1 ■-jg.¥SP!̂S|' ■ * •; ■1986. ................................................... .... ....... . I ..i ..:.... -..̂ 3»..:1 .....r-..̂ .̂. « u,,̂ ,.. „ .,i i W f yJSm. T 0 m ! ^ C U V f OT'Jj f S' */ '!*'i »jf" i 'M i . I R tr. BlUi» \VHirlt, MJnlitcr ' ' ' f > ^ ^4W IS? fc8&«CW' ' M?piiiit»f ' i#?*- % L iuttdur g«rti£«i •'-r-n ■\ j, I I f ̂ I'll j,-"; i-i "1̂'I I ' :k f f' } tf 'iii ii i!f; I )' n,' 't I th'- .'H' ■ i: - J.f, ivi' f *i"iiv ■4? # , / f*/' ; » i I"" -f vfr 1 i r . i 1 * 1 ■ WW'.". « .'.'M»«Mk# ' » aiflWIIlfMtil Servieef. A h m H y - w«leom»' t« all • MAMi UNITED CHURCH 2lBt &, Esquimalt Ave. Rev. Hillia Wright, Minister W I ^ I T A N C O U V E B Chmfiaii Scieoce ......... . CHUEC0 EDIFICE m it inii EM|«tim«lt. HoUyburn Thi» S w iety i» VBraiicb of The Mother Church The Flrat Church of Christ, . Seientiat, in Boston, Massachusetts When you choosb cosm etics for a jKTift. you need ex]iort advice by beautiifuns. Just toll us "her col- orinjc and wo will do tho rest. Make your Christmas and New Year's appointments now to avoid disappointment, Beauty Sf^ppe Services U:15a,m. and 7;lBp.m. .Sunday School at 10:45.a.m. Next Sabbath ih WHITE GIFl' Sunday, when the children of the Sunday School will unite with the members of the con gregation in worship and in pre senting their gifts in.Church for the needy families. In the evening the choir will prv'Hent a program of Christmas music and carols. Mid-Week Activities Explorers meeOIbnday at 7 p.m. Senior Young People's Society ̂ Monday at 8 p.m. TraiMlanger'Boys me^t on Tues- dfiy at 7 p.m. Sunday Service; 11:S0 a.m. Sunday, Decern her 20th, Subject: 5"Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force,? Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Teatlmony Meeting Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. 7'ho public is cordially In vited to attend our services and meetings. ^ rens-Shop in the for Sha l! l lI ,K --H O S B ,% C W ir o n ,X r e p e ,a n iJ ifh ^ k lip 4 i^ k £ ^ 3 pairs for |2.75; any size o r color. > • l o u n g in g p a j a m a s in all colors and all"alaeie,^ ^ "$5.05 per pair Sizes 14s to 40s. , , I;/"' jv * Clearing Evening Dresses at $t2.96, $10.05 amd ^$6,95,' "" See our smart Prints at $3.95 and*$4.06. , ;> Separate Tunics in all colors $4.05;^ S k ills $2.96;'a n d $ 7,6q VJyella Badminton Suits and Wrap Around Skiidia id e a fx in a s Gifts .Smart Bridge Frocks $(3.9.5 and up. Clearing'. a lP th e r ^ t te r Woollen* Dresses at .$8.00. Cleunng H ats a t $1.00. ; / , GWEN'S GOWN AND SPORT .SHOPPE 1730 Murine Drive Open to 1) p.m. every e v en in g .. i ,. B l/Y ' IN WEST ;VANCOUVB|l.ii*?«M*«'^^.w : West 662 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Uamsey Creators of Exclusive Permanents, ̂ c .G .l.'r . m e e ts e v e r y W ed n esd a y 1640 Marine Drive. ' a t 7 p .m . W est, 117 . . ' P r a y e r m e e t in g on W ed n esd a y ■»;■.■.*, a t 8 p .m . . C hoir p r a c tice bn T h u rsd u y 'h ig h t .:■'■■ a t 8*.'o'c!ockr:;;;;;r'v: * N ext j^unday eyeninĝ ̂ follo.w- ■I ing the seryi^j^[,r|he.SeniorY People's Unidn..ivjJl hold its meeting*;.,•fpr.i"ihe^^^yenT^'V^ hbhie'"'b^lAr:f a r td f 'p ^ aIman at'Sheyman.- ' ^ I sa cred h y m n s^ ^ n d v v ca ro ls h a s b een airranged̂ ^̂ f̂̂ ^̂ ^ DR, G. D, H. S E A L E D.O.8 ., L.D.S./ . vOEMTliT" '<•; Hay Block, 14th, and. Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to,6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phohe'West 72 "TT" December 20th -- Advent IV. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11:15 n.m.--Matins and Sermon. 