West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Dec 1936, p. 3

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I --1 '• SPECIALS FIJI ' Ji; ftSiar; $ bunches 10c H... m WMf irhi^iM ich Sc. ^ ........... J SJPBOUTS,2 lbs.-16e .. per. box 66c bAM AH4^._^ spy A P P L » |T ^ 3 £ r s t A ^ i s S t e * ' " i y N l f i l - 'v l ^ W # * er$ 6 cr 4^719^ 24c, hud J9c SUNKJSy 2Se ^nA n ....... ,*,.-..,^,5...,.....j...,»./.««..^ WB, x sc GOOD . IbSi ""264 p|l«iS{ Several aummonwe V ere is- Mr. and Mrs. ttid so o of \ llliWH iJkill Wk̂li MolaksW. mrMmiik ti tu. AaM,̂ Sk*Aii i».4..»,i'is..l.. .m-- ̂lU j* OKANAGAN M cIN T ^ ^ _______ __ _ _ _ _ . H O T H O tJ® Ib s7 104' i 5w f d e ' .......r " "f j i ; : ^ jjj* §5jSWtjL'w .1 UKWJL^o nno \*A •.«'<•..>...,«,.,<a.vv.<t7 ^bSt lOcj 20 lbs« 25c A llM S T J^N G v C B L ^^ ... ...J.... .^,«^%i4.*,e%ch'5c; pnd 2 fo r IBc FRESH S P IN 4 W 4 ^ .$ y p d c « lbsi' iOc , e * Seals, Tags, fiiiis * - f V, j , ' «»'̂ 'feŜ sfc .* W }-( '*' i i ,.̂ 1 .......... *. .T.I.,.-... ... .̂.. . ............. ......... '! .. I..____ i%S lUf • Avenue! [ >f I I !• ■>( ■<*.. k*' a<5 Hi >,«»afS > ♦ rfi'j.1Jfr:/ I f «i I ̂ r* N W>*' ^>'£<?*» ( j iS ̂ *■ h) "' » d /}. j* K t 5 *■ ̂ ' > Major-General E* Hijlilttii '■ ~ - - an'd'X a |) i "€ : 'T 7 7 A rfe h # t;# # % , As a result , of the recent guests of the Orpheum Theatre storms. there are now twelve towitnessthe^'Chargecf Bala- inches of snow at Hollybum Ski clava." These two officers were Camp. 'members of **the Peath or Glory Boys'" (17th lancers) which Ca ' ' ■ f ' -|n £ «f,191)1 ttfStratton s BAKERY ' ̂ 7* ' ', *■*>#'* i» i( (1,1,,. »i»̂ . J p.i '(• O- J ,.k •*!',i*< » , ..T J ' M iiL * ' t ' t i n c » / a >*• -• T iih : ■ i i & i "Mi'*' >"',\\M ') 'SliiifjVer! , , /T h e regular weekly?'meeting atlllaOr^OjQO'ffOOr* !. ' - A very enlovable eveninir was ef the Pundarave branch of-:the " .V-l -spent a/tli^holfe of M rs.-V t . Mr; ■..h e a r ,THEM, r . ,, Murray; 2 1 3 8 .Bellevue Avenue, jk on Saturday evenmg, tho happy »«« .Jeanne jjrj^|^o% i»npy i occasion,bemg a surprise ShÔ yer 4 , in,honor of Miss; Janet I^wdohi^l^^ffe^ , . , , , , , , whose '- marriace to TPrederielf dick, and his subject, The Four -;'ij. ;TJe&^ :Miflrraf;>ke3 pl^e" b n ® o < » - "' ®^^ryone iEi t ||d |; ; .1 ' January 29th'. The decorative welcome, ' ' " DBTE. CrC0NSE. VATi v«, , <>'•"! V '-I' S7-v7 7'. " 'jd gM v44;̂ MpvRR̂ VŜ 9 :'i Plain b riceid . Scotch Bun and Short Bread XMAS PUODINGS " MINCE PIES'* 'f 'j , ' Made a t 1468 M arine Drive, . I , * P H O N E I W E S T 2 T U v'i '•j V '*1; I, 4̂-. ̂5- >' '4I ' aW |f ' \ vin'H f %. ̂ ̂ 5-« I ̂ t-1 !< m* 4s V ' * «i» ' is w: ŝ iSIPPSpSi .. , vr; 5'̂ > I I fV't' n * t- ' „i fMI't,1. . ', *'s;/f..I I < II. ' ( THUKSDAY, FR ID A Y & s a t . . . . . . ; a M A T I N E E , 'kkl-'J.I.f f* i fkj December lOth,^ 11th' and .12th , \n j \ %•*) frr5* BOBBY BREEN HENRY ARMETTAf 3. *1 r̂"̂ t .■'i' A:'I' ■iC A' . ,1 ,, ytl* M/ ' ITEnSINGAGAW " \ L>/> ' ' also I "THE LONELY. THAIL" • M, '•f.* t',r>.< SAT. EVENING and MONDAY •'V/;. December, 12th and 14th , ,' V 'V-' ?. ■. > Murray.'-/;7v̂'*""S'4 k - , son,-J;:S.' Shakes]̂ are7"'> 4̂!'P. w a W orchttei*" '̂ -jf'Ti";"...r " f » :>4V.