- I . I f i . \ . , . i , - i * * ' J > . •* >' ' A *.« _ f . , 4 l;iS", * # . H - , f ' « r • * » > . « f ^ « - f c ^ / . »» .» Citcuiating in the District of West Vancouvei » 1 .0 0 p t t y w . I»1 Vol. XI ; I.ONG UVB THE KING! ̂ \ ' f ^ i ! 4 v ' * ^ % i d i i ^ / * ' h e t ^ ^ > i i | i » t ' i ' * ^ f » » 5.«'«*■ ̂ ̂ ̂ V ><i»»lip>l|l|l>i»l|llW«l*»»»...Wili»iWMi|iii|» ̂ ^ Last rMondajf. we Celebrated. tbe first birthday of bur new Kitiĵ as an ocbuj^t of the British throne, on which occasion most of ,us,̂ either'Verbally in I our hearts' wished him all prospeHty and a Ibnl̂ . and '̂ fgh. And he needs, if ever monarch did̂ \ the fifpod̂ Vlsheŝ of us all, for he has taken over HOLLY 6 URN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.O. THURSDAY, DECEMBERcSpth. rtJ Z Z lE ^ S T sê " V'. * JB, . ' ' i!' .. "MAJOR BLOWS" >NG BUSTERS" Bigger andjbetter than ever promises to. apfely to this year-s. "# i his high office on the heels of a crisis unprecedented in British , history,,which has tested to the uttermost the hard common . ' sense and poplness of, the „Anglo-Oeltic races to; escape catas- trophb;'%H'if4 '̂ '&̂^̂ ' ' ; '"" i:,', ;**,/ Guriouslyi">he hasj-liky hi^ .father, come* to. the4hrone quite Unprepared for its peculiar responsibilities and at a.time when the whole yforld'ls I>reparirig,-fpr war. Curiously again, the sanie;;criticism is being levelle]i :at, him by many as Ivas levelled a t Ids father^, namely that'* np' has not the necessary' ability so evidently; possessed by ,. his predecessor. /But, /curi ously also; he has inherited, many pf\his father's most sterling characteristics,.and"we;shallbevvyei^fsurprised if he does not. show himself to be a* frue 'som o f/th a t most, loved British monarch; who has passed intovhibtory .as "King George the Good,"l/" / 4 ^W ^w/uV/'\ w,?' , . *" / Meanwhile there are those,»<some»bff them in high places, who have ("shown, , as it seems do iis,\a lamentable lack .'of Christiah*'charity'^and- common, sense^'^in; decrying Edward Windsor, who ha^{,;still a mother., ilti should not be necessary to point f u l if the'eyehi; had not'.proved the reverse, that, in edition of Ma|i>r Blows" Gong Busters in aid |f the West Van couver Christnms Fund, accord ing to reports ,lrom all commit tees. Slated fof, Inglewood High Schcol on Friday evening, Dec ember 18th, ctMIs popular event promises to hahg out the S.R.O; sigh due to;the high calibre of the attractibnh'on the program̂ These will incjludfi acts of out- ' standing mbrit̂ with versatility > and originality nredominant. ' Asme CHRIS'EMAS ISSUB •», ' account, olf̂ jDlii Day falling oai. A' have-^dedded to Christmaa issue On /! day, December ilSwLv , of on the usual Thursday :̂ ||iir the benefit of oiir UdvCfIliMra. AU adyeHising and ot^d^j^y will,* thei^ftie, our, hands' (by /1^:1 n^ 5 p i t Tdebday, December' 2 W p t stl^ad of by Wedhesdhyi; /. /,1 E D IT O R .,n ' .. COMĤ G E m <>,V . it, !. iffvi" i iFriday, January 8thr-*Younger Set , Dance upder.̂ :,ausi>jĉ .; Duncan Lawson. Chapter, LO. . , . , , D.E;; WOrPighmil;T.':<.̂ /\ r." 