7:15 p.ni.--Evensoiig and Ser mon. St. Francis-in-lhe-Woods Caulleild. 3;00 p.m.--Evensong and S'er- ' mon. FREE Bus 't jy t'̂ms * rtf ̂ B uy your PLAMTS,.:ai|d, C U T f i . p i v E ! R $ I; I?; a t ROBINSOk^i 24th asd M arine Drive'and get return bus tickets^ FREE •/ ST. ANTH0N,Y'S ca th o lic CHURCH Rev. N. J. Corley, Pastor . Rhone West 540 Wind changing from north to "------- I__ west, fair. ' . '*■' ' v Established on North Shore 2 6 -Years (Lady* A ssistant) . - HARRON BROS. LTD. all young people are ;given a Low cordial invitation. ■ m .ir The W. M. Society held their. R 8h Mass and Seimon 10:15 I .BROOK'S. .Cl It DRY GOODS & . I Ifuneral Strectars meeting bn Tuesday afternoon,' j r>_ i; n . i cDecember 15th, when officers Rosary, and Benediction 7.15 North Vancouver Parlors *122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 / h1ii1s" C a te S m and Bible History every Saturday--9:30 a.m.HW *1 ■■'•'■ •', Wright; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. M. E. Rush; 2nd. Vice Pres., Miss Mass, d^% -7n5® rm " " Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth'Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 S. W. RHODES 1662 Marino Drive Barbepng for Gentlemen, Ladies and Children. Beveridge; Sec., Mrs. W. Herrin; daily 7:lo a.m. Treas., Mrs. F. .Hadwin; Home Benediction, Helpers Seo., Miss Stokes; Chris- « + ̂ . tian Stewardship, Miss Beve- *®" « . ridgeTemperance, Mrs. W. F. ' ' 'dO p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Merrick; Press, Mrs. B. R. Har- , rispn Missionary Monthly, Miss E, Beveridge; Strangers, Miss I. M. Philip; C.G.I.T., Mrs. F. G. MEN'S WEAR I 1460 Marine'Drive . .i| ■if m ■ i CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCftiNTIST CIhristmas JJrrsents t O'Donnell; V i k n i s t , Miss FS-ame; CLUDING MAN, EVOLVED BY A very interesting ceremony ATOMIC FORCE?" will be the was also performed when Mrs. subject of the Lesson - Sermon ^ M, E., Rush in well chosen.words dll Churches of Christ, Scient- f , presented Mrs. Hillis Wright ist, on Sunday. «*' ED. BLACK iWESTtl 6 8 COAL - WOOD ̂ DUM PW ORK SLABS $ 4 .0 0 cord 2 cords $7.50 with a, life membership for-her •> The-Golden Text is: "Thou, long and 'faithful work in the Lord, in the "beginning hast laid ! FOR THE WHOLE FAM ILY.' Com e inide , and see our big ■!i . ' ) r ■ . ■■■ ■■ I I display of ,. C pA L "^ ;W O p D ;|i^ 'SAW»UST' Tnsiao Mili;;Pir?.;'.*:...$6.50 cord ' Inside Bush jFir.:;:;.:,:.'...$5.50 cord ' , r' K indling Wood Slabs - E ,dgihgs..i,Alder - Maple Fireplace, W ood'-' H eater Blocks i ' ' i i e P A B r i : ; ' " ■ ' All Brands-- ^Alberta' and B. C. CbaL -r-;B y'ton or sack . 'S_a W »UST No. t F i r :',Sawdust, Double Screened for' F u niace or Kitchen Range. Bulk o r sacked. Manuref*: Topsctil - Rock - Sand Gravel - Dump T^hick Work c h a r u e t h o m p s o n ' 125 7 € Iy d e WEST. 582 r'lPhoitfe ̂ WEST 582 Flew'itti Supplk' Mrs, 'a . ' m .' "IS- 'THE UNIVERSE, IN- f pockets.arid ■ Useful Gifts for - BROTHER -t- SISTER MOTHER and DAD *-'U and Trimmings 'e BEU ClBtE iR A p if^ li iE A iR S ■tlMWilAlG:' (Over 14 years' experience) "2117 Airgyle^ Avenue .ti-*! Missionary Society and the the foundation of the earth; and. nbiivr.v, ̂ the heavens are the works ofChurch, -------------^ ^ Thine hands." (Hebrews 1: 10). BAPTIST CHURCH Among ,the ' citations which Minister: *' comprise the Lesson - Sermon is Rey. Wilfrid L. McKay,A.,B.D. following from the "Bible: . 