West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Dec 1936, p. 2

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- -H-'f'f rwa' •»#•{ ̂ s..«i - V a N ' S E W V' 'f'5'*̂' ;4<>v I ' w w n v i M v i l n ^ Btr.BlU b ^*.,.lllll,,|fl#'-4. -f |l® BojodMW BebMt> t M 'B M t '-Q tti 10 BM» ^ S trin f» ri A Vi$itwm WdpmiBi ■r !■ ■ i i I I. ,!■ 4 4 . f) i Iti f!., 1 K . . . J - ] } i ill ! ill in ( ' <( ,, A . M f (i 4 s>i: •f ■-• t.'.^f,, i . t ■ri - '■ r!-- .fU l Y ;'. f t' 'f 'I J-5V i ' I m A tiMi*fa>*t*i '<■' * Mittlsisjir' * '̂' mf* W. L*-?Mdl*3r,'BX."*Ua- . Sitttdllii; girrloMi * '■<diiilliui'"jMttit; dtiii' U «.tt, & 7s80 W B^TyANCpOTBB Cbriitiui Science H f c i e i j CHUBCH BDIFICB I ..aoth nnd & qalninlt. II®Uybiirn i f * I 4H.-1 V,, M' Jr* ^ A T h n r n i C B s Thin Society in » Branch of The Mother Church C jrtve B e a u t 'S ^SiXXjSSsssss,PCirsinrSSTw Any woman would appreciate one- of our luatroual perman* enta ateumed only 2 to' 4 min- utoH. A»k for a G ift Certificate. Coameticfl in lovely g ift boxes ndare a smart g ift, and wo pick out the correct shades. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creators of Exclusive Permanents, 1540 Marino Drive West 117 HOLLYBURN HiUX 14 th and Duchess I KIDAV EVENING, Dec. 11th, at 7:30 Young People's Service Illustrated by lantern views. Subjedt: M«. JOHN WILSON SUNDAY, Dec. 13th, at 10 a.m. Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING at 7:80 GOSPEL SERVICE Speaker: MR; ANDY HOGG, Jr. MR. McKe n z i e and Others. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Massachusetts AKTIFICIAI- rLOWJSItS, packed in CBI.M)PH.<®4lte , Me, $1,85 - "'"'"■'Dhpadked"v41Vbt"FlowerB ■ SATIN and CREPE |̂OU»Wn^ NEW BLOUSES at $1.95, 32.96 and ?8*96*̂ S^Bar' Silk Hosse, Chiffon, crepe and service w eight $yB ^: , for 32.75 (same color). „ , " Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, hand ifolled hat l-r* _ m, ■ /S' 40a, at $5.£, $4.95 • y.icvv ......... Sunday Service; 11:30 a.m. Sunday, December I3th Subject: GOD THE PRESERVER OF MAN" ______ __ ̂ _ ....... ..V'3Sc Silk Scarfs ...... ....................... V'p V:"r'A* a"iTn" '**""*7See our New Line of Paisley and Printed S ilk « « S » e r a t j 8 U M Porch Frocks $1.95; APRONS 00c: ' AHTIP'«" a CLEARING 2 dozen Skirts at $2.96 Ms to 44s. 24 ■..... lOSli.H I f , r ' ■ It TUESDAY, Dec. 15th, at 8 p.m. Illustrated Lecture by t. C .,0 . BOWENMR. "Willi the Gospel in Northern 'Alberta." Sunday Schodl at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetings. . GWEN'S GOWN AND aEAWNG- 15 Woollen Dresses r i....... .................ji,oo •*....... ibe, ' 1780 Marine Drive i ' J 'V ," ' ' W est 668 p.m. every evening. -Open to 9 --------------- --------- ,, , BUY IN WEST VANCOUVER / m ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC lU R D /i t G. D . H , S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr, Officfi, Hours 9 to,G p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone W est 72 UNITED CHURCH 21st & Esquimalt Ave. Rev. Hillis Wright, Minister Established on North Shore 26 Years (Lady A ssistant) HARKON* BEOS._LTD,_ IFunrcal itrrrtars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 1-34 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue E ast Phone Fair. 184 Services Sunday at 11:15 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. Sunday