̂ & WhlUs COFFEE ... (.... . Ib, ZU MIXED CANDY .........L....Z.l£ tU IluntK*y & Falmer'fli B I^ U IT S 8 0X, p ack et.................................... |0 e hAJip ~ SwIfCa SIIvcrlenf..,.2 Iba* 20e Ked & White Brand FEA 8, Sieva 4 Tender --. Sweet ..................... tin H t ited & White Brand GOLDEN COEN lender kernela scraped from the cob^...........................................tin 13c O O i m FINBAFPLE SFBA ES 14 ot. Tin .............................. . i9e DOLE'S FINBAFFLB JUICE ICING SUOAB...................... :2 I J . 16^ i'LUM PUDDING, K-D, 30-or, tin 46c JuNt heat and serve with your fav orite aauee, MEATS n u m to of yeiirs. . Mr. woods, who was boril in Woodstock, Ont., was one of the best-knowD Canadian chaplains J E F F E R IE S ' Government B E E F > e O B K v e a iI.AMB -:■HAMS -:■ IjA in o -i- V(|, COLD MEATS OF A LL K IM )8 D E U C A T E ^ E n 1 Store at FOB XMAS Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chicken Capons, Bolling Fowl ,Hams, Cottage Rolls, in France. When the war broke out he enlisted with the 96th Winnipeg Rifles and served throughput the conflict. He was comnii.ssioned honor-; «» ' ■ i ■ i ' I ': « '....■■ PHONÊ WE afi^^y fe i^ ff"' Picnic Hams "'®" ccinmissionea nunui- Evory bird will be specially ary lijoutcnanl-colonel and recefv- Selcclcd Grade A Government ed a Distinguished Servjco Medal Inspected. Quality unsurpassed. -------- ---------- *--------- battlefields. While in Victoria her . t f i i i T ii' p i r i ' p r ' A i n o ' ___ , . L U M B E R i iS f t iand a ll I I * ,. •* V ' u " « O ho *M CAKE -- christniBH sergeant-at-arm s when the 2 pound Cake ......................... '49c ■.............. ............. Surviving are his w ife; twoCimiSTMAS WINES, Large M ile T i , Gold Brand Ginger, Fort^ soti«* W alter II. of Toronto, and Cherry ................................ atir C. A . 'o f Portliiiul; a daughter,Cherry .................................;.......... 39c MINCE MEAT ............. ......2 lbs. 25c WEST VANCOUVER L U ||l ! | | l p E p . LTD. -FOR REAL isATlSFACTlO^A^^^^ - Phone West 115 ' ̂ Drive ti: V/* V* X VI LKIliVi , « f Mrs A M 1̂ 'irfr 2275 Gordon Xmks Crackers -Xmas Cigarettes ' "jap'Oranges - 't e r o T B ± a b % » ^ ---------- ----------------- , ..... ......... ............. ' ̂ > G ilbert Plains, Manitoba. . - Funeral siervices were held a t Lane-of Vancouver. Miss Lane 2:30 p.m. Saturday in St. Steph >/ut:u W; C. T. U. * . 'j.>ujie'ui Vancouver. Miss Lane 2:30 p.m. Saturday in St. Steph- UT n m S tanley Jones' en 's Church, Rev. F. A. Ramsey W. C. T. book C hrist s A lternative to officiating. Interm ent.took place m onthly Communism. 1 his was a very in Capilano View Cemetery. L__ edtlfationn nni-l iyianii«iv,,v nd The West Vancouver . ___ __ i. U._ held their regular monthly Communism." This was a very meeting in the United Church on <'tiucationaJ and inspiring ad- C L A S S i F I E D ; , # l | f ' The rate for Classifled Advertioementa ia 2'c«inta .par word, 25 ceuta. Except in the case of tkoae having regular :;pCcdulnt8. ail p|««T fieds are payable strictly in advance. *' Remember Classifieds in the West Van Newr get^ Immediate results FOR SALE -- Built-in Bookcase and China Cabinet; Boy's Streairf»lined waggon. West 2S2-R.