'v" j WEST VANCOUVER INDUSTRIAL AND rNBMPLOYMEiSfT ASSN. "JI ( ■'fl i i l i l M a super'attraction the program committee enlisted the ser- vices of /thp l̂ bst Hon. Senator kV« t •! /( I 'd 1̂' JamCs'Butterfield in disposing of has beena serious chafge which brought againhi one of our most prominenrib'cat.citizens:' A jury' Mrs. C. B* Greenwood Mr. John McGowan.;/ .V . " ' I • " 'E n t e r t h ih ' ' If ( *- j . » V w .V * f I a'I ̂ * i i 'i Ui 5hb X m as' W ftisi Dribe rShd Dance of the above AsdboiatiOn is tb.be held in the Logibn Hall and a number of prizes and pov-',* elty dances are to be intrCduced so that a real old fashioned paHy / ' " // will be in prospect for. all a n d ; / their enjoyment, assured. , Tickets may be had from any member or at the door, Flease refeh to advertisement in this issue.i"', j . The membeH bf N ab rn M ^ chosen from :the audience will" i:er No. 26 w ith/their husbapds ______ render the verdict following an and several visitors spent a most Thn French Beautv Salon inw* im'naRflimied;. Ann<4oi" on-imr'oKi.» _ in e rrenen iseauiy oaaon_ipV;.. NEW BEAUTY PARLOR this as fn;eyw?;hirirefeiW ̂ . impassioned/appeal from"the enjoyable evening'TSsdayfin v i t i . f S ' w ^ i ■' makmg;,.t;.that much h^der for SS* M"!' C- "UV* digest the implications of those very few/ words, and; then they will do//their manifest duty,' which is to'"support King. George /ifl to the li>e»t of their abilities IN;^ILEN,OT. . />Ahd!"iPt: means/Certain. leading Anglican /olericis. in Eng- land ' w ilt have ' to go. - to lack'{,bfypluntbers' ..owing'̂ to '/jvgabieS" ahd'̂ cohteslfc.wil̂ ^^P ̂% ̂ ^SS?la the. senpusheŝ t of|,;,tbd' 'Charge/ '/into.' The/'.#Inhlri;î |w^SMft/'/'/SuzlM?v1?MtS Ĵl̂ ̂During the course of the < . ^ - * - ing anrauction.̂ U be /heldj __ posing bf higĥ iclass hierchah- dise/: it h S I N ,6 L R = S B T |O fe 'S B H 4 B iS ■4 1 i,' X » 4 Ĉrv _/ ;A tE L E iP H O J I^ E /G A M E S V .;^ :: V .'syEasjj^fiuf'^CJpVB SEiPAMCiiJiiieiHW^^ matcK;'of thc Pas6n hied Vbv Mr« f against Crosby Ilousedf North ; ' -Hh ' -•few dance's , *5?®!®*"!® viixoi/Aixvpî AAvw ' jLv/wxio w wxrexi â ,;jru.uu.jLvx a s»**â »a salrhop seiriing;bpat on'the west Satur|[ay,; the, l'9tH^ coast ;oflVahcbuver_Island;^cap-, yihstant. /A s. allinibney,must go tured;U ,000,C hum /^m oh m a / : jiitaCt to the-Sahta!Glaus Fund, sula Rhodes ;'0," Dorothy Ravens- Jean Allan; ^ f } patch/mustvhaye/r̂ ̂ z -. / 7 . ' *thihg like//90,(Î "poundŝ s'̂ p̂e, û. There;may ̂ ' - the ayeragerwe^htof the Chum .£ .prefer ̂̂ quartersinsteadof tonidns - play^' OT .exWhition ;one'y^eSr^omortowTs "christ!" ." " "/Schwl wiU attempt the Easter term, St. Fat- " '- "il will attempt to fol- is not quite asnttraCtiye in pplof . of one of the five. ̂ as, for intonce/the Sockeye. In 7, „ MESSIAHCONCERT ilar in foiî tJvilue/and are veryurti lu xwu-viwuc-aim ait; -nt j be "given at 9 p.m. neŝ t Sunday,. date are as follows:.r In aid.of the-Santa'Claus Fund D'pppmhAr- 'sotlir ' in:7 PTnllvhnrii .Previouslv for applications to be sent p. Box 241, Holiyburn. , mS- A Grand Messiah Wmirt will . ,:Opntributlons Jorw^^ to 1. ® acknowledged T "̂ tu r '^ ,'thrwate?iS ...................................•. . I