West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Dec 1936, p. 4

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^ '^ 'W E S T VAN NEWS w m S F p b e s s O T uiwiiiniiiji ■"l ? 6 ^ A 'N D ""W HITE" Phone Weif m |l«S«'&H!S?a!?̂TSg 9»̂p. mm t < 'I* « I i.' «l"<T; l'(- 'i' ̂ 1̂ i l l ii:i f̂ -.i',|f ■Ĉi■TJ i; V i West U ,, ............ ...... , ^Meati#**P|ioiie West 370, ■ ' b Selectionf for Friday^ Sat, Dec. 11th & 'l2tli AH __ «V(B X M A S {-.Jap O ran ges. Fruit, N u ts, Any householdera who find the water pressure in their homes or gardens not .satisfactory are Ssked to a^ m u m ca le with Wat- er Syetems Service who under­ take to restore such pressure. "Their luottof is -'no cure no pay. For further particulars kindl, refer ta the advertisement in th> issue. IpppcrRIFS'%JILmI I l--l 1 i Government " HAMS -:- LAMB -»• COLD MEATS OF ALL 1 Store at Ho_ ̂._ .. wB »»( „ jt. t ' VEAl m n M > WESTVANCOUVEK BATEI*AYERS' ASSN, TEA--Aunt Mary'*.. COItNED nEEF .r., »«•>(•* ,U». hag S9c .2 tiiia 10c MAUMALADJ&~«cd & White ilriuid Orange; Special Pack,...4 lb. tin 30c Kcd & White JE IX Y POWDEIIS Olaaolvca lit warm water, 4 pkta 17c IlUANDV or KUM FLAVOR « « b o h .................2 oz. Bottle only 25c Red & W hite CATSUP. .12 oz. btl. 15c MINCE MEAT ......................... 2 Iba. 25c ORANGES-- SunklNt Valenclaa Family size ........................ dozen 26c Large size ............... ........... dozen „85c H y f l ? A regular meeting of the IV I F v / A I O above assooiation was held on * , TI\a#*fcii#Jci**- Yiy'i/rrwwŵ I tsr lai f ̂ ̂ ̂ ) 1 ̂ If.. ̂ ^ I . * Save your Coupons for our Free Gifts, or for Your Xmas Turkey HAVE YOU HELD YOUR TELEPHONE GAMES YET? iw i . i II Tuesday, De(xnni)er l.st, m, t no I ork Shoulder HoastB,.... lb, 16c Dundarave JIa4b with the presi- Hoiling Fowl, per Ib.............. 22c dent, K. A. liaK in the chair. Prime Hlhti firnllodu nor ih vvr f^oHowliig the minutes, reportsrime Klb« (Kolled)l per Ib. 22c commfttee.s and other routine Rump Roasts, per Ib................ 18c business the' following platform Cottage Rolls, per lb................21c wa« adopted for presentation and . ̂•-- -----------------------:_______ endorsement of t-andiclates a t the forthcoming elections. for residents; after 12 months residenoe, ex- ■' "1*ept ■ tdi'f'mbn'ey" i)y.]aw8T"2^Re- duction of interest rate on bond-; ed indebtedness, or rerfmancing a t notniore than 3 per cent; 3--- Extension Tof tax sale property, redemptlomperiod; 4---Pledge to1 a. ■ t ' 1 • Mumiii' ,||||||^« '1 ililN G 1 1 V"» * >' W EST VANCOUVER X Order your Turkey early Every bird will be Grade, A ... . . . . .v iC O . ltd. - K O « B l S A L a A « ^ i o | | | ^ ^ , ̂ Phone West 115 ■ ; flti J C L A S S IF IE 0 moioio ■ The rate for Classified Ady«ifUim nieplil':Jgt2|i^ mlnSw..' 25 cents. Except in the case o f tluwe having regblt^'^W^ 'aii . 1̂ ?̂ fleds are payable strictly in advance.' _ Remember Classifieds in ,^ e')V est results ^................. ................... - - ..........----̂ .............. .....-- ■' ' l J V> !>../1.% U V# V/li **i WW* ' --------- , , . ontrv for f h i « a r r e a r s paid in lom orrow sees the opening of entry fo rthis exdtiSg contest* J ^-Presentation of a simpli- . $20. Phone the second week of'Telephone Harry Wells West 548-X or financial report at least one LEGION HALL--For Rent--Parties, ' for your Games for the Santa Glaus Fund, ..Tlrntni/I - j y ' m, month before the annual elee- Meetings, ohone W est 122-R. Mr, shop wpAbrs,v'^68'Marine Dinm t X your e itiT «ons, with tho. .system used by maoai^r. ■ i T V l V „„ close. Some returns are in but phone them ^ City of Prince Rupert or*similar iw still many districts to The contest s tarts Safnrrlav ^'T'^reater efficiency in police hear from. All players will have night,/December 12th « t 7 *̂ ft department, with quicker atten- ___________ , _________ . r ^ r i z e ^ t h K e a r " w^e^^ f ' sion of S c l e a r i n g . Excavating, Concrete AUC TIO N 7SA LjEfc-- g. Ekini fo r 'b ry g e whist or by tomorrow . night, December T " 5 f f u ? Work of all kinds. Building and Re-. AUctiopeei?)