School, Sunday .at 10 a.m. ' 'Explorers meet Monday at 7 p.m. -Beavers meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. C.G.I.T. meet Wednesday at 7 p.m, Prayer Meeting Wednesday, at 8 p.m. Choir Practice Thursday at 8 p.m 'At the regular weekly meeting of the Senior Young People's Union next Monday evening, four members of the Japanese Powell Street Mssion will be the guest.s of the Society. The mes­ sage these ybung people bring will be of vital- interest to all young members >of the congre­ gation. CHURCH, Rev. N. J. Corley, Pastor Phone West 540' Sunday Masses Low M as*s~ 8:15. a.m. High Mass and Sermon--10:15 'a.lrf.; Rosary and Benediction -- 7:15 Catechism; and Bible History every Saturday--9:30 a.m. Week-day Services Mass, daily--7:15 a.m. Fridays-- Rosary, Benediction, 3:00 p.m. Saturdays -- Confessions from 7 :30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. MoKay, Minister Xu' . '■ ^ t*' ', ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH „ ̂ __Rev.„:F._A.JRamsey„„,:__ -Advent' December 13th, 1936- III. 9:45 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. _11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon; 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- ' mon. "The Task of The Church" will be the subject of the pastor, Sunday* morning. I t is' mission­ ary Sunday, and,, all open collec­ tions will go toward meeting the missionary budget. In the even­ ing the subject will be "Judas: The Man of TVeachery." Thig will be , the closing address Dn - the 'more prominent- of the Apostles. • The Church School will m e e t ' at 10 o'clock. Every niember is urged to be present.. New schol­ ars will receive a cordial wel­ come. The Young People's Society 7 meet on Monday night at,x87. ̂ o'clock. Oliver Hill will have | charge of the devotional. Wm. Mason will give an illustrated address on Baptist work in Bol­ ivia. . . ,f4*.Jim 5f, miygf <««* ;,,'Q u a l i t y t h e ,'price' jgqescq^^^ it's quality Manna can fill the ■bill. Try, our Christmas Cakes dcQOrated tb yom^personal taste BEpmhE. ' -W,i K t V V „, (O ver.l4, years' experience) 2117 Argyle Avenue The prayer meeting meets each Wednesday night. D isab led^A ^eter Meets on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays j. ' .each ,'month i n : M r.; Bloiyer's , office _ All E x-Service men ' eligible, either, fu ll or associate. S. W. RHODES 1562-Marino Drive Barbering for Gentlemen, Ladies and Children. ■:':l:The4;'&hhum . W.A. was held last Tuesday, txr T̂\? meeting of the After the service of Holy Com- W. M. Society -aviI] ,be held on munion at 10;a.m.. adjournment luesday afternoon, December • was made to 4he. halt for trans- loth, at 2:15, President Mrs. ' action of business. A t 1 p.m. an ED.-BLACK WEST 6 8 COAL - WOOD DUMP WORK SLABS $4.00 cord 2 cords $7.50 John Reid Jn the chair. The speaker is Mrs. T. H. Dumfele/ who will take as her subject a chapter of the new study book, "Men and Women of the -P ar Horizon" and a very interesting time js expected;' The election^f officers for the address was given by the Rev. C. G. Stone o f ,S t . 'Margaret's, Vancouver. ^ The followingrofficers were de­ clared. elected:,.president, M rs.., F. Parkes; record, sec., Mrs. Jupp; vice-pres.,: Mrs. Nightin- g a l^ treasurer, Mrs. Hampson; Water Pressure Restored NO CURE NO PAY W A T E R S Y S T E M S SERVICE 555 Howe St. ' ,4rj.. Trinity 1414; N ights, W est 188X chdbAp I vvood Two Double Loads F ir Edgings . and Slabs .......