- -H-'f'f rwa' •»#•{ ̂ s..«i - V a N ' S E W V' 'f'5'*̂' ;4<>v I ' w w n v i M v i l n ^ Btr.BlU b ^*.,.lllll,,|fl#'-4. -f |l® BojodMW BebMt> t M 'B M t '-Q tti 10 BM» ^ S trin f» ri A Vi$itwm WdpmiBi ■r !■ ■ i i I I. ,!■ 4 4 . f) i Iti f!., 1 K . . . J - ] } i ill ! ill in ( ' <( ,, A . M f (i 4 s>i: •f ■-• t.'.^f,, i . t ■ri - '■ r!-- .fU l Y ;'. f t' 'f 'I J-5V i ' I m A tiMi*fa>*t*i '<■' * Mittlsisjir' * '̂' mf* W. L*-?Mdl*3r,'BX."*Ua- . Sitttdllii; girrloMi * '■<diiilliui'"jMttit; dtiii' U «.tt, & 7s80 W B^TyANCpOTBB Cbriitiui Science H f c i e i j CHUBCH BDIFICB I ..aoth nnd & qalninlt. II®Uybiirn i f * I 4H.-1 V,, M' Jr* ^ A T h n r n i C B s Thin Society in » Branch of The Mother Church C jrtve B e a u t 'S ^SiXXjSSsssss,PCirsinrSSTw Any woman would appreciate one- of our luatroual perman* enta ateumed only 2 to' 4 min- utoH. A»k for a G ift Certificate. Coameticfl in lovely g ift boxes ndare a smart g ift, and wo pick out the correct shades. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creators of Exclusive Permanents, 1540 Marino Drive West 117 HOLLYBURN HiUX 14 th and Duchess I KIDAV EVENING, Dec. 11th, at 7:30 Young People's Service Illustrated by lantern views. Subjedt: M«. JOHN WILSON SUNDAY, Dec. 13th, at 10 a.m. Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING at 7:80 GOSPEL SERVICE Speaker: MR; ANDY HOGG, Jr. MR. McKe n z i e and Others. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Massachusetts AKTIFICIAI- rLOWJSItS, packed in CBI.M)PH.<®4lte , Me, $1,85 - "'"'"■'Dhpadked"v41Vbt"FlowerB ■ SATIN and CREPE |̂OU»Wn^ NEW BLOUSES at $1.95, 32.96 and ?8*96*̂ S^Bar' Silk Hosse, Chiffon, crepe and service w eight $yB ^: , for 32.75 (same color). „ , " Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, hand ifolled hat l-r* _ m, ■ /S' 40a, at $5.£, $4.95 • y.icvv ......... Sunday Service; 11:30 a.m. Sunday, December I3th Subject: GOD THE PRESERVER OF MAN" ______ __ ̂ _ ....... ..V'3Sc Silk Scarfs ...... ....................... V'p V:"r'A* a"iTn" '**""*7See our New Line of Paisley and Printed S ilk « « S » e r a t j 8 U M Porch Frocks $1.95; APRONS 00c: ' AHTIP'«" a CLEARING 2 dozen Skirts at $2.96 Ms to 44s. 24 ■..... lOSli.H I f , r ' ■ It TUESDAY, Dec. 15th, at 8 p.m. Illustrated Lecture by t. C .,0 . BOWENMR. "Willi the Gospel in Northern 'Alberta." Sunday Schodl at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. . GWEN'S GOWN AND aEAWNG- 15 Woollen Dresses r i....... .................ji,oo •*....... ibe, ' 1780 Marine Drive i ' J 'V ," ' ' W est 668 p.m. every evening. -Open to 9 --------------- --------- ,, , BUY IN WEST VANCOUVER / m ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC lU R D /i t G. D . H , S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr, Officfi, Hours 9 to,G p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone W est 72 UNITED CHURCH 21st & Esquimalt Ave. Rev. Hillis Wright, Minister Established on North Shore 26 Years (Lady A ssistant) HARKON* BEOS._LTD,_ IFunrcal itrrrtars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 1-34 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue E ast Phone Fair. 184 Services Sunday at 11:15 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. Sunday School, Sunday .at 10 a.m. ' 'Explorers meet Monday at 7 p.m. -Beavers meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. C.G.I.T. meet Wednesday at 7 p.m, Prayer Meeting Wednesday, at 8 p.m. Choir Practice Thursday at 8 p.m 'At the regular weekly meeting of the Senior Young People's Union next Monday evening, four members of the Japanese Powell Street Mssion will be the guest.s of the Society. The mes sage these ybung people bring will be of vital- interest to all young members >of the congre gation. CHURCH, Rev. N. J. Corley, Pastor Phone West 540' Sunday Masses Low M as*s~ 8:15. a.m. High Mass and Sermon--10:15 'a.lrf.; Rosary and Benediction -- 7:15 Catechism; and Bible History every Saturday--9:30 a.m. Week-day Services Mass, daily--7:15 a.m. Fridays-- Rosary, Benediction, 3:00 p.m. Saturdays -- Confessions from 7 :30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. MoKay, Minister Xu' . '■ ^ t*' ', ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH „ ̂ __Rev.„:F._A.JRamsey„„,:__ -Advent' December 13th, 1936- III. 9:45 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. _11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon; 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- ' mon. "The Task of The Church" will be the subject of the pastor, Sunday* morning. I t is' mission ary Sunday, and,, all open collec tions will go toward meeting the missionary budget. In the even ing the subject will be "Judas: The Man of TVeachery." Thig will be , the closing address Dn - the 'more prominent- of the Apostles. • The Church School will m e e t ' at 10 o'clock. Every niember is urged to be present.. New schol ars will receive a cordial wel come. The Young People's Society 7 meet on Monday night at,x87. ̂ o'clock. Oliver Hill will have | charge of the devotional. Wm. Mason will give an illustrated address on Baptist work in Bol ivia. . . ,f4*.Jim 5f, miygf <««* ;,,'Q u a l i t y t h e ,'price' jgqescq^^^ it's quality Manna can fill the ■bill. Try, our Christmas Cakes dcQOrated tb yom^personal taste BEpmhE. ' -W,i K t V V „, (O ver.l4, years' experience) 2117 Argyle Avenue The prayer meeting meets each Wednesday night. D isab led^A ^eter Meets on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays j. ' .each ,'month i n : M r.; Bloiyer's , office _ All E x-Service men ' eligible, either, fu ll or associate. S. W. RHODES 1562-Marino Drive Barbering for Gentlemen, Ladies and Children. ■:':l:The4;'&hhum . W.A. was held last Tuesday, txr T̂\? meeting of the After the service of Holy Com- W. M. Society -aviI] ,be held on munion at 10;a.m.. adjournment luesday afternoon, December • was made to 4he. halt for trans- loth, at 2:15, President Mrs. ' action of business. A t 1 p.m. an ED.-BLACK WEST 6 8 COAL - WOOD DUMP WORK SLABS $4.00 cord 2 cords $7.50 John Reid Jn the chair. The speaker is Mrs. T. H. Dumfele/ who will take as her subject a chapter of the new study book, "Men and Women of the -P ar Horizon" and a very interesting time js expected;' The election^f officers for the address was given by the Rev. C. G. Stone o f ,S t . 'Margaret's, Vancouver. ^ The followingrofficers were de clared. elected:,.president, M rs.., F. Parkes; record, sec., Mrs. Jupp; vice-pres.,: Mrs. Nightin- g a l^ treasurer, Mrs. Hampson; Water Pressure Restored NO CURE NO PAY W A T E R S Y S T E M S SERVICE 555 Howe St. ' ,4rj.. Trinity 1414; N ights, W est 188X chdbAp I vvood Two Double Loads F ir Edgings . and Slabs .......