1545 Duchess Ave., "Let the heavens be glad, and The,pastor's morning message êt_ the earth rejoice: and let Water Pressure Restored NO CURE NO PA Y H I O O I N B O T H A M ? .'O p tom etrist'" be entitled "The.'Dawri of say among the nations. The 1 "Hope." , David Easton will sing Lord reigneth." (I Chronicles I O p tic ia n "Night of Nio-ht.q" Tv.r. 1 6 :3 1 ) . ' WATER SYSTEMS SERVICE 555 Howe St; rrinity 1414; N ights, W est 188X D iaabkd W ieter an s' '* ; 1 ASSN i: (1921) Meets on 2nd and'4th Tuesdays each' 'month in .Mr.r>^Dlower's office All Ex-Slervice -men eligible, " " either fulForF^sdciate. 10.80 a:m. to 4 Wednesdays 1622 Marine Drive EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FIHED VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLB Phone W est 9 Fertilizers of AU Kinds ̂ -h ' ft •' * Wood, Coal, Builders* Supplies Night .of .Nights.""ThrclSd^^ 1 6 : 31) will render the anthem, "Lift Up "Lhe Lesson - Sermon also in- Your Heads," (Hopkins). In the the following passage evening the pastor will follow the Christian Science text- a long standing custom of giving «<>ok, "Science and Health with the Christmas Message in story Key t o the Scriptures" by Mary and picture, using the.very best ̂ Laker Eddy: "God creates and pictures by- celebrated artists, governs the universe.-including Parents are, urged to bring^along The universe is filled with children. The following spiritual ideas, which He evolves anthems will be rendered by the they are obedient to the choir,, Arise, Shine, for thy Mmd that makes them." Light Is Come," (EIvey); "Give HliflUIU H T h e f r e n c h S ^ a u i y - ^ a l o n . 1562 M arine,Drive- Invites Your PatroAage. ■ Call with the4ssurah*ee% f-'sattefaction. We style your hair to sn it-you rjierson ality . . '■ V 'Phone for an appointment WEST 212.. , -r ;iAVt / Fine, Thanks unto the,. Lord," (Por- Fog in the morning means te r). Strangers and visitors will STood weather ve^ive a, cordial welcome. Gtey^ud"Dyed"S r """^ '̂ " '"""" * "& '" I®" ̂ * * s . ̂ J J -V r ------- 1'4/4-d;'L ' The church school will* meet a t 10 .o'clock. It is White Gift day. The Young People's Society will meet on Monday at 8 o'clock. The -pre^dent, Phil Basham, will give a (Christmas message, ' THB . r V € S t V u f i N jB ^ s Publislied Every Tlmnday B.-L MEETING We have a special and attrac tive menu for school-children's lunch, drop in and talk it over. Have you A N Y T H IN lG .l^f SJilE? P. D. Q. CAFE 1512 Marine We buv^Junk**^fl» Supply th eX a sh ,- , . ■BURRARD j u n k CO^^' Fuj^niture,. M efalsi"Stoves,;Etc. JWest Vancouver ' P h O l l e r ' W f e S t 9 1 -W est 616 Fh F. LOVEGROVE t < - Phone West 363 , BaatueM und Bditoftal 6ffiee$ Mth and Marine Di?Te (Nasrt to HoUybum P^o:) ' Phone West 363 ^ P. O. Bon «1, Honybaru, RC * -"the regular Monday night meeting of the Dundarave «f the British-Israel WotW F e c l e t s t i d n wffl be held in hall a t :25th-' ,and». Marine Unve. I t is. an. open .meeting to ^ - i f in v i te d . Christmas cai:pk.WJllbe sung. , _ CHEAP, WOOD Load Inside Fir or ........................... $6.50 Telephone PRtTAM SINGH after^e p.m. CON CREf i^ C O I ^ ^ ^ g g iis L^nd-Clearing^ g fe t Growth P i r l t o ^ W Coal y Maple and Alder P&eplace Wpod'l ','M"^^-i,l*'-%feiquettes t e a r o e '"% ' '-1KS Gif t sh o p b .c. S A W D >'̂>1 N o r th V aifeoD T er.rO ffiee; X28-Lonsd[$^eAve. $ l M i y*w hy«ar^«5i|i^ ' . . ' v' ' . A N D .e W L E M E W i b o y s AND GIRLS 'K T S M ariJe-------- j PHouw: West 601 . Vert 859-R ers.will WEST 3 9 .t .'.-.Jr m i 1 ,1, -* ' t i T J i , s '* .•> ir."I *' C I Phone Ah phonp cMls can.lSetfiveiSefe£-S-fx-5 ' , - ' A . * . 5 " ?