______ FOR SALE -- Portable U n d w .^ d Typewriter, first class cpndition, back spacer, $18. ' West 14^-Ii^ .' W, H, ..Lane is -no longer working with, this fjrm;!r'West ,Van. S e w and Dyers; V1429 , Marine Drivif ■ ing tL 'a f te r n o o r th e ^ resen te Ji " ' r/*; tion of " ................... TRADE--'Pair of pet. bantams fo r. garden plants. Phone West 414-L-3 : H A ^ f b y j A l i l N s S ^ M ari™ -', ■ X m as >-'Card8,'v |̂Etib]bons, etc. To vs' u ...B o o k s , S t a t i o n e r ? - -. ■NotiohSy'^..^Hkhdkerchiefs. etc. * A City Selection at City Prices. - a silver medal w ith the school crest, was made by the __ ,^imcjpal,„M iss_.Joah:Durbi to M ary Patricia Good, who in the Departmental] Junior M atricula tion- examinations of' last June, not pply led her school .but also WANTED -- Capable girl' for house- w6rl?;"Christmas week. Phone W est 74-L-2. ' - .. W ANTED-^Haye; client Who will pay ' cash for t e e j o r i f o u r room plaster- ed bungalow; not W est of West Bav not over $l,000:^:West 177-P V J] TAKE A LOOK In ■̂•'our window'and what you-want-for^Xmas'^wilP al most surely come around. Crawley & Barker, Hardware. FOR S a Le Singing. Canaries also ------glassr french',;door,rcheapr 1618" Ful' ton A v e n u e . ' - - ? ' i. Toilet Goods Sots by Yardley's Potter & Mnnvo tt u a n • «chooLbut also I In Paris, Princess pXt,'otc, ^ ^ '̂^^ening f | th e district. As was explained i Special Pearl Tone Sets-- .q «r..Ir-. r.:-- ____I Special Pearl Tone Sets-- 8 Pieces $6.45; I() Pieces $10.95.I S>>»vinK Sol. by w niiam s, Palmolive, Ing, Mo7re."̂ R : « „ S r S i i ; K a ^ i j | Box Chocolates by Moir's, Carbury's, and Page & Shaw, i A complete stock .of Cigars, Cigarettes and Pipes , . Also a wide selection of Xmas Cards, W ru p p in yi^ ^ ;,, Tags. etc. j i y Save your Ferry fare and avoid Q y m e i \ City Stores Iji ^ ' hy shopping^.^ I iCunhiiighain'sDriig S y re , 1586 Marine (next to the B.C.D31ectric Store) ' f! ( Phono WEST 37 for dolivory of any/articlo. Thera ia nothing too small., i m aintained a "consistently high standard in all public exam ina tions and has completed the four y ea r h ig h school course in three years. The hope th a t she would have equal success in her Senior work and that others would fol- „lpw her lead was expressed- by &11. TAX SALE LOTS -- Call here for description and municipal prices. See-, us for rentals, homes, lots, acreage, insurance,"safety deposit boxes. C. J. Archer Ltd., W est 225; ■ Sey. 5954. F O R ' SA L E .-- ; Axminster rug, 9x7, ' 00̂1? T̂ -" ' condition.W e s t ■-'239-oLt̂ -?/', ,V'f LOST -- Ladies'^Oold Wrist Watdi; no bracelet; betw een 20th and Perrv or bn Ferry;*;Point Grev 490-T. DICTATOR MANTEL RADIO and Speaker, $12.50; Portable -Phono graph, $6.50. 1381 Clyde. - CANARIES ,$2.5,0 and^^up/,^iSome rollers; make your choice. >West!. 19-R WINDOWS WASHED. --- Floors wak ed, odd jobs. Any article ""of vdlue accepted in payment. Phone West 65. '»• , WANTED gjj] J ? a ' T v v u t a i i u i f g i l l 1 tor occasional, housework. Box 49, I West7 Van:N6iwk.-7~i." ̂ ' I t f! I say, Joe, your girl looked quite tempting in that Biblical gown she was wearing last night." -"What do you mean 'Biblical gown'?" u i ? n ' Lo and Behold." - close to Water; -Phonel'W e st . 