$7.50 Double Load'Jnbide ^Fir or . ̂ Kindling ' Telephone.;piHTAM' SINGH _____ . .a fte r '6 p.m. H I G G I N B O T H A M Optometrist Optician 10.30 a.m. to 4 Wednesdays coming year wiirtak'e place and corrospond. sec.^llrs. W iltshire; all members and. home helpers educational sec,, Mrsi Hamilton affe urged to be present. Smith'; Doroas sec., Mrs. Blox- A/r' executive, ham* E.C.D., Mrs. Sewell; Cape Mrs. Blair presented Mrs. O'Don- Coast Mission, i Mrs. ' .Hookham; nell with beautiful bouquet of U. Thankoffeymg, Mrs. J a y ; chiysanthemums at the meeting "Living Message," Mrs. Phillips • 01 the W.A. on Tuesday, bn her press cor.. Miss Barrow. Repre- being re-elected president for the sentatives to D.B., Mrs. Ford and sixth term. OUier officers are: Mrs. Hampson; alternates, Mrs honorary presidents, Mrs. C. B. Eatock and Mrs. L ittleford; S erintendent calendar, Mrs. Brod- W right; jirst vice-presi- -erick. dent, Mrs. W. B lair; second vice- Auspices'Ruth Lodge-L.O.B.A. r e c it a l By TOMORROW (Friday:)i iJ ^ .In the ORANGE HALLj at 8.15 p.m? >' ' ' Tickets, 35c; 1622 Marine Drive pl^GSident, Mrs. P . Wait; record- SANTA CLAUS F U N D n A N P i? mg secretary, Mrs. N. T. Shir- ^ ^ DANCE EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FIHED law; treasurer, Mrs. A*. Chilton; VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLB Phone Weat 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds W ood,qoftI,: Builders* Supplies s s a t e * : K - i ? K f r "T - ? a t o i S S f f i 'S T S s- ■iti'y'S r i s 'Ŝ rick f . sodal servfce ^ Claus Baldwin and Mrs T ^€ld its first event- of the tea, Mrs. N. Harris/flowers m S ' Christmas activ- W. Blnir The affair.proved to bp a voted to Welfare ^^Burrlfllw success both socially and W E S T V a n c o u v e r d ic k e n s c h u b '. SIX SKETCHES F R O M '• " O U R M U T U A L E R I E N p " in St. Stephen's Parish, Hall, a t 8 ' MONDAY, Decem ber i4 th .; .. Admi88ion_25£l Have You ANYTfflHb | ® SAIE? made of the B; C P roduct o A- Holly- luncheon a t Spencer's on Thnr^^ occasion, day, J a n u a r / 2 ls t R efresh who merchants,mPTYt« Who so generously madeTdona- V n i i N b w s PnbUahed Every Thumday Publisher F. F . LOVBGROVE ^ Plione West m ~ B u s in g and Bditorlal Office: n t h and. Marine Drive (Neart to 'Rollyhom P /O .) Phone West 363 » rt ^f^reae: , P* O* Box d l, B ol^ bam ; B.C. Vancouver Oifice; 123 Lonsdale Ave. -We buy^tok^RiL^^^ ^ Supi^yTthb^^^^ . BURRARD JUnV cO.^^ Bottles, Furniture,-Metals/Stove's; _^West Vancouver * <1 /-W' for their generos% j„ t K t le^eived. unanimous approval. CONCRETE CONTRiAiliTORS "Do you think only o f m e?" mur mured the bride. ;'TeU me that yon T?' Land Clearing First'^ Growth F ir ~ ^ Dry Maple and moved into a ^ay," e^ la in ed the VUe'Avenue. ' ̂ Belle- Now and then I have to think ----------- ------------- the furnace, my dear." H O E L Y B D r N g i f t s h o p B .C . «LB0 a year by carrier: ,18.00 a yearoy mau. il ' DIspV A"d e ^ i t ° " V r ' ®" >'"^ dej^sit will be't.acceptable untilDecember 3 1 st 1678 Marine Ofiye 2 .Phones: W est 601 . W est 35SrR S A W 0 1 ® ' . Tiiohe KNILL'S i«TTFT q ̂l i t e s t . - ^ PPone cans can ̂ ; T K H I f c L * S •»oeth