$7.50 Double Load'Jnbide ^Fir or . ̂ Kindling ' Telephone.;piHTAM' SINGH _____ . .a fte r '6 p.m. H I G G I N B O T H A M Optometrist Optician 10.30 a.m. to 4 Wednesdays coming year wiirtak'e place and corrospond. sec.^llrs. W iltshire; all members and. home helpers educational sec,, Mrsi Hamilton affe urged to be present. Smith'; Doroas sec., Mrs. Blox- A/r' executive, ham* E.C.D., Mrs. Sewell; Cape Mrs. Blair presented Mrs. O'Don- Coast Mission, i Mrs. ' .Hookham; nell with beautiful bouquet of U. Thankoffeymg, Mrs. J a y ; chiysanthemums at the meeting "Living Message," Mrs. Phillips • 01 the W.A. on Tuesday, bn her press cor.. Miss Barrow. Repre- being re-elected president for the sentatives to D.B., Mrs. Ford and sixth term. OUier officers are: Mrs. Hampson; alternates, Mrs honorary presidents, Mrs. C. B. Eatock and Mrs. L ittleford; S erintendent calendar, Mrs. Brod- W right; jirst vice-presi- -erick. dent, Mrs. W. B lair; second vice- Auspices'Ruth Lodge-L.O.B.A. r e c it a l By TOMORROW (Friday:)i iJ ^ .In the ORANGE HALLj at 8.15 p.m? >' ' ' Tickets, 35c; 1622 Marine Drive pl^GSident, Mrs. P . Wait; record- SANTA CLAUS F U N D n A N P i? mg secretary, Mrs. N. T. Shir- ^ ^ DANCE EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FIHED law; treasurer, Mrs. A*. Chilton; VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLB Phone Weat 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds W ood,qoftI,: Builders* Supplies s s a t e * : K - i ? K f r "T - ? a t o i S S f f i 'S T S s- ■iti'y'S r i s 'Ŝ rick f . sodal servfce ^ Claus Baldwin and Mrs T ^€ld its first event- of the tea, Mrs. N. Harris/flowers m S ' Christmas activ- W. Blnir The affair.proved to bp a voted to Welfare ^^Burrlfllw success both socially and W E S T V a n c o u v e r d ic k e n s c h u b '. SIX SKETCHES F R O M '• " O U R M U T U A L E R I E N p " in St. Stephen's Parish, Hall, a t 8 ' MONDAY, Decem ber i4 th .; .. Admi88ion_25£l Have You ANYTfflHb | ® SAIE? made of the B; C P roduct o A- Holly- luncheon a t Spencer's on Thnr^^ occasion, day, J a n u a r / 2 ls t R efresh who merchants,mPTYt« Who so generously madeTdona- V n i i N b w s PnbUahed Every Thumday Publisher F. F . LOVBGROVE ^ Plione West m ~ B u s in g and Bditorlal Office: n t h and. Marine Drive (Neart to 'Rollyhom P /O .) Phone West 363 » rt ^f^reae: , P* O* Box d l, B ol^ bam ; B.C. Vancouver Oifice; 123 Lonsdale Ave. -We buy^tok^RiL^^^ ^ Supi^yTthb^^^^ . BURRARD JUnV cO.^^ Bottles, Furniture,-Metals/Stove's; _^West Vancouver * <1 /-W' for their generos% j„ t K t le^eived. unanimous approval. CONCRETE CONTRiAiliTORS "Do you think only o f m e?" mur­ mured the bride. ;'TeU me that yon T?' Land Clearing First'^ Growth F ir ~ ^ Dry Maple and moved into a ^ay," e^ la in ed the VUe'Avenue. ' ̂ Belle- Now and then I have to think ----------- ------------- the furnace, my dear." H O E L Y B D r N g i f t s h o p B .C . «LB0 a year by carrier: ,18.00 a yearoy mau. il ' DIspV A"d e ^ i t ° " V r ' ®" >'"^ dej^sit will be't.acceptable untilDecember 3 1 st 1678 Marine Ofiye 2 .Phones: W est 601 . W est 35SrR S A W 0 1 ® ' . Tiiohe KNILL'S i«TTFT q ̂l i t e s t . - ^ PPone cans can ̂ ; T K H I f c L * S •»oeth