^^^^^ ̂ & w S "g a m e " Thfl'HRqtlq<r^*A2?^^ " ^̂ fees-are-onIy-256,-~??--i.-- Waterproof Concrete a speci-„_:.j:^ncqut6ri-^;jihori^^^game, m e nostess m e r e ly .s e n d s spectators 15o o h i n n U n it ; 8-- Open n g of a public i " -'S S i f c v ... mmimmfrn 1H imuiii-f r̂^̂■̂ Ti I'li 1 iin i FOR RENT -- A comfortable attrac- *>̂ 1̂ five 4-room stucco house in a con-, , , stidn '̂ w AsBoci.j venient location, $20. Phone W est 65 '* WE BUY -- Junk, Rags, Bottles, . **̂ ""*, pr Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Heaters. ■ * rVoai^r';*r.ee,->eSl;imat^ fr Burrard Junk, Co., West 91, ' , Chapnlan;' W est 42:Y-3. f « r o « f , 7 i f at once tor this fast stonniinr wcsl isay area. coiitest for the Santa Claus fund aieeting of the as- West 630 Y ***AlÎ nvi"^^ ef the fine prizes ®oci^ionwi]l be held in Dundar- K n for'^t* h f ̂ Help Harry and Jirnrme to w Hah a 8 p.m. Tuesday, Jan- be annoiinopi? a big show on Saturdav fa ry 5th, when lurther additions list includes a turkev' worth while fund! ^^ the platforms will be consider- nercolflt.nr « h lv __ed and-officers will be elected for wviK. 01 ail Kinas, nuiiaing ana Jae- , pairs, Waterproof Concrete a speci-. alty. Estimates free. Phone Morilr son. W est 690-X. ' - 24 th and Wad " '? fT VANCOUVER MACHINE ■■ w i" ™ SHOP -- Repairs, Spray Pumps,- ■ ■ " ."if----- --------- -- Household Articles. 1449 Marine; list includes a turkey, ifh electric percolator, a box of cosmetics, a man 8 shaving .set, two pairs of m̂ en s hand;4cnif,.socks,iand a box of chocolates. Purthdr particu- ® the convener, or Mrs. W. Green, West 649-X, or Mns. E, E. Pox, West 457-R-2. RADIO REPAIRS--- Aerials; Tubes, etc. J. L. Pettigrew, W est 146; Maybe So It was quite tho brightest boy In • the Sunday .school class who, when asked by tho teacher to tell what sins ' of omission are, replied: "The ones we h i i^ t have committed but didn't." - LARGE STOCK De Forest Crosley RADIOS Priced from $ 2 9 .5 0 K Generous trade-in allownnce Easy Terms F O R S T ' S 6 6 , Lonsdale Avc. North 625 1486 Marine Drive; Ambleside G-tSitIKtIO the ensuing year. ' ,,HUSBAND Why not, bring your wife and"' family to the.P.D.Q. for a Sun­ day pinner?- Hot Chicken Pie our Specialty. P. D. Q. CAFE 1512 Marine West 616 DRjEiSSMAKING -- Ladies' Suits, Children's Clothes, Boys' Pants a- specialty. Mrs. Robbins, 2791 Mar­ ine. W est 619-R. , f ' , - ' ' W A N TED iTQ^^ -- Comfortable j preferably unfurnished, vicin- or 6nd,qf; J ^ u a r y , Must have three! ^®4rooins.^,Rehable tenant. Box " *W est-Van; N ew s/; W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, .S u ite 4, Hollybum Block. P b s EEN K ^iirE ^'iaiahed House, f son;?We$t:-66̂ s)Agjv,f4r • •,j 4®.r per cord; Coall and generartraiiSfer. West 172-R.2| AMBLESIDE TEA ROOMS -U Tins of 60.;..50c." I 'V n-r, a r prices. Buy at hom e CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS : SPECIAL XMAS PACKAGES pRGUERITE 'ZZ:'.::;^ P a S l of 25 I12? . RBT burns (Panatela) | p S a fe ot 25 I26O - rlfTp?'il'®® »t Regulai; Prices, in specialGift Packages from 50c ---$3.75. ̂ . . CIGARETTES in f a n c y p a c k e t s Suitable for Xmas'.Gifts " SWEET GAPORAL .. * . 1 t u r r e t ....... .........z * SPUD, Etc. ....... :;:;;:;;;:::;z;;r;:j brands at,pqpul„* - RIPE TĈ BACCO in gifht p a c k e t *? OLD VIRGINIA - SMOKING' ijf lb fifip TURRET (Coarse or Fine S i t ) "' . ........ '*11 h S 70"' mixtuee:::;::;:;;::;;|a b: la" $156 And other well known Brands. ' We Also Specialize in Imported Cigars, Cigarettes - and Pipe ^ b acco s w a a R IC H HifSlE XMAS CHOCOLATES I ...... ;.......... " ®0ctto $5.00, in Fancy Boxes s m S i ^ N 'd H i J b k L E s i ; X I ln S TERRY'S Kne.English C h o cS eX ™ ,ib" f i l s .We Will gladly take special orders, ' * SPECIAL XMAS OPFEK,=HONTLEY & PALMERS' - ; ^ . . , F ^ | ^ p U S | i g | | f G ;■ imn. attractive tins' ---.3 Assortments WELCOME 90e; RAINBOW ,75c; VAN TRUMP $l 00 100 HOSTESSES for Xmas Cheer Sought - ^ TELEPHONE GAMES December 5th to-18th Win or lose, all players ha've chance of food prizes. Phone: West 630-Y ' ' BRADLEY & TURNER -- , Painting, -- >x«wpxcj.. yyet,E u z.k, i S a T W eft 38?"! , H A N b f 2442 Marin. - -------------- ----------------- ----------------------- * Xmas-'Cards,!'Ribbons, etc Tovl J & l e n d - Notions' Smal ^ l̂ i b r a r y -- Headquarters for ' , °^ k s,'-Staiiquery;'. Notions, Hand* Christmas Gift B o o k s,. (Children _ kerchiefs,^Snaall Gifts etc. and grown-ups), Decorations, W rap., RA^NhY pings, 'Games, W aterman's Fountain - and Boxed Stationery. Eifec- t S ^ ? o f f * Pulty, till Dec. 24th-- Special Library -- Qd^> etc* - ____________ _ ' ' * ^ « : s A L M ; i » b e r 2 Meccuu. S.I f a s h ® ; floors waxed, 78 ■ Pkone West, ' Piano as neW _ For, saletfeKeapj-^West 544-L. BICYCLES Fq** a real buy in a new or ued C.e.M, or English -Bicycle call at* ̂ i *4 Fred Jones Bicycle Shop 1455 Marine Drive * Also all C.C.M. Wheel Goods teed § t v Suaran- a t t e ; ^ S s . .. * IS --Look in ouf window before buying yoiir Xm as presents ley & Barker. Hardware; B I E S andJ GrENTLEMENi^VUiay, obtain somfij ^®^?y®sfiug5-\jutf6rm by -- ' tu .3 o x r J 4 6 , Vancouver. t' 1 b o u s e s t o RENT ^^t^rfront Home fully fiirn- ished, 3 bedrooms,; $45. ' ,v . ^T5.^inU"furnished homes from $20 SHO E R B p A lR s:l.?G b t the bestmat̂ ?»|lw oriciiia'nship at FoA W A N T E D 'A i'o N C E -- Woman for _GOok:.dnd :hou8ewdrka, Phone 67-R.- I^ASON^S, Day and night ; - F assengerg fuliy;, insured. West 5l2 to $30. Inquiries invited for Real Estate re quirements. - -C4i>tate re- I w i " •' 226; Sey. $10.00 la .A i,L X ® W ? V P « sse r s , You can shop with advantage at | I Brook's Dry Goods 1460 Marin© D rive ^hnstm as ?wsents l! " ■ - " " A I^ W U A ^ E R S . for All Popular quires work, p a r tW and Tobaccos;.! ner, etc. 26e per hour^ Gadgits for local wat* ----------------- -- 549-r.; l_ ers; - A m b l ^ i - d e PnnniR. I FOR THE ^VHOLE FAMILY, * I ̂ diu^aTof"* »!«■ *>iv I room s: . > 3 fa P E R R M W H J U lP M » * " .; under, the Manageineht of .. , , f | » i ' all Pouketa. | * ' Useful Gifts f o r ' 4 b r o t h e r SISTER I mother and DAD i ____ " ' ■' . :. ---------- ----- - -- *-** -- ---« jxea. rLooiiip. -- For^all kinds of V^^STAL^ATION Kepaire, ' phone Weqt Vo*, *®o"yemeiide -outlets installed. J. H* News, West 363 ^ - : J^aterson,-West losr '-- ------------ --- :___ ' fuel supplies I Small Inside MUl Fir' r' . I' ' Bank Building:, Iron, 9 .1 4 in c h e s ..,^ lo o cordmm j . . tê JpiiefrTepa'irs.ŷ ^̂ ̂ Capilaa®), t, I 'll V i ___L-- c j . - large -Iot-alitiS, irardeii,' garage, vicv:| o J I *r'̂ **'< room bungalow awdust may now be obtained " I' 3 ^ f i i i r d e r i , garage, viej:l from your Lomi n ■ i :>*: "L .vi.'-P̂ '®®kiisli^ayVnieaT"bu9 and stores, J w,. „ Dealer.--No. i | ' - . - W ii# ;a^ i,"S i;T O (rS 8M®, 1 ii- ■" -fPin Sawdust for range, or tun,: -0 * n o w 'w h „ e ,.4 c e s ,c re Charli W est 582 loonipson prices"' * West 582 Vd J i wj't-./ '̂ 0 "VV >•' / ' ' h 1