\v y r-' \ D R E SSM A K E R S 11 ̂ shoHly a t St. StHhen's Church; v^„*^ 7 •" ' __________________________________________ ' M |l^ u iS !a " U e r ™A"^ 1890. l»larlne:prlv4-:?"PI>*hbr583. ■ „v-- k J vs, w f s< A-J-v̂ î iFH[Et:̂ UPBLIES rx)0AL:;7^:w;oODVL SAWDUST , /^ja^side-Mm' Fir7..:::.::.$5.50 !ci)'rdi': r-nisi/lo "RnctW- TTii*'*' ' ".<iSR Kn./anril "T H E PR ISO N ER OF SH A R K ISLANF' - V , / 'S " 4' i (One of th e outstanding dramas o f the year) '.S'."3-';.".r;\-V'n':'̂ -̂r';r'.;.'-- k -V I ^ Short Comedy,' N ew ^ i^ .'?-i-;r...alSO k f . >. -s- TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY December-15th &..^16th -IR V IN S. COBB " EVERYBODTS O L D M A N " i- s > ̂ >v (Once only a t 8f.l6) ■■" "■"■":.'aiBb^'<." ■>- "FRISCO WATERFRONT?' r / f \ 'W-:. '/̂ ..̂ ̂ It ^'■ I'., , .* .Wjf,.-;' I. I ' I a'- 'r» ̂ ' rf.. ., i _;w t'j;-;. ii$5,50;cord S e e ,th e patented' ' - '■'/In-i vS5i7' - .,v^;?JKitfdUng;iW6od ' Slabs - E dgings - Alder - Maple Fireplace W ood - H eater Blocks' COAL y E N T lL H E A Tgaiiwls■x-'r. ■» " '̂ All Brands~A lbei^ - and B.'C.' . - . f-r >'<•* %-vl ' ̂'*' It diy;erts,.a; siream^ ̂ ;. 'Mr-i*" r 'TM-r ,\'- -it, * > I.-- car interior.-- > - -. < ■ * - . ' P r i c e l i i k ^ e d '$3150 T t r n - . j r n . ' ; ~ J.l l ' . r-' -"'WEST .VAN.^^^SHEET \,MPH'AL Coal -- B y ton or sack 9 \ SAWDUST^ ' , ' No.' 1 F ir Sawdust, 'Double , ."tScreened.'fpr JFurnace'ior Kitchen Range. Bulk o f sacked. • Manure - Topsoil -' Rock - Sjand, -j Graveb - Dump Truck W ork . , Luufenee,,:,Miss ?E. -Laurbhee, „ delegation:-from West.;;™, =: |1 ,. Miss E...Laurence,'.Miss AiiGrim-.' Vancouver was one of the larg^ .^il.lie , ■ wqo.d,..Miss E. ;Gnihwobd;:Miss. ' ' ' ' • . •'. • Macdonald Miss' .Nazla Dane, ' -------- ,1. r r'X tl . Miss l^ in g , Mps.: Clgrk, ■ and, ' » r - . ' '7.> . M rs;-M urieV' * - m fiMfitmmLjjMjjmmi) I V SM :Mrs; Murie...J n"' -a" i*:" " 'l'̂ "' I'-, ' ' T:' '" ' . 1 n r WORKS ■A'jW.- t (7 'r h/i CHARLIE THOMPSON4.'*'IV ̂ 's' * 1̂ ̂ i- ̂ ■' i%.a- 1257 Clyde\ >. ri42l£^afMe3nvf4ShJ.^^ Phone W est 39 * , . .■ iî n , ,. -T-. - ktA-1 -r>, • W e s t 582 - phone - W EST 582 V*. I i '* r ̂ '̂'V ». >-TV"/c5T~V4iL7r kc'-- ̂ » I"' c Vf « '"ti e ----- '?■;'?, /, -,v, 5 V-H., . j".'-: - 's > . - ffu •*,1. "* , : her husband^she; is/survî ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ ̂ |:r- ed by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. u ^ o . Bryan of 612:10th;S treet; a'H ®___ HIT ilt-rr „ TV- VV tteisas SATURDAY; ^DECEMBERCl2th, a02;3O p.m. in LEGION HALL mas Presents;-'Afternoon '!Tea..'HoTne-Cookine'. Raffle. - Teaciin -Readinfir four sisters, Mrs. fW-HfMwVrl^^ | . of Vancouver, Mi-4;;,J. W.-Hahd- . f'■frXW,A OT..4 -TX-t.. Aford and Mrs. Jacic 'Giolma of ® / Innisfail, Alberta;: Mrs>^3E. fH;: jf 7 1̂ , ana, wo^orotners, Kenys and Al- ^ Inhisfail: T̂he .dW âsed | . ' w as well known- in 'W est V a h e o u -^ ' ■ver, haying been I f^ l^ a g e n tC fb r ;.; ;^ ^ • '5 |- ;-\i• b' *!k ' * n i l • J ' ■ ' ' . ® -- -- ' , Sif ■ J ■" ; - : J ■ I - " ;.■ 5! ! ?iV V '■ - ' " i <1 . ■ ' I f- K ' I,/' . i! - 1 5T ' ,-' Wft \ : '•■ ' . |j fJ - i >l,l ,1.