West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 Dec 1936, p. 1

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- I . I f i . \ . , . i , - i * * ' J > . •* >' ' A *.« _ f . , 4 l;iS", * # . H - , f ' « r • * » > . « f ^ « - f c ^ / . »» .» Citcuiating in the District of West Vancouvei » 1 .0 0 p t t y w . I»1 Vol. XI ; I.ONG UVB THE KING! ̂ \ ' f ^ i ! 4 v ' * ^ % i d i i ^ / * ' h e t ^ ^ > i i | i » t ' i ' * ^ f » » 5.«'«*■ ̂ ̂ ̂ V ><i»»lip>l|l|l>i»l|llW«l*»»»...Wili»iWMi|iii|» ̂ ^ Last rMondajf. we Celebrated. tbe first birthday of bur new Kitiĵ as an ocbuj^t of the British throne, on which occasion most of ,us,̂ either'Verbally in I our hearts' wished him all prospeHty and a Ibnl̂ . and '̂ fgh. And he needs, if ever monarch did̂ \ the fifpod̂ Vlsheŝ of us all, for he has taken over HOLLY 6 URN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.O. THURSDAY, DECEMBERcSpth. rtJ Z Z lE ^ S T sê " V'. * JB, . ' ' i!' .. "MAJOR BLOWS" >NG BUSTERS" Bigger andjbetter than ever promises to. apfely to this year-s. "# i his high office on the heels of a crisis unprecedented in British , history,,which has tested to the uttermost the hard common . ' sense and poplness of, the „Anglo-Oeltic races to; escape catas- trophb;'%H'if4 '̂ '&̂^̂ ' ' ; '"" i:,', ;**,/ Guriouslyi">he hasj-liky hi^ .father, come* to. the4hrone quite Unprepared for its peculiar responsibilities and at a.time when the whole yforld'ls I>reparirig,-fpr war. Curiously again, the sanie;;criticism is being levelle]i :at, him by many as Ivas levelled a t Ids father^, namely that'* np' has not the necessary' ability so evidently; possessed by ,. his predecessor. /But, /curi­ ously also; he has inherited, many pf\his father's most sterling characteristics,.and"we;shallbevvyei^fsurprised if he does not. show himself to be a* frue 'som o f/th a t most, loved British monarch; who has passed intovhibtory .as "King George the Good,"l/" / 4 ^W ^w/uV/'\ w,?' , . *" / Meanwhile there are those,»<some»bff them in high places, who have ("shown, , as it seems do iis,\a lamentable lack .'of Christiah*'charity'^and- common, sense^'^in; decrying Edward Windsor, who ha^{,;still a mother., ilti should not be necessary to point f u l if the'eyehi; had not'.proved the reverse, that, in edition of Ma|i>r Blows" Gong Busters in aid |f the West Van­ couver Christnms Fund, accord­ ing to reports ,lrom all commit­ tees. Slated fof, Inglewood High Schcol on Friday evening, Dec­ ember 18th, ctMIs popular event promises to hahg out the S.R.O; sigh due to;the high calibre of the attractibnh'on the program̂ These will incjludfi acts of out- ' standing mbrit̂ with versatility > and originality nredominant. ' Asme CHRIS'EMAS ISSUB •», ' account, olf̂ jDlii Day falling oai. A' have-^dedded to Christmaa issue On /! day, December ilSwLv , of on the usual Thursday :̂ ||iir the benefit of oiir UdvCfIliMra. AU adyeHising and ot^d^j^y will,* thei^ftie, our, hands' (by /1^:1 n^ 5 p i t Tdebday, December' 2 W p t stl^ad of by Wedhesdhyi; /. /,1 E D IT O R .,n ' .. COMĤ G E m <>,V . it, !. iffvi" i iFriday, January 8thr-*Younger Set , Dance upder.̂ :,ausi>jĉ .; Duncan Lawson. Chapter, LO. . , . , , D.E;; WOrPighmil;T.':<.