317-L. FOR SALE -- Lionel Electric- Train; ^•easonable.-.'Apply 1467 Bellevue. - GIVE W EBffS Dnal for your next shoe repairs...;2463^Marine Drive. Twinkling s weather. IS a t night, good Hemlock, $4 per cord; or Fir, $4.50 per cord; Coal and general -transfer. W est 172-R-2 evenings. - , ' IF YOU "AR^ GOING TO BUILD, A lter Or repkiv your property, get -dj^timate from James ' Chapman; West" 42-Y-3. fuel supplies Announcement fxitraordinary **G O N 6 B U ST E R S** P resen t The T rial o f th e C entury Rex V8i One of our Most Prominent Citizens. Small Inside Mil] Fir ' from 9 -14 inches.... $5.00 cord Sawdust Sawdust may now"be obtained from your Local Dealer. No. 1 Fir Sawdust for range or furn ace. Order now while prices are • low. Phone SURPRISE PACKETS, 5c, 10c, 15c, Shop B. C. . 16 i8 M arine Drive. ' - • AUClJON.^SALES-r- W. E. Ekins, . Auctioneeri^'--;? ^Licensed for West I ■V ancpuver.> J>hphe-:Nprth 1338., JOIN OUR LIBRARY, *2.00 a year; F c Gift ShopO.L., 1678^ M arine Drive.' ^ Marine -- . ' ' Pai nt, Putty,, _ -lu r p s . Oils:. etc.V,-"• - ________ _ 5-ROOM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL -- Owner wants money before'Xmas ' ................................................ ■_________ ta p r o ^ T fo t b r ig ™ '? ? „ J ;n & th ? " O " 9^ 1 -ful sleeping, porch with ' Idts^^of P assengers fidlji^ insured. West 512 • I n ^^^yOOOot^n^side? best mat- -$2650. nr nnav ;j? _.»? - f^^el-.-,and^:"'^brkm'flTifihip at PoXS.'J The M ost H on. Senator Jas. B u tterfie ld Prosecuting Attorney. The V airlyM on. Bbb B ouchette, Clerk of the C ourt.. ■Charlie Thompson for prices W e s t 582 / Va/.._. coo $2650. or near offer if e r ia i: .and? Wbrl Hastings W.^ GORDON ROBSON*' Barrister, Solic* rr*rr « _ ---------- .HALL--For R eht-lPartioc fa s t in g s -S t .; Seym our 4199. after- A ubrey A. O ark e , Esq. Wense Attorncy--No volunteers/ ^ (The accused will dcfendhimsclf.) S E E t h e m ; t h e a r TH lornosTEssEs for Xmas Cheer Sought TELEPHONE GAMES December 5th to 18th Win or lose, all players have chance of good prizes. {Phone; West - A score oF addilimal features Will include adts s'cintillatino wl,L ••versatility and originalily,- X *?^OTK*all ^®i>"ete naiVc w Building and Re _son. W est.5Qn!v • F ^ N l S f l i ^ AND^tlNPURNISHp House^Xto);;^ lots, and f ' ̂ ^ialei % John Lawson, 17th andrMarihe.7 Phone West 65. Poputo" 1 and Tobaccos: , ^Iso, F ish in g'G ad gits for local wat- j _ers. ""Anablwide^Tea.; Rooms. ■ ;INHTA|,L]AD30N Repairs, ■ conyenience .outlets'installed. J. Sr Paterson;, W estaq ^ i In aid tif the West Vancowyw Santa Glaus Fund Hugh School ■ ■ i 2 's c . . d H £ i o 4 N ; ' ' u i , ' b f e k f e ' b ic y c l e s For a real' buy in a new or r iit a f DRESSMAKttvp ̂ :i.-"*«iixie. _ MARCEL SH Q P *1- TJtermiqae Steam ChiJdrpn'̂ Ladies* Suits " agents:: Only best materials specialty Pants a' operators. PhoB® 1 ine. West S - H - J g g t 8Q4,^Royal Bank'Building. _ VASs"7 i 7 ---------------------------r C ® M N E % ^ E E P 1 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SNAPS Fred Jones Bicycle Shop l45o Marine Drive ■^sb all C.G.M. Wheel GnoH«t and Skating Outfits at i? - f : 5 ^aowance; terms;, "T l i S S I S ^ S ^ S E ' i h ^ S S i B S S i ^ l S S S i S S B ^ BT'̂ 5̂1 l i - »sassR3^.*^?