̂ /\ r." 'v" j WEST VANCOUVER INDUSTRIAL AND rNBMPLOYMEiSfT ASSN. "JI ( ■'fl i i l i l M a super'attraction the program committee enlisted the ser- vices of /thp l̂ bst Hon. Senator kV« t •! /( I 'd 1̂' JamCs'Butterfield in disposing of has beena serious chafge which brought againhi one of our most prominenrib'cat.citizens:' A jury' Mrs. C. B* Greenwood Mr. John McGowan.;/ .V . " ' I • " 'E n t e r t h ih ' ' If ( *- j . » V w .V * f I a'I ̂ * i i 'i Ui 5hb X m as' W ftisi Dribe rShd Dance of the above AsdboiatiOn is tb.be held in the Logibn Hall and a number of prizes and pov-',* elty dances are to be intrCduced so that a real old fashioned paHy / ' " // will be in prospect for. all a n d ; / their enjoyment, assured. , Tickets may be had from any member or at the door, Flease refeh to advertisement in this issue.i"', j . The membeH bf N ab rn M ^ chosen from :the audience will" i:er No. 26 w ith/their husbapds ______ render the verdict following an and several visitors spent a most Thn French Beautv Salon inw* im'naRflimied;. Ann<4oi" on-imr'oKi.» _ in e rrenen iseauiy oaaon_ipV;.. NEW BEAUTY PARLOR this as fn;eyw?;hirirefeiW ̂ . impassioned/appeal from"the enjoyable evening'TSsdayfin v i t i . f S ' w ^ i ■' makmg;,.t;.that much h^der for SS* M"!' C- "UV* digest the implications of those very few/ words, and; then they will do//their manifest duty,' which is to'"support King. George /ifl to the li>e»t of their abilities IN;^ILEN,OT. . />Ahd!"iPt: means/Certain. leading Anglican /olericis. in Eng- land ' w ilt have ' to go. - to lack'{,bfypluntbers' ..owing'̂ to '/jvgabieS" ahd'̂ cohteslfc.wil̂ ^^P ̂% ̂ ^SS?la the. senpusheŝ t of|,;,tbd' 'Charge/ '/into.' The/'.#Inhlri;î |w^SMft/'/'/SuzlM?v1?MtS Ĵl̂ ̂During the course of the < . ^ - * - ing anrauction.̂ U be /heldj __ posing bf higĥ iclass hierchah- dise/: it h S I N ,6 L R = S B T |O fe 'S B H 4 B iS ■4 1 i,' X » 4 Ĉrv _/ ;A tE L E iP H O J I^ E /G A M E S V .;^ :: V .'syEasjj^fiuf'^CJpVB SEiPAMCiiJiiieiHW^^ matcK;'of thc Pas6n hied Vbv Mr« f against Crosby Ilousedf North ; ' -Hh ' -•few dance's , *5?®!®*"!® viixoi/Aixvpî AAvw ' jLv/wxio w wxrexi â ,;jru.uu.jLvx a s»**â »a salrhop seiriing;bpat on'the west Satur|[ay,; the, l'9tH^ coast ;oflVahcbuver_Island;^cap-, yihstant. /A s. allinibney,must go tured;U ,000,C hum /^m oh m a / : jiitaCt to the-Sahta!Glaus Fund, sula Rhodes ;'0," Dorothy Ravens- Jean Allan; ^ f } patch/mustvhaye/r̂ ̂ z -. / 7 . ' *thihg like//90,(Î "poundŝ s'̂ p̂e, û. There;may ̂ ' - the ayeragerwe^htof the Chum .£ .prefer ̂̂ quartersinsteadof tonidns - play^' OT .exWhition ;one'y^eSr^omortowTs "christ!" ." " "/Schwl wiU attempt the Easter term, St. Fat- " '- "il will attempt to fol- is not quite asnttraCtiye in pplof . of one of the five. ̂ as, for intonce/the Sockeye. In 7, „ MESSIAHCONCERT ilar in foiî tJvilue/and are veryurti lu xwu-viwuc-aim ait; -nt j be "given at 9 p.m. neŝ t Sunday,. date are as follows:.r In aid.of the-Santa'Claus Fund D'pppmhAr- 'sotlir ' in:7 PTnllvhnrii .Previouslv for applications to be sent p. Box 241, Holiyburn. , mS- A Grand Messiah Wmirt will . ,:Opntributlons Jorw^^ to 1. ® acknowledged T "̂ tu r '^ ,'thrwate